The day has been hilarious

Fri, 12 January 1989 00:00:00 GMT
Book Title:
Osho - Zen - The Mystery and The Poetry of the Beyond
Chapter #:
pm in Gautam the Buddha Auditorium
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The day has been very hilarious. What I was saying... the masses have started proving it.

The Buddhists have joined hands with a minority Mohammedan league. They threatened the police that I should be arrested - as if by arresting me they are giving an answer to my argument. They threatened that they will come in a procession and destroy the ashram.

That exactly proves what I have been saying: that the world is not yet civilized, and there is no such thing as religion anywhere. These people are simply subhuman.

Even if you destroy this ashram, my arguments will not be destroyed. Even a blind man can see it!

They wanted to garland me with a garland of shoes. It only shows that they have become Buddhists but they have not forgotten their forefathers' craftmanship of thousands of years. They have been making shoes - they are the chamars - and anybody who offers shoes as a garland only shows his poverty. He has nothing else to offer. Just a poor shoemaker...

But even that will not destroy my argument. You can bring all the shoes of the whole world, but still what I have said, and what I am going to say, will stand absolutely intact and pure.

These people went to the Deputy Police Commissioner. He seems to be a nice, educated, cultured man. He refused, saying that "You cannot have any procession, because you don't understand....

You are misinterpreting." He came to the ashram, and said that "I have refused their permission to take a procession against you, or I am going to arrest them, because there is no validity at all."

Whatever I have said, I can say to any court, any high court, any supreme court. And this will be the right action: to take me to the court. Or if they have intelligence enough, I can allow three persons - they should choose - to argue with me on each point that hurts their so-called, self-styled religious feelings. Just those three persons have to fulfill the conditions of this campus. They have to come here unarmed, and they have to come here with an AIDS-negative certificate. We will welcome them with flowers, not with shoes - we have enough flowers - and I will give them every chance to argue on every point they want.

But this has been the whole conditioning for centuries. Poisoning Socrates, they thought that they were destroying his arguments. His arguments are still as alive, as strong as ever. Crucifying Jesus, they thought they were destroying the possibility of a new religion springing up. Now half of the world is Christian.

You cannot argue with swords, you cannot argue with throwing stones, you cannot argue with ugly slogans. These simply prove that you are barbarious, subhuman.

Perhaps if Charles Darwin were alive, I would have requested him to come here. His whole life he was searching for the middle agent - because monkeys or gorillas or chimpanzees cannot suddenly become man; they should pass through a transitory period. I would have welcomed him here, and told him that here we have found the missing link - the people who are no longer gorillas, but are not yet human beings either.

And now every effort is being made to camouflage the issue about the meaning of 'bhagwan', because I have exposed not only one religion, but all the religions. The Buddhists have joined hands with the Mohammedans, not knowing at all that these Mohammedans have destroyed thousands of Buddhist statues, have burnt thousands of Buddhist scriptures - and you are joining hands with them?

And the Mohammedans don't understand that Buddha would not have accepted the philosophy of Mohammed at all. Mohammed was a violent man, continuously fighting and warring and killing people - and that's what Mohammedans have been doing all along after Mohammed. Killing has become their profession.

That's why I felt very hilarious. Buddhists and Mohammedans are joining hands against me - a good sign of brotherhood. Soon every religion will join with you. Just wait a little, don't be in a hurry.

One self-styled Jaina monk, Daulatsagar Suriswarji, has stated fourteen meanings of the word 'bhagwan'. This is creating a camouflage.

Only for the argument's sake, I will read you the meanings he has given to 'bhagwan'.

First, essence.

But do you understand the meaning of essence? - that which is caught by the senses. A perfume is essence, because your nose catches it. Essence means anything that the senses catch.

Now what does that have to do with Mahavira? I don't think he was using perfumes.

The second meaning is knowledge. That will make all the knowledgeable people in the world Bhagwan. All the professors, all the deans, all vice-chancellors, all rabbis, all imams - even Ayatollah Khomeini will be called Bhagwan, because they are all knowledgeable people. All the brahmin scholars, pundits, priests - whether they are Christian or Mohammedan or Hindu or Buddhist, it does not matter. If knowledge is the meaning of Bhagwan, then all knowledgeable people become Bhagwan.

Then what is so great about calling Mahavira and Buddha and Krishna and Rama, Bhagwan? Just knowledgeable, just like parrots... repeating the scriptures.

The third meaning is greatness.

I could not resist having immense compassion on this poor fellow, Daulatsagar Suriswarji. There are all kinds of greatness in the world: are you going to call Alexander the Great, who conquered the world, Bhagwan? Are you going to call Adolf Hitler, Bhagwan? He believed that he was the reincarnation of the Jewish prophet Elijah, and still there are his followers in Germany, in America, and all over the world.

I received a letter from the American president of the Neo-Fascist Society, and he told me, "You have been again and again criticizing Adolf Hitler. It hurts our religious feelings!"

I had never even dreamt that criticizing Adolf Hitler was going to hurt somebody's religious feelings.

In his letter he said, "Perhaps you are not aware that Adolf Hitler was no ordinary human being. He was the reincarnation of the Jewish prophet Elijah."

I wrote to him that "If he is what you say, the reincarnation of the prophet Elijah, then you will be in trouble, because he killed six million Jews! What kind of Jewish prophet...?"

Whom are you going to call great? Ronald Reagan? Are you going to call people who have mountains of money great?

In America the richest man has four million dollars; in Japan the richest man has twenty-six million dollars. Certainly this man must be called Bhagwan. He has defeated everybody in the world. Never before has anybody had twenty-six million dollars. Forgive me, he has twenty-six billion dollars.

Japan is only one-fourth, as far as land is concerned, of the United States, but its value is four times more than the whole U.S.A. Now Japan should be called a great nation - the richest.

People who have money, people who have political power, people who have scientific knowledge...

Are you going to call Albert Einstein, the man who created atomic energy, Bhagwan?

What does it mean? All these meanings have no reference to your Mahavira, to your Buddha, to your Rama. They don't have any meaning; this is simply camouflage.

Fourth is success. When I read it I said, "Aha! Success is Bhagwan."

There are millions of people who are successful. There are successful people like Picasso, there are successful people like Morgan, there are successful people like Ford. Are you going to call these people Bhagwan?

I am simply cutting in a single blow all the nonsense that this man, Daulatsagar Suriswarji, has produced. From where has he got these meanings? I don't bother about it. I have accepted those meanings, not bothering about linguistics. I can simply destroy all the meanings he has been talking of.

The fifth is affluence.

Buddha renounced his kingdom: what affluence? He was not called Bhagwan when he was the prince; he was called Bhagwan when he renounced the kingdom. Mahavira renounced his kingdom.

These were beggars! - what affluence?

If affluence is the criterion, then the great Akbar, who ruled over the greatest part of India, should be called Bhagwan. Or Genghis Khan, who killed forty million people alone, terrorized the whole continents of Asia and Europe, should be called Bhagwan. Stalin should be called Bhagwan, because the Soviet Union is the biggest territory in the world, and he ruled over it most of his life. He was the man who defeated Adolf Hitler. He should be called Bhagwan, although he killed one million Russians... even his own people.

All the dictators of the world, all the richest exploiters of the world should be called Bhagwan, if affluence is the meaning of the word. But not Mahavira. Standing naked... what affluence? He had not even a begging bowl in his hands.

Sixth, detachment.

If detachment is the criterion, then what about Mohammed having nine wives? - and the richest woman he married just for money. He was only twenty-six and the woman was forty. She was a widow, but had the most money in Saudi Arabia. He married the woman not for beauty, not for any love, but just for her money.

His whole life he was holding his sword, although on his sword he had written, "Peace is my message." Strange... He killed as many people as you can conceive, and peace is his message!

Mahavira will accept neither Mohammed nor Jesus.

Jesus was very much in love with wine. He even converted water into wine - absolutely a criminal act. He was visiting prostitutes. Neither Mahavira nor Buddha is going to accept Jesus or Mohammed as Bhagwan.

What detachment can you see in Krishna? He never renounced his kingdom. He was one of the greatest warriors, and conquered as much land as possible, was unafraid to kill millions of people in war. What detachment? You cannot call Krishna Bhagwan anymore - according to the so-called, self-styled Jaina monk, Daulatsagar Suriswarji - you cannot call Rama Bhagwan.

Rama is the most common name in India; it has almost become synonymous with Bhagwan.

But Rama never renounced his kingdom. On the contrary, because a washerman found that his wife had not returned home the whole night - in the morning she came, she must have been visiting some lover - he said, "I am not like Rama, whose wife Sita has been for years in confinement, in the hands of Ravana, Rama's enemy, and yet he has accepted her. I am not Rama; just get lost. Don't come to this home again."

When this message reached to Rama, rather than renouncing the kingdom he renounced Sita, his wife, who was pregnant with twins, without saying anything to her. He just told his brother, "Take her into the deep forest and leave her in some Hindu seer's ashram."

She asked again and again, "Where are you taking me?", and Lakshmana could not say anything.

What to say? - he had tears in his eyes, and she was left in the deep forest. This is detachment?

That reminds me:

Rama's father, Dashrath, had four wives. Rama was the eldest son, and Bharat was the youngest among four brothers. Bharat was the son of the youngest woman. Of course, the youngest had much more power over Dashrath than the others. The youngest had asked him, just one time....

If she asked anything, he would not refuse it. And such a henpecked old man... he promised her without knowing what she was going to ask.

When the time came, she asked Dashrath, "You should remember what you have promised me.

Now fulfill your promise! Send Rama for fourteen years in exile outside your kingdom, and make my son Bharat the king." And that old man followed this stupid idea. Rama was exiled, and Sita and Lakshmana, his younger brother, followed him, because they were absolutely convinced that this was unjust.

They were staying in a small cottage deep in the forest in South India, and Sita saw a deer made of gold running just in front of their cottage. Rama is thought to be Bhagwan, and he could not...

Even an idiot could have realized that deer are not made of gold. And these so-called, self-styled Bhagwans have been calling the whole world a dream - but that gold deer was not a dream. So Sita sent him to catch the gold deer.

Such utter ignorance! Even you would have recognized that deer are not made of gold. And the whole world is illusory! - but the gold and the deer made of gold seemed to be ultimate realities.

He went into the forest to find the golden deer. And he had told Lakshmana not to leave the place, because Ravana was the king of Sri Lanka; his place was very close, and there was every danger that he may try to abduct Sita, "So whatever happens, you remain here."

And soon Rama found that golden deer had turned into a monster, so he started shouting for help.

Lakshmana was in a dilemma: to go to his help... but he has been told not to leave Sita alone under any conditions.

Sita is thought to be one of the most holy women of India. She said to him, "Go to save your brother."

Lakshmana said, "But my brother has told me to stay here to protect you."

She said, "I know your protection. You always want your brother to die so that you can have me!"

This is the holy woman, making such an absurd excuse to force him to go!

Now, feeling abused, he went to look for Rama. But he made a line in front of the cottage and told Sita, "Don't go outside this line whatever happens."

And Ravana came - that was a whole planned conspiracy - and he came as a beggar. He made it a point that, "If you don't come across the line, I will not accept whatever you give. And remember, you are turning away a beggar - and you are thought to be one of the holiest women! I am hungry, I am thirsty." So Sita came over the line, and he abducted her to Sri Lanka.

Three years of continuous war... and everybody thought that Rama was fighting for his wife.

Everybody thought, "What a love!" - but it was not so.

When Ravana was defeated and Sita was brought to the camp of Rama, Rama said, "Listen, you woman! I have not fought this war for you. I have fought this war for the pride of my forefathers. And as far as you are concerned, you cannot enter into my cottage unless you pass a fire test, unless you pass through fire and come out alive. That will be the only test that you are pure, that you had no sexual relationships in this three years under Ravana's imprisonment."

I have always wondered: if Sita had to go through the fire test, why does not Rama also? He was also three years alone, and there is a possibility that he was in love with another woman.

But this is the male chauvinist society.

Sita passed through the fire. I don't think fire changes its rules for different people; I think it is pure mythology.

But my emphasis is that Rama should have taken the same test if he was a man of any integrity, if he was a man of any dignity. To ask a poor woman, who has suffered three years of imprisonment, and not to follow with her, is absolutely ugly and inhuman.

And after the fire test, still she was renounced. Just because a washerman had told his wife, "I am not Rama," Rama's ego was hurt. If he had really loved Sita, he should have renounced the world - detachment. But rather than renouncing the world and all the money and the whole kingdom, he renounced a poor pregnant woman without telling her even where she was being sent.

And you call it detachment? This man was too much attached with the kingdom.

And these Dalits, oppressed Buddhists, don't know at all that Rama was the man who killed an untouchable - the forefather of these people - on the grounds that Hindus don't allow the untouchables, the sudras, even to listen to their religious scriptures. Reading them is out of the question; they are not educated, in the first place, so they cannot read. Even listening... their scriptures become dirty. And a young man, just out of curiosity, asked "What is so precious in these scriptures?"

A few brahmins were doing a ritual and reciting the Rigveda, and he was hiding behind the bushes just trying to find out what is so precious. He was caught red-handed, listening. He was brought to the king, Rama: "You have to give punishment to this fellow! This should not happen again!"

And you call Rama Bhagwan? He gave a punishment to that young man in which he died then and there. Lead, hot and burning and liquid, was poured into his ears - because those ears have heard the holy scriptures of the brahmins. The young man died then and there. And yet you call Rama Bhagwan? And particularly these people whose forefather that young man must have been...

Seven, beauty.

You will be surprised to know: Buddha's statues are so beautiful, but it is inconceivable that these statues represent Gautam the Buddha. He was born on the borderline of Nepal and India; most probably he would have looked like a Nepalese.

This face, it is well-known to the historians, belongs to Alexander the Great. Alexander came to India just three hundred years after Buddha. Up to that moment no statue had been made, because Buddha had forbidden to make his statues; just worship the tree under which he has become enlightened.

But seeing Alexander and the Greek beauty - Alexander certainly was one of the most beautiful men - it was irresistible for the Buddhists to take the head of Alexander the Great and put it on Buddha's body. This face that you see on Gautam Buddha belongs to Alexander the Great, not Gautam Buddha.

And anyway, I have seen thousands of Jaina monks as ugly as possible. I cannot conceive...

Mahavira lived naked in cold winters, in hot summers, eating only once in a while. In twelve years he had eaten only three hundred sixty-five days - two months' fast, three months' fast - and just look at his statue. He looks like an athlete - even Muhammad Ali is nothing! - he looks like a great boxer.

I cannot think that a man who has not been eating for months together, who has been living naked under the sky, in cold winter and hot summer, could have remained beautiful.

And you still call him Bhagwan?

In fact, even Gautam Buddha, who was the contemporary of Mahavira, has criticized him in many places. Mahavira used to have this self-styled assertion that he knows everything, past, present, future. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. He knows everything that has happened before, is happening, and will ever happen; he is omnipresent - he is everywhere present; and he is omnipotent - he is all powerful.

Buddha criticized him in many places. Buddha said that "This so-called, self-styled tirthankara, who says that he is all-powerful, everywhere present, all-knowing - but I have known him begging before a house which was empty! He could not see that in the house there was nobody, and he is omnipresent, he is omniscient, and he is all-powerful!

"In the early morning hours when it is still dark, I have seen this fellow, Mahavira, trampling on the tail of a dog. When the dog started barking, then he moved away. This fellow says that he knows everything, past, present, future, and he does not know that just in front of him a poor dog is sleeping!"

And this seventh quality, beauty, has been abandoned by all your so-called Buddhas and Mahaviras.

Beauty is an enchantment, it drags you out. It takes you to the other: a woman, a man, a flower, a bird on the wing - but everything is outside.

They have all renounced beauty to such a point that one of the self-styled, so-called saints of the Hindus, Surdas... He was not born blind, but he had renounced the world and he used to beg for his food. One day he found, as he knocked on the door for food, a very beautiful woman, and he could not forget the woman. She was in his thoughts, she was in his dreams.

He went again and again to the same house - which is prohibited. You should not harass one householder every day for alms. But the woman's beauty was pulling him like a magnet. And the woman was certainly very compassionate, very motherly. She prepared beautiful food for him, but she had no idea at all that that man was now biologically interested in her.

Seeing his situation, the saint thought that, "It is the eyes which are taking me away from my discipline, away from my detachment" - so he burned both his eyes. Nobody knows his name - Surdas means "the blind man" - but he is respected for the fact that he burned both his eyes.

But just by burning both your eyes, you cannot forget the woman. In fact, now it will be even more difficult.

I am reminded of a great poet. He prayed to God, "When you took away my beloved" - the woman died - "why did you not make me blind? because I see her everywhere. And how long can I resist?

This has become a self-torture! The same face I see everywhere. If you have taken her, at least please take my eyes." But the poet is wrong; he does not understand the biology, the physiology of man.

Your eyes can be taken away, but that will not disturb the beautiful face that you have seen. In fact, now you will not see anything else, which may have been a distraction. Now, only one face and you, for your whole life, fixed in a frame.

Beauty has been condemned by all your saints, and you are making the meaning of Bhagwan, beauty. All meanings given are imaginary.

Valor... That means all warriors, great warriors should become Bhagwans. Perhaps this self-styled monk, Daulatsagar Suriswarji, has not understood me at all, what kind of a man he is going to face.

What does valor have to do with Buddha? He had such a delicate body that King Prasenjita, one of the greatest kings of those days, gave his own personal physician to follow Buddha like a shadow, because his body was so fragile. "He is just like a roseflower; protect him in every way. The longer he can live, the better for humanity."

What kind of valor? Do you think he would have been able to have a boxing match with Muhammad Ali? Just the first hit on his nose, and perhaps that would have been his last breath.

Effort... And Buddha teaches continuously effortlessness.

I am simply surprised. These people are thought to be great saints! They don't understand a single word about spiritual reality. It is not attained by effort; it is attained by relaxation, dropping all effort, all longing, all search. Only then do you come to your own being. It is not by effort.

Yes, money is gained by effort, political power is gained by effort, but not spirituality.


That's why I told you I have had such a hilarious day.

Bhagwan means desire - and all the teachings of all the great enlightened people of the world have been against desire. Unless you become desireless you cannot attain to your innermost luminous self, your being.

Splendor... What splendor do you see in a Jaina monk? What splendor do you see in your Hindu saints? What splendor do you see in Mohammed or Jesus?

Splendor is an inner experience, it is not something to be seen by the eyes.

But there have been very splendrous, beautiful people in the world. Cleopatra of Egypt is thought to have been the most splendrous, majestic woman ever born. But you cannot call her Bhagwan; she was a prostitute. She ruled over Egypt just because of her beauty. Whoever came to conquer Egypt - Caesar, Anthony, and other great conquerors - she would simply go to meet them and they would fall in love with her. It was impossible, irresistible. But you will not call her Bhagwan.

Religion: the twelfth meaning.

Which religion?

It is because of a Jaina saint... Jainas think that their religion is the purest religion, the ancientmost and the highest as far as other religions are concerned.

Do you think Pope the Polack is a Bhagwan? He is the greatest leader as far as numbers are concerned: six hundred million people belong to the Catholic church. Do you think he is Bhagwan?

Ayatollah Khomeini rules over Iran, and he has under him two thousand imams, all the priests in every mosque in the whole of Iran. Do you think Ayatollah Khomeini is Bhagwan?

What religion? Which religion are you talking about?

I was brought to Poona for the first time by a man who was a close contact of Mahatma Gandhi, Rishabhdas Ranka. Mahatma Gandhi's basic theme was that all religions are equal, although it was not his practice; it was only theoretical, verbiage. And Rishabhdas Ranka lived in his ashram, so he was very much influenced by the idea that all religions are equal.

He was by birth a Jaina, so obviously he thought to write a book of synthesis between Buddha and Mahavira. He showed me the manuscript. I simply looked at the title and I returned it back. He said, "You have not looked inside even one page?"

I said, "The title is enough." The title was BHAGWAN MAHAVIR AND MAHATMA BUDDHA.

I said, "Either you call both the people Mahatma or you call both the people Bhagwan."

He said, "That is difficult. I cannot call Mahavira Mahatma because there are millions of mahatmas.

And I cannot call Buddha Bhagwan, because I am a Jaina by birth. I believe only in the twenty-four tirthankaras as Bhagwan, nobody else."

You will not believe that the Jainas have thrown Krishna into the seventh hell, because he created the greatest war India has ever known. He is the ultimate criminal.

And the same is true about Hindus.... The Hindus have not even mentioned this great splendor, this great religious man, this great beauty of Mahavira. They have not even mentioned his name in their scriptures anywhere.

No contemporary source, except Buddha, even mentions the name of Mahavira. If he was so great, such a splendor, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, do you think the contemporary literature would have completely missed him? And Buddha has mentioned him only to criticize him. It is only in the words of Buddha that we have a certainty that a man called Mahavira ever lived.

But the same is done to Buddha by the Hindus. He was certainly a very influential man, a very rational and logical man. Hindus could not deny him, but they could not accept him either, because he was against the caste system, he was against the Vedas, against the whole tradition of the Hindus. He was born a Hindu.

But remember always, it is one thing to talk about it, it is another thing to live it. He never initiated a single sudra as his disciple, although he was talking against the caste system. That would have been the proof. He was talking against riches, but all the kings of India were his disciples, lay disciples.

Most of his enlightened disciples were princes who had left their kingdoms and come to his feet. But I have not come across a single initiation of a sudra.

And the sudras are converting themselves into Buddhism. They should bring proof that Buddha has initiated any sudra - a single sudra - to his communion. The question never arose.

But he was very influential, far more influential than Mahavira, more articulate. The Hindus could not simply ignore him. They had to accept him in such a way - in a very cunning way. Their PURANAS say...

These so-called Buddhists, self-styled Buddhists who want to destroy my commune, should first look into the Hindu scriptures. The Hindu scriptures, particularly the PURANAS - 'purana' means the ancient stories, ancient parables, ancient metaphors. In the PURANAS they have a beautiful story for you, and for all Buddhists to understand.

God made the world. He also made hell and heaven - heaven for the virtuous ones, and hell for the sinners. And he made the devil to be the king of hell, to control, to manage, to maintain. But thousands of years passed and nobody came to hell. Everybody was so virtuous that they were going directly to heaven.

The devil was tired of waiting, waiting, waiting. Finally he approached God. He said, "You are making me a laughingstock. For thousands of years not a single man has entered in hell, and I am sitting there alone, unnecessary. What is the point?"

God said, "Don't be worried. Go back, and I will come in an incarnation named Gautam Buddha, and I will corrupt people's minds, and I will corrupt people's moralities, and I will create sinners. You will not be alone anymore."

So Hindus have accepted Gautam Buddha as one of the incarnations of God, but on the other hand a God who comes to corrupt the people, a God who comes to fill hell with the masses. Since Gautam Buddha, hell is overflowing; many people are standing for centuries in queues. It is all due to the great corruption that Gautam Buddha brought to this land.

Do you see the cunning and tricky mind of the Hindu priests?

And these Buddhists want me to be arrested?

First, get the people arrested who are still holding such scriptures as religious and holy.

Thirteen, liberation.

But everybody around the world has been liberating: Lao Tzu in China, Chuang Tzu in China - you don't call them Bhagwan.

I am the first man to introduce Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu and thousands of others to this country; otherwise people have never heard their names. They all talk about ultimate liberation. Thousands of Zen masters have lived liberation, but do you call them Bhagwan? I am asking Daulatsagar Suriswarji, the self-styled Jaina saint.

And the last - he could not manage to hide it in this long list - last comes yoni. That was my meaning that I have given to you. Yoni means bhag, yoni means the female sexual organ, the vagina.

But he still tries to camouflage the issue. He says, "In the Jaina religion yoni does not mean vagina."

I was surprised to know that religion has anything to do with the vagina!

What does it mean in the Jaina religion? It means the cycle of birth and death.

Okay. How do you manage birth and death without the vagina, and without the male genital organs?

Finally, I have caught him red-handed. Yoni means the cycle of birth and death. How do you manage it? Without a woman and man there is no birth and no death.

So in brackets he writes yoni - and that is the only meaning. All these others are just bogus, efforts to create much cloud and mist in people's minds.

If yoni means the cycle of birth and death, it means the vagina of woman and the penis of man. The meeting of the two brings the circle of birth and death. That's what I have been telling you, and they are getting mad at me.

Now go to Suriswarji and ask him, "How do birth and death come into being? - from the woman's mouth?"

To be just straightforward is not a crime. That's why I say I am ready to face anybody, in any court.

Or if you are intelligent enough, I am ready to invite you here, and point by point I want to discuss everything that is hurting your so-called, self-styled religious feelings.

Now Maneesha's sutra:



These are the people who count! Chokoman is a great Zen master.



Only one exercise Chokoman mentioned:


All disciplines, all moralities, all so-called scriptures, they simply trod on them. That is the only message of the ancient buddhas.


What happens when they have trodden on the scriptures, and religious exercises, and disciplines, and moralities, and all kinds of virtues? What happens?


He is saying, "The moment someone walks over the heads of the statues and the holy scriptures and so-called religious exercises, the ice starts melting. Your separation with existence starts melting just like ice. TILES BREAKING UP... Your egos start breaking like tiles. The open sky, the ultimate existence, and you are no more separate from it."

The ice has melted in the ocean the same way the enlightened man finds his consciousness melting into the ocean of the cosmos.

These are the people with spine.


He could not understand, otherwise there is no more any point in asking anything. The master has said everything.


It is a very surprising answer. He is saying, "You have not understood. I have said everything.

Now what is left is just to be a gentleman in the city, with little children outside the walls. Forget all about religion and religious exercises. Forget all about ancient buddhas. Just get into the city, find a woman, have children, and move in the cycle of birth and death - yoni."


Great swordsmen in their final examination cut hairs just with their swords. One hair becomes two hairs. The hair is the thinnest thing you can find. To cut it with a sword, and make two hairs out of one... The man is asking, "What is this sword that will cut a hair that is blown onto it into two?"

I have told you about a Zen story....

At the final contest of the warriors of Japan, the emperor himself used to preside. Three men had come from winning all over the country, to the finals. Thousands of people who loved swordsmanship...

In Japan it is loved as a meditation, because a swordsman cannot for a moment waver in his mind.

If he wavers he is gone. He has to remain in the no-mind, so no thought can waver, and he has to act out of no-mind. It is allowing existence to act through him.

It is a beautiful exercise of meditation.

Japan has turned strange things into meditation: swordsmanship - so unbelievable; archery - so unbelievable. Who had ever thought that swordsmanship and archery could become meditations?

But in Japan that transformation has taken place.

Those three swordsmen were all great. They had come from different parts, winning all along. The king released a fly for the first swordsman; he cut the fly into two pieces. There was great clapping and shouting. People could see a flying insect, and the man cut it in the air in two.

The second man... and a second fly was released, and he cut the second fly in three parts, just in the air. People could not believe their eyes.

Then the third - and they were waiting: "Now what can happen?" The third fly was released and the third swordsman waved his sword, and people started laughing because the fly went away, nothing was cut.

The swordsman said, "Shut up! You don't know anything about swordsmanship. This fly will not have any children anymore!"

He was the winner. He cut the very cycle of birth and death. He liberated the fly.



It is so subtle.

Chokoman is talking about the inner sword, which cuts all the strings with the body, with the mind, and leaves you in absolute silence, just a witness. You cannot touch that sword.

But the monk persisted. Then he asked, "HOW ABOUT ONE WHO USES IT? I may not be able to touch it, but how about one who uses it?"


One who uses it, the sword of witnessing, the sword of meditation, his body, his mind, everything that he used to think he is, is thrown away into dust. What remains behind is a pure mirrorlike witnessing.


He goes on misunderstanding and misunderstanding. "If that sword destroys the body and the bones and the mind and everything, then it is better not to be able to touch it" - AT WHICH CHOKOMAN STRUCK HIM.

It was enough.

But these idiots are all around the world. Their thick heads are such that you go on hitting them and it will not reach to their consciousness.

Nothing happened to that man. Ordinarily in Zen anecdotes, when the master hits, the person becomes enlightened. Here, the person goes to the city it seems, becomes a gentleman: "Have a wife and children, and turn over the cycle of birth and death" - called in Jainism, yoni.

Basho wrote:


Basho is the greatest haiku writer. His haikus have never been surpassed by anyone else.

WHEN A THING IS SAID - his meaning is, when somebody says something out of an authentic experience, when something comes from the silences of your innermost being, THE LIPS BECOME VERY COLD, because you are coming from such a cool place, like the Himalayas.

In your very innermost being everything is cool, so that when some word comes out of the lips, THE LIPS BECOME VERY COLD LIKE THE AUTUMN WIND.

You speak from the mind, you simply repeat what has been conditioned into you. You are not even as intelligent as parrots.

I have heard....

A woman had a beautiful parrot, but he died. She was very desperate and in despair. Her neighbors said, "There is not much to be worried about. Just go to a pet shop and get another parrot, even better than you had before."

So she went, and she loved one parrot, the beauty of it - Suriswarji would have called it Bhagwan.

But the shopkeeper insisted, "Madam, you can choose any - we have hundreds of parrots - but leave that one alone."

The more he insisted, the more the woman said, "Whatever is the price is not the question. I have decided, I will take this parrot."

The shopkeeper said, "If you insist, I will give it to you. It is not a question of the price; it is a question that this parrot has lived in a very ugly place. He comes from the house of a prostitute, so he uses four-letter words" - like Bhagwan!

The woman said, "I will manage, I will teach him. I have no other work. My husband died, and just to replace my husband I took a parrot, because my husband was doing nothing else than what a parrot is capable of doing - and more nicely. I will manage, don't you be worried."

So she took the parrot, and she started teaching him. But the parrot was impossible. She would teach him the Christian, authorized prayer, and he would say, "Fuck it all!" The woman was at a loss what to do with this parrot.

And then came Sunday, and the bishop came for the round. It was early morning, the woman had just got up, and she saw this bishop's car coming towards her home. She had removed the blanket from the parrot's cage, because it was cold winter, but seeing the bishop coming, she again covered the parrot's cage, because nobody knows what this fellow will say. Before the bishop it would be very embarrassing.

As the bishop entered, the parrot inside the cage, hidden behind the blanket, said, "Aha! Today has been very short!" Every day, in the morning the blanket was removed, in the evening the cage was covered again. He said, "Today has been very short. I have never seen such a short day."

The bishop said, "What is the matter? Why have you covered the poor parrot?"

Now the woman was at a loss what to do. She said, "I feel embarrassed, but I have to tell you: he uses four-letter words."

The bishop said, "Don't be worried. I have a parrot myself, who is a very religious and saintly person.

The whole day he goes on counting on the beads, praying to God. You give your parrot for a few days to me, and I will put it in the cage of my parrot. He is so saintly a person that he will teach your parrot to be virtuous, to be Catholic."

And what transpired when the new parrot went in? The other parrot looked into its eyes, and dropped the beads. The bishop could not believe it; he said, "Why have you dropped the beads?"

The parrot said, "My prayer is fulfilled! I was asking for a girlfriend. She has come!"

Question 1:

Maneesha has asked:



Maneesha, it is not a question of guts. Guts don't argue. Millions of people have guts. It needs genius, and guts have nothing to do with genius. It needs tremendous intelligence.

And my arguments are not arising out of intelligence either. My arguments are arising out of my clarity of no-mind. Unless somebody has no-mind, he cannot challenge me. And a man who has no-mind will understand me immediately without any argument. So it is a very complicated matter.

Let us go to simple matters: Sardar Gurudayal Singh time.

Kowalski goes to San Francisco for the first time in his life, and is very excited about seeing the city lights... city sights.

He checks into the famous Daffy Duck Hotel, and before he retires to bed, he asks the clerk what time the meals are served.

"Well, sir," replies Reginald, the clerk, "we serve breakfast from six to eleven, lunch from eleven to three, and dinner from three to eight."

"My God!" exclaims Kowalski. "When the hell am I going to see the sights?"

Grandpa Giggle is really worried about his health, and is waiting nervously in the hallway at Hamchop Hospital while a team of eminent physicians gathers together to consult about his case.

All the doctors retire to another room to discuss the old man's condition, but Grandpa has hidden his nephew, Little Albert, in a closet in the room to listen. Then Albert is supposed to report to him what the truth of the situation is.

After a few minutes, Albert escapes and runs back to the old man.

"Quick, Albert," asks Grandpa in a shaky voice, "what did those doctors say?"

"I cannot say for sure," reports Little Albert. "I listened hard, but they used such big words, I can't remember much of it. But I do remember one thing."

"Tell me!" cries Grandpa. "What is it?"

"Well," says Albert, "they said, 'We will find out everything at the autopsy!'"

One day at the Pearly Gates, Saint Peter opens the door and greets three new arrivals: Mrs. Baloney, a devout Catholic woman, Mrs. Baker, a good Protestant woman, and Mama Faginbaum, a Jewish woman.

"Okay," says Peter, welcoming the girls, "now that you have entered into heaven, this is the place where all your dreams come true. So each of you can tell me your special wish."

"My wish," says Mrs. Baloney, the Catholic, eyeing Mrs. Baker, "is that you get rid of all the Protestants in the whole universe!"

"My goodness!" exclaims Peter, "that is an odd thing to say here in heaven. What about you, Mrs.


"My wish," cries Mrs. Baker, the Protestant, glaring at Mrs. Baloney, "is that you wipe out all Catholics from the universe!"

"Good God!" shouts Saint Peter. "That is really strange." Then turning to Mrs. Faginbaum, Peter asks, "Okay, Grandma, and what about you?"

"Oy vey!" says Grandma Faginbaum, waving her hands in the air. "What about me? Ah! Nothing for me - just give my friends what they want!"


(drumbeat) (gibberish) Nivedano...

(drumbeat) Be silent.

Close your eyes, and feel your body to be completely frozen.

This is the right moment to enter into your inner being.

Gather all your consciousness, all your life energy, with an urgency as if this is going to be the last moment of your life.

Then rush towards the center of your being, which is the only shelter against mortality, which is the only shelter in the whole existence, the only security.

As you come closer to your inner being, you will start feeling a cool breeze, a great silence descending on you, a new fragrance that you have never known before.

As you settle in your center, a tremendous ecstasy takes over you. You are drunk with the divine.

You have found your innermost hidden treasure, the buddha, the awakened one.

The awakened one has only one quality, and that quality is witnessing. Just witness: your body is not you, your mind is not you. All other experiences, howsoever beautiful, are not you. You are only the witness. As the witnessing deepens, you start melting - ice melting in the oceanic consciousness of the universe.


(drumbeat) Relax, but keep witnessing.

This moment, you are the most blessed souls on the earth.

I can see the ice melting....

I can see the Buddha Auditorium becoming a vast ocean of consciousness without a single ripple.

This beautitude is you.

This blissfulness is you.

This eternity is you.

You have been always here. You will be always here, whether in the body or out of the body, but your existence is eternal.

I teach eternity, and only when you experience eternity do you know what freedom is. Then you disappear in the blue sky of the cosmos.

Disappearing in the cosmos is not annihilation; it is becoming one with the whole. And to become one with the whole is the only holiness. All else is just fraud.

Collect as many flowers, as much juice... You are at the very roots of your being. Fill yourself with all the fragrances, with all the silences, with the truth, with the beauty, with the good. And persuade the buddha to come along with you.

Until the buddha becomes your day-to-day life, you are only a bodhisattva - bodhisattva means buddha in the seed - but I want you to be buddha in the blossoming of a lotus.

Seeds you have been for many many lives. It is time to become a flower. I come to you as a spring.


(drumbeat) Come back. But come back totally transformed, with a grace that has not been with you before, with a silence, with a peace.

Sit down for a few moments just to recollect the golden path that you have traveled to the very center of your being.

Watch, witness that every day, inch by inch, the distinction, the distance between the circumference of your life and the center is becoming less and less and less. And the day is not far away when suddenly your circumference will melt into the center. That moment is the moment of enlightenment.

That moment, the buddha is come to his ultimate flowering.

I don't want you to be Buddhists, I want you to be buddhas! Less than that is not for those who have intelligence, is not for those who are authentic seekers of truth.

Okay, Maneesha?

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The purpose of this article is not to analyse a literary hypothesis
but to solve definitely and for all time, a mystery that is causing
destruction to all the peoples of the world.

Is there a single country that has escaped the depression which has
thrown its sinister shadow on our life since 1929? The statesmen are
seemingly powerless and seek in vain for means to avert the fall of the
nations of the world, into the pit of bolshevism. Our entire Christian
civilization is in danger of going down in smoke and chaos.

How can we check that moral cancer that devours slowly all that is
beautiful and noble in every nation?

How can we save our spiritual inheritance, which is many times more
valuable than all material wealth?

No cure is possible as long as we do not understand the cause of our
ailment; a correct diagnosis must precede the application of the
medicine in order to relieve the sickness which we all observe around
us, but do not comprehend. [AMEN! -BeWISE]

First of all, it should be clearly realized that the crisis in whose
deadly grip we are now overtaken, is not incidental but was carefully
prepared by a gang of powerful criminals. No recovery is possible until
the tools of destruction are taken away from these nefarious poison
mixers of the universe.

Adolph Hitler realized this. A howl of rage from all corners of the
world was the answer to his quick action - but he tore the burning fuse
from the bomb set to explode in the summer of 1933.

And but for this quick action, Germany today would be suffering the
tragic lot of Russia.

This article must not be considered as the product of "religious
intolerance of the middle ages," nor as an attempt to stir up pogroms
and persecution, as the greater part of the world press, would like to
bave you believe, in order to mislead public opinion at the behest of

No, we certainly do not recommend anything that can appear so gruesome
and unjust. All that we demand, is the elimination in all countries, of
those persons in key positions, who do not merit confidence. Such an
unavoidable housecleaning was performed in Germany, to the relief of the
population, after its long period of suffering.

From now on, the truth cannot be concealed. Facts carefully hidden by
obscure conspirators are now common knowledge among sixty million people.

Conscienceless criminals have decided to destroy the existing order of
the whole world and to impose upon it the rule of a Satanical Messiah.

The yeast is fermenting. In many countries there are men who perceive
the impending danger and work in the direction of uniting forces for he
struggle against the common enemy. There will be no obstacles in the way
of creating friendly relations among Christian Gentile nations as soon
as traitors, who cause continuous friction, are eliminated.

The truth will come out into the daylight and all who will struggle
against it, will be ground down, and this is the truth which must be
loudly proclaimed. The depression was deliberately planned for a certain
hour and had been directed carefully and groomed, through decades by
criminals obsessed with the lust for power, murder and greed.

The actual program was drawn up about 40 years ago and was first
revealed in print, in a small pamphlet known as "The Secrets of the
Learned Elders of Zion."

The first two editions of this remarkable book were published in 1901
and 1905. They quickly disappeared from circulation and attracted little
or no attention. One copy nevertheless reached the British Museum in
1906 and was catalogued under the number 3926 D. 17.


The London "Times" stated on August 17, 1921:

/ "These documents attracted only a little attention before the
Revolution of 1917. The astounding breakdown of a great state due to
attack by Bolshiviks and the presence of countless Jews among them, had
the result that many people were looking for - reasonable explanations
of the catastrophe. The "Protocols" furnished this explanation,
especially as the tactics of the Bolsheviks at many points, were
identical with the recommendations of the "Protocols."/

The "Protocols" were published in many countries although powerful
efforts were made to prevent their publication.

One edition dated 1917 (in German) bears the title "The
Jewish-Danger;" it attracted much attention. Public opinion became
excited through the sudden revelation of this hellish conspiracy for the
destruction of the Christian Civilization.


The "Morning Post" of London devoted several columns to this subject.
A sensational article appeared in the "Times" of May 8, 1921, from which
the following quotation was taken:

/ "What do they mean, those "Protocols?" Are they Genuine? Has a gang
of criminals really drawn up such plans and is triumphing over their
fulfilment? Are they a forgery? But how can one explain then this
terrible prophetic gift that foretold all this before hand? Did we fight
all these years to destroy the world power of Germany only to find
ourselves now facing a much more dangerous enemy? Have we saved
ourselves through enormous efforts from PAX GERMANICA only to fall a
victim to PAX JUDAICA?"/


The "TIMES" concludes this article with the following significant

"If the "Protocols" were written by the Learned Elders of Zion
then everything that was attempted and done against the Jews, is
justified, necessary and urgent"

Some weighty words!

Is there any wonder then that the powerful influences against which
this terrible indictment is directed, made all possible efforts to bring
this document into discredit?

Clever steps were undertaken to prove that the "Protocols" were
forgeries. The Jews have again and again disputed their authenticity.
There is still pending in the Courts of Berne, Switzerland, in which a
publisher is accused of defamation for his allegations as to the
genuineness of the "Protocols." The Jewish plaintiffs demand the Court
brand the document a forgery and thereby prohibit its circulation by the



On the 16th, 17th and 18th of August 1921 the London "Times" published
a series of articles in which it asserts that the "PROTOCOLS" are only a
clumsy fraud produced by a conscienceless plagiarist who paraphrased a
book published in Brussels in 1865. That book called "DIALOGUES IN HELL"
is reported to be written by a "Frenchman" named Maurice Joly.

The "Times" published several passages from both books in parallel
columns thus proving beyond any doubt the spiritual kinship between
them. The forgery version seemed to be well established.

The "Times" emphasized carefully its standing in regard to the Jewish
press as being absolutely non-partisan and pretended to have exposed
this "remarkable forgery" for the sake of the truth only, as it was very
important that this "LEGEND" of the "PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF
ZION" shall disappear as soon as possible and for ever.

Indeed so, since the matter in question is of tremendous importance!
The last of these articles terminated with the following words:

"The fact that we have to do with a plagiarism, only, is definitely
established. Let the "Legend" now become a matter of the past."

But this pious wish failed to materialize. There are many
circumstances that make it impossible to accept the assertion of the
"Times" as a final decision. Something is rotten in Denmark . . . And if
we investigate we make some interesting discoveries.

We are far from doubting the "non-partisanship" of the "Times," but
the "NATIONAL TIDSCRIFT" of Oslo, Norway, in its July issue 1922,
reports that a certain JEWISH banker acquired the control of the "Times"
at the time when the last mentioned series of articles appeared. This
statement to our knowledge was never refuted.

The "Times" explains that the "Forgery" was discovered "accidentally."
If true then it was a very lucky "ACCIDENT," considering the great
importance of the question involved.

According to the "Times" a "correspondent" in Constantinople became
acquainted, by mere luck, with a certain Russian. (Wishing to remain
incognito, he was referred to as "Mr. X,") This mysterious stranger
handed the correspondent of the "Times" the particular booklet by Joly
which made it possible to discover the "Forgery."

The whole story seems to be somewhat dark and romantic. In fact anyone
may become a correspondent of a newspaper by simply writing a letter. No
evidence was produced that this correspondent ever was in Constantinople
and met a Russian there. The identity of "Mr. X." was never revealed.

Why so much mystery about it? If a "very important matter" is at
stake, wouldn't it be simpler to produce those two star witnesses? The
names of the two gentlemen rightly deserve to be the possession of
posterity, especially in consideration of the tremendous service
rendered to Israel.

Thanks to those two gentlemen, public opinion was cleverly focused
away from the "PROTOCOLS", Such valuable service should not remain

The "Correspondent" hinted that the "Forgery" was concocted with the
purpose of influencing the conservative Russian Court against the Jews
bv rendering to the imaginary "Jewish Peril," the aspect of reality. But
no evidence what-so-ever was produced in this respect.

How did the long since forgotten Joly book find it's way to Russia?
That problem was never solved. Several untenable theories were advanced.
The mind of the reader was switched at lightning speed from
Constantinople to St. Petersburg and from Corsica to London. . . . so
that the brave British "Goyim" became dizzy and unable to keep in step,
remaining far back in ignorance. The game was won!

The "Times" proclaimed triumphantly that "indisputable evidence" was

Is that so? How wonderful. . .

Now, if this watered "evidence" is properly scrutinized and subjected
to distilation the only solid substance that is left is the fact that
one of the books represents an overwriting and further development of
the other one.

Under these circumstances can the ugly word "Forgery" be applied?

A further development and widening of a certain text can not be
classified as "Forgery," otherwise every preacher who quotes a passage
from the Bible without mentioning the verse and chapter would also be
considered as a forger and plagiarist.

Such a conclusion is simply ridiculous when we consider that the Holy
Scriptures contain many parallel passages.

We respectfully invite the attention of the Honorable Elders of Zion
to the following passages of the Holy Scripture: II. Kings 18,14 (also
preceding verses) as compared to Isaiah 36. The text is nearly
identical. Also I. Moses 36,31 (and preceding verses) as compared with
word to word reproduction in I. Chron. 1,43.

Suppose that the above passages were printed in parallel columns (as
was the case with the "Protocols" and the book of Joly) the result would
be just as convincing that one of the Scriptures is a paraphrase of the

Would this justify the statement that a clumsy fraud was concocted and
that one of the Scriptures was a forgery?

It is evident that since Moses is the author of I. Book of Moses and
the book I. Chron. is attributed to Ezra and Nehemiah and since certain
places of the last book indicate that it was written after the Captivity
of Babylon or about 860 years after the death of Moses, that in line
with the logic of the "Times," Ezra and Nehemiah, are also "Plagiarists"
if the uniformity of the text is to be considered a "Forgery."

Those who with us believe that the Holy Scriptures were inspired by
God, who can commit no mistakes, will welcome this uniformity as proof
of the Almighty's wisdom. This uniformity has a certain purpose - it
shall furnish in the "Last Days" the all smashing argument against the
hords of Anti-Christ. [AMEN! -BeWISE]

It is as clear as daylight that no plagiarism was committed whether
from the Holy or Satanical writers. They were using in their writings
material with which they were familiar beforehand.

shall the Rabbis continue to insist on a "forgery" then also their own
Prophets shall be accused as they committed the same "crime."

Now let us continue our investigation. The path we are following is
getting warmer - we step on dangerous soil! Let us find out who is the
gentleman identified as Maurice Joly; the mysterious correspondent (from
Constantinople) "incidentally" paid no attention to his identity.

Who was this "Frenchman," the author of the "Dialogues in Hell?" This
problem is solved by Gottfried zur Beck in his preface to the German
edition of the "Protocols." In which we find that Maurice Joly,
according to the record, in his infancy was circumcised as Moses Joel!

How strange!

Israel is doing its utmost to prove that the "Protocols" were written
with the purpose of bringing the jews into contempt - and now there is
evidence that this satanical plan as outlined in both of these books has
the same Jewish heart and the same jewish mind as a source of origin.



The highly remarkable book "Waters Flowing Eastward" by L. Fry
contains much valuable information regarding Maurice Joly (Moses Joel).
In the "Memoirs of Rene Mareuil," (one of the members of the Ministerial
Cabinet of Polignac of France) is stated that Maurice Joly was born in
1831 and was employed in 1848 in the ministry at Chebreau as a minor
employee. The young man was strongly influenced by Adolph Israel
Cremieux (the founder of the Alliance Israelite Universelle.) Later he
became a communist and was jailed for two years. In 1878 he committed
suicide and at his burial the Jew Gambetta (former prime minister of
France) delivered a post-mortem speech.

It should be remembered that Gambetta played a certain part in the
French commune, that Bolshevik reign of terror that existed in France
from March 18th to May 29th, 1871, during which time Paris was robbed
and ruined. Nevertheless, by a most remarkable "coincidence none of the
145 houses owned by Alphonse Rothschild were damaged.

What are the conclusions that can be drawn from the foregoing
information? They are:

1. The Jewish author that furnished the inspiration for the
"Protocols" did not confine himself to nefarious theories; he did not
hesitate to apply them practically in criminal actions.

2. The "Protocols" have nothing whatsoever to do with the Russian
Secret police, as the "Corrrespondent" of the "Times" infers.

3. The "Dialogues" are not a creation of an anti-semite, but on the
contrary they represent the Quintessence of Jewish Idealism.

4. The satanical development of ideas of this book is extracted from a
still older work, thus proving Joly to be a plagiarist himself.

"The Dialogues Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" is the title of
this older book, published by Franz Duncker at Berlin in 1850. The
author of this book was the Jew Jacob Venedey. He was born in 1805 in
Cologne, Germany; expelled from Germany he settled in Paris in 1835...
Prosecuted by the police for his subversive activities, he was protected
and defended (as was the case with Joly) by Cremieux. Venedey was an
intimate friend of Karl Marx (alias Jew Mordechai).

With Marx's assistance he organized in 1847 "The Communist Workers
League. In 1843 he visited England and organized another secret society
having as a purpose the promotion of Israel's World Domination.

Thus it is definitely proved that both books that served as a
foundation for the "Protocols," were written by Jews, both of whom were
friend of the founder of the "Alliance Israelite Universelle," ADOLPH

Under these circumstances it can not be doubted that all three books
are the product of Jewish thought.

Anyone who will study carefully these books should be very much
surprised to hear the Jews whining about Jews being innocently
persecuted and forced to defend themselves against "Lies & Defamation."
There can be no talk about "Forgery" whatsoever, as we have to do only
with slightly different versions of "ideas" coming from the same
powerful political and economical circle of influence.

The secret society that was organized by Karl Marx and Venedey was in
fact only an outgrowth of an older Jewish organization known as "The
Jewish League for Culture and Education," which already existed in 1819.
The program for this league was taken over by A. Cremieux and further

One easily understands the "Aims" of this "leaque" if he reads
carefully the letter written by the Jew Baruch Levy to Karl Marx. Here
is what he writes:

"The Jewish people taken collectively will be its own Messiah. His
reign over the Universe will be obtained by the unification of the human
races and through the elimination of frontiers. A Universal Republic
will come into being in which the Sons of Israel will become the
directing element. We know how to dominate the Masses. The governments
of all nations will gradually fall, THROUGH VICTORY OF THE PROLETARIAT,
INTO THE HANDS OF JUDAH. All private property will become the possession
of the PRINCES OF lSRAEL - they will own the wealth of all lands. Thus
will be realized the promise of the TALMUD that when the time of the
Messiah comes the Jews will hold under their keys the property of all
the peoples of the world."

The spiritual relation between this letter and the "Protocols" is
exactly the same as between an acorn and an oak.

This dreadful plan is transmitted into action in our midst every day.

The "Pan-Europa" a periodical of Count Coudenhove-Calergi proclaimed
that the Aristocracy of the future will be Jewish. (In the "New York
Times" of April 14, 1933, Samuel Untermyer made a statement to the same
effect, claiming that the Jew is the Aristocrat of the world. -Editor.)

The character and behavior of this new "Aristocracy" is substantially
different from the old. The names of Bela Kun (Cohen), Kurt Eisner as
well as the Jew-Soviet "Nobility" will be written for all time in world
history in letters of blood.

An interesting article appeared in the newspaper "Die Front" published
in Zurich, Switzerland on January 3, 1934, which reported that a group
of Jews, more powerful and more influential than the Zionists, has
organized a "Cultural Movement" on a world-wide scale with the purpose
of putting every country under Jewish domination.

Always the same leading idea - not the slightest variation in the

The French magazine "Libre Parole" in its issue of November 1933, page
27, and earlier "La Vielle France" issue of March 10, 1921, published a
remarkable speech of Rabbi Reichhorn delivered in Prague in 1869 over
the tomb of the Grand Rabbi Simeon-ben-Ihuda; he said in part:

"For centuries the Sons of Israel have been despised and persecuted,
but they have fought bravely to prepare the way for victory. Now they
are approaching their aim. They already dominate the economic life of
the damned Christians; their influence is just as great in politics and
in moral fields. At the wished for hour, fixed in advance, we shall let
loose the Revolution, which by ruining all classes of Christians will
definitely enslave Christendom to us. Thus will be accomplished the
promise of God made to his people."

This promise is already accomplished in Russia. What country will be
next to experience the same tragic fate? [WOW! -TRY A HOST OF OTHERS

In a recent issue of the Jewish publication "Freurid von Israel" the
editor deplores the fact that the modern Jewish youth seems to have
disrespect towards God and his laws. He says, "the Godless Jew seems now
to be the master of all Jewish powers. Israel runs the danger of
becoming a Satanical race."

A remarkable acknowledgement! This utterance is not made by an
anti-semite but by a leader of a Jewish mission!

The danger is, in fact, grave. Israel has ceased, to believe in
Jehovah and is worshipping the Golden Calf only.



A Jewish Weekly 'Judische Pressezentrale," published in Zurich,
Switzerland, claims in its issue of December 1 5, 1933, that the
"Protocols" were fabricated by the Russian secret police in 1905 shortly
after the Japanese war.

It is unwise to defend a cause by simply insisting on something, that
could easily be proved false. How is it possible that a document, which
existed 20 years previously, in three languages, could be concocted in
19O5 - a document with which several persons were already familiar?

That Jewish assertion is simply ridiculous.

It has been convincingly proved that the "Protocols" were written
first in Hebrew, then in French and last in Russian.

The "Protocols" represent a strategical plan, an assembly of
authenticated documents, which were kept secret for a long time. That
new edition, which attracted so much attention throughout the whole
world was compiled and edited by the KAHAL, the secret Jewish Government.

L. Fry says that the actual editorial work was done by ASHER GINZBERG,
also known as ACHAD-HA-AM. This important person (also used to be known
locally in Odessa as "King of the Jews" -Editor) was one of the four
Jews who forced Balfour to make known the declaration of November 2,
1917., through which the Jews obtained a "National Home" in Palestine.
Herewith they achieved one of the "Aims" contained in the "Protocols."

This evidence is of paramount value!

ASHER GINZBERG was born in the township of Skvira, Government of
Kieff, Russia in 1856, the son of a Jewish tax collector. He received an
excellent Talmudic eduction. Early in life he became prominent in Jewish
literature for his articles, which he signed Ahad-ha-Am.

GINZBERG settled in Odessa, Russia in 1886, residing in Yamskaya
Street. In 1889 he organized a secret society known as "B'nai Moshe"
(Sons of Moses). The meetings of this secret society were held in his
house. Among the first members were: Ben Avigdor, Zalman Epstein, Louis
Epstein and Jacob Eisenstaat.

It is through persons who lived in Odessa at that time that
information was obtained that a manuscript of the "Protocols" in the
Jewish language was circulated among the Jews.

The Jew BERNSTEIN, publisher of the "FREE PRESS" of Detroit, Michigan,
admitted in the presence of William Cameron secretary to Henry Ford,

Now let us follow up the destiny of the French translation. One copy
of the 'Protocols" was kept in the Masonic Lodge of "Miz. raim." One
member of this lodge, the Jew Joseph Schorst - alias Shapiro - became a
traitor to his race and sold the document for 2,500 francs to Miss
Justina Glinka daughter of a Russian General. This lady who was employed
by the Russian foreign intelligence service, sent the French copy
together with the Russian translation to General Orgensky in. St.
Petersburg, with the request to pass it on to her superior General
Cherevin, who was the Minister of the Interior and whose duty it was to
take action accordingly.

But, as regretful as it may appear now, Gen. Cherevin was deeply
entangled financially with rich and powerful Jews and did not dare to
fulfill such a dangerous mission. He pigeonholed the document in his
archives, where it was found after his death in 1896.

The Jew Schorst was obliged to flee for his life, but was murdered in

In the meantime invisible enemies were persecuting Miss Glinka. She
was framed and fell into disfavor with the Tsars Court and was finally
exiled to her estate in the Government of Orel.

There she met the Governor General of this district, ALEXIS SUKHOTIN
and handed him a copy of the Protocols, pointing out that SYPIAGUIN
(another Minister of the Interior) had been murdered for attempting to
check the Jewish Revolutionary activities.

Sukhotin showed the document to two friends, STEPANOFF & NILUS.

The former circulated it privately in 1897; the second Professor
Sergius Nilus, published it in 1901.

This information is mostly drawn from L. Fry's work: "Waters Flowing
Eastward." It is corroborated by a statement made by Philip Stepanov,
Chamberlain, Privy Councillor and former Procurator of the Holy Synod at
Moscow; it is witnessed by Prince DIMITRI GALITZlN.

This evidential document, delivered on April 1 7th 1927, has been
photographically reproduced, and the writer of these pages owns a copy
of it. Stepanov states he received the M. S. of the Protocols in 1895
from Major Sukhotin. He had them printed privately and gave a copy to A.
T. KELEPOVSKY, chief of Grand Duke Sergius' household. After reading
them, the Grand Duke sighed and murmured; "TOO LATE!" He was
assassinated shortly afterward.

It has been often asserted that the "Protocols," which are a strategic
plan for the conquest of the world and domination by Israel were read at
the First Zionist Congress in 1897 at Basle, Switzerland. The Jews
always deny it most vigorously and use as an argument the fact that the
official record of the Congress makes no mention of it. That sort of
argument has no value at all, when one takes into consideration that the
furious differences between Ginzberg and Herzl were also not mentioned
in the record. The officially published record is incomplete and does
not possess any convincing power in that respect.

Only a few participants at that Congress are still alive; one of them
Marcus Ehrenpriss the chief Rabbi of Stockholm, Sweden, explained in the
"Judisk Tidskrift" no. 6, 1926, that the triumph of Israel was
prophetically foreseen by Hertzl 20 years ahead.

Thirty million Christians were sacrificed in the World War - but the
Jewish aims were achieved. Russia was destroyed; the "Peace came without
Victory;" all sides were impoverished - and Palestine was handed to the
Jews! (The next war which is now in preparation shall lead to the
complete downfall of the Goyim.)

The secret-record of the Zionist Congress in Basle was secured by the
Russian Government through the efforts of secret service man
Ratchkovsky, who bought it from two Jews Eno Asev and Rabbi From. The
latter sought later security in a monastery in Jugoslavia, where he died
in 1925.

When the secret record of the Basle Congress was examined by the
Russian police it was discovered to their great surprise that the
acquired documents were identical with the "Protocols.

Ratchkovsky died suddenly under' "mysterious circumstances," shortly
after making an important report to the Chief of Gendarmes, General
Kourloff. Kourloff was convinced that Ratchkovsky was murdered.

Professor Nilus was subjected to inhuman tortures by the Cheka and
died in 1929.

All these circumstances form a chain of steel links, each of which can
be checked up. The witnesses introduced are not unknown adventurers, but
are educated and trustworthy persons of high social rank.

We really feel obliged to ask the "Judische Pressezentrale" to
explain; how was it possible for all those persons to read, translate
and circulate documents ten, fifteen and twenty years before they were

The Jews pretend that the "Protocols" were concocted by two members of
the secret police of Russia. Suppose, but the whole prophetical program
has since turned into reality!!!

How was it possible for two minor police officials to alter completely
the face of the whole world, to overthrow thrones and to destroy
empires? How did they succeed in accumulating all the gold of the world
in their hands, to ruin entire nations and to muzzle the press? ? ?


The very essence of the Jewish Danger is hidden in that one word. No
other artifice yields so much profit as the art of "camouflage."

The "Goyim" are so pathetically gullible in that respect - a new name
is sufficient to make a gentleman out of a criminal.

Camouflage is a very recent invention. If Nero could have thought of
this brilliant idea and had changed his name to Socrates his reputation
would doubtless have been as clean and spotless as that of Mr.

When that "famous" diplomat was pompously received first by the Prime
Minister of Great Britian and later by President Roosevelt all
"delicate" subjects were carefully avoided.

Twenty-five years ago that "Guest of honor" was arrested at the Gare
du Nord in Paris by police inspector Guichard for circulating stolen
bank notes. Those bank notes were obtained during an armed robbery in
Tiflis; bombs were exploded and terrific fire from automatic pistols
catised the death of fifty persons. The robbers obtained one million

If Mr. MacDonald and Mr. Roosevelt care to have a suitable souvenir of
their guest, all they have to do is to ask the Paris police for his

There are, no doubt, in England and America, some old fashioned people
who are shocked by such "visitors" and deeply ashamed of such

A powerful movement to the contrary is developing in this country, but
is perceptible only by the most keen observers; it grows daily and is
bound to assume tremendous proportions soon.

The Jews have spotted it already - their fine sense of observation
tells them that something has changed.

Recently Rabbi Shulman of Chicago speaking before a large audience
expressed himseif as follows:

"The Jews become anxious on account of a precedent set up by Hitler,
which might also be followed by other countries. The Jews are being
accused of having caused the depression. They are afraid of their lives
as nobody can tell whether or not some day the great extermination of
the Jews will break out."

That is just the great danger! It is written: An eye for an eye and a
tooth for a tooth (2nd. Moses 21, 24) and "They have sown the wind and
will reap the storm." (Hosea 8, 7.)

Those prophetic words should be remembered by all true Christians with
anxiety. We want Justice which does not exclude Mercy, but no vengeance
and no physical violence.

The problem today is: how to save the Aryan peoples from the claws of
the Jews.

Tomorrow another complicated problem arises: how to save the Jews from
the vengeance of the Gentiles?


Now that we have produced ample evidence on the authenticity of the
"Protocols" - we will give for the benefit of the reader, a short
synopsis of the gigantic strategical plan. The persons who are not as
yet awake to the great conspiracy for the destruction of Christian
Civilization should study it carefully and realize the great danger

They should examine minutely the "bait" that is laid out for them and
let us hope they will have enough common sense not to swallow it. One
can never be sure of it anyway as many prefer to continue to sleep
quietly instead of straining their brains. "Kismet!" There is no God's
law for the saving of the imbecile.


Here is the plan invented by the "Learned Elders of Zion," the master
program laid down in the "Protocols."


1. Seduce and demoralize the youth with false doctrines.

2. Destroy the family life.

3. Dominate humanity by Preying upon their lower instincts and vices.

4. Debase and vulgarize Art, and introduce filth in Literature.

5. Destroy respect for religions; undermine the reputation of
the clergy through scandalous stories and back up the so called
"Higher Criticism" so that the old fundamental faith is shattered
and quarrels and controversies become permanent in the churches.

6. Introduce the habit for luxuries, crazy fashions and
spendthrift ideas so that the ality for enjoying clean and plain
pleasures is lost.

7. Divert the attention of the people by public amusements,
sports, games, prize contests, etc., so that there is no time for

8. Confuse and bewilder the minds of the people by false
theories and shatter the nerves and health by continuously
introducing new poisons. (Alcohol, Nicotine, Drugs, Demineralized
foods, etc. -Editor.) 9. Instigate class hatred and class war
among the different classes of people.

10. Dispossess the old Aristocracy, which still keeps up high
traditions by excessive taxes and replace it with the "Knights of
the Golden Calf."

11. Poison the relations between the employees and employers
through strikes and lockouts so as to ruin the possibility of
productive co-operation.

12. Demoralize by all means the higher classes of society and by
adverse publicity raise the hate of the people toward them.

13. Use industry to ruin agriculture and then in its turn
destroy industry by wild speculation.

14. Spread all possible utopian theories so as to bring the
people into a labyrinth of impractical ideas.

15. Raise the rate of wages, which however will not bring any
advantage to the workers for at the same time we shall produce a
rise in the price of the first necessities of life.

16. Cause diplomatic friction and misunderstanding between
States which will increase international suspicions and hate
thereby greatly augmenting armaments.

17. Introduce in all states, general suffrage so that the
destiny of nations depend upon ignorant people.

18. Overthrow all monarchies and substitute republics for them;
in so far as possible fill important state offices with persons
who are involved in some unlawful affair and who will, from fear
of being exposed, remain our obedient servants.

19. Gradually amend all constitutions so as to prepare the
soil for absolute despotism and Bolshevism.

20. Establish huge monopolies upon which even the great fortunes
of the Gentiles will depend to such an extent that they will be
swallowed up at the "hour" when the industrial crisis will start.

21. Destroy all financial stability; increase economic
depressions to the extent of bringing a general world bankruptcy;
stop the wheels of industry; make bonds, stocks and paper money
worthless; accumulate all the gold of the world in the hands of a
certain few people thus withdrawing tremendous capital from
circulation; at a given hour close all the exchanges, withdraw all
credits and cause general panic.

22. Prepare the death struggle of the nations; wear out humanity
through suffering, fear and shortage of food - hunger creates

That is the program!


The chief element necessary for the success of this plan is "Secrecy."
Therefore the invisible enemy has taken special precautions for keeping
humanity in ignorance of their systematic efforts in preparing THE

Indeed everything was foreseen in that program and nothing disregarded.

Was the "Times" justified or not in saying:

"If the "Protocols" were really written by the Learned Elders of Zion,
then everything that was attempted and done aganst tbe Jews, is
justified, necessary and urgent".



The "Hidden Hand" is exposed; its game is lost as it can act only in
the darkness. Will Judah admit its defeat or will it continue to fight?
The proud dream of World Domination has faded out as the main condition
of success consisted in taking the world by surprise. The Russian Giant
was asleep as well as deeply wounded, but Germany which happened to be
very much awake to the danger, sounded the alarm which keeps ringing in
all corners of the world.

It is not between "Berlin" or "Moscow" that humanity has to choose
today but betwecn CHRIST and ANTI-CHRIST. There can only be two camps;
the one of the "God-fearing" and the other of the "Godless." In these
two camps there is plenty of room for all races and nations.

The good ones in any nation should fight and suppress the wicked ones.

How can it be achieved?

With possibly a single exception there will be hardly a newspaper in
the world which will have the courage to print this message.

But still and all the whole power of Judah is not sufficient to
prevent this message from spreading like an electric spark from pole to
pole. All over the world a new generation is arising which did not bend
its knee before the "Golden Calf." This generation will clean out the
"Angean Stables" - from the governments by all nations it will drive out
the jittering political old men with evil smelling pockets.

The stolen billions shall be again distributed for the welfare of the
suffering people. Friendly cooperation shall replace fruitless rivalry.

A "National Home" for the Jews shall be created in a distant place on
the globe where the Jews can work among themselves and prove to the
world that they can make good. The confiscated money will richly pay for
the general Jewish repatriation in the "New Palestine." The "Goyim"
which have been bought by Jewish money may follow their masters into
exile. That would be just and not expensive.

A deep breath of liberation will then be released by the whole
suffering world. A mountain of trouble will fall from its shoulders! [End]

REMEMBER: The "Protocols" must be STUDIED, not merely read.

Unfortunately the tone can get a bit harsh in revealing these
Truths. BeWISE would like to re-emphasise that we are in no way blaming
every single individual Jew for this NWO push. That would be ridiculous
and wrong since we actively work with many precious Jews all across the
world. We are clearly pointing out that this push for global control as
laid out in the Protocols comes mainly from the Jewish LEADERS and their
cronies - their politically correct "yes men" . . . However, it is a
FACT that many Jews are used willingly by these diabolical leaders and
their agendas as are many other people . . . and that is sad . . .

In fact, BeWISE just received yet another surprising
CONFIRMATION of what we post on this Site from a former high-level
rabbi who rejected the LIES of Judaism and accepted Christ. He
stated to us verbally and quite directly:

/ "I am now 100 percent convinced, without a shadow of
any doubt whatsoever, that the entire world is being run and
manipulated by non-believing Jews."/

WOW! We have complete documentation of this incredible
revelation by this precious and courageous man.