Osho Leads Dynamic 2

Fri, 3 May 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Book Title:
In Search of the Miraculous Vol 1
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Let us now sit for meditation. There is going to be some change in the schedule for meditation from tomorrow.

From tomorrow, mornings will be devoted to meditation alone and evenings to discourses exclusively.

But this day we will follow the day's schedule.

Take your seats apart, keeping a distance from one another. But do not go far, because this morning I noticed that friends who had moved far were deprived of the benefits of the psychic atmosphere that is being created here. So don't go far, and yet keep some distance from one another without leaving lots of empty space unused. Don't go out of the energy field that is being built here, otherwise you will not be able to benefit from it. So those who have moved far away should come closer, but not too close. Friends who want to lie down should find their places and lie down. And those who want to meditate sitting can do so, but don't leave big gaps amongst you. And don't talk, let there be no chit chatting at all. What can be done without talking should be done without it.

(A few pieces of rock from an unknown quarter fall on the meeting ground, but Osho continues to speak in his calm and serene voice.)... What is the matter? Is it rocks coming? It does not matter.

Keep the rocks with you with care. Someone must have pelted them out of love... Those who are talking in the rear should stop at once. If they wish to stay here they should quietly sit down or else they may leave the place. No one should be here as a spectator, and even if one wants to remain here as a spectator he should observe complete silence. No one will disturb another in any way.

It seems someone has pelted rocks and he has done it more than a couple of times. If he thinks it is necessary for him to do so, he should direct them to me and to no one else.


It is okay. Please sit down. And sit down wherever you are. And now close your eyes. For one full hour you have to bring your total energy to work. Close your eyes and begin breathing deeply. See how powerfully the ocean is breathing - and how vigorously the pine trees are breathing. Breathe with abandon. Invest your whole energy into it. Draw a deep breath in and then expel it as vigorously and fully. Do only one thing for these ten minutes and that is breathing and breathing deeply and vigorously. Inhale and exhale deeply, rapidly and vigorously. And remain mindful within, be a witness inside yourselves. Go on breathing and at the same time continue watch ing it. Watch how a breath comes in and another goes out. For ten minutes enter deep into the process of your breathing operation. Be one with it... Begin.

Take deep breaths in and then throw them out vigorously and fully. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply. Bring all your energy into it. Be thankful that this evening is available to you, that this opportunity is available to you. It may or may not be available again... Exert yourselves totally.

Nothing short of total exertion will do. If the great thing has to happen, it can only happen through the application of total energy. So don't withhold yourselves. Don't spare yourselves. If you withhold even by an inch the thing will not happen... Breathe deeply. Become like a breathing machine. The body is breathing like a machine. Now you are like a breathing machine... And don't hesitate. Don't waver. And don't think of others. Take care of yourselves. Each one will take care of himself.

For these ten minutes breathe in and breathe out as deeply as possible. For these ten minutes do nothing but breathe. Become a ceaseless process of inhalation and exhalation and nothing more.

Draw a breath in and then expel it. And keep watching from inside, just witnessing. Be a witness to the incoming breath and the outgoing breath. A breath is in and another is out. One breath comes in and another goes out. Exert, exert yourselves totally.

I will be silent for ten minutes soon. But you continue to exert yourselves totally. Not that you take a few deep breaths when I tell you to do so and then slacken your efforts. Continuously for these ten minutes you have to bring your entire energy to it, to deep breathing. Inhale deeply and exhale deeply - so deeply and vigorously that your whole body shakes, every fiber of it shakes. Your body will be charged with electricity. Some energy within you will begin to rise and penetrate and permeate every fiber, every pore of your body... Use your full strength.

Take a deep breath in and expel it vigorously and fully. Breathe deeply, very deeply. Breathe deeply.

Breathe deeply. Breathe deeply. Breathe deeply. Draw a deep breath in and drive a deep breath out fully and vigorously. For these ten minutes let your body function as a breathing instrument and nothing else. Be one with the roar of the ocean. Be one with the waves of wind. They are all breathing... You have to breathe with them and do nothing else. Only breathe and breathe deeply and vigorously. Breathe in and breathe out, and remain a witness inside. Give your entire energy to breathing. And breathe mind fully, watch within how a deep breath comes in and another breath goes out. A deep breath is in and another is out. Don't withhold yourself even a little bit; don't spare any effort. Exert yourself to the fullest. Deep breathing, deeper breathing, still deeper breath ing. Nothing but deep breathing should exist at the moment. Deep breathing, deeper breathing, still deeper breathing. Breathe deeply. Breathe deeply. Breathe deeply. Breathe deeply.

See that you don't have to regret that you did not do your very best, that you did less than was needed for the great happening. See that you don't miss it. So bring all your energy to breathing, deep and vigorous breathing.

Before going over to the second stage you have to tire yourself out completely... so exert yourself totally. Deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breath ing, deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breathing. Only breathing remains; you have become breathing itself. Deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breathing. And watch inside how you breathe in and breathe out... See that you are a witness - only witnessing. You will see your breath really coming in and going out. Watch within, watch and watch. And intensify breathing; intensify it more and still more.

In order to go over to the second stage, intensify breathing. Breathe vigorously. When you will be at the full height of intensity then alone I will take you to the second stage. Exert yourself fully.

Exert yourself fully. Exert yourself totally and in every possible way. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply. Only breathing remains and nothing else. Bring all your might to breathing. Deeper and still deeper breathing. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe still more deeply. Don't withhold yourself. Deep breathing, deeper breathing, still deeper breathing.

Let the body shake if it wants to shake. Let the body tremble if it likes to tremble. Let the body whirl if it wants to whirl. And keep breathing deeply and more deeply and still more deeply. Breathe as deeply as possible... don't shirk... Don't waver. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply... deep breathing, deep breathing. We will soon go over to the second stage. In the last one minute breathe deeply, more deeply and still more deeply. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply... It is now the last minute, so exert yourself totally. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply... Take breathing to its climax. Right change from one stage to another happens only at the climax... Breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply. Put all your energy into breathing... Only breathing remains, only breathing remains.

SECOND STAGE Now we have to enter the second stage. Continue deep breathing, and let go of the body. Leave the body to do what it wishes to do. Let go of it. Let it take whatever asanas or postures it wants to take; let it form whatever mudras or gestures it likes. Leave it free to move and shake and whirl as it likes. If it wants to weep let it. Let go of the body completely. Continue deep breathing and let go of the body. Let the body fall down if it wants to fall down. And let it rise again if it wants to rise. And if it wants to dance allow it wholly. Let go of the body absolutely. Let it do whatever it wants to do.

Leave it free. Don't impede it even in the least. Cooperate with the body. If it spins, let it. If it whirls, let it. If it falls down, let it. If it weeps, let it. And if it laughs, let it. Let go. Whatever happens to it, allow it to happen. Continue to breathe deeply and let go of the body.

For these ten minutes let go of the body totally. Breathe deeply, and let go of the body. Let it cry if it wants to cry. Let it scream if it wants to scream. And let it yell if it wants to yell. Allow it in every way. Don't curb it, don't restrain it, don't resist it. Cooperate with whatever the body does.

Whatever happens to it allow it to happen fully. Let it happen, what happens to the body. It will turn into different mudras, gestures. It will whirl and whirl. Many things will happen, when the energy within will awaken. It may burst into loud shouts, screams and crying. Don't worry at all. Let go...

Let go of the body. You have to tire out the body completely. Before it goes to relax, strain and exert it totally. Let go of the body... Cooperate with the body. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply and breathe deeply.

(At this stage the tape recorder receives a knock and goes out of order, but Osho continues to lead the meditation as usual, and it goes on and on. Meditators continue to breathe deeply and wholly let go of their bodies. As it reaches a crescendo Osho asks them to enter into the third stage.) THIRD STAGE (Osho asks the meditators to continue to breathe deeply, and let go of their bodies as in the second stage and add to it the question: "Who am I?" For these ten minutes he goes on asking them to bring all their energy into the question: "Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?"

And when it reaches its climax, Osho asks them to stop everything, stop breathing and body movements and to go into total relaxation.) FOURTH STAGE (Osho, in this last ten minute stage, asks the meditators to give up everything including deep breathing, body catharsis and asking the question, "Who am I?" and lie down and relax and only relax. He tells them to relax in a way as if they are dead, as if they are no more. He tells them to listen to the roar of the ocean, murmur of the winds passing through the pines and the chirping of the birds. Osho also asks them to be in a state of waiting - waiting for the un known.

For these ten minutes the whole meditation area becomes so quiet and silent that nothing is heard except the lapping of the sea waves, the murmur of the winds through the pine trees and the song of the birds.

During this last stage hundreds of meditators enter into deep meditation and they become one with nature all around them.

At the end of the meditation Osho asks them to slowly open their eyes and rise from their seats. He asks those whose eyes don't open easily, to take a few deep breaths and cover their eyes with their palms very gently.)

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"We shall have Palestine whether you wish it or not.
You can hasten our arrival or retard it, but it would be better
for you to help us, for, unless you do so, our constructive
power will be transformed into a destructive power which will
overturn the world."

(Judische Rundschu, No. 7, 1920; See Rosenberg's, Der
Staatsfeindliche Sionismus,

The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de Poncins,
p. 205)