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... meaning of two words well. One word is "ego" (ahankara) and the other is the "am-ness" (asmita). Ahankara (the ego) means: I am one with the body. When consciousness feels itself joined to the body, identifies itself with the body, feels one with it, the ego is born. When the consciousness separates itself from the body and breaks its identification with it, the ego breaks. To know...

... that I am apart from the body is necessary but not enough in order to know that I am one with God. If a person is fixed in the feeling that I am not the body and yet does not feel one with God (Paramatman), that state of a person is called asmita, am-ness. I am one with the body: this is the state of the ego. I am apart from the body: this state is am-ness. To feel that I am one with God is a state...

... that is beyond am-ness. Says Lao Tzu: it is necessary for a saint that his ego should dissolve and he should know that he is not the body, not the mind. This realisation is the indication of a saint. A saint can, however, stop at this and go no further. Many saints have. Those saints who have said there is no Paramatman, there is only the atman, belong to this category. They have broken one link of...

... body is his bulb; Lao Tzu's body is his bulb. These are personalities. The nature within both of them is one, but you cannot see it. Only when you yourself go within will you discover that this nature is colourless - neither blue nor red nor yellow. That which appeared to be Buddha was the personality of Buddha; that which appeared to be Krishna was the personality of Krishna. Personalities can be...

... this is not in our hands, fortunately. It is within our hands, though, to enter within our own bulbs and observe our own nature. Then we shall find that, within that nature, everything is quiet, serene; there is no form, no shape. But to manifest this formless, we have to make use of the body, the mind. Buddha spoke the Pali language because that was the language he knew. Krishna spoke in Sanskrit...
... WHO USES IT?" CHOKOMAN SAID "HIS BONES AND BODY ARE SMASHED TO SMITHEREENS." THE MONK COMMENTED, "THEN, IT'S A GOOD THING NOT TO BE ABLE TO TOUCH IT!" - AT WHICH CHOKOMAN STRUCK HIM. Friends, The day has been very hilarious. What I was saying... the masses have started proving it. The Buddhists have joined hands with a minority Mohammedan league. They threatened the police...

...; just worship the tree under which he has become enlightened. But seeing Alexander and the Greek beauty - Alexander certainly was one of the most beautiful men - it was irresistible for the Buddhists to take the head of Alexander the Great and put it on Buddha's body. This face that you see on Gautam Buddha belongs to Alexander the Great, not Gautam Buddha. And anyway, I have seen thousands of Jaina...

... with Buddha? He had such a delicate body that King Prasenjita, one of the greatest kings of those days, gave his own personal physician to follow Buddha like a shadow, because his body was so fragile. "He is just like a roseflower; protect him in every way. The longer he can live, the better for humanity." What kind of valor? Do you think he would have been able to have a boxing match with...

... liberated the fly. "WHAT IS THIS SWORD," THE MONK ASKED, "THAT WILL CUT A HAIR THAT IS BLOWN ONTO IT?" CHOKOMAN REPLIED, "YOU CAN'T TOUCH IT." It is so subtle. Chokoman is talking about the inner sword, which cuts all the strings with the body, with the mind, and leaves you in absolute silence, just a witness. You cannot touch that sword. But the monk persisted. Then he asked...

..., "HOW ABOUT ONE WHO USES IT? I may not be able to touch it, but how about one who uses it?" CHOKOMAN SAID, "HIS BONES AND BODY ARE SMASHED TO SMITHEREENS." One who uses it, the sword of witnessing, the sword of meditation, his body, his mind, everything that he used to think he is, is thrown away into dust. What remains behind is a pure mirrorlike witnessing. THE MONK COMMENTED...

..., "THEN, IT IS A GOOD THING NOT TO BE ABLE TO TOUCH IT!" He goes on misunderstanding and misunderstanding. "If that sword destroys the body and the bones and the mind and everything, then it is better not to be able to touch it" - AT WHICH CHOKOMAN STRUCK HIM. It was enough. But these idiots are all around the world. Their thick heads are such that you go on hitting them and it will...

...." Then turning to Mrs. Faginbaum, Peter asks, "Okay, Grandma, and what about you?" "Oy vey!" says Grandma Faginbaum, waving her hands in the air. "What about me? Ah! Nothing for me - just give my friends what they want!" Nivedano... (drumbeat) (gibberish) Nivedano... (drumbeat) Be silent. Close your eyes, and feel your body to be completely frozen. This is the right...

... great silence descending on you, a new fragrance that you have never known before. As you settle in your center, a tremendous ecstasy takes over you. You are drunk with the divine. You have found your innermost hidden treasure, the buddha, the awakened one. The awakened one has only one quality, and that quality is witnessing. Just witness: your body is not you, your mind is not you. All other...

... ripple. This beautitude is you. This blissfulness is you. This eternity is you. You have been always here. You will be always here, whether in the body or out of the body, but your existence is eternal. I teach eternity, and only when you experience eternity do you know what freedom is. Then you disappear in the blue sky of the cosmos. Disappearing in the cosmos is not annihilation; it is becoming one...
... they are there, green, unhealed. And not only asthma, but physical diseases can come back. A child may have fallen thirty years ago from a tree. Then he starts to meditate and to move backwards, and suddenly he feels pain on the knee. For thirty years it has never been there, but now suddenly the memory comes. The body also carries a memory, each cell carries a memory. It is a minute, very atomic...

... computer. You see a black spot on my nose? Once I removed it, but it came back again... the body has a memory. It has a blueprint of everything, so whatever has happened to you is doubly recorded - in the mind and in the body - and the mind triggers the whole thing. The body is a little slow, stupid, and it has to be so - but once the mind remembers, it triggers it. Then you move into a situation which...

... time an attack comes, be far away, just watching from a distance. Just watch the misery, the suffering, the pain, the whole body in spasm. Watch unconcerned, indifferent, with nothing to do, and then just see.... Within two to three days everything will have passed, and then you will come out of it very fresh, as fresh as you have never been. It will go, but complete the process - don't try to escape...

... from it. This experience can become a very enriching one. Once it happened that one of my friends, a very old man of seventy-eight, fell from the staircase and broke many of his bones. The doctors told him to remain on the bed for six months, because he was very old and the body would take a long time to regain its strength. He was an active man, very very active. When I went to see him he started...

... little bit of myself, and how good it feels just to be - not thinking, and not making things happen with my mind, but letting my body do things all by itself.] Good, it has been good. Just one thing to be remembered: whatsoever you have gained out of the group, it is just an insight; it is not a permanent thing. It is just a glimpse, it is not a change in your state of consciousness. So if you don't...
... join the Music group in the night. Dance; that will help the energy. Music is needed now. Music is food for higher forms of energy, it is nourishment. More than food you will need music now. [The massage group is present. The leader said she became ill, and felt very weak; it is something to do with her liver, and she feels shaking all over her body. Osho checks her energy.] It has nothing to do with...

... the body, it is just somewhere in your emotions. The body is affected by the emotions but the body itself has no problem; the energy is perfectly beautiful. So you have to do something about your emotions. k is there that you are feeling very shaky, uprooted. That has to be deeply understood, mm? because this can happen again and again. Whenever you invest too much in a relationship this will happen...

.... If the relationship goes down the drain, one feels like that - shaken, utterly shaken; not only in the mind but in the body too the effects are felt. And if it happens again and again then by and by the body is weakened. One has to be very very careful about a few things. One is: never invest in individuals. Invest in love but never invest in individuals. If one individual is gone then one should...

... futility of it. I teach you about love so that you can go beyond it. But right now you will need a few more, so just find someone. Nothing is wrong with your body, mm? - once a relationship starts flowing and the honeymoon is there it will be okay! Good. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... THIS HORMONAL CONSPIRACY. BELOVED MASTER, CAN YOU PLEASE GIVE ME A CLUE HOW TO GO BEYOND THESE BIOLOGICAL PULLS? Kamal, if one allows nature without any inhibitions to take its own course, one transcends biology, body, mind, without any effort. But we are full of inhibitions. Even the so-called young people, who think that they have disowned repressions, are in a very subtle way repressive. If you...

... all given you moralities. The natural man needs no morality. Easy is right. To be natural, to be spontaneous is right... and transcendence comes on its own. The people who are split against themselves -- that biology is something to be transcended, that body is something to be fought, that mind is something to be dropped -- anybody who is entangled in all these conflicts will never transcend. One...

.... So he is very quick in making love. The woman will take a little longer time because man's sexuality is local, genital; woman's sexuality is spread all over her body. If a man wants her to have an orgasm, he has to play with her whole body, the foreplay, so her whole body starts throbbing with energy. But once she has had one orgasm, she is utterly dissatisfied because now she knows the taste, and...


... are back to your normal color. If one really wants to be a little less white, a suntan is not the way. You need a certain pigment to be injected into your body, and then you will remain, for your whole life, the color you wanted. A suntan to me always looks something like religious self-torture; the beaches are full... there is no space on the beaches on a sunny day. I don't hate -- why should I...
... everything; their Sabbath does not allow any act. By the evening of Friday everything stops. The arrangement was that Jesus would be crucified late in the afternoon, so before sunset he would be brought down. He might have been unconscious because so much blood had flowed out of the body, but he was not dead. Then he would be kept in a cave, and before the Sabbath ended and the Jews hung him again, his...

... body would be stolen by his followers. The tomb was found empty, and Jesus was removed from Judea as quickly as possible. As he again became healthy and healed, he moved to India and he lived a long life -- one hundred and twelve years -- in Kashmir. It is a coincidence, but a beautiful coincidence, that Moses died in Kashmir and Jesus also died in Kashmir. I have been to the graves of both. The...

... the rock and taking the body. But because Pontius Pilate was from the very beginning against crucifying Jesus.... He could see the man was absolutely innocent. He has some crazy ideas, but they are not criminal. And what harm does it do to somebody? If someone thinks he is the only begotten son of God, let him enjoy it. Why disturb him, and why get disturbed? If somebody thinks he is the messiah and...

... human being. Just to give you an idea of how Gautam Buddha and Jesus will behave in a similar situation.... Lazarus is dead. His sisters are great devotees -- Lazarus was a great friend of Jesus. They send a message to him, "Come, Lazarus is dead!" And they keep his body inside a cave. Jesus comes and he calls Lazarus, standing outside the cave, "Lazarus, come out!" Lazarus says...

... son may come back to life." Krishagautami went with the dead body. She put the body at the feet of Gautam Buddha and said, "I have lost everything -- all my children, my husband. I was living only for this son; now he is also dead. I have heard much about your compassion. Now is the time to show it. Let my son get up again, resurrect him." Buddha said, "On one condition: you go...

... in an organic unity in a body; now they cannot see. There is no organic unity, and you cannot bring an organic unity. Christianity is dead. Their desperate effort to save it simply confirms that it is dead. But it needs guts to accept it. You will be surprised to know that when Joseph Stalin died it was not declared to the world. It took a few days for the communist high command... because they had...

... God. I know about Sri Aurobindo, because he himself was teaching his whole life that his special work was to give methods to people to attain physical immortality. All old teachers have taught you spiritual immortality; that's not a big problem, because the spiritual element in you is already immortal. He used to say, "I am doing the real thing. The physical body, which is not immortal, I am...

... you -- so you jump upon something else that can give you a resurrection. But ethics is purely a science in itself. It thinks about values -- which have nothing to do with Hindu, Mohammedan or Christian. Ethics is not going to save Christianity; it is not going to give a resurrection. There is no possibility for Christianity, and it will be good that they accept it and drop the dead body. It is a...

..., death, because all these are creating the situation for you to search for truth. Otherwise you would fall asleep; otherwise you would be so comfortable, you would become a vegetable. There would be no need .... Suffering creates the need for a search. YOUR BODY AND MIND ARE THE FIELD. SUFFERING IS THE SEED, WISDOM THE SPROUT AND BUDDHAHOOD THE GRAIN. In this synthesis he is giving credit to your body...

..., to your mind, to suffering. He is taking into account your whole life. He is not denying anything its contribution. He is being very impartial. YOUR BODY AND THE MIND ARE THE FIELD. SUFFERING IS THE SEED, WISDOM THE SPROUT AND BUDDHAHOOD THE GRAIN. This is the way of a man who looks at life as an organic unity. The so-called religions which have lost contact with their living founders, are against...

... the body. They torture the body, rather than being grateful to the body because it is the very field, it is the very temple in which the buddha has to be discovered. Even suffering, agony, is not to be condemned by a man like Bodhidharma. He says that too has a part to play. It keeps you awake. It keeps you constantly alert, provokes you and challenges you to find a way that can lead you beyond it...

... your tongue are part of the body, your fingers are also part of the same body, and they are not meant to speak. Why not use the right natural vehicle? Symbols are dangerous. When for the first time Japanese sannyasins started coming here, I was in great trouble because they are the only people in the whole world who have a different symbology. It is strange how they have developed it. All over the...
... - and not a mechanical part. The commune is an organic unity. The right hand never calls for help from the left hand; it comes of its own accord. The body is an organic whole. There is no need for any part of the body to address any other part of the body. The body functions in a tremendous unity. A commune is an organic body; hence, forgive me, I cannot address you. And what is there to use as an...

... top of you. It needs no argumentation. You are muscular, taller, stronger - at least in your bones. Let the woman be on top of you. Please, try being a lady! Allow the woman freedom to act, and you lie down like a corpse. Then you will know what you have done for centuries, for millennia. The woman is erotic all over her body. Man's eros is local, just confined to his genitals. Man is very poor. If...

... you really want to have an orgasmic experience, you have to play with the woman's body - foreplay - so that you can make her body throb with joy, with excitement, with the expectation of what is going to come now. Until you have made your woman's whole body thrilled, don't start making love. Because your - I mean men's - eros is confined to the genitals, he is finished within seconds. Foreplay is a...
... you KNOW that anything can happen. You may even kill, murder your beloved, you may start eating her body, because then controls are removed. Suppression seems to be the easiest way to avoid all this. Suppress, or allow only as much as will not lead you into danger - just a part of it which can be controlled always. And you remain in control, you manipulate. You allow up to an extent and then you...

... single point. Whatsoever is happening in your body, in your mind, in your inner energy, the new circuit is being made, the body electricity is moving in a new way, in a new circular way; now the body electricity has become one with the partner, with the wife, with the consort. And now an inner circle is created - and you can feel it. If you are alert, you can feel it. You will feel that you have become...

... created. If you remain alert you will see: first, changes of energy in the body; second, dropping of the thoughts from the mind; and third, dropping of the ego from the heart. These three things have to be observed, watched carefully. And when the third has happened sex energy has become meditative energy. Now you are no longer in sex. You may be lying with your beloved, bodies together, but you are no...

... sage means a meeting of nature and the divine, a meeting of the created and the creator, a meeting of body and soul, a meeting of that which is below and of that which is above, a meeting of the earth and the sky. Says Lao Tzu: Tao happens when earth and heaven meet. This is the meeting. Witnessing is the basic source. But it will be difficult to become a witness in the sex act if you are not trying...

... completely forgotten. And suddenly you remember: I have forgotten. So if such a small act like walking cannot be made conscious, it is going to be difficult to make love a conscious meditation. So try with simple things, simple activities. While eating, try it. While walking, try it. While talking, listening, try it. Try from everywhere. Make it a constant hammering inside; let your whole body and mind...

... scientists became aware that if you put a dead body in a pyramid it will be preserved without any chemicals; just the shape helps preservation. Then one scientist in Germany thought: If the shape can do so much that the body is preserved automatically - just by the shape, just the pressure of the shape.... So he tried it on his razor blade. He made a small pyramid, a cardboard pyramid, and tried it with...
... - and he was very happy that the master asked about the cake. Dying, the master took the cake in his hand, but his hand was not trembling. He was very old, but his hand was not trembling. So somebody asked: You are so old and just on the verge of dying. The last breath is soon to leave you, but your hand is not trembling. The master said: I never tremble, because there is no fear. My body has become...

... old, but I am still young, and I will remain young even when the body is gone. Then he took a bite, started munching the cake. And then somebody asked: What is your last message, Master? You will be leaving us soon. What do you want us to remember? The master smiled and said: Ah, this cake is delicious. This is a man who lives in the here and now: This cake is delicious. Even death is irrelevant...

.... Says Kabir: They are like a person who is naked, but never goes to take a bath in the river because he is afraid - where will he dry his clothes? This is the situation you are in - naked, with no clothes, but always afraid about the clothes. What have you got to lose? Nothing. This body will be taken by death. Before it is taken by death, give it to love. Whatsoever you have will be taken away...

... already given it, you will have made it a gift. There can be no death. For a lover there is no death. For a non-lover, every moment is a death, because every moment something is being snatched away from him. The body is disappearing, he is losing every moment. And then there will be death, and everything will be annihilated. What is the fear? Why are you so afraid? Even if everything is known about you...

.... A man is born - the body has started becoming old already! When we say that a child is one week old, it means one week of oldness has penetrated into the child. The child has already passed seven days towards death, he has completed seven days of dying. He is moving towards death - sooner or later he will be dead. Whatsoever comes in time becomes old. The moment it enters time, it is already...

... becoming old. Your body is old, your periphery is old. You cannot be eternally in love with it. But your center is always fresh, it is eternally young. Once you are in contact with it, love is an every-moment discovery. And then the honeymoon never ends. If it ends it was not a honeymoon at all - it was just an acquaintance. And the last thing to remember is: in the relationship of love you always blame...

... remember. But their lives are destroyed. One girl was brought to me a few years ago. She remembered her past two lives. She was only thirteen at that time, but if you looked in her eyes they looked near about seventy - because she remembered seventy years, two past lives. Her body was thirteen years old, but her mind was seventy years old. She couldn't play with other children, because how can an old...

... contradictory - because today I say something and you become silent; tomorrow I say something absolutely contradictory and you become silent; the day after tomorrow I again say something absolutely contradictory, all that I have said contradicts it, but you become silent. Your silence is my consistency. I am consistent, constantly consistent; contradicting on the surface, but the inner current remains the...

... inner consistency remains, that is to create silence in you - because then I can be with you and you can be with me. The love, the truth can flower there. Whenever there is silence, truth flowers. Truth is a flowering of silence. Enough for today. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...

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