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Found: 3464 articles, showing 1950 - 1960


... and by they also become grey and mediocre. Never settle for any mediocrity because that is a sin against life. Never ask that life should be without risk, and never ask for security, because that is asking for death. Live dangerously - because that is the only way to live. The greatest danger is to reach to the greatest peaks of God, and to fall to the greatest depths of hell. Become a traveller...

... mediocre life. But there is no home. These are just conveniences, just consolations that we create around us to give us a false feeling of security - because every moment death is coming closer and closer. Every moment the grave is calling, and sooner or later everybody is going to be in the grave. The home is not going to remain a home forever. At the most it is a caravanserai - you stay for the night...

..., an overnight stay, and by the morning you go. Life is an eternal journey... there is no home. To understand this homelessness is to understand life. To ask for home is to ask for death... to ask for home is to ask for no change... to ask for home is to ask for mediocre comforts, an easy-going life, moving on the plain ground. But where are you moving? Even if you are moving comfortably, the grave...
... receptivity is needed, a passivity is needed. One should remain open and not close one's doors, that's all. [Osho went on to say that if you close the door against the enemy, it is also closed against the friend. You will not be harmed but you will not be blissful either .... ] And that's how humanity has become petrified. We are afraid of hate, so we have become closed for love. We are afraid of death, so...

... we have become closed for life. If you open the door, it is open to both death and life, because death and life are not really two. They are two aspects of the same coin So when you open to God, you are open to the devil also. And when you are open to light, you are open to darkness also. If you choose, and if you insist that you would like only to be open to light, you will remain closed. So this...
.... If it is felt at the throat, it has a totally different quality. The fear that is felt at the throat is the fear of communication. It will be difficult for you now to communicate with people. When the fear is felt at the stomach it is fear of death. If you go deep in meditation, the fear of death arises and that is felt just below the navel centre, at the hara, the death centre. If you are going to...
... sleep, is right, because samadhi is nothing but sleep with full awareness. The fear is also very indicative, because sleep is also like death. When you put off the light and sleep, a little death happens every day. Because of that little death, every morning you are fresh and alive. You have been somewhere into the unknown. You have dropped into the abyss of your being and come back home again. So the...
... whether there is a soul, whether there is God, whether there is an existence beyond life, he will just deny it. Even on the verge of death when someone asked him, "Will you be, beyond death?" he denied it. He said, "No! I will not be. I will drop out of existence just like a flame that goes out." You can't ask where the flame is when it goes out; it just ceases. That is why Buddha...

... people are capable of understanding what total cessation is. The lust for life is so deep-rooted that we are even reaching for a god who is a part of our lust for life: we are searching for more life, really. Even if we are searching for moksha, we are not searching for total death. We want to be there somehow. Buddha had been asked, and asked continuously for forty years, only one question: "If...
... going so slowly and the mind says, 'Be in a hurry! Run fast!' If a taoist competition is to be made, the one who can walk the slowest will be the first. That's what Jesus means when he says, 'In my kingdom of God the last will be first, and the first will be last.' The idiots will be the geniuses and the talented will prove dull. But the mind is speed, because the mind is afraid of death - and the...

... fear of death creates speed. The mind says, 'Time is short and you have to do so many things - do them fast! Run! Death is coming!' If you slow down in your movements completely, your mental movements will also completely slow down. It is working through the body for a no-movement state. The body moves so slowly that the mind has to slow down with it. If for two, three hours every day one goes on...
... name is almost like a container which contains all, a hold-all. Dropping it is immensely valuable. In the very dropping you disconnect yourself from the past, and through that disconnection you become available to the future. Energy can only move either towards the past or towards the future. The misery is that man lives in the past and the past is death, the future is life. Life is continuously...

... into it too much and became almost crazy. Now there is a sect of Jainas in India which don't eat in the night because some insects may fall in the food and may die and they may be responsible. They don't drink water in the night. But they are torturing their body, and in that very torture many cells will die inside. So they are killing those cells. Now Jaina monks go on fasting for long periods of...
... very alienated from god for a simple reason - that never before in history was man in such a hurry as modern man is. Never was man so impatient as modern man is, and that is the barrier: modern man has forgotten how to wait. He wants things instantly, he wants them now. He cannot wait for the spring to come. He cannot wait for the seed to die and grow and become a tree. He has lost all patience. That...

... coming to see the point of 'I am not separate from the whole, so what is the fuss all about? Why am I struggling? Why am I pushing the river? For what? And in pushing the river I am being pushed by the river. The river is vast and I am constantly trembling - any moment I may be taken away, uprooted. There is going to be defeat and there is going to be death.' Meanwhile there is continuous tension...

..., but that suffering is a joy if you love me; it is not suffering at all. If you love me even death will be far more valuable than life itself. Remember to listen to the heart and not to the mind. Sannyas is a great commitment, and it is only through commitment that you can be transformed; otherwise you will never be transformed. And you will never become part of my being. That's why you are feeling...
... further in they went, the more the ice melted; and when they reached to the innermost, they themselves were not there, only a pure space. And this pure space is the only scripture Zen will accept as holy. It is not man-made. It is not born. It knows nothing of death. It simply goes on and on, flowering in many ways, forming many houses to live in, moving from house to house, from body to body, from one...

... growing up; not growing into something else but growing more and more into yourself, being more and more you. And this brings great blessings, immense ecstasies. Before we enter into ourselves, a little outside evening walk will do. The zoo has hit upon hard times, and as the animals die, the director can't afford to replace them... until he has a brilliant idea. Sometime later, Kowalski is walking past...

... youth of this moment. Feel the bliss and the dance in the deepest core of your being. Rupesh... The beat. (DRUMBEAT) Everybody relaxes into death. Let the body breathe, don't bother. You don't have to stop breathing. You have to stop being out; be in. And take the quantum leap from mind into no-mind. Feel the silent fragrance within. This moment is a divine moment. This moment you are a buddha. Pin...

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