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... the dimension of being. The body cannot do prayer, cannot be in prayer. The mind cannot do prayer, cannot be in prayer. The body is meant to do something; it is the vehicle of action. The mind is also a vehicle of action. Thinking is doing: it is action. So you cannot do anything with your body which can become prayer, neither can you do anything with your mind which can be called prayer, because...

... these are both parts of the dimension of doing, action. Prayer happens beyond body and mind. So if your body is in total inactivity, passive, and your mind is nullified, empty, only then is prayer possible. This sutra says, "Silence is prayer." When mind is not working, when body is not active, it is silent. One thing to be understood is that silence is not part of mind. So whenever we say...

.... That is why Zen monks use the term "no-mind", never "silent mind". No-mind is silence! And the moment there is no-mind you cannot feel your body, because mind is the passage through which body is felt. If there is no-mind, you cannot feel that you are a body; body disappears from consciousness. So in prayer there is neither mind nor body - only pure Existence. That pure Existence...

... Buddha's posture. You can sit in Buddha's posture: that will be a doing. For Buddha himself this posture happened. It was not a cause for his silence; rather, it was a by-product. When the mind is not, when the being is totally silent, the body follows like a shadow. The body takes a particular posture - the most relaxed possible, the most passive possible. But you cannot do otherwise. You cannot take a...

... posture first and then make silence follow. Because we see a Buddha sitting in a particular posture, we think that if this posture is followed then the inner silence will follow. This is a wrong sequence. For Buddha the inner phenomenon happened first, and then this posture followed. Look at it through your own experience: when you get angry, the body takes a particular posture, your eyes become blood...

...-red, your face takes a particular expression. Anger is inside, and then the body follows. Not only outwardly: inwardly also, the whole chemistry of the body changes. Your blood runs fast, you breathe in a different way, you are ready to fight or take flight. But anger happens first, then the body follows. Start from the other pole: make your eyes red, create fast breathing, do whatsoever you feel is...

... done by the body when anger is there. You can act, but you cannot create anger inside. An actor is doing the same every moment. When he is acting a role of love, he is doing whatsoever is done by the body when love happens inside - but there is no love. The actor may be doing better than you. but love will not follow. He will be more apparently angry than you in real anger, but it is just false...

... become just a habit, deep-rooted. And when something becomes a deep-rooted habit, you are not aware of it. It becomes automatic. The robot part of your body takes it and continues it. That is why silence is very difficult, because silence really means breaking the monologue within. It is not a question of not talking to someone else. mouna, silence, is not really concerned with others. Deep down it is...

.... Everything is open." The day Buddha died, he gathered all his monks. Ten thousand monks were there. He said, "Now this body is to drop, so do you want to ask anything? Because now, no more can I be. No more will I be in this world!" So someone asked, "Why? Why are you leaving us?" Buddha said, "Now everything is paid. The whole account is closed. I was waiting only for the...

... am not." "I am not the senses" - that is, I am not the body - "neither am I the mind," because mind is a later growth, and sometimes mind can be destroyed without destroying you. Sometimes it happens that accidentally the mind is destroyed, and you are. In the second world war, one English soldier fell down into a ditch. He became unconscious, and he remained unconscious...

.... When everything has been eliminated - thoughts, senses, body, mind - when everything has been eliminated, only pure consciousness remains. This is the nature of it. What is meant by pure consciousness? By pure consciousness is meant that there is consciousness; not conscious about anything - just a mirror, mirroring nothing. Towards this purity is the whole search. And the rishi says, "There is...

... lab has to be different. For scientific experimenting a lab is needed outside you; for religious experimentation you are the lab. How? How can this pure consciousness be achieved? The very description is the process also - this eliminatory method of saying a thing is also the process. When the rishi says, "I am not the body; I am not the senses; I am not the mind" - this is also the method...

.... Go on, go on being more and more conscious of the fact that "I am not the body." Remain with this fact: "I am not the body." Remember this fact - let it go deep in you: I am not the body. Begin to feel the gap between you and the body and soon the gap is known, because the gap exists there - you have only forgotten it. It is not to be created; it is there already - you have just...

... describe your body - how it looks from within? You can describe how your body looks in the mirror. But the mirror cannot see the inside; it can only see the outer, the outer shell. But there is an inside also, because no outside can exist without an inside - or CAN an outside exist without an inside? But we have never become aware from the inside of our own body. So be aware: Close your senses, remain in...

..., and be aware. And begin to feel your body from the inside. There will be a gap, because there is always a gap. You will come to know that gap, and then you will know what this rishi means when he says, "I am not the body, I am not the senses, I am not the mind." Go on, deep. Begin to look into your MINDing itself, into your mind process itself, and then you will begin to be aware that...




.... Nothing else can change it. You laughed listening to the very name of the sutra, THE BATHHOUSE SUTRA, because you don't know that there have been two rebellious religions against Hinduism in India -- Jainism and Buddhism. The Jaina monk never takes a bath; he does not even brush his teeth. He stinks and it is thought to be a great discipline that you are not at all concerned with your body which is...

... simply talking in business terms and he is perfectly right. But the problem with Bodhidharma is that he cannot accept things simply as they are. He says: HERE, THE BATHING OF MONKS DOESN'T REFER TO THE WASHING OF ANYTHING TANGIBLE. How do you wash anything intangible? A thing that is not tangible is not visible either. Only tangible things have to be washed. Your body can be given a shower but not your...

... soul. Your clothes can be cleaned but not your being. But that does not mean that you have to use dirty clothes, that you have to remain dirty in your body. Buddha was very aesthetic in comparison to Mahavira, his contemporary, and that's why he has more grace than Mahavira. Mahavira has a very strong personality but he's not graceful ...a personality of a wrestler, but not the individuality of a...

... will be getting great merit in the other world. This was simply a pragmatic affair. WHEN THE LORD PREACHED THE BATHHOUSE SUTRA, HE WANTED HIS DISCIPLES TO REMEMBER THE DHARMA OF WASHING. SO HE USED AN EVERYDAY CONCERN TO CONVEY HIS REAL MEANING .... THE BATHHOUSE IS THE BODY. Now this is nonsense and he himself in the beginning sutras has said Buddha never teaches nonsense. He is contradicting almost...

... everything that he has said with tremendous clarity in the beginning sutras. But now he himself has got into trouble. THE BATHHOUSE IS THE BODY. WHEN YOU LIGHT THE FIRE OF WISDOM, YOU WARM THE PURE WATER OF THE PRECEPTS AND BATHE THE TRUE BUDDHA-NATURE WITHIN YOU. Could not Buddha have said something other than the BATHHOUSE SUTRA? He could have talked about the BUDDHA-NATURE SUTRA. Do you think Buddha was...

... INTANGIBLE BODY? He goes on repeating the same stupid things. Yesterday he was saying how can Buddha drink ordinary milk -- now, how can people use ordinary water? -- as if there is some extraordinary water available somewhere! TO WASH AN INTANGIBLE BODY ... That which is intangible need not be washed. Only the tangible gets dirty. The invisible, space, never gets dirty; the sky never gets dirty. The...

..., "Don't be worried. We have been out of stock for fifteen days but it is an invisible thing. It does not matter whether it is there or not. You can come anytime -- it will be always available." Bodhidharma is saying something which is absolutely illogical, irrational. It is not even common sense. IT WON'T WORK. WHEN WILL THEY WAKE UP? TO CLEAN SUCH A BODY, YOU HAVE TO BEHOLD IT. ONCE...

... IMPURITIES AND FILTH ARISE FROM DESIRE, THEY MULTIPLY UNTIL THEY COVER YOU INSIDE AND OUT. BUT IF YOU TRY TO WASH THIS BODY OF YOURS, YOU WILL HAVE TO SCRUB UNTIL IT IS NEARLY GONE, BEFORE IT IS CLEAN. He is saying you cannot clean this body that is visible. If you try to clean it you will have to scrub it to the point when the whole body is gone. Then you will be clean. That means there is no need to...

... clean this body. It is useless; it will mean committing suicide! But you know that there is no need to scrub the body to the point that it disappears. You can scrub the body to the point that you don't have a body odor, that your perspiration is not creating a disgusting smell around you, that your mouth is washed clean, that your breathing is not disturbing anybody else. You can use soap, you can use...

... shampoo, you can use deodorants. There is no need to scrub the body to the point that it is completely gone. Then what is the point of cleaning it? Nothing is left. Bodhidharma thinks he is giving you an argument that shows Buddha does not mean the ordinary bath for your body, he means cleaning your soul. But Bodhidharma has forgotten completely that in his own sutras he said that the soul is always...

... cannot solve. His answer is again the same kind of foolishness. BUDDHA MEANS AWARENESS ...which he has said so many times. BUDDHA MEANS AWARENESS, THE AWARENESS OF BODY AND MIND, THAT PREVENTS EVIL FROM ARISING IN EITHER. AND TO INVOKE MEANS TO CALL TO MIND. If invoke means to call to mind, then why should Buddha not say, "Call to mind?"; why say, "Invoke Buddha?" Why make things...
... going to happen. Only the touch of her lover, his warm hug can fulfill her. Let us understand it in another way. Woman is passive; passive waiting is her way. She cannot be aggressive; she is receptive. She has not only a womb in her body, even her mind is like a womb. The English word woman, "wo-man", is very meaningful; it means a man with a womb. Woman's whole makeup is receptive, while...

... love, he did it in a very indecent manner. Kubja has waited long for Krishna; she has waited for him for many lives. Krishna cannot say no to her, because no has no place in his life. Even if Kubja asks for love on the physical level, Krishna will not refuse her, because he is not opposed to the body. The body is as muck accepted as anything else; it has its own place in life The body is not...

... everything, but it has its significance; it has its own juices and joys. The body has its own existence. Krishna does not deny it He accepts both body and soul; he embraces both matter and God. He cannot insult womanhood by refusing sex on the physical level; he can go to any length to respect womanhood. He is prepared to fulfill every wish of Kubja's, and he will not have to persuade himself, strain...

... himself in the matter. He will not have to make any effort to oblige Kubja; he will naturally and happily accept that which is. For us it is difficult to think that Krishna would go in for physical sex; it seems outrageous. It is so because we are divided, we are dualists; we believe that the body and soul are separate, and while the soul is great the body is something lowly. But I don't view - nor does...

... Krishna - the body and soul, sex and superconsciousness, matter and God as separate entities. They are all one and the same. The body is that part of the soul which is within the grasp of our senses - like our eyes and hands - and the soul is that part of the body which is beyond the grasp of our senses and intellect. The body is the visible soul and the soul is the invisible body. They are united and...

... necessary for our hands to move. We can walk very well without moving our hands; those whose hands are amputated walk as easily. Evidently Darwin thinks that this movement of the hands is only a habit, a hangover from out old life as monkeys millions of years ago when we walked on all fours. Even the little opening where a monkey has its tail is discernible on man's body as a linkage. It indicates that...

... level of his body, similarly, he evolved from the cow at the level of his soul. If the monkey is his predecessor on the physical side, the cow is his predecessor on the spiritual side. While man's physical frame has evolved from the monkey's body, his soul has evolved from the soul of the cow. Of course, in support of this theory we can not advance proofs as direct and strong as Darwin's in support of...

... leap forward. If you watch the physical restlessness in which a monkey lives, it will be obvious to you that it is not going to rest until it achieves a higher form of body. The monkey seems to be utterly dissatisfied with his body; in fact, he is dissatisfied with everything about it. It is so agile, speedy and restless all the time. Looking at a newborn child, you will find, while his body has the...

... undoubtedly it carries with it a deep insight. The cow is man's mother in the same way as the monkey is his father. Darwin was concerned with the evolution of the physical body, in fact, the whole of the West is concerned with the physical. But India has long been concerned with the spirit, the soul; it is not much concerned with the body. We have always wanted to explore the spirit and its ultimate source...

.... For this reason we emphasized the soul much more than the body. Secondly, you want to know my view on cow slaughter. I am against all kinds of slaughter, so the question of my favoring cow slaughter does not arise. But whether I am for or against it, cow slaughter is not going to stop. The conditions of our life are such that the cow will continue to be killed. I am against meat-eating, but it is...

... to meet the argument of the non-vegetarians that the world is much too short of vegetarian food to provide nutrition and health to mankind. There is logic in their argument. It is very interesting that both cow and mon key ate vegetarians. Man inherits his body and soul from vegetarian sources. It is another thing that a monkey sometimes swallows a few ants, but by and large he is a vegetarian. The...
... me you can have a glimpse, just for a moment. And that glimpse creates the longing to have that moment stretched to eternity. It is so peaceful, so cool, so calm, who would not like it? But as you go back into the world, there are just computers walking all around; you have to communicate with computers. One physiologist has defined man's body as nothing but a mechanism to facilitate the mind's...

... functioning. You think you are carrying the mind. The physiologist is saying just the opposite: it is the mind that is carrying you; your whole body is functioning just for the mind's sake. So the moment you go into the world -- this is not part of the world; we have been trying to create small islands where mind as a computer is no longer required. But in the world you will need the mind. And the problem...

... hundred universities with tremendously big libraries. And the very idea that a single human mind has the capacity to memorize all that is written in all the books that are in existence in the whole world... it simply baffles, it looks unbelievable. You don't know what your mind is doing for you. Your mind is regulating everything in your body. Otherwise, how do you think that for seventy or eighty years...

..., or even a hundred years -- and there are people who have even passed that; they have reached their one hundred and fiftieth birthday, and there are a few hundred people in the Soviet Union who have passed the age of one hundred and eighty. Scientists say there is no reason for the body to die for at least three hundred years. It is just an old hypnosis, autohypnosis, which has made the idea...

... that soon people will start dying exactly at the age of seventy. Those people have just forgotten to die, because they don't remember when they were born, and they cannot count. Scientists say that man's body has the capacity at least -- that is the minimum -- to live three hundred years. But why does man not live so long? Perhaps man does not know how to live; perhaps man does not know how to use...

... his body, how to use his mind. Sagarpriya, you have to understand two things very clearly: first, mind is a great miracle. Existence has not been able to create anything higher than your mind. Its function is so complex that it baffles the greatest scientists. It manages your whole body, and it is such a complex system. Who manages that a certain part of your blood should go to the brain? Who...

... longer needed.... A master will never become irrelevant for a simple reason: who will teach you to love the mind and yet go beyond it? to love your body, to respect your body? to have gratitude towards your mind, its tremendous, miraculous functioning? That will make a great friendship, a bridge between you and the mind. With this friendship deepening, whenever you are meditating, the mind will not...

... happy as the roses. When the roses will be dancing in the sun, in the rain, in the wind, the soil will also rejoice. My approach is totally different from the approach that has been taken up to now. For thousands of years, all the religions have been teaching something against body, against mind. And just today I came to know that there are even idiots who are teaching against meditation. The...

... -- before the Palestinians take it over, I am going to take over. Why should the politicians be concerned? And if they are concerned they should consult people who know what meditation is. To make it a criminal act is an unbelievable thing; nowhere ever... Religions have taught against the body. That was so ridiculous -- you have to live in the body, you have to nourish the body; you have to keep it...

... what the relationship can be between the earlobes, which are almost dead parts of your body... have you ever noticed? Can you do anything with your earlobes? Can you wave them? They are just hanging there, not doing anything. You cannot do anything with them because there is no nervous system; they are just pieces of flesh without nerves, pure flesh. And without nerves you cannot turn them up or down...

... God is important nor heaven nor hell nor angels -- all those are just hypothetical. To me, meditation is the very soul of religion. But it can be attained only if you move rightly. Just a single step in a wrong direction... And you are always moving on a razor's edge! Begin with love of the body, which is your outermost part. Start loving your mind -- and if you love your mind you will decorate it...

..., just the way you decorate your body. You keep it clean, you keep it fresh; you don't want your body to smell horrible to people, you want your body to be loved and respected by others. Your presence should not be simply tolerated but welcomed. You have to decorate your mind with poetry, with music, with art, with great literature. Your trouble is, your mind is filled only with trivia. Such third-rate...

... Mahavira -- mahavira means 'the great warrior'. His name was Vardhamana, but people changed his name because he was a great warrior. A warrior against whom? -- against his body, against his mind. And I don't think that anybody who is against his body and against his mind is capable of reaching the beyond. Only love is the path. Sagarpriya, make your mind as beautiful as possible. Decorate it with flowers...

... master who had millions of disciples, and who had been telling them for nearabout fifty years only one thing: Meditate. The day of his death came and he announced, "After seven days I am going to leave my body, so let all my disciples gather so that I can see them one time more, because I will not be coming back again." So all the disciples gathered; it was a great gathering. And before dying...

... sad and fall into a state of despair. It can happen tomorrow. You can relax, there is no hurry. But please understand the process clearly: Love your body -- against all the religions. Love your mind, refine your mind -- against all the religions. And I say to you that fight is not the way; love is the way. Love your body, love your mind, and that very love will create the energy, the atmosphere to...
... the music group, and dance - and go crazy! Just have a mad dance. Dance is going to help you tremendously. There is nothing like dancing. There is a very inner process of dancing and it is concerned with a certain fact about the body. The body is the only object in the world that you can see from both sides - from without and from within. You can see no other object from both sides. If you see a...

... rock, you see it from without. So when you dance others will be seeing your body from the outside; it is not their body. There will be movement, rhythm, dancing steps; structure or no structure but there will be movement. This is how others will watch you. If you start watching from within you will be surprised that the more the body dances, the more you will see inside that there is no movement. The...

... body movement becomes a contrast to see the non-moving element within you. It is as if somebody has written with white chalk on a blackboard. You can write on a white wall too, but then it will not be seen. You have to write it on a blackboard. In the contrast the white becomes clear, loud. When the body is in a whirlpool, is simply moving, enjoying movement, suddenly you can become aware of the...

... inner witness who is a non-mover, who has never moved, who is the unmoving centre of the moving world. But when the body is in movement you can see it in contrast. Ordinarily we move - we walk, we talk, we take a bath, we go to sleep - but these movements have become routine. When you are in a dance and you go faster and faster and faster, and a moment comes when the movement is no more routine...

...; suddenly you are going absolutely crazy - you become aware of the non-moving inside you. You see your own body moving. You become a witness; you start hovering beyond the body. That's why the Sufis became so interested in the whirling dervish dance. The more you whirl, the easier it is to know the non-moving centre inside you. So start dancing - you are ready for it now. [Another group member says: I had...

... a terrible experience of body pains in the neck that came in the relaxation exercises. I did not know that I had them.] It can happen sometimes. Sometimes when you relax, you can become aware of many tensions in the body of which you were never aware, because you were never relaxed. So you were attuned with your pain. Now the body relaxes, but those parts cannot relax because they are loaded. When...

... the whole body relaxes, the parts that are loaded with some tensions cannot relax. Then suddenly you become aware of the pain. In relaxation many people become aware of certain things that you may have carried your whole life. One becomes adjusted - one has to become adjusted otherwise life would become very difficult. There are so many aches and pains in the world. One has to learn to cope with...
... one will let ya do just nothin" anymore!" Something has to be done... Nobody believes - you will not believe me when I say Vimalkirti is doing nothing, is just being. The day he had the haemorrhage I was a little worried about him, hence I told my doctor sannyasins to help him remain in the body at least for seven days. He was doing so beautifully and so fine, and then just to end suddenly...

... when the work was incomplete... He was just on the edge - a little push and he would become part of the beyond. In fact, that's the reason why I want one of the most modern medical centres to be in the commune. If somebody is just on the verge and can be helped medically to remain in the body for a few more days, then he need not come back to life again. Many questions have come to me about what I...

... think of living through artificial methods. Now, he is breathing artificially. He would have died the same day - he almost did die. Without these artificial methods he would have already been in another body, he would have entered another womb. But then I will not be available here by the time he comes. Who knows whether he will be able to find a Master or not? - and a crazy Master like me! And once...

... ecstatic bon voyage! Let him go with your dance, with your song! When I went to see him, this is what transpired between me and him. I waited by his side with closed eyes - he was immensely happy. The body is not at all usable anymore... The surgeons, the neurosurgeons and the other doctors were worried; they were asking again and again, enquiring about what I was up to, why I wanted him to be in the...

... body, because there seemed to be no point in it - even if he somehow managed to survive his brain would never be able to function rightly. And I would not like him to be in that state. It is better that he goes. And they were worried about why I wanted him to go on breathing artificially. Even his heart stopped once in a while and then, artificially, his heart had to be stimulated again. His kidneys...

... began to fail yesterday, his skull has been drilled - there was such a great swelling inside. This was something congenital; it was bound to happen - it was a programme in his body. But he managed beautifully: before it could happen he used this life for the ultimate flowering. Just a little bit had remained; last night even that disappeared. So last night when I told him, "Vimalkirti, now you...

..., Vimalkirti is perfectly beautiful. He will not need to come back again into a body; he is going awakened, he is going in the state of Buddhahood. So you all have to rejoice, dance and sing and celebrate! You have to learn how to celebrate life and how to celebrate death. Life is really not as great as death can be, but death can be great only if one achieves the fourth state, turiya. Ordinarily it is...

... difficult to get disidentified from the body and the brain and the heart, but it happened very easily to Vimalkirti. He had to become disidentified because the body was already dead - it has been dead for five days - the brain was already lost, the heart was far away. This accident is an accident for the people who are on the outside, but for Vimalkirti himself it has proved a blessing in disguise. You...

... cannot get identified with such a body: the kidneys not functioning, the breathing not functioning, the heart not functioning, the brain totally damaged. How can you get identified with such a body? Impossible. Just a little alertness and you will become separate - and that much alertness he had, that much he had grown. So he immediately became aware that "I am not the body, I am not the mind, I...

..., and I agreed with Vimalkirti that at 8.30 he could leave the body, so he must have left the body. At 9.30 he will be here, and I will be coming back to give him a send-off. Get ready, rejoice, dance - dance to abandon! Let him go like a prince. He was a prince. Everyone of my sannyasins is a prince. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... disease. Unfortunately many people simply age, they become old, without any maturity corresponding to it. Then old age is a burden. You have aged in the body, but your consciousness has remained juvenile. You have aged in your body, but you have not matured in your inner life. The inner light is missing, and death is coming close every day; of course you will tremble and you will be afraid and there...

... never ages. Don't be worried. Just remember that you are the soul. It is the body; you are not the body." They have consoled you. Maybe for a moment you feel good, but this is not going to help, this is not going to change you. Again tomorrow, out of the influence of the priest, you will be in the same boat. And the beauty is that you never look at the priest: he himself is afraid. You never look...

... Holy Father wants to survive, why should these poor Catholics become donors? I am not going to give you any consolation. I am not going to say to you, "The soul is eternal. Don't be worried, you never die. Only the body dies." I know that is true, but that truth one has to earn the hard way. You cannot learn by somebody else's assertion and statement about it. It is not a statement; it is...

... dangerous. So every society has forced you into the head, pushed you from all over your body into the head. You live only in the head. If yom head is cut off and suddenly you come across your body without a head, you will not be able to recognize it. Only faces are recognized. Your whole body has shrunken, has lost luster, softness, fluidity. It is almost a dead thing, like a wooden leg. You use it...

..., functionally it goes on, but no life exists in it. Your whole life has gone into the head. Hung up there, you are afraid of death because the only place that you can live, the only space in which you can live, has to be all over your body. Your life has to spread and stream all over your body. It has to become a river, a flow. A small child starts playing with his genital organs. Immediately the parents are...

... child do? He cannot understand why the genital organs are bad. They are as much a part of him as are his hands, his nose, his toes; he can touch every place in the body, but not the genital organs. And if he is punished again and again, of course he starts forcing his energy back from the genital organs. It should not stream there because if it streams there he wants to play with them. And it is...

... pleasant, and nothing is wrong, the child cannot see what is wrong in it. In fact that is the most pleasant part in the body. But the parents are afraid, and the child can see their faces and their eyes: suddenly - they were normal human beings - the moment he touches his genital organs, they have become abnormal, almost mad. Something changes in them so drastically that the child also becomes afraid...

... - "There must be something wrong." The something wrong is in the mind of the parents, not in the body of the child, but what can the child do? Just to avoid this situation, this embarrassing situation, one of the most beautiful phenomena has been repressed so deeply that women have not felt orgasm. In India still women don't know what orgasm is. They have never heard about it; in fact they...

... in the head, and the whole body has shrunken. Just stand before a mirror some time and see what has happened to your whole body. Your face looks very alive, red with life, but your chest? - shrunken. Your belly? - almost mechanical, goes on functioning in a mechanical way. Your whole body.... If people stand naked, just watching their -bodies you can see what types of work they are doing in their...

... life. If they are workers, their hands will be alive, muscular. If they are just head people - eggheads, professors, vice-chancellors, and that sort of rubbish - then you will see their heads, very shiny, red. If they are postmen and policemen their legs will be very strong. But you wi]l never find a fun body, a whole body, because nobody is living as a total organic unity. One should live as a total...

... organic unity. The whole body should be reclaimed. Because through the feet you are in touch with the earth - you are grounded - if you lose your legs and their strength and they become dead limbs, you are no longer rooted in the earth. You are like a tree whose roots have become dead or rotten, weak; then the tree cannot live long, and cannot live healthy, fully, wholly. Yom feet need to be rooted in...

... to the head. They are doing a few eXperiments in a few scientific labs in the West where a few heads have been kept alive. The head of a monkey is cut from the body, and the head is attached to mechanical devices which function as the body. The head goes on thinking, dreaming. The head is not affected by it, not at all. This is what has happened. Not only in some labs in the West, it has happened...

... to every human being. Your whole body has become just a mechanical thing; only your head is alive. That's why so many dreams, so much thinking, so much traffic in the head. People come and say to me, "How to stop it?" The problem is not how to stop it. The problem is how to disperse it into the whole body. Of course it is crowded too much because the whole energy is there - and it is not...

... seventy years. Just think. Only this much is your life. Then of course one becomes afraid of old age. The time is passing. Of course one becomes naturally afraid of death. Death is coming any moment and you have been just revolving in the head. Nowhere else have you moved, the whole territory of life has remained untouched. Live, move all over the body. Accept it with deep love. Almost fall in love with...

... your body. It is a divine gift, a temple where God has decided to reside? Then there will be no fear of old age; you will start maturing. Your experiences will mature you. Then old age will not be like a disease. It will be a beautiful phenomenon. The whole life is a preparation for it. How can it be a disease? The whole life you move towards it. It is a crescendo, the last Song and dance you are...
... collect too much fat. Then you can fast very easily, because fat is nothing but a reservoir, it is a reserve. Women can fast more easily than men, and you know it. If you look around at people who go on fasts, particularly Jainas, you will find that if one man fasts, then four or five women can fast: that is the ratio. The husband cannot fast but the wife can. Why? - because the feminine body...

... fast very easily, they can go on diets, they are always in search of diets. A man, an ordinary healthy man, can collect so much fat that for three months he can fast and he will not die; ninety days - that much reserve can be collected. But if you are lean and thin - that means if you have been eating in a balanced way, only that much which is needed for the day-to-day activity of the body, and you...

... man's religion. Now, in America, fasting and the cult of fasting will develop rapidly. It is developing already because America has become so rich and people are eating so much that now, from somewhere, fasting has to come in. In America all the cults of fasting are growing fast - they may have different names but, physiologically, your body must have more fat than is needed, then fasting is easy...

... choice: you feed the body, and you are not obsessed either this way or that; you are not obsessed at all, you are not neurotic. The body gets its needs, but you are not overburdened by its needs. This balance is going beyond sin. So whenever you have an imbalance you are a sinner. Jesus' idea is that a person who is too much in the world is a sinner, but if he moves to the other extreme, renounces the...

... second layer. The first layer is common - if I have a stone in my hand you will all be able to see it - it is a common objectivity. When you see me, you never see me, you only see my body; when I see you, I never see you, I see only your body. But nobody can see what is inside your mind. Another person can see your behavior: how you act, what you do, how you react. He can see anger on your face, the...

... redness, the cruelty that takes over, the violence in your eyes, but he cannot see the anger within your mind. He can see the loving gesture that you make with the body, but he cannot see the love. And you may only be making a gesture, there may be no love. You can deceive others just by acting, and that is what you have been doing. Your body can be known by everybody else, not your mind. The objective...

... different. You will sometimes forget the body so much that you will not notice that there is hunger; you will move away from the body so much that the body will not be able to inform you that you are hungry. The word for fast in Sanskrit is very beautiful; that word is upawas. The word carries no sense at all of food or no food, it has nothing of fasting in it, nothing at all, the word simply means...

... 'living nearer to yourself'. Upawas means 'living nearer to yourself', 'being nearer to yourself'. A moment comes when you are so centered that the body is completely forgotten, as if there is no body. Then you cannot feel the hunger and fasting happens; but it is a happening, it is not a doing. You can remain in this centering for many days. It happened to Ramakrishna: he would go into ecstasy and for...

... six or seven days he would remain as if dead, his body would not move, it kept the same gesture - if he was standing he would continue standing. Disciples would have to make him lie down, and they would have to feed him forcibly with some water, some milk - but it was as if he were not there. This is a fast: because you are no longer in the body. Being in the body, you are no longer in the body. But...

... you cannot do this. How can you do it? - because all doing is through the body, you have to use the body to do anything. This fast cannot be done because this fast means bodilessness. This can happen: it happens to a Mahavira, to a Jesus, to a Mohammed; it can happen to you too. Jesus says: GO AMONG THE PEOPLE. EAT WHAT THEY SET BEFORE YOU, AND HEAL THE SICK AMONG THEM. FOR WHAT GOES INTO YOUR MOUTH...

... in everyone the one exists. So allow me to ask a question: whether the touch of my body has defiled you? If so, that means my body can touch your soul. But you say the body is illusion, just a dream, and how can a dream touch the reality? And how can a dream defile the reality? That which is not, how can it defile that which is? Or, if you say that not my body, but my soul has defiled you, because...

... you." Then Shankara tried very hard to find out who this man was. He could never find out, it was never discovered who that man was. It may have been God himself, it may have been the very source but Shankara was transformed. What goes in you cannot defile you because whatsoever goes in, goes into the body. Nothing can go into you, your purity is absolute. But whatsoever comes out of you...
... started studying. By chance, by coincidence, the man had hit one acupuncture point just on the leg; some point was touched on the leg by the arrow, was hit by the arrow, and the inner electric flow of the man's body energy changed. And because the inner flow of the electricity changed, his headache disappeared. That's why when you go to the acupuncturist and you say, "I have a headache," he...

... may not touch your head at all. He may start pressing your feet or your hand, or he may needle your hand or your back. And you will be surprised: "What are you doing? because my HEAD is wrong, not my back!" But he knows better. The whole body is an interconnected electric phenomenon; there are seven hundred points, and he knows from where to push the energy to change the flow. Everything...

..., but then it is not very unique; if it is of awareness, then it has that quality of being unique - the Buddha quality. Many times, listening to me, you think you are becoming spontaneous while you are simply becoming impulsive. What is the difference between being impulsive and being spontaneous? You have two things in you: the body and the mind. The mind is controlled by the society and the body is...

... controlled by your biology. The mind is controlled by your society because the society can put thoughts into your mind; and your body is controlled by millions of years of biological growth. The body is unconscious, so is mind unconscious. You are a watcher beyond both. So if you stop listening to the mind and to the society, there is every possibility you will start listening to the biology. So sometimes...

... order to be spontaneous is to be fully aware. The moment you are aware, you are neither in the trap of the mind nor in the trap of the body. Then real spontaneity flows from your very soul - from the sky, from the sea, your spontaneity flows. Otherwise, you can change your masters: from the body you can change to the mind, or from the mind you can change to the body. The body is fast asleep; following...

... the body will be following a blind man. And the spontaneity will just take you into a ditch. It is not going to help you. Impulsiveness is not spontaneity. Yes, impulse HAS a certain spontaneity, more spontaneity than the mind, but it has not that quality which Tantra would like you to imbibe. That's why Saraha says: SO FROM SPONTANEITY THAT'S UNIQUE... He adds the word'unique'.'Unique' means not of...

... impulsion but of awareness, of consciousness. We live unconsciously. Whether we live in the mind or in the body does not make much difference - we live unconsciously. "Why did you tear out the back part of that new book?" asked the long-suffering wife of an absent- minded doctor. "Excuse me, dear," said the famous surgeon, "the part you speak of was labelled APPENDIX and I took it...

... out without thinking." His whole life taking the appendix out of everybody's body must have become an unconscious habit. Seeing APPENDIX he automatically took it out. That's how we are existing and working. It is an unconscious life. An unconscious spontaneity is not much of a spontaneity. A drunk staggered from a tavern and started walking with one foot in the street and one on the sidewalk...

.... After a block or two, a policeman spotted him. "Hey," said the cop, "you're drunk!" The drunk sighed with relief. "Gosh!" he said. "Is that what's wrong? I thought I was lame." When you are under the influence of the body, you are under the influence of chemistry. Again... you are out of one trap but you are again in another trap. From one ditch you are out; you...

... have fallen in another ditch. When you REALLY want to be out of all ditches and in freedom, you will have to become a witness of body and mind both. When you are witnessing, and you are spontaneous out of your witnessing, then there is unique spontaneity. SO FROM SPONTANEITY THAT'S UNIQUE, REPLETE WITH THE BUDDHA'S PERFECTIONS... And Saraha says: The real spontaneity is replete with Buddha's...

... ABSTRACT. It is neither mind nor body - this godliness. Mind is abstract, body is concrete; body is gross, mind is subtle. Body is matter, mind is thought. This inner godliness is neither. This inner godliness is a transcendence. Tantra is transcendence. So if you think you are a body, you are clouded; then you are identified with a cloud. If you think you are a mind, again you are clouded. If you think...

... in any way that makes you identified with body or mind, then you are missing the mark. If you become awake, and suddenly you see yourself only as a witness who sees the body, sees the mind, you have become a Saraha - the arrow is shot. In that change of consciousness - it is just a small change of gear - the arrow is shot, you have arrived. In fact, you had never left. The third sutra: THEY WALK...

... that it is coming from his own navel, from his own body. So he runs mad, tries to find out from where this smell is coming, naturally so. How can he think? - even man cannot think from where bliss comes, from where beauty comes, from where joy comes. The deer can be forgiven - poor deer. He goes on rushing here and there in search of the musk, and the more he rushes, the more the fragrance is spread...

... PASH - PASH means bondage. PASHU means one who is in bondage. The beast is one who is in bondage - the bondage of the body, instincts, unconsciousness; the bondage of the society, mind, thought. The beast is one who is in bondage. BEASTS DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE WORLD... How can they understand? Their eyes are not free to see; their minds are not free to see; their bodies are not free to feel. They...

... you can understand. Understanding happens only in freedom. Understanding happens only in an uncluttered mind. BEASTS DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE WORLD TO BE A SORRY PLACE. And they cannot understand that the world is a sorry place. The so-called world created by the mind and by the body is a mirage. It APPEARS so, it appears very beautiful, but it only appears - it is not really so. It is a rainbow - so...

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