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... meaning of crucifixion and resurrection. The body is crucified, you cannot crucify the spirit. You can destroy the body. you cannot destroy the spirit. The body is gross: the sword can cut it, the poison can kill it; and even if nothing is going to kill it, death is going to come and the body will be gone. It has to go, it is meant to go; it is only there for the time being. Those who are conscious...

..., they use that time to create spirit in them. The body is like grapes. The grapes are to go. You cannot keep grapes for long - they will go rotten; but you can create wine out of the grapes, that's why it is also called 'spirit'. You can create spirit in your being, a wine. Grapes cannot be accumulated, they are temporary, momentary. But wine can stay forever. In fact, the older it becomes the more...

... precious and valuable it is. It has a nontemporal duration, it is something of eternity. The body is like the grapes, and if you use it rightly you can create the wine in you. The body is going to disappear, but the wine can remain, the spirit can remain. Jesus has done many miracles. One of the miracles is his miracle of transforming water into wine. These are metaphors - don't take them literally. If...

... you are no more alone: God is in you and you are in God. This is the paradox of Christ-consciousness. Christ calls himself many times Son of man, and many times Son of God. He is both: Son of man as far as the body is concerned, Son of man as far as mind is concerned; Son of God as far as spirit is concerned, Son of God as far as CONSCIOUSNESS IS concerned. Mind is the mechanism of consciousness...

..., just as the body is the abode of the spirit. Mind belongs to body, consciousness belongs to spirit. Jesus is the paradox: on the one hand man, on the other hand God. And when God and man work together, then if miracles happen there is nothing to be surprised about. Miracles happen only when God and man function together in cooperation. Leo Tolstoy has said: Christ is God and man working together...

... map. You have to decipher it, you have to decode it, otherwise you will go on missing it. Why fourteen generations? No scholar has asked it, no biblical scholar has asked it. Why only fourteen? Why not fifteen? Why not thirteen? This I am giving you as an example of objective art. It is fourteen for a certain reason. It has to be decoded. The spirit matures just like the body matures. The body...

... matures in fourteen years - it becomes sexually mature, it can reproduce sexually. At fourteen years the body is ripe as far as sexual reproduction is concerned: the boy can become a father, the girl can become a mother; they can reproduce replicas of themselves. In exactly the same way the spirit also matures. Just as it takes fourteen years for the body to mature sexually, it takes fourteen...

... least you have the money and you can purchase everything.' He even believes that he can purchase love with his money. He can purchase sex but not love. But then many people think that sex is love. He can purchase bodies, but he cannot have any intimacy with a person. Many people think that to have the body of the other, to possess the body of the other is enough. 'What more is needed? Why bother about...

... opportunity could be used: their energy was raw and yet in the heart. They were more like children. Just as the body matures in fourteen years, so the spirit matures in fourteen generations; that is the minimum limit. It depends on you. It may not grow even in one hundred and forty generations - you can be very lazy or you can remain unaware. Then you can go on and on for millions of lives and it may not...

... think about you, I need not commune with you. I need not function through the body and through the mind. I can forget the body, I can forget the mind. I can forget you, I can forget all. In that moment of utter forgetfulness of all, one is. And that is-ness is immense. That is-ness has a splendour to it. Freshness it is, vitality it is, because it is the very source of life. But once you are full of...
... is an inner process. One has to be always alert, only then can one learn. One has to be awake, only then can one learn. One has to watch all that goes on happening around you and one has to deepen this watchfulness so that you can see even the inner processes of your body, mind and heart. You have to become a mirror. You have to witness everything within yourself, then only do you learn from it...

... intelligence is killed, this is how you are slowly transformed into a robot, into a machine. The man is slowly killed; then you start functioning like a machine. "Right turn!" and you need not think, you simply turn right. Not that you think why - there is no question of why - no question arises in you. In fact, your body functions almost mechanically. Just as you push a button and the light goes...

... your measures for repression are bound to fail. So repression has to happen before thirteen. All kind of nonsense has to be put in people's minds before they are thirteen; by the time they reach twelve the work should be finished. Then they will only be growing old but not growing up. In an oral exam in biology the teacher asks a student, "Which organ of man's body once stimulated can grow up to...

... strength of his individuality. His body was not capable of living. The doctors were puzzled, the physicians were unbelieving, but I knew the secret. He was not afraid of death, but he wanted to grow to a certain point before death happened. And he managed it! And the moment he was ready I allowed him to go. I had to tell him, "Now you can drop your body." A deep communion had started between me...

... and him. Because of illness he was not able to come to see me - and that's how sometimes blessings come in disguise. Because he was not able to physically see me, slowly slowly an inner communion was established. The day before yesterday I called Sheela to my room just to tell her, "Now it is time. Chinmaya can go - he is ready. Now there is no need for him to suffer anymore in the body. He has...

... communion had started happening lately. And when Sheela told him, "Now Osho has said that you must rest, relax, go deep into yourself and forget about the body"... It was very difficult to forget the body because his body was in immense pain; it was not an ordinary pain. No pain-killer was of any help. Great doses of pain-killers were being given to him, but nothing was helping him. It was even...

... closed his eyes and disappeared. This is not death, this is something far more beautiful. This is let-go. This is surrender. This is love! He trusted me so totally. He died beautifully, silently, in utter relaxation. I am happy about him. I was afraid that he may not be able to survive even these years, but it was through his sheer determination, his sheer will power that he survived. The body would...

... have died at least six years ago; for six years he lived a kind of posthumous existence. He would have still lived - he could have still managed at least for three months - but I saw no point in it because it was not possible to attain more in this body than whatsoever he had attained. The body was getting rotten, absolutely rotten, and he was in such a good space that I did not want him to get...

... disturbed as far as his inner space was concerned; I wanted him to leave. There are moments when one should depart. He was in such a positive mood in such a negative body, he was in such a healthy mood in such an unhealthy body. Just the other day when I was telling you a joke about Jesus and the man who was suffering from cancer I was remembering Chinmaya and he was listening! And he must have laughed...

... all. He loved deeply, he laughed deeply. He was a man who knew how to celebrate. Of course the body was not willing at all, but he never bothered about the body. Yesterday he wanted to come to the discourse. I had to stop him, but still he heard the whole discourse. And he said to Sheela, "I wanted to hear the whole series, but when Osho says that I have to go then I have to go. Then this is...

... body? People should be more intelligent and they should appreciate; they should help each other to appreciate. They should say to each other, "You are right. That woman looks beautiful, that man looks beautiful." And there is nothing wrong in it. And it is not going to destroy your love; it is, really, enhancing it, strengthening it. To communicate with each other so authentically is always...

... limitations of the body. The body has to become old, sometimes it will be ill, some day it has to die, but that is only one percent. And if ninety-nine percent of misery can disappear, that one percent can be accepted, joyously accepted; there is no problem about it. The last question: Question 4: OSHO, I HAVE HEARD FROM MANY SANNYASINS THAT WE NEED TO DO NOTHING AT ALL; "LET OSHO DO IT."...
... are not your body. Within your body, just like within your house, space exists. That space is you. Your body is just the walls. Think of a person who has no eyes, no ears, no nose, no windows, no doors in the body - he will be dead. Eyes and ears and nose and mouth, they are the doors, they are emptinesses. And through that emptiness, existence enters into you. The outer and the inner meet, because...

... out and in. Your body is also porous; existence is continuously flowing in and out. What is your breathing? - it is existence coming in and going out. And scientists say, millions of holes in the skin are continuously breathing in and out. You are porous. If your whole body is painted thickly, and only the nose is allowed to remain open, you can go on breathing, but within three hours you will be...

... dead. Because the whole body breathes - it is porous. Existence continuously renews you. And inside who are you? Inside is an emptiness. When one realizes this emptiness, the ego simply disappears - it is a myth, it is a dream, it is a fallacy. Because you have never looked within, you have created a false ego. There is a necessity, because no man can live without a center. And you don't know your...

... not concerned with your body - it is concerned with something which is absolutely bodiless. It is concerned with the within which has no age. It is non-temporal. Time is not at all a problem. You may not have observed this, because you live such an unconscious life, and observation needs consciousness, alertness, awareness. If you look within can you feel the age, how old you are? If you close your...

...: Now you don't work, you rest, because if you rest, you can live even longer; you may live two centuries, and that will be a phenomenon for medical science! So they helped him to rest. They put him on a bed and they started giving him injections and vitamins. He was dead within two years - he had become so conscious and worried. If you are too concerned with the body, you become the body. If you go...

... on looking in the mirror, you become the body. That's why women age faster than men - the mirror. And the miracle is, basically they live longer than men, but they age faster. On average, all over the world, they live four years longer than men, but they age faster. They lose their beauty and their youth quickly. The mirror kills them; continuously meditating on the body. Meditate on the inner...

... being, not on the body. Find a mirror which reflects you, not the body. That mirror which reflects you is meditation. The more you meditate, the more ageless you become. JOSHU WAS A MASTER WHO STARTED TO STUDY ZEN WHEN HE WAS SIXTY. So it is never too late. Don't be worried. Whenever you come, it is okay. It is never too late, it is always early, so don't think about it. Many people come to me and...

... body, they are not going to die. The bodies will be left behind and they will go on an eternal journey. Death was not the end. Death was a meeting, a meeting with the Unknown. Death was a long, long awaited moment - desired, dreamed, hoped. It was the last desire: to leave the body and to meet the Divine, to merge into it so totally that not even a trace of you is left behind. The body looked like a...

... that is just on the surface. Inside the fool travels, chatters. Inside you are a monkey. You can control the body, but the monkey inside goes on jumping from one branch to another, and chattering continuously. That's why I always feel that Darwin must be right. I don't know whether scientifically he is right or not, but spiritually, the more I observe you, the more I am convinced that he must be...

... right: man must have come from the monkey. Because deep inside he still remains a monkey. Only the surface has changed. It is just the body that is a little different, but the mind is the same. And just by sitting once, you start hoping for the infinite? Joshu, at the age of sixty could wait for twenty years. A rare man. At the age of eighty, he found Enlightenment. And they say that he taught for...
.... He is walking not aware. Where he is going, he does not know. What he is doing.... The body goes on functioning as a robot. The mind activity has slowed down so much that it is almost just on the verge of falling asleep. In very deep meditation also this will happen -- you will fall from alpha to theta. But it happens only in very deep states. Ordinary meditators don't touch it. When you start...

... the first time in a scientific lab, Krishna's famous sentence has been proved. Krishna says in the Geeta, "Ya nisha sarva bhutayam tasyam jagrati samyami" -- "That which is a deep sleep to all, even there the yogi is awake." For the first time it has been proved as a scientific theory. It is possible to be fast asleep and aware, because sleep happens in the body, sleep happens in...

... the mind, but the witnessing soul is never asleep. Once you have become unidentified with the body-mind mechanism, once you have become capable of watching what goes on in the body, in the mind, you cannot fall asleep: the body will go to sleep, you will remain alert. Somewhere deep within you a center will remain perfectly aware. Now, the question: "Sometimes at your lectures I can't keep my...

... KRISHNAMURTI SAYS THAT ALL YOGA PRACTICES, ALL MEDITATION TECHNIQUES, ARE JUST LIKE DRUGS -- THEY PRODUCE CHEMICAL CHANGE AND, HENCE, THE EXPERIENCES. PLEASE COMMENT. Krishnamurti is right. Very difficult to understand, but he is right. All experiences are through chemical change -- all, without any exception. Whether you take LSD or you fast, in both the ways body goes through chemical change. Whether you...

... take marijuana or you do a certain pranayam, a breathing exercise, in both the ways body goes through chemical change. Try to understand it. When you fast what happens? Your body loses a few chemicals because they have to be supplied every day by the food. If you don't supply those chemicals, the body loses those chemicals. Then the ordinary balance of the chemicals is lost; and because fasting...

... much oxygen inside the body; the quantity of nitrogen falls. More oxygen changes inner chemicals. You start feeling things which you never felt. If you whirl around as in dervish dances, fast spin, the body changes; the chemicals change through spinning. You feel dizzy; a new world opens. All experiences are chemical. When you are hungry the world looks different. When you are satisfied, satiated...

... be made. There are two ways. One is to put the chemicals in -- inject, smoke, or throw in the body. They come from the outside; they are intruders. That's what all drug people are doing around the world. The other way is to change the body by fasting, breathing.... That's what all the yogis have been doing in the East. They belong to the same path; the difference is very little. The difference is...

... that drug people take drugs from the outside, they intrude in the biochemistry of the body, and the yogis try to change the balance of their own body, not to intrude from the outside. But as far as I am concerned, both are the same. But if you have any urge to experience, I will tell you to choose the path of the yogis, because that way you will not be dependent, you will be more independent. And...

... that way you will never become an addict, and that way your body will retain its purity, its organic unity. And that way, at least, you will not be an offense to the law -- no police raid possible. And that way you can go beyond easily. Hmm?... that is the most important thing. If you take chemicals from the outside into the body, you will remain with them. It will be difficult, more and more...

... difficult every day to go beyond. In fact you will become more and more dependent, so dependent that you will lose all life, all charm of life, and the drug experience alone will become your whole life, the whole center of it. If you move through yoga, through the inner changes in the chemistry of the body, you will never be dependent, and you will be able to go beyond. Because the whole point of religion...

... talking about committing a suicide in the body; I am talking about committing a suicide in the mind, in the ego. Become a no-mind, a no-ego, and the whole existence becomes possible. You are carrying it for millions of lives. It is just there within you. It is already there, just a right soil and the shell disappearing... and the tree will be there in all its glory and beauty. Question 10 WHERE DO YOUR...
... physically different, they are psychologically different. Sex is not only a difference in the body; it is a difference in psychologies also. A feminine mind means receptivity - total receptivity, surrender, love. A disciple needs a feminine psychology; otherwise he will not be able to learn. You can ask, but if you are not open then you cannot be answered. You can ask a question and still remain closed...

.... Then the answer cannot penetrate you. Your doors are closed; you are dead. You are not open. A feminine receptivity means a womb-like receptivity in the inner depth, so that you can receive. And not only that - much more is implied. A woman is not only receiving something, the moment she receives it, it becomes a part of her body. A child is received. A woman conceives; the moment there is conception...

..., the child has become part of the feminine body. It is not alien, it is not foreign. It has been absorbed. Now the child will live not as something added to the mother, but just as a part, just as the mother. And the child is not only received: the feminine body becomes creative; the child begins to grow. A disciple needs a womb-like receptivity. Whatsoever is received is not to be gathered as dead...

..., beyond the body and beyond the soul, beyond the world and beyond the so-called MOKSHA - liberation? How to reach this peak? The technique is tantra. But tantra is pure technique, so it is going to be difficult to understand. First let us understand the questions, what Devi is asking. OH SHIVA, WHAT IS YOUR REALITY? Why this question? You can also ask this question, but it will not carry the same...

... meaning. So try to understand why Devi asks, WHAT IS YOUR REALITY? Devi is in deep love. When you are in deep love, for the first time you encounter the inner reality. Then Shiva is not the form, then Shiva is not the body. When you are in love, the body of the beloved falls away, disappears. The form is no more and the formless is revealed. You are facing an abyss. That is why we are so afraid of love...

.... We can face a body, we can face a face, we can face a form, but we are afraid of facing an abyss. If you love someone, if you really love, his body is bound to disappear. In some moments of climax, of peak, the form will dissolve, and through the beloved you will enter the formless. That is why we are afraid - it is falling into a bottomless abyss. So this question is not just a simple curiosity...

... raised, they become different according to the mind in which they are asked. So create the situation, the milieu of the question in your mind. Devi must be at a loss - Shiva has disappeared. When love reaches its peak the lover disappears. Why does this happen? This happens because really, everyone is formless. You are not a body. You move as a body, you live as a body, but you are not a body. When we...

... see someone from the outside, he is a body. Love penetrates within. Then we are not seeing the person from the outside. Love can see a person as the person can see himself from within. Then the form disappears. A Zen monk, Rinzai, attained his enlightenment, and the first thing he asked was, "Where is my body? Where has my body gone?" And he began to search. He called his disciples and...

... said, "Go and find out where my body is. I have lost my body." He had entered the formless. You are also a formless existence, but you know yourself not directly, but from others' eyes. You know through the mirror. Sometime, while looking in the mirror, close your eyes and then think, meditate: if there was no mirror, how could you have known your face? If there was no mirror, there would...

... have been no face. You do not have a face; mirrors give you faces. Think of a world where there are no mirrors. You are alone - no mirror at all, not even others' eyes working as mirrors. You are alone on a lonely island; nothing can mirror you. Then will you have any face? Or will you have any body? You cannot have one. You do not have one at all. We know ourselves only through others, and the...
... childhood"? Who is this "my, me, I"? Nothing has remained of your childhood. If your pictures of your childhood are shown to you for the first time, you will not be able to recognize them. Everything has changed. Your body is no more the same; not a single cell has remained the same. Physiologists says that the body is a flux, it is river-like. Every moment many cells are dying and many new...

... ones are born. Within seven years your body will have changed completely. So if you are going to live seventy years, ten times over your body has renewed itself completely. Every moment your body is changing, and your mind. You cannot recognize a photograph of your childhood, and if it were possible to give you a photograph of your mind, of your childhood mind, it would be impossible to recognize it...

.... Your mind is even more of a flux than your body. Every moment everything changes. Even for a single moment nothing remains the same. In the morning you were different as far as your mind is concerned. In the evening you are totally a different person. When someone would come to meet Buddha, before the person would depart, take leave of him, Buddha would say, "Remember, the man who has come to...

... changing patterns. They change; that is natural. So if you look at your body, it changes. If you try to understand your mind, it changes. It is never the same. Even for two consecutive moments, nothing is the same. Your personality goes on like a flux. If this is all and there is nothing which remains the same continuously, eternally, timelessly, then who will remember that this was "my childhood...

..."? Childhood has changed, the body has changed, the mind has changed. Then who remembers? Then who knows about childhood and about youth and about old age? Who knows? This knower must remain the same; this witness must remain the same. Only then can the witness have a perspective. The witness can say, "This was my childhood, this was my young age, this was my old age. This moment I was in...

... SAME." Remember this: "BE THE UNSAME SAME." You are bound to be "unsame" on the periphery, but at the center remain the same. Remember that which is the same. Just remembering will be enough; you need not do anything else. It is non-changing. You cannot change it, but you can forget it. You can be so engrossed, obsessed with the changing world around you - with your body...

... notice of the body, you take notice of the mind because they are changing. And because you take notice of them, you start thinking that you are them. You know only them; you become identified. The whole spiritual effort is to find the same amidst the unsame - to find the eternal in the changing, to find that which is always the same. That is your center, and if you can remember that center, only then...

... is killing you, only the body will be touched - not you. You will remain beyond. This "beyondness" leads you into existence, into that which is bliss, eternal, into that which is true, which is always, into that which is deathless, into life itself. You may call it God or you can choose your term. You can call it NIRVANA, whatsoever you like, but unless you move from the periphery to the...

... need food, you don't need any fuel, but the body needs them. Remember, when hunger happens it is happening to the periphery; you are just the knower of it. If you were not there, it would not be known. If the body were not there, it would not happen. By your absence only knowledge will not be there because the body cannot know. The body can have it, but it cannot know it. You know it; you cannot have...

... it. So never say that "I am hungry." Always say within, "I know that my body is hungry." Give emphasis to your knowing. Then the discrimination is there. You are becoming old: never say, "I am becoming old." Just say, "My body is becoming old." Then in the moment of death also you will know, "I am not dying; my body is dying. I am changing bodies, just...

... beautiful this moment and it may be ugly the next, how can you feel any attachment? It is impossible. Look at a body: it is alive; the next moment it will be dead. All is futile, if you feel the change. Buddha left his palace, his family - his beautiful wife, his child - and when someone asked him, "Why?" he said, "Where there is nothing permanent, what is the use? The child will die."...
..., surrender, love. The second question Question 2: OSHO TODAY YOU SAID TO BE CONSTANT IS TO BE STUPID. THE TRUTH CANNOT CHANGE IT REMAINS FOR EVER CONSTANT. NOW WHAT? I HAVE NOT SAID that to be constant is to be stupid -- I had certainly said to be consistent is the way of the mediocre mind, the stupid mind. But don't you see the difference between being constant and being consistent? Consistency is a...

... logical phenomenon. When I say: Don't be consistent, I mean you need not remain confined to your past -- that's what consistency is. You have done something today; tomorrow life will change, and you have to repeat the same thing to be consistent. Tomorrow will not be today; today is not your yesterday. The answers that were adequate yesterday are no more adequate today. Consistency means that it is...

... always yesterday that has to dominate, it is always the past that has to dominate the present. That's what I mean by 'consistency'. Then you will never grow, because your youth has to be consistent with your childhood, and your old age has to be consistent with your youth -- that means you will remain childish your whole life. And that's how people are. The average mental age of human beings is only...

... twelve years. This is what happens if you enforce consistency. In childhood, a few answers were given to you; they were good for the time being, but only for the time being. More than that you would not have understood. But as you grow, those answers become out of date, those answers become confinements, imprisonments, those answers become chains. You have to constantly throw them so that you can...

... that we can also remain for ever and for ever. But what is permanent in you? Your body changes -- you can ask medical science: your body changes constantly. Just ten years ago they used to think that the body changes totally in seven years' time, becomes completely new, not even a single cell remains of the old; but now further research has shown that the body changes totally in one year. The body is...

... continuously renewing itself. That's why when you cut your hair and your nails it does not hurt -- why? The hair is part of your body and the nails too, and you are cutting them and it doesn't hurt? The reason is that your hair is not alive. These are the dead cells of the body that are being thrown out of the body. So are the nails -- just dead cells being thrown out of the body to make place for the new...

... ones to happen. That's why it doesn't hurt if you cut them. In a single year, your body is no more the same. Buddha used to say again and again that life is like a flame. You burn a candle, you light a candle in the evening; the whole night it burns. In the morning you are just going to put it out -- a question can be asked of you: "Is it the same flame you started in the evening that you are...

... birth process continued. So it comes into the same line, but it is not the same. You cannot say that it is different, you cannot say it is the same. In a sense it is different, in a sense it is the same. Have you known, Zareen, anything in life which is really permanent? -- anything? Your body changes, your mind changes continuously, your emotions go on changing. About WHAT truth are you talking? Yes...

... should be translated as 'revolution', a one- hundred-and-eighty-degree turn -- and then suddenly you see yourself. And this witness has no name. It is neither Hindu nor Mohammedan; it is neither man nor woman: it is just pure consciousness. Yes, this pure consciousness is absolutely the same. Except this, everything else changes. And when I was talking to you about consistency I was not talking about...

... drinking and drinking forever. These same religious people who go on condemning the feminine body -- all the religions have committed that crime -- that shows simply only one thing, that the people who were writing those scriptures were deeply sexually repressed people. It shows nothing else. It says nothing about the women, it simply shows something about the scripture writers, that they were deeply...

... artificially manufactured perfume. Just naturally like flowers -- roses. Their bodies are made of gold. What greed! And what are you going to do with a woman whose body is made of gold? You will be stuck! But the greed, the greedy mind fantasizing. All these scriptures are pornographic. This is real spiritual pornography: women with bodies of gold, studded with diamonds, no perspiration, natural perfume, and...

... sleep on such a bed; you are a very ordinary human being. His will is like steel - look at his willpower! And it is nothing. He is simply more stupid than you are, he is more dull than you are, his body is less sensitive than yours. And there are methods to make your body less and less sensitive. If you sit naked in the hot sun your body starts getting burnt; slowly slowly, all the sensitive parts...

... clothes; man finds it difficult. Man's body is more sensitive in that way and more fragile. In cold countries he needs a necktie to prevent any air going in. And look at the women - their clothes are almost disappearing! Their bodies are just less sensitive; they have to be less sensitive because they have to be mothers. Giving birth to a child and having a very sensitive body will be difficult, will be...

... very painful, will be utterly painful. Have you any idea... if the body is very sensitive then carrying the baby for nine months in your belly will be a great torture. Just think of yourself carrying a baby in your belly for nine months... you will commit suicide! It will be impossible. Nature makes the woman's body less sensitive and compensates it with more beauty and more roundedness. Man's body...

... is not that beautiful, not that rounded, but more sensitive - sensitive to cold, sensitive to heat, sensitive to many things. That is one of the causes of the constant conflict between men and women: because the woman comes to orgasm very slowly; her sensitivity is much less. It takes a longer time for her to come to an orgasm. Man comes quickly; his body is very sensitive. And the gap between the...

... man's body and the woman's body creates a great problem. Unless the man is very alert and takes every care to move slowly with the woman's body, the woman will never be satisfied. And her dissatisfaction will show in many ways: your tea will be cold, your vegetables will have too much salt. The whole day, from the kitchen, such noises of breaking things will come, as if you are living in an earthquake...

... lying on a bed of thorns have simply arranged the whole thing in such a way that the thorns are touching the blind spots. It is just a kind of skill; there is nothing in it, nothing holy in it. You can eat once a day. There are tribes, many aboriginal tribes in India, in South Africa, in the Himalayas, who eat only once a day. The body is so adjustable: you can eat once a day, then it eats too much...

... whether Darwin is correct about anybody else or not, he is correct about the Americans! You can eat one time a day; the body will adjust to that. These things are nothing to do with spirituality, but these are the things that your so-called saints go on bragging about. A real master is not proud: HE DOES NOT TALK DOWN TO OTHERS. The real master is one who has recognized that everybody has the same...

... SLEEP AND AWAKE. Three things are our bondage: body, mind, self - THE STRAP, THE THONG AND THE ROPE. SO CUT THROUGH.... Be aware you are neither the body nor the mind nor the self. Awareness is the sword with which to cut through. And LOOSEN THE FASTENINGS: lust, greed, anger, hatred, ambition, jealousy, possessiveness. UNBOLT THE DOORS OF SLEEP: awaken yourself, become conscious. On a crowded subway...

... KEEPS HIS PROMISES. HE NEVER STRAYS, HE IS DETERMINED. THIS BODY IS MY LAST, HE SAYS! LIKE WATER ON THE LEAF OF A LOTUS FLOWER OR A MUSTARD SEED ON THE POINT OF A NEEDLE, HE DOES NOT CLING. He does not cling to anything - body, mind or self. He clings not, he is no more there to cling. He is just pure emptiness. And out of that pure emptiness arises innocence, out of that pure emptiness arises...
...: N.A. Short Title: N.A. Audio Available: N.A. Video Available: N.A. Length: N.A. UNMANI BHAAVAH PADDYAM THE UPWARD FLOW OF THE MIND IS PADDYAM - THE WATER OF DIVINE WORSHIP. THE MIND is the bridge between matter and consciousness, between without and within, between the gross and the subtle. When I say mind is the bridge, I mean many things. Man comes to the world through mind; man comes to the body...

..., was killed. When his hands were cut, blood began to flow, and he used that blood as Mohammedans use water for wazu - cleaning the body before going to the worship. They use water, but Mansoor used blood. And when he made the gesture of wazu, someone asked from the crowd, "Mansoor, have you gone mad? What are you doing?" Mansoor said, "For the first time I am doing wazu, cleaning...

... mind is flowing downward your whole body is relaxed. Unless you are relaxed m the same way when your mind is going upward, you are not a religious person at all. That is the difference between a secular mind and a religious mind. A secular mind is at ease with downward flowing, relaxed. A religious mind is only relaxed when upward flowing. Whenever a religious mind has to flow downward, it becomes...

... Buddha, even to move is an effort, even to be in the body is an effort. This effort means that the whole nature has become transformed. That which was downward before has now become upward, and that which was upward before has become downward. A religious mind flows upward as if the upwardness has just become downwardness. Meera is at ease when she is dancing and singing for Krishna, but when her...

... the meaning of the word, but they could not relax. Then I had to devise new methods for meditation which create tension first - more tension. They create such tension that you become just mad. And THEN I say, "Relax." When you have come up to the climax, your whole body. your whole mind, becomes hungry for relaxation. With so much tension, you want to stop, and I go on pushing you to...

... every cell of the body, every atom of the mind is just part of a long, long succession of habits. They are so deep that we don't even remember from where they came. Now Western psychology has come to discover many, many new things. For example, now they have discovered that whenever you feel violence, your violence is not in the mind alone - it is deep in your teeth and in your nails. So if you...

... the teeth! So a violent man has a different type of jaw. Just by seeing his jaw you can say that he is violent. A person who has suppressed many. many violent fevers, upheavals, will begin to have a particular type of jaw - the violence will be there. One psychologist, Wilhelm Reich, would just push your teeth by his hands, press your teeth by his hands, and suddenly your whole body would become...

.... Inconvenience inside must be used. So two things: first remember always that the downward flow is very convenient. Don't be a victim to it. Always create some inner inconvenience. This is TAP - inner inconvenience. This is TAP - this is austerity. What do I mean by inner inconvenience? You are sleeping, relaxed: create an inner inConvenience. Let the body relax, but don't relax the alertness. Sufis have used...

... inconvenience. And always go on changing, because if you are fixed to one thing it will not be an inconvenience for long. You can even become fixed to your fasting, then it becomes a convenience rather than an inconvenience, because to take food may begin to appear as an inconvenience. Once you know that the body can run without food - the body begins to feel more light, the body begins to feel more alive...

..., the body begins to feel more vital; and the body has a built-in process so that for at least three months you can be without food, without any food - after seven or eight days, to take food will be inconvenient. So use fasting as an inconvenience, and when fasting begins to settle, use food. Gurdjieff was strange in this. He would give you such strange foods - such strange foods you have never eaten...

..., and be awake!" Tantrics have used alcohol, and a real tantric can take any amount of it without being affected at all. They say, and they say rightly, that alcohol creates the deepest inconvenience inside. To fight with it and remain aware is the most arduous thing. When the alcohol goes in, and every body cell becomes lethargic, and the chemical begins to work, and the mind begins to lose...

... body has two force reservoirs. One is just ordinary, for day-to-day use. Another, a deeper one, is infinite. It is not for everyday use: it only comes into operation when some emergency is there. You are walking: you have walked twenty miles, and now you know very well, your logic says, your mind says, every fibre of the body says that now no movement is possible - you will just drop dead. A single...

... step more, and you will drop dead! This is the moment: now move! Don't listen to the body! Now run! Don't listen to the body, and suddenly there will be an upsurge of energy again. Within moments you will feel a new energy, and now you can walk for miles together. This energy comes from the reservoir, and this reservoir is connected only when the day-to-day energy source is just empty. If you listen...

... to the body then this reservoir is never used. You are feeling sleepy, and now you cannot even open your eyes. This is the moment. Stand! Open your eyes! Stare! Don't blink! Forget sleep and try to be awake - and within seconds a sudden upsurge of energy will overflow. There will be no sleep. You will be fresher than you have ever been in the morning. A new morning, an inside morning has happened...
... be mad, absurd. He was talking and he said, "There is no tongue, so how can I talk?" He was saying, "Look at me, I am without form. Look at me, I am not embodied. The body appears to you but I am not that, so how can I talk?" The mind goes on missing. This is the misery of the mind. You push, it again gathers itself; you hit it, and for a moment there is a sinking and a...


... within the body even for a moment? When there is no desire, how can the body continue? There is something very deep to be understood. When desire disappears the energy that was moving in desire remains; it cannot disappear. Desire is just a form of energy. That's why you can turn one desire into another. The anger can become sex, the sex can become anger. Sex can become greed, so whenever you find a...

... happening. My forms have disappeared; now a formless energy has remained, and it will go on overflowing. Those who are wise can partake, because soon it will become bodiless also. First energy becomes formless, desireless, and then it becomes bodiless. The body has its own momentum. When one is born, when a buddha is born, he is born out of a communion of two bodies, the father and the mother; then...

... particular chromosomes, particular cells, create his body. Those cells have a built-in momentum. That built-in momentum means that this body will exist for seventy or eighty years; this is a body blueprint. For eighty years this body can exist. The body doesn't know, cannot know, that the soul that has entered is going to become enlightened. This house cannot know that the person who has entered this house...

... to live will become enlightened. And when this man becomes enlightened, even then this house will not know. The house will continue; it has its own life. The body has its own life, and the body is completely unaware that a person has become enlightened. It continues, it has its own momentum, its own fuel. At the age of forty Buddha became enlightened. The body became irrelevant but it continued. It...

... continued, it completed its circle; it was there for eighty years. It is good, for these forty years were the overflowing years, and we were able to know what enlightenment is. If Buddha had disappeared that very moment there would have been no religion. If the body had dropped, if Buddha had become enlightened and the body had dropped, he would not have been -- even to tell what had happened. This was...

... good; existence was very compassionate. Buddha lived for forty years more, not with any motivation, but with the momentum of the body he just went on overflowing. This body will also disappear; the momentum has to be completed. I am not doing anything for you; for that too is sort of egoistic, anybody thinking he is doing something for you. It is happening. The form of desires disappears and energy...

... becomes compassion. The body has to complete its momentum; it has to complete its momentum, it has to complete its blueprint. This gap will be an overflowing. It is a feast, not given by me to you, it is a feast given by the whole. Language creates problems. Language is always dualistic, language is always of this world. Language belongs to desire and it carries all the connotations, so it is very...

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