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Found: 3224 articles, showing 2270 - 2280


... this strange phenomenon. For the first time on a large scale, in the army, people's mental ages were searched for. And it was a strange discovery: the army people had the average mental age of twelve. Your body may be fifty, your mind remains somewhere below fourteen. Before fourteen you are repressed - because after fourteen repression becomes difficult. By the time a child is fourteen, if he has...

... mind, all that is great happens only in a mature mind. To be a grown-up is a blessing. But people simply grow up - they never become grown-ups. In age they go on growing, but in consciousness they go on shrinking. Their consciousness remains in the foetus; it has not come out of the egg, it is not yet born. Only your body is born - you are yet unborn. Take your life into your own hands: it is YOUR...

... all names are part of dualities. Hence, Buddha is silent about it. Whenever somebody asks him, 'What will happen to you, Sir, when you leave the body?' he smiles. He does not say a single word - because ALL words will be wrong, inadequate. All words will be false, untrue - because all words come from the dual language. Our language is dual; the non-dual cannot be expressed. That's why Buddha kept...

... nor space. It is neither body nor mind. It is neither the visible nor the invisible. It is neither good nor bad. It is neither God nor Devil. I can only negate, I can only say that which it is not. But what it is, you will have to drink. Only when a man drinks water, he knows... whether it is cold or warm. Question 5: OSHO, WOULD YOU NOT LIKE TO SAY SOMETHING TO ME? The question is from Anand Fareed...
... reduced to being just a body and not a soul. How are you going to make people equal when God has made them unequal, unless you strike God completely dead? And how are you going to bring social justice to the masses who believe that their poverty is because of their past life's evil acts? They are perfectly satisfied with their poverty -- it is a punishment. And they don't think that the rich people are...

... history -- even Stalin had not that much power. He has become the president of the country, and the prime minister has become nominal, and has no power. He has changed the whole Communist Party's high command, the Politburo. All the old people have been thrown out, and he has put all his own people into the commanding body. He has changed the head of the KGB, which is the country's most powerful agency...

... he should refuse it -- because he has been forcing Soviet scientists to refuse the Nobel Prize; now the question has come to him. If he accepts the Nobel Prize, that man is a chicken! He should refuse immediately; even the nomination he should refuse: "I don't want to be nominated." Show some consistency, some honesty! And why have you prevented Sakharov from being chosen? The whole...

... that is your very nature? The blood is circulating in your body -- are you practicing it? The food is being digested by your stomach -- are you practicing it? One day try: try to practice digesting the food, and your whole stomach will be upset for the first time in your life, and it will be very difficult to put it back. You cannot practice. What is natural is already happening. Your practice may be...

... witnessing. Witness that you are not the body. Witness that you are not the mind. Witness that you are only the witness. At this moment you are the buddha, the awakened one. This is your birthright. At this moment you enter into an eternal life, immortal existence. All the cosmic doors open for you. At this moment you are the most blessed people on the earth because everybody on the earth is involved in...

... very nature, dhamma. This is your very being, the buddha. This very body is the buddha and this very earth the lotus paradise. Only people in deep meditation can understand such a tremendous sutra. Gather the many flowers that are growing all around you, gather the ecstasy and drunkenness which is divine. You have to bring this drunkenness, this ecstasy, all these flowers of blissfulness, to your day...
... chooses to be violent, he will be crushed. The enemy - the past - has much more violent powers in its hands. The rebel has to trust in love, has to trust in meditativeness, has to be aware of his immortality - that even if his body is crucified he remains untouched. Here I am not talking only about political rebellion. I am talking about the individual rebel - a spiritual phenomenon, not a political...

... not leave you in peace. Arhata, mind cannot be a creator of joy. At the most it can be just a passage for the joy from the beyond to descend... and reach even to the very fibers of your body. In the busy New York traffic, a taxi driver ran into the back of the car of Dr. Kendall, a psychiatrist. Dr. Kendall jumped out of his car, shook his fist at the cabby and screamed, "Why the hell can't you...
... would not be born again. Enlightenment means ultimate death. You will not have another imprisonment in a body, in desires, in jealousies, in all kinds of uglinesses. You will be here, but a pure breeze, merged into the whole. He said, "I am not going to be born again, and Gautam Buddha has just been born. He will become, one day, the greatest enlightened one. I want to touch his feet because our...

... slowly, slowly blood flows out of the body. And Jesus was young - only thirty-three years old, healthy. He was taken off the cross after six hours. It was a conspiracy between his disciples and the Roman governor of Judea - Judea was in slavery. The governor was not interested in killing an innocent man who had not done anything. If he believes that he is the son of God, why prevent him? - let him...
... and weighing calories of everything. They are very miserly; they don't allow me more than three thousand calories per day. And I have to speak five hours, just on three thousand calories! But they love me, and they don't want me to leave my body before my people are ready. I may have died without Vivek, Devaraj, Devageet, anytime. They have taken every care to keep me alive as long as possible. Now...

... at Jesus Grove, and immediately this happened. In the meeting here, in the last ceremony, Devaraj was injected with poison. He is a doctor, has the highest qualifications from Britain. He immediately understood what had been done. He felt the prick. It happened when Shanti B. was by the side of him, telling him something, one hand on his shoulder, another hand near his body on the floor. He...
..., make small communes. And to work with nature is a healthy thing. All the jobs that the city provides are unhealthy, because people are sitting the whole day in chairs. Man is not made for that; his body is made for at least eight hours' physical labor. Basically he was a hunter, running after wild and fast animals. And that was his food. He managed for thousands of years, and naturally he had a...

... certain health that modern man cannot afford. If you don't use a certain part of your body, that part slowly becomes useless; then you cannot use it. People have to move back to the villages, to the forest, to the mountains. It will be a hard life, but it will be natural, it will be beautiful, it will have a joy. And they should make small communes, so love need not be a forced thing. Ordinarily...
... great compassion and love. I will have to ask forgiveness from Sardar Gurudayal Singh. For a few days at least, many problems will be coming. They have to be sorted out, and I can ask only Gurudayal Singh. Nivedano... (Drumbeat) (Gibberish) Nivedano... (Drumbeat) Be silent. Close your eyes. Feel your body to be completely frozen. Now this is the moment. Look inwards with the totality of your...

... word 'buddha' consists of only one quality: the witnessing. Witness - your body is not you. Witness - your mind is not you. Witness - that except witnessing you are no more. To make it clear, Nivedano... (Drumbeat) Relax, but go on keeping the witnessing eye. At this moment you have made this evening a splendor, a living miracle. I can see the Buddha Auditorium has become a lake of consciousness. All...
... also. If there is nobody, swimming naked is perfectly good. But if there are other people there, you are exposing your naked body to them and they don't want to see it. Because they are repressed, they are afraid they may do something. They are not afraid of your naked body. They are afraid of their repressions! They are afraid that they may forget everything - they may rape you! They are afraid of...
..., moving from body to soul, moving from the outer to the inner. Ultimately religiousness makes you the center of a cyclone. All around you is a cyclone but you are a silent center, and out of that silent center has come all beautiful, still, small voices. The statements of the Upanishads are not the statements of people who belong to any religion. They are the statements of people who drown themselves in...

... hundreds of houses, and I was amazed. The husband and wife are continuously quarreling, fighting, looking like enemies; and they go on producing children. To me, a woman not loving her husband and still allowing her body to be used is functioning as a prostitute. A man not loving his wife but still making love to her because it is his duty is functioning as a male prostitute. You will be surprised with...
... in. Let existence enter into your being and give you a fresh life each moment. You can have such a joy, such immense ecstasy, without torturing yourself and becoming a saint, without making yourself uncomfortable doing all kinds of yoga gymnastics, which are nothing but contortions of your body. You can be at ease, comfortable. There is no need of fasting, there is no need of lying on a bed of...

... hands, you can start growing your mental age; otherwise only your body will grow old, the mind will remain retarded. Unfortunately there is no way right now for children to be raised so that from the very beginning meditation becomes an intrinsic part of them, silence becomes their natural experience, opening to existence becomes just natural. That"s my conception of a New Man - that he will be...

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