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Found: 3224 articles, showing 2720 - 2730


... themselves, maybe, but they are not saying anything about you -- because no mirror can show you who you are. Mirrors can only show you your surface, your skin. You are not on your skin: you are very deep. You are not your body. One day the body is young; another day it becomes old. One day it is beautiful, healthy; another day it becomes crippled and paralyzed. One day you were throbbing with life; another...
.... And because he is a poet, he understands the significance of language. Only a poet understands the significance of language - not a linguist, not a grammarian. The grammarian knows only the body of the language, the poet knows its heart, its soul, its spirit, its invisible dimension. He is right: no one exists outside language and everything is a dialogue. Yes, prayer is a dialogue. The part is...

... bathrooms. He found it in the bathroom and he was mad so he drank it. It gave him great nausea, naturally. For fifteen days he had diarrhea, vomiting, but that diarrhea and vomiting cured him of his madness. Maybe it was a good catharsis; all the poisons in the body were thrown out. And after fifteen days, when he became healthy again and the nausea disappeared and the diarrhea disappeared, he was...
... clinging to a disease. That's exactly what man is: a disease, a constant tension - to be or not to be, to be this or to be that - a constant fight between the soul and the body, the lower and the higher, unconsciousness and consciousness. To understand man as a conflict, to understand man as a constant tension will help immensely, because then you stop clinging to man as such. Rather, on the contrary...

... intelligently but not intellectually. The intelligence that a child shows is natural, he has not learned it. It is part of the wisdom of his body, it is inherited. The child has no idea of good and bad, so there is never any conflict. His desires are pure. Whatsoever he desires, he desires passionately, totally. No problem arises in his mind whether this desire is right or wrong. Whenever he is in a certain...
... will go through withdrawal symptoms. The body will ask, the mind will ask, because they always become settled with routines: the mind will say "I need alcohol"; the body will say "I need alcohol". There is great thirst, great urge - "What are you doing?" And you will feel great pain. If you can persist and remain patient and watching, withdrawal symptoms will disappear...
... inwards. Science means going outward, religion means going inward; their directions are diametrically opposite. Although they are diametrically opposite they are complementary too, as all opposites always are. There is a harmony between the opposites. The inner and the outer are not enemies, they are in utter coordination. The body and the soul are not enemies, they befriend each other; in fact they...

... science; modern science has also failed in creating the total man. And the total man is the need because only the total man can be contented, only the total man can be richer inwards, outwards. Only the total man can be really in a celebration - his body satisfied, his soul satisfied, his senses contented, his spirit contented. This small story is the story of trust, because Sufism is an approach...
... Buddha, you will be able to see his grace, his beauty. That is the fine appearance. Even if you don't go along with Jesus, you will have a certain attraction. That is natural. When truth is inside you, your whole body becomes luminous. It takes on a fine appearance "... AND IT HAS THE ADDED CAPACITY OF OPENING A CERTAIN DOOR TO WEALTH." He does not say anything specifically, he does not make...

... have disappeared - now one starts searching inside. The priest is no more relevant; one starts looking for a Master. Christianity has failed; now one wants Christ, nothing else will satisfy. Buddhism has failed; now one starts trekking into the Himalayas to search for a real Buddha, an alive Buddha who is still breathing, still living in the body, who is still in contact with matter - because only...
... whenever something starts happening in the mind, it immediately affects the body. The Western woman is losing much femininity. Particularly because of women's lib, the idea is: destroy differences, only then can you be equal. That's nonsense. You can be different AND equal. The rose is different from the lotus, but they have an equal right to be in the sun and to be in the wind and to be in the rain...

... becomes similar to the man she will lose all her charm, all her grace, all her beauty. Even her body is adjusting and becoming more like a man's. She is losing her curves, she is losing softness, becoming a little hard. She is becoming aggressive, losing her receptivity, and she is pretending to be like a man. If the woman starts pretending to be like a man she will always remain a second-rate man: she...
.... All that is needed on your part is not to seek and search for it but to be available, open and empty like a mirror, so that you can reflect that which is. Truth surrounds you; truth is within and without. Only truth is. you need not go anywhere, to Kaaba or to Kashi. You need not even go outside your room, you need not even go outside your body, you need not go anywhere. Sitting silently, doing...

..., "I watch, I am a witness, that the body is feeling hungry." When you have eaten well and you feel satiated, don't say, "I am satiated." Again, remember. Because of our ignorance we have created a wrong kind of language too. We say, "I am satiated." You were never hungry and you are never satiated. Hunger was a content, so is satiation. Sadness was a content, so is...
... trembling and anguish, because the whole thing seems to be so impossible. How can you conquer this existence? It was there before you ever were, it will be there when you are gone. How can you win against this? And you are such a tiny part of it. The whole idea is absurd. A wave trying to win over the ocean, your hand trying to win over the whole body: the whole idea is absurd. Relax, be in a let-go. Live...

... months of suffering, the ordeal was finally over. She was now able to entertain friends, but she still sulked about herself. One day her friend Joan looked at her in amazement. "I don't know why you look so sad. You now have the face of a movie star." "I know," sobbed Denise. "But now my new face doesn't go along with my old body." That is the fear. If a woman wants to...
... INSTINCTS AT THAT MOMENT. That word 'instinct' will change soon and you will start feeling intUitions instead of instincts. I can understand why you have used the word 'instincts' - because you don't yet know about the phenomenon of intuition. Let me explain it to you. When the body functions spontaneously, that is called instinct. When the soul functions spontaneously, that is called intuition. They are...

... alike and yet far away from each other. Instinct is of the body - the gross; and intuition is of the soul - the subtle. And between the two is the mind, the expert, which never functions spontaneously. So there is no corresponding word for the psychological realm. For the physical, instinct; for the spiritual, intuition - but between the two is the mind. Mind means knowledge. Knowledge can never be...

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