Darshan 2 November 1976

Fri, 2 November 1976 00:00:00 GMT
Book Title:
God Is Not For Sale
Chapter #:
pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
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[The mother of a sannyasin said that Osho's discourses had helped her to understand Jesus teachings: But when I go back, catholic students will ask me the difference between Osho Christ's teaching and Jesus Christ's teachings. And there is one point, if I may ask, I would like enlightenment on.

We are taught that the kingdom of heaven flowers in a love which shows itself in good works, in caring for the poor and the sick. Sometimes I get the impression with your lovely orange people, that good works are bad words... and please I would like enlightenment.] I understand. Christ has been very much misunderstood. In fact whatsoever Christianity is saying about Christ is more about Judas than about Christ. Let me tell you one parable that you must be aware of.

Jesus came to a house and a woman - not a good woman, a prostitute - came and poured very precious perfume on his feet.

Judas was standing there and he said, 'You should stop her because this much money is wasted.

This can be given to poor people.'

Jesus said, 'When I am gone, poor people will always be there. You don't understand her heart. Let her do whatsoever she is doing.'

Now ask your christian theologians, 'Is Judas right or is Christ right?' If you think socialistically, Judas is right, because that would have been good work. The money should go to the poor. There may have been beggars in the town, may have been hungry people in the town. And it was precious perfume; it could have been sold. Judas was a communist. But Christ is not worried about that

Christ is worried about something else. He is not as worried about the body as he is about the heart He says, 'Look at her heart. Look at her love!'

My own approach is that the first thing to be done is to be done with the heart. When your heart flowers, nobody knows what shape it will take and what life will start happening to you. If your heart's flowering leads you into the service of the poor - good. But if it doesn't, there is no need to force your being. Just because preachers say that you should go and serve the people, you should not do it as a duty - you should do it as your love. If your heart opens and flowers and you suddenly feel a tremendous urge to go and serve the people, then it is perfectly right. But it should not come as a commandment - it should be something intrinsic. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't happen, because everybody is so unique.

Sometimes it happens when the heart opens and one is in meditation or in prayer, and one has the first glimpse of God - sometimes it happens that one goes to the poor, serves them. Sometimes it happens that one simply starts dancing and singing and simply forgets everything about the world - the poor and the rich and all the nonsense; that too happens. Sometimes it happens that one never goes anywhere - simply sits under one's tree, like a Buddha, unconcerned. The whole life seems to be just a dream; the poor and the rich together - all are in a dream. And a man of enlightenment simply sits there... because the dream is a dream. Whether you are poor in your dream or you are rich, doesn't matter.

I'm not saying that one should follow any pattern; one never knows what will happen to a certain person. He may take the flute and go on singing - because in the world there are so many people who need song, who are so poor because they don't have any song in their life. Or somebody may start painting. It is unpredictable. But the basic thing is the opening of your heart. Then leave it to that opening itself; wherever it leads you is good. First open yourself to God; then whatsoever direction God leads you, you follow.

You don't carry any of your mind. Otherwise what happens is that a reversal takes place. People think that a good man, a religious man, is one who serves the poor. Then a reversal happens: you start serving the poor and you think you have become a good man - that's not necessarily so. You can serve the poor man your whole life and you may not have any glimpse of God.

I have seen many public servants - in India there are many because the country is poor - but they are all politicians. They serve people but they have their motivations. I have seen many christian missionaries in India; they also serve, but they have their motivations. They are bound to have their motivations because they don't have any prayer in their heart, they don't have any meditation. They have not contacted Jesus at all. They have been trained - they have been trained to be missionaries.

Their whole motive is how to convert the poor to Christianity. They make hospitals, they distribute food, they distribute medicines, they open schools. They do many things - good things - but deep down the hidden motive is how to convert these people to Christianity. And all these things are just bribes.

You will be surprised that in India not a single rich man has become Christian. Only the very downtrodden, the very oppressed, the very poor uneducated - they have become Christians. Why?

- can't your missionaries do anything to bring Jesus to other people? No - because their whole approach is of bribery. You can bribe a poor man. You can tell him that his children will be well- educated - become Christian. And of course they see it. And I am not saying that they should not

become Christian; I am not against it. I say it is good! Become Christian - at least your body will be taken care of. Hindus are not bothering about your body at all; become Christian. But this has nothing to do with religion. They become Christian because they have their motives: good service, a good house, better medicine, better education for their children, better employment; they have their motives. The missionary has his motive. And nobody is concerned about Christ, nobody is concerned about religion. The missionary has the motive of how to convert more people.

A good man is not necessarily in the service of the poor. And the person who is in the service of the poor is not necessarily good. Many good people have never served the poor; still they were good.

You cannot say Buddha was not good because he never opened a hospital and never went to the orphans and to the lepers; you cannot say that only because of this he was not a good man. You cannot say that Lao Tzu was not a good man because he never served anybody. And you cannot say that the people who are serving are good just because of their service. They may be politicians; they may have motivations.

So my concern is not what you do after you have opened. My concern is that you should be open first - and that is basic and central. One should be very selfish before one opens, otherwise one can waste one's life. One should put one's whole energy into one's own opening. Once it has opened, then I don't say any guidelines. I say now you can have your guidelines from God Himself A master is needed only to help you to open - then the work is finished. Then you are face-to-face with your God. Then you can forget about me. You can simply move with your God wherever He leads. Mm? If He leads into dance, dance. If He leads into singing, sing. If He leads into poor man's service, serve. And if He says, 'Simly sit under a tree - that's how you are going to serve me,' then sit under a tree and let your vibration surround the whole earth. But it depends; it is individual. And I have no enforced discipline about it. So your question is very relevant....

[A sannyasin says: I want to move deeper into sex... I feel my orgasms are very weak, and it happens too soon.] Mm mm. In fact there is no standard and there is no way to judge what is soon and what is not.

In the West particularly, because there is too much talk about orgasm, many problems which have never existed before have arisen in people's minds.

Somebody can continue in the sexual act for minutes, somebody can continue even for hours, and somebody can continue only for seconds. Now if you know that somebody can continue for minutes and you are a seconds man - you continue only for few seconds - you will feel that you are missing something. This is foolish; nothing is being missed. Your orgasm, the experience of orgasm, is going to be the same whether it is after three seconds or three minutes or three hours or three days.

The orgasm has nothing to do with the prolonging of the process. Orgasm comes at the very end of the process so whether the process was three seconds or three minutes is irrelevant. It happens in a split second. Those three minutes or three seconds make no difference. You follow me? It is the last peak. Your peak comes faster than others, but nothing is wrong in it. The peak comes!

And if you start comparing it with others - which is now possible because of Masters and Johnson and others, and much research is going on on sex, and they are creating much confusion in people's minds.... It depends; everybody's body functions differently. Nothing to be worried about And the

problem becomes doubly complex: when you start worrying, your capacity will become disturbed.

The more you worry about orgasm, the further away will be orgasm. It won't happen easily. So the first thing is not to worry about it, not to think about it.

All sorts of animals are having orgasm, mm? - from the smallest to the biggest elephant, and nobody is worried because they don't read any Masters and Johnson. And they are an enjoying!

In fact man is the only animal who becomes impotent No other animal becomes impotent, because they don't worry about it Worry makes one impotent. If you go on constantly worrying about it, it can create impotence. First you start feeling that you are weak because you compare. Then you become disturbed about it Then you think you are missing something - your orgasm is not really as it should be. Then by and by every process will be disturbed.

These processes are unconscious processes. You should not bring any deliberate effort to them.

Your orgasm is your orgasm and your time is your time. And everybody has his time so there is simply no comparison with anybody. Burn all the books that you have and forget about it.

And the second thing to remember: they have created another problem in the western mind - that the man has to satisfy the woman and the woman has to satisfy the man. Now both are disturbed.

So the man is looking to see whether the woman is satisfied. If she is not satisfied, something is lacking in him; he is not man enough. And when you start feeling that you are not man enough you are going in the wrong direction - more and more difficulties will arise. You will start becoming shakey; you will lose confidence. And the woman goes on looking to see whether she is satisfying the man or not. If she feels the man is not satisfied or if she feels the man has not attained to that ecstasy that is preached all around the world now, she feels that something is missing in her. Now both become disturbed and a beautiful act of love is corrupted.

These are not the things to be worried about. They take their own course. If you love the woman, you love the woman. If she loves you, she loves you. And everything is satisfying when love is there.

There is no need to fulfill some standard, because there is no standard. Forget about it, otherwise you will get into trouble. Simply forget about it. Simply enjoy. Whenever it is there, good. If it comes soon, it comes soon. That is your way; your body functions that way.

Sometimes it happens - life is so complicated - that if a man has too much sexual energy his orgasm comes faster because the energy is overflowing so much. In young age orgasm comes faster. In old age, by and by it is delayed. It always happens that a old man can satisfy a younger woman more easily than a younger man, because the old man has not so much overflowing energy. The orgasm will come very slowly. If you want to become old I can do some magic and I can make you old (chuckling). But then don't complain to me!

It is just that you are young and you are healthy. In old age you will bring again another problem - that it takes too long! Don't be worried. A few things should not be done in a deliberate manner - at least not love. Let it be spontaneous, and whatsoever is needed will happen. The body is very wise and the body knows its ways. Simply forget about it for one month; completely drop it out of the mind.

When you feel like loving, love. And go wild! Time is not the question. Before making love, dance, sing, then make love, and after love, pray, because that is the most beautiful moment to pray. The

whole energy is released and one is in a different kind of place... a beautiful place, naturally created by the sexual release. When the sexual energy is released you are almost in a temple, so that is not the moment to go to sleep. That is the moment to listen to beautiful music or to pray or to dance or to just sit silently and watch the stars. Just become silent and aware - be wild! Mm?

And whatsoever you are doing is just the opposite: you are becoming too civilised about it. It is not a question of know how and there is no technique for improvement. All techniques will be destructive.

Once people get into techniques their whole love energy is lost; then it becomes very mechanical.

Simply accept your being, this is the way it comes to you. You have more energy - not that you are weak.

And this is not the question for you to be worried about - whether you satisfy her or not. And she should not worry about you - whether you are satisfied or not Simply think of yourself, and if you are satisfied - finished. And she has to think about herself, she is satisfied - good. Sometimes dissatisfaction is there too; that is part of life. Sometimes you make love because the woman wants. Sometimes you make love because it has become a routine, a habit. Sometimes you make love because if you don't the woman may think that you don't love her so it has become a duty.

Sometimes you make love - you don't know why. Maybe you had nothing else to do - the electricity and the TV was not working. .

It happened in an american city. For nine days there was no electricity and all the women got pregnant. Yes, it actually happened, because there was nothing to do. Nothing to see - what to do?

When the room is dark, what to do except love? These things will never bring satisfaction.

Make love only when there is tremendous desire and passion, otherwise simply say, 'Excuse me, it is not there, so what is the point?' Pretending is not good. And if you stop pretending, you will find that your depth of love-making has increased very much. Then there is another problem: people are making love too much. They have made it almost routine. The idea that sex is very hygienic has been given by medical authorities. If you don't make love every day something will go wrong. Now they say that even a heart attack is possible it you don' t make love enough. So they go on giving all sorts of statements.

People have lived for years without making love. Love is not that much of necessity. It is a luxury, and it should be used as a luxury. It should be a rare thing, a feast It should not be made routine; it should not be everyday food. One should preserve it for some rare occasions when you are really flowing, when there is a different space. One should keep it as a present for rare moments, otherwise life becomes very boring. Mm? just as you eat every day and you drink your tea and you take your bath, you make love also. Then one finds it boring - everything is the same.

Let love be something special - it is special. And wait for right moments. People almost always choose the wrong moment. My observation is: whenever the couple fight, after fighting they make love. First they become angry then they fight with each other, then they start feeling guilty about why they are doing this to each other. Then they start hating themselves for not behaving rightly. Just to compensate they make love. This is almost a routine: couples fight and then they make love. You cannot find a more wrong situation in which to make love. How can it be satisfying?

Wait for the right moments. There are a few spaces - they come; nobody can manage them.

Sometimes they are there. They are just divine gifts. One day suddenly you feel you are flowing, not on the earth... flying. You don't have any weight. Some day you feel that you are so open that you would like to give everything that you can give to your woman; that is the right moment.

Meditate, dance, sing and let love happen amidst dance, singing, meditation, prayer. Then it will have a different quality - the quality of the divine. And I teach you that Love can have the quality of the devil - that's how it is there in the world, ninety-nine percent. Love can have the quality of God, and unless you make your love divine, it is not going to give you any contentment. You can have a longer period of love-making or a shorter; nothing will help. When love becomes divine, it simply makes you so contented, so tremendously at ease and at home.

For one month simply go very easily. Whatsoever I have said, meditate on it, mm? And after one month tell me. Mm? Good.

[A visitor says: I have heard about you in Germany. I've read books of some people, of Wilhelm Reich - 'Sexual Revolution'.

So what have you done about those books? Have you made any sexual revolution? (laughter) ... No. Don't do it, because Reich died in a gaol, mad! Reich is good - nothing is wrong in him - but he was very incomplete. He had a few glimpses and then he tried to make a whole philosophy out of it. That always happens. Whenever a person stumbles upon a fragment of truth he starts thinking that he has found the whole truth. And when you claim that the part is the whole, things go wrong. The part is the part, and if you restrict your claims to the part nothing will ever go wrong.

But this is very difficult. Even a fragment of truth is so convincing that when it falls upon you, you are so dazzled by it that you think the whole truth has been achieved by you. Then the ego takes possession of it and you start claiming.

Reich was one of the very very talented, intelligent people of this century, but he got into trouble because he started claiming a small truth, a part-truth, to be the whole. It made him insane. This is insanity. He lost all sense of humour. He became a prophet - and then things went wrong. Paranoia came in: he started thinking that everybody was trying to kill him and that he was a great prophet and they were against him. Who were they? Nobody knows. When you start thinking like that you create those people that you think are are against you - and he did. Somebody is going to fulfill the role. If you become afraid, then somebody is going to make you afraid. This is how the mind goes on in a vicious circle: first you become afraid then you create somebody who makes you afraid; then you are convinced that your fear is right. Then fear can do anything.

Just the other day I was reading a sufi parable. A very cruel king called a sufi mystic to his court and said to the mystic, 'I have heard that you have mystic powers. Perform them before me in my court!

And if you try to hide anything from me, you will be hanged immediately. So choose: either death, or show your miracles and your magic powers!'

The mystic was going to say, 'I don't have any mystic powers. I'm just a poor mystic, doing my prayers.' But when the king said, 'If you don't show them you will be hanged,' he immediately closed his eyes, opened his eyes, looked at the earth and said, 'I can see the hell fire just underneath -

hidden in the earth.' Then he looked upwards at the roof and said, 'I can see heaven - God sitting on the throne, and angels singing and dancing.'

The king said, 'How can you see through solid objects? What is your trick? What is the secret?'

And the mystic said, 'There is no secret You need only to be afraid - then you can see anything!

(laughter) I am simply afraid that you will kill me! Only fear is needed,' he said, 'then you can see heaven and hell and everything.'

And once you start seeing, there is a tendency to find proof for it - and the proofs are always available. Do one thing: start a few groups here, and join the music group.

[A sannyasin asks about a problem with her mother: She feels like I'm rejecting her and she's in real pain about it. Well, I am too. And I realise I'm in a big lock with my mother. I'm always causing her pain or I know she's always feeling pain because of me, and I'm always feeling pain because of this.

I realise that I've pushed it so deep that it doesn't even come up in me. In the Intensive not once did it come to my consciousness. I feel I want to be myself with her, and when I'm myself it seems to hurt her more.] Mm mm. It will be a little hard for you to understand, but if you don't become yourself you will go on hurting her. The day you decide that now you will be yourself - whether it hurts her or not - she will stop getting hurt, because then there is no point This is a very psychologically tricky thing. The mother knows that if she feels hurt she can hurt you; hence she feels hurt She knows she can control you, dominate you, by feeling hurt Once she comes to know that you have decided to be yourself - whether it hurts her or not is irrelevant; it is not the issue at all for you - she will immediately drop getting hurt, because then there is no point. You follow me?

If you really want not to hurt her, decide that you will not think about her at all. You have just to be yourself. You are not here to fulfill anybody else's expectations - the mother, the father, the brother, the husband, whosoever. And if you become yourself you will start helping her. She will feel good because you will no more hurt her. Right now if you try not to hurt her, you carry the old thing; the old trick still works. And mothers become very proficient in it; that is their way to dominate their children.

They feel hurt, they cry and weep, and the child feels, 'I am bad. I am guilty.' This becomes a power.

There are two types of people: one who dominates you by being powerful. They are not so dangerous. You can protect yourself against them; you can fight with them. Then there is another type of person who becomes very helpless, who makes himself so weak and through weakness controls you - because when the other becomes so weak, so helpless, so hurt, you start feeling guilty. You feel, 'What have I done? I should not have.'

Stop it! It has gone on long enough. Simply stop it Be a little hard. And it will be good for you and good for your mother. You will understand soon; you will see that the problem has disappeared.

You are watering the problem. You may write letters 'I am sorry mother,' and this and that and all nonsense, and she will feel powerful that she still has a hold on you. Now that means that next time whenever you do something that she does not like, she will again be hurt Simply tell her that this is meaningless, that she has made you intelligent enough, mature enough to decide for yourself. You are sorry that she feels hurt but you feel pity that she is doing unnecessary

harm to herself. You are going to remain a sannyasin and you are going to be yourself now. Don't give any hint that you are crying and weeping. And that will be good for her also. Otherwise this is a very subtle form of control. This is not good for you and this is not good for her.

But write to your mother. Write one day, then wall next day and again read it; again improve it. It should not give any feeling that you are hurt and crying and weeping. It should simply give a solid feeling that you have become mature; you are no more a child. That's all. And see how it works, mm? Good!

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Rabbi Yaacov Perrin said:

"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail."
(NY Daily News, Feb. 28, 1994, p.6)."