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... required is a little alertness. The man who was dying was aware - not much awareness is needed for this experience. At the moment of death your physical body and your spiritual body start separating. Ordinarily, they are so much involved with each other that you don't feel their separation. But at the moment of death, just before death happens, both the bodies start getting unidentified with each other...

.... Now their ways are going to be different; the physical body is going to the physical elements, and the spiritual body is on its pilgrimage onwards, to a new birth, in a new form, in a new womb. If the person is a little alert he can see it himself, and because you said to him that the healthier body is you, and the body that is sick and dying is not you.... In those moments, to trust is very easy...

... because it is happening just before the eyes of the person himself; he cannot identify with the body that is falling apart, and he can immediately recognize the fact that he is the healthier one, the deeper one. But you could have helped the man even a little more - this was good, but not good enough. Even this experience of the man, of getting unidentified with the physical body, immediately changed...

... body is getting farther and farther away. It was a good step to tell him, "You are the healthier body." The second step would have been to tell him, "You are the witness of both the bodies; the body that is dying is physical, and the body that you are feeling is healthy is psychological. But who are you? You can see both the bodies... certainly you must be the third; you cannot be one...

... physical body; but now you have got identified with the psychological body. You are not even that; you are only awareness, a pure consciousness, a perceptivity...." If you could have helped the person to understand that he is neither this body nor that body, but something bodiless, formless, a pure consciousness, then his death would have been a totally different phenomenon. You saw the change of...

...; because now he will not be born into another form, into another imprisonment; now he will remain in the eternal, in the oceanic consciousness that fills the whole universe. So remember it - it may happen to many of you. You may be with a friend or with a relative, your mother, your father. While they are dying, help them to realize two things: first, they are not the physical body - which is very simple...

... for a dying man to recognize. Second - which is a little difficult, but if the man is able to recognize the first, there is a possibility of the second recognition too - that you are not even the second body; you are beyond both the bodies. You are pure freedom and pure consciousness. If he had taken the second step, then you would have seen a miracle happening around him - something, not just...

... to feel that there is no I and there is no thou. It is a question of sensitivity, not of time - of a clear perception, not of living many, many years with me. There are people who have lived with me for years. In fact, the more they have lived with me, the more they have forgotten me completely; they have started taking me for granted. They will wake up only when I disappear from this physical body...

... answered anybody else's question if he had written, "I feel as if I am almost letting go, but a part inside me, small but very persistent, is holding on tight." Even if a part of you is holding on tight, it is enough to destroy your whole idea of let-go. You cannot divide yourself into parts; even if one hand is holding tight, your whole body will have to remain there. I have heard about a man...
... SELF, IN PURSUIT OF VIRTUOUS AND SINFUL ACTS, IDENTIFIES ITSELF WITH THE BODY, WHICH IT IS NOT, THEN IT IS CALLED THE DISEASED BEING. Why does consciousness become so involved with the body - not only involved, but identified? Why do we begin to feel that we are the bodies? - not that we are IN the bodies, but we ARE the bodies? This is really a miracle, because the knower can never be the known; the...

... observer, the source of consciousness, can never be identified with the object. This body we know as an object; this hand I know, I feel, as an object. I never feel... I Can never feel it as me. It is always something outside - an object. It hurts, I know; it doesn't hurt, I know - but I remain the knower. But why does it happen that the knower becomes the known? How? How does the subject become the...

... between the two, never. They have not even talked. He said, "No, if he had not been up to my conceptions I would not have felt like this." The ego begins to be identified with something which is pleasurable. And this is the logic of our minds, the logic of this whole illusion, that we feel that our body is the source of pleasure. Of course there are pains and there are sufferings, but we...

... identified with the body because we feel this is the source of pleasure. Whenever someone else's body becomes the source of pleasure, we begin to be identified with that also. But always, pain comes from someone else; suffering comes from someone else. With this trick, this deep involvement in identification becomes possible. The truth, the fact, is quite different: the body is both OR neither. Either it...

... is both the source of pain and pleasure.... Remember this; it is both, because it cannot be one or the other. Pleasure and pain are ONE. Your body is the source of BOTH. If you can feel this and realize this, then they both negate each other; the pain and the pleasure both negate each other and the body becomes neutral. Or, feel that pleasure and pain both come from outside, both are devices. They...

... both come from outside; don't divide, take them as a whole. Then also there is no identification with the body; the body is neutral. And if the body is neutral, this rishi says you become a soul; otherwise, you are a conditioned soul. And this conditioned soul is the bondage; this conditioning is the bondage. And the rishi says this is the only disease, the spiritual disease: to be conditioned so...

... much, identified so much with the body that one begins to feel as if one is the body. This "as if" must be broken. But it begins to be difficult. One feels to break it, but it looks impossible, because we have investments in it. We can break it if someone can make us confident that "if you break this body- consciousness, you will be very happy and blissful" - then we can break it...

.... But again the old fallacy goes on, the old longing goes on. So I am not saying that if you want happiness, then break this conditioning and identification with the body, because you cannot break it. Rather, be aware of the fact that happiness or misery both will always remain side by side; you cannot leave one and choose the other. That is not possible. They are just like negative and positive poles...

... body and bodies? What is the secret? How are we in it, and why do we continue to be in it? Why is it such a struggle to go beyond? If bliss is inwards, and outwardly we cannot achieve anything other than anguish, then why this absurdity of living outward and outward? Why not go inward? Who is preventing you? You are the prisoner. And you are the imprisoned. No one else is involved in it - No one...

.... Then accept the illness; don't fight it, remain in it, be a companion to it - don't try to escape. Accept it totally, be with it, and soon a moment comes when you explode into a new dimension. The illness may be there still, but now it belongs only to the body, not to you. It is just on the periphery somewhere, as if it belongs to someone else - you have transcended. Once the consciousness begins to...

.... Once this reorientation is there, you begin a new journey, and that journey is inwards. Then you can pass all the five bodies and come to the one which is embodied, but is not a body itself. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... Code: N.A. Short Title: N.A. Audio Available: N.A. Video Available: N.A. Length: N.A. Question 1 QUESTIONER: YOU SAID AT THE NARGOL MEDITATION CAMP HELD RECENTLY, THAT THE SADHANA OR DISCIPLINE OF KUNDALINI IS A WAY OF PREPARING THE BODY. WILL YOU PLEASE EXPLAIN IT? Firstly, the body and the soul in their very depth are not separate; the difference between them is very superficial. When the whole...

... truth of it is known, we no longer see the body and the soul as two separate entities; we really see them as one and the same. In fact, the body is that part of the soul which can be grasped by the senses, and the soul is that part of the body which is beyond the grasp of the senses. So the soul is the invisible end of the body, and the body is the visible end of the soul. But this is known only when...

... one comes to the ultimate experiencing of truth. It is ironical that in general we all believe that the body and soul are one and the same thing. But this general belief is illusory, because we really don't know what the soul is. Rather we take the body for the soul. But even this illusory and popular belief stems from the same basic truth - behind it lies the same knowledge of this unity; in some...

... invisible recess of our being we do know that the body and soul are one. This knowledge of oneness has, however, given rise to two kinds of errors. On the one hand there are the spiritualists, who say that there is only the soul and no body; and on the other, there are the materialists like Charvak and Epicurus, who declare that there is only the body and that there is no soul. These two mistaken concepts...

..., contradicting each other, arise from the same profound realization that the body and soul are not separate. And like the materialists, every common person - who we say is ignorant - thinks that he is only a body. But as the inward journey will begin, the belief that the body and soul are the same will be shattered, and one will come to know that they are separate. Because as soon as one knows that there is a...

... soul, he also knows that the body is separate and the soul is also separate. But this happens in the intermediate stage of the journey. When you will go deeper and still deeper, when you will attain to the ultimate experiencing, you will know that they are not separate. They are really one and the same; they are the different forms of the same reality. It is like I am one person with two hands - a...

... am raising it. So in the ultimate experience the body and soul are not separate; they are two sides, like my two hands, of the same truth. I bring this simile so that you understand the thing well. Then the journey can begin from any of the two points - either from the body or from the soul. If some one begins it with the body and goes deeper and deeper into it, he will ultimately reach to the soul...

.... It is like someone holds my right hand and moves up; he will reach to my left hand sooner or later. Similarly someone can directly begin with the soul and reach to the body in the end. It is, however, very difficult to begin with the soul. It is difficult because the soul is altogether unknown to us. Since we mostly exist at the physical plane, our journey can only begin with the body. There are...

..., however, techniques which start directly with the soul; but generally they are useful for only a very few persons. One in a million can use the techniques that begin with the soul. The vast majority will have to start with the body. One's journey can begin only where one is. And for the journey beginning with the body the kundalini comprises the preparatory work. Kundalini is the basic seat of the...

... deepest experiences of the body. In fact, the body is not only what we know it to be, or the physiologists know; it is much more. For instance, a fan is on. If we take the fan down and dismantle it part by part to investigate it, we will not come across electricity anywhere. And maybe, on the basis of this investigation a very intelligent person says that there is no such thing as electricity in the...

... mechanism of a fan. He will never find it in any part of the fan itself. Yet the fact is that when it was moving, it was being moved by electricity. And the fan will stop moving the moment the electric current stops reaching it. The physiologists study the body by dissecting it and they don't find the kundalini anywhere. They will never find it. Yet the whole body is run with the electrical energy that is...

... kundalini, like a fan is run with electricity. This electrical energy of the kundalini cannot be known through analysis done from without, because in the process of analysis the energy disintegrates and disappears. It can be known only through inner experiencing of it. There are two ways to know the body. You can know it from without as the physiologist does by dissecting it - this is one way; and the...

... other way is to know it from within it. One who goes deep inside it and lives there knows it from within. One who begins to know his body from within... And remember, we know our bodies only from without. Even our own bodies are known to us only from the outside. If I know my left hand, I know it through my eyes which have actually seen them. So my knowledge about my left hand is really the...

... physiologist's knowledge. But if I close my eyes and feel my left hand, this inner feeling of it will be my own. So if someone goes to know his body from within, he will soon reach the kunda, the reservoir, which is the source of all our bodily energy. The energy that lies asleep at this kunda, this pool, is called the kundalini. And then he will know for himself that everything emanates from there and...

... pervades the whole body. It is like a single lamp burns and lights a whole room. If you will explore the source of the light pervading the entire room, you will come to the lamp and find that all light rays are emanating from this one flame. Then you will know that although the rays have reached distant corners of the room, yet the lamp remains their source. Here we are concerned with searching that...

... particular point from where life energy emanates and pervades our whole body. Life energy has to have a center; no energy can be without a source. Though the sun is a hundred million miles away from us, yet we have its rays with us; we can say that there must be a center, a source from where they emanate and pervade the earth. In fact, no energy can ever be without a center; if there is energy it has to...

... have a center. How can there be a circle, a circumference, without a center? Where there is a circumference there is certainly a center too. That your body is a bundle of energy is self-evident; it needs no proof. It is a pile of energy that rises up and sits down, moves and halts and goes into sleep. And it is not that its energy always functions uniformly; sometimes it is active and vigorous and at...

... which has immense possibilities. A single ray of light from the sun opens the possibility of an infinite number of rays coming in its wake. So one way lies through awakening the kundalini which will make you fully aware of the power of your body. And through the awakening of this energy you will arrive at those centers, those doors of your body, from where passage to the invisible end of the body...

... other than their ears. And there are people who see through organs other than their eyes. What is it really that you call your eyes? It is nothing but a part of your skin, with this difference - that since time immemorial man has been using this particular part of his skin for the purpose of seeing. It must have been only accidental that the first man had used that part of his body for this purpose...

... the kundalini begins to wake up and rise, it knocks at such new doors of your body that are not at all ordinary. Through these extraordinary senses - after they are stimulated by the energy of the kundalini - you begin to know things which you cannot know through your ordinary senses. Correctly speaking, the kundalini begins to hit and awaken your internal sense organs. Even now it is through the...

... the most profound result of the intensification of the new senses will be that you will begin to know the invisible world which lies hidden in your body, which is the most subtle and imperceptible part of your body, and which we call the atman or the soul. So with the awakening of the kundalini the possibilities of your growth will be much enhanced. But the work has to begin with the body. There is...

... come straight home. But it does not actually happen that way. In fact, it is very difficult to find one's own house before one has visited any number of houses belonging to others. And until one has begged for others' love and given his own to them, one does not come to know that the real question is of loving oneself. About kundalini I said that it is a preparation of the body; it is really a...

... for ages, begin to give way to this onrushing energy. And it is there that you begin to have extrasensory experiences. And as soon as the extrasensory doors open you begin to be aware of the bodiless part of the body, which may be called the soul or the spirit. So kundalini is body's preparation to enter the bodiless, the soul. It was in this sense that I had said so at Nargol. Question 2 QUESTIONER...

... your organism; I mean you as you are right now. I am not talking about what you really can be; I am, at the moment, concerned with what you are. So when you tire yourself out, two things hap pen together. As you tire yourself out, all your senses practice tires out your body-mind, your sense organs, on the other it goes on hammering your kundalini. So from one end you get tired and from another your...

... stress on tiring you out. On the one hand your body has to be tired, your mind has to be tired, all that you are has to be tired, so that what you really are and you are not aware of can become active. When fresh energy is aroused, it demands work, and your being will have to provide it with work. Actually this energy will find work by itself. So in the event of your ears being tired, the newly...
... THEM. PEACE BE UNTO YOU. The disciples gathered and they discussed what to do now. They were feeling absolutely betrayed, deceived. This man simply proved not a real son of God. He had promised again and again that he would be resurrected, that he would come down out of death with a new, eternal body of light. And he died like an ordinary man; and he died complaining to God,'My God, my God, why have...

... THEM - because a spirit cannot eat. Food is needed for the body. A Spirit has no body; food is irrelevant. And he ate meat, the grossest food. This is just symbolic. Jesus' whole life is a life of silence, defined by parables. AND HE TOOK IT AND DID EAT BEFORE THEM.... Only then could they believe. It is said that when he ate, then they recognized him because of the way, the manner. Nobody else could...

... tremendous. Someone asked what it was. She answered with a sly smile,'I merely recited the alphabet.' But if you know how to sing, even an alphabet can become a tremendous song. If you know how to sing, if you know how to dance, then any movement of your body becomes tremendously meaningful. Then each gesture becomes graceful. Then each gesture exhibits something, manifests something of the unknown. Even...

... deathless... AND SAID UNTO THEM: THUS IT IS WRITTEN,. AND THUS IT BEHOVED CHRIST TO SUFFER, AND TO RISE FROM THE DEAD THE THIRD DAY. This is very meaningful. Whenever you die, if you die unconsciously - as everybody almost always dies - then within three days you are reincarnated in a new body, you enter a womb. That's why in India the third day after anybody's death is very significant, because the third...

... day is symbolic that person is reborn, has somewhere taken birth. If you die consciously, which only a Buddha. or a Jesus does, then it is up to you. You are not going to be born again in any other womb. Then it is up to you; you are totally free. If you want to descend, you can use the old body; if you don't want to descend back, you can disappear into the whole. In Jesus' case the old body was...

... saved. After his crucification his body was put in a cave and the door of the cave was blocked by a rock. Now it is a mystery what happened, because the body disappeared from there. Jesus belonged to a certain sect called Essenes. Jesus himself was trained by the Essenes, he was a disciple in their school. They had worked for him, they were his' Masters, they had prepared him. The Essenes were an...

... esoteric group working almost in secret. When Jesus was crucified, they removed his body, they protected his body for three days. They helped, because if the body is not protected then the soul cannot descend back. In India, we burn the body precisely for this purpose, so that the soul cannot enter into the old body. There is a tendency, even in unconscious souls - a clinging to the old, a fear of the...

... new. And if there is a choice between the old body and a new child's body in a womb, your mind will choose your old body. And there is a fear that the soul may enter back into the body, and that body is useless now rotten, old. It has to be dropped and changed. That's why in India we burn the body immediately, so that there is no possibility of the body being there for the soul to enter into. In any...

... accident it should not be allowed. Only the bodies of saints, of people who die consciously, are not burned in India. They are preserved in special graves we call SAMADHIS. It is the same word we use for the fourth state of consciousness, of transcendence. We call the grave of a saint 'samadhi'. His body is preserved there as a link. People who cannot be in direct contact with the saint can come to the...

... body, and the body can function as a medium. Through the body they can still be in contact with the soul which has been lost into the whole, and they can be helped. Jesus' body was preserved for three days by the Essenes, one of the most important groups on the earth, one of the most important esoteric groups. After three days Jesus entered his body again. Three days is a time limit. One needs to be...

... out of the body for three days to be completely purified of all grossness, of all dust that clings to one's consciousness and soul. THUS IT IS WRITTEN, AND THUS IT BEHOVE CHRIST TO SUFFER, AND TO RISE FROM THE DEAD THE THIRD DAY. And it was a prophecy in the old scriptures that this would happen: the third day Christ would come back, just to show that life is immortal. AND THAT REPENTENCE AND...

... are living only in the body, the mortal. And a person who lives for the body, in the body, and only for the body, lives in sin. Jesus gave the proof. AND THAT REPENTANCE AND REMISSION OF THE SINS SHOULD BE PREACHED IN HIS NAME AMONG ALL NATIONS, BEGINNING AT JERUSALEM. And he said to his disciples,'Now go and spread whatsoever you have seen all over the earth. Go and tell everybody on the earth...
... remains unmanifest is the soul within. The body can be seen for it is the outer covering; that which is within the body, is not open to view. This does not decrease its value however. Its quest becomes all the more necessary because it is invisible. May it not happen, that we go through life mistaking the apparent manifestations of life as the be all and end all of existence. May it not happen that we...

... living consciousness from the gross body. This leads to the seeing of the Self within. There was a Muslim fakir by the name of Sheikh Fareed, People came from far and near to touch his holy feet. One man asked him: "It is said that Jesus was smiling when he was being crucified. How could this be? And it is said that when the limbs of Mansoor were being cut off, he too was laughing. When they...

... picked up a dry coconut. "What about this one?" he asked. "There is no problem with this one, for the fruit is dry and the kernel is free of the shell," replied the man. "Exactly!" said Farced, "and you have got your answer. There are people who are attached to the shell of the body. If the body is hurt, they are hurt. There are others who so detach themselves from...

... the body, that even when the latter is severely castigated, they are not affected. Jesus and Mansoor were like the dry coconut and the likes of you are green coconuts - that is what I wanted to tell you." The body alone is visible because That which is within, is so integrated with the body, that it cannot be located separately. If we can separate the two, it can be observed. Now the question...

... of the importance of the soul: The soul is THE Thing, hence its significance. The body is not of much value - of what value are clothes? The perpetual is to be prized and not the transient clothes do not have the same importance as the wearer of the clothes. So also, the body does not have the same significance as the Self that resides within the body. No one knows how many bodies this soul has...

... acquired and how many it has abandoned! Its journey is long but we do not know anything about it - for we know only the body, the covering and take it to be the thing. Those who know will tell you that that which is within is the real Truth. What is outside, is the covering that changes and keeps changing every day. Perhaps you do not know that your body of today, is not at all the body you were born...

... with? The cluster of cells within the embryo in the mother's womb, was something entirely different from what you are now. The body changes every minute - as the waters of the river. Scientists say that every cell in the body will be replaced, so that in seven years' time, we have a completely new body. If a man lives for seventy years, his body changes ten times The body is a perpetual flow but...

... within there is something that does not flow It is the same forever. The body passes from infancy to youth and from youth to old age - but you? You are the same today as you were yesterday, and you will be the same tomorrow and in the days to come. This is the reason why you can remember that you were once a child. If you had undergone a complete change there would be no one left behind to remember I...

... knew the body when it was a child; now that it is young, I know it as such. When it gets old, I shall know it as such. Those with deeper understanding are also aware of death when it comes, and are capable of witnessing the same. When Sikandar was about to set out for India, his friends said: "When you return, bring a sanyasin from India along with you, for genuine sanyasins are found only in...

... resist, your head will part company from the rest of your body." "You poor, foolish, ignorant man!" said the fakir. "The head you threaten to sever, I have long since known to be apart from me. It matters little whether it is on my shoulders or not. If you cut my neck, I shall see the head rolling off to the ground, the same way as you do. You will see and I will see - we both shall...

... about death. And you ask the worth of such a Self? That alone, is Existence; that alone is Immortal; that alone is Truth. The body holds as much value as a house; but the owner who stays within cannot be evaluated with the same measure. But there are fools, who sell the owner to save the house, who take the body to be everything and forget the Self. As Swami Ram was passing through the streets of...

... then, two men brought out the dead body of the son, the owner and the inheritor of all his wealth. The man was beside himself with grief. "What shall I do with all this wealth, when the one for whom it was, is no more!" "Swami Ram writes in his diary: "I witnessed a strange happening today, but very true. Today I saw the owner of a house burnt to death, while everyone was busy...

... stars are not where you see them and you cannot see them where they are. Life is very very strange. This matter that we see does not exist. This body that appears so compact is also a mere synthesis of atoms, and That which is of the greatest significance, lies hidden within! That is consciousness on which depends all play of life. The more you try to find this consciousness, the more elusive it...

... becomes. In these three days, we have talked on some suggestions, some hints and some rules in the quest of this Truth. That which is invisible is of great importance and hence the need to talk on it. When this body falls, as it is sure to one day, only that remains which is invisible hence it is very useful and very necessary to talk about it and to find ways and means of attaining it. Those that...

.... As years passed by, his fame spread and people from far and near came to worship him. When other sadhus sat in the shade, he stood in the gruelling heat of the sun; when others walked on smooth roads, he walked on thorny foot-paths; when others ate once a day, he ate once in three days. His body looked like a veritable skeleton. The more people venerated him, the greater became his enmity towards...

... shall have to perform penance." "But just now you were saying you are not the body, you are the soul; and now you attribute sex even to a piece of clothing. Does cloth touched by men become masculine?" I asked her. These are the traits of suppressed sexuality, of suppressed desires, and of a suppressed mind. It has been so badly repressed that even a piece of cloth acquires meaning...

.... "If you have come to realize that the soul is not the body, then there is no cause for alarm even if you touch a man's body - for the body is dust," I told her. Unfortunately we become all the more conscious of that which we suppress, which then tries to hold us from different angles in different forms. I was staying once with a sadhu. Every day, in the course of conversation, he would tell...
... commentaries which say just the opposite. KRIYA-YOGA IS A PRACTICAL, PRELIMINARY YOGA, AND IT IS COMPOSED OF AUSTERITY, SELF STUDY AND SURRENDER TO GOD. The first word is 'austerity'. Masochists have converted austerity into self-torture. They think that the more you torture the body, the more spiritual you become. Torturing the body is the way to become spiritual: this is the understanding of the masochist...

.... Torturing the body is not a way; torturing is violent. Whether you torture others or yourself, it is violent; and violence can never be religious. What is the difference between torturing someone else's body and torturing your own body? What is the difference? The body is 'the other'. Even your own body is the other. Your body is a little closer and the other's body is a little further away, that's all...

.... Because yours is closer it is more likely to become a victim of your violence; you can torture it. And for thousands of years people have been torturing their bodies with the false notion that it is the way towards God. In the first place, why would God give you a body? He has not provided you with any implements to torture your body. Rather, on the contrary, he has provided you with sensibilities...

..., sensitiveness, with senses: to enjoy it, not to torture it. He has made you so sensitive because through sensitivity awareness grows. If you torture your body you will become more and more insensitive. If you lie down on a bed of thorns, by and by, you will become insensitive. The body will have to become insensitive, otherwise how can you continuously tolerate thorns? The body will become dead in a way, it...

... will lose its sensitivity. If you stand in the hot sun continuously, the body wilt protect itself by becoming insensitive. If you sit naked in the Himalayas when snow is falling and the whole mountain range is covered in snow, by and by, the body will lose its sensitivity to coldness. It will become a dead body. And with a dead body, how can you feel the blessings of existence? How can you feel the...

... small breeze touches you and gives you the message, and even an ordinary leaf shaking in the wind becomes such a tremendous phenomenon because of your sensitivity. You look at an ordinary pebble and it becomes a kohinoor. It depends on your sensitivity. Life is more if you are more sensitive; life is less if you are less sensitive. If you have a completely wooden body with no sensitivity, life is nil...

..., life is no longer there; you are already in your grave. Masochists have done that. Sadhana has become an effort to deaden the body and the sensitivity. To me, just the opposite is the way. Austerity does not mean torture; austerity means a simple life, an austere life. Why a simple life? Why not a very complicated life? Because the more complicated the life is, again, the less sensitive you will be...

... had to be false. A rich man cannot be rich if he is sensitive. In accumulating wealth, he goes on dying. There are two ways to kill your body: one is the way of the masochist who tortures, another is the way of the rich man who accumulates wealth and rubbish. By and by, all the garbage that he accumulates becomes a barrier and he cannot move, he cannot see, he cannot hear, he cannot taste, he cannot...

... anything makes you hard; the softness is lost, the flexibility is lost. Then you are no longer flexible like a child. Then you become rigid like an old man. Lao Tzu says, 'Rigidity is death, flexibility is life.' A simple life is not a cultivated, poor life. Don't make poverty your goal and don't try to cultivate it. Just understand that the more simple, unloaded your body and mind are, the more you...

... in the West with hippies and other sorts of people. They are again making the same mistake that India has been making for a long time. India has known all sorts of hippies in the past. They have lived the dirtiest lives possible. Just in the name of austerity, they would not take baths because they felt, 'Why bother, and why decorate the body?' Did you know that Jain monks don't take baths? You...

... cannot sit near them; they stink. They don't brush their teeth. You cannot talk to them; there is a bad smell, a bad odor comes out of their mouths. And this is thought to be austerity, because they say, 'Even bathing or cleaning the body is to be a materialist. Then you are much too involved with the body, so why bother?' But this type of attitude is just moving to the other extreme, from one...

... foolishness to another. There are people who are engaged with the body for twenty-four hours. You can find women wasting hours before the mirror. This is one type of foolishness: just cleaning the part continuously, never noticing that it is only a part. Good, clean it, but don't clean it continuously the whole day, otherwise it is an obsession. A clean body is good, but a continuous obsession with cleaning...

... it -- that is madness. There are people who are continuously decorating their bodies. Almost half of the industries of the world are devoted to body decorations: powders, soaps, perfumes. Cleanliness is good, but it should not be an obsession. It had become an obsession in the West, and now, the other pole. People who are too concerned with the body, with clothes and cleanliness and this and that...

... you have passed so many times and never looked at, suddenly becomes like a dream, an ecstasy, a rainbow of colors. This is what happens to a sensitive man without taking any drugs. To take the drugs means that you have become so hardened and dull and dead that now a chemical aggression is needed on your body. Only then for a few moments the window will open and you will see the poetry of life, and...

... complex mind. I saw Mulla Nasrudin one day following the body of a rich man who had died. The whole town was following, and Mulla Nasrudin was crying and weeping so hard. So I asked him, 'What is the matter, Nasrudin? Were you in some way related to the rich man?' He said, 'No.' 'Then why you are weeping?' I asked. He said, 'Because I was not related to him, that's why!' People are weeping because they...

... here millions of times, you will be here millions of times -- you will be here forever. Life is forever. Of course your name will not be the same. You may not have the same face again, you may not have the body of a man or a woman again, but that doesn't matter, that is irrelevant. You will be here just like the waves in the ocean -- they go and come, they go and come. Forms change, but the same...
... - death. Tantra focuses on the beginning-life. That is why Buddha seems to be too much in love with death and tantra seems to be too much in love with sex, love, body, life. In the end there is death and in the beginning there is sex. Because tantra focuses itself on the beginning, sex becomes very important. So how to go deep and know what sex is, how to reveal the mystery of love, how to penetrate...

... TRANSCENDED AND TRANSFORMED ONLY BY BRINGING THE BODY TO A DEATH-LIKE STATE? The mind is constantly active. While you are active meditation is impossible, because meditation means a deep inactivity. You can know yourself only when everything has become still, silent and quiet. Only then, in that silence, do you happen to encounter yourself. Otherwise, in activity you are so much occupied with something or...

... yourself. That is why in many techniques it is suggested to make your body as if it is dead. It means simply being inactive like a dead man. While you are meditating, let your body enter death. It will be imagination, but even that will help. Do not ask how imagination can help. Imagination has its own function. For example, now scientific experiments are done... You sit down, there is a doctor, and he...

..., they say that imagination is as real a fact as anything. Imagination is not JUST imagination, because it results in actual fact. Do this experiment... Fall down on the ground, lie still and feel you are going to die. The body is becoming dead. By and by you will feel a heaviness coming over the body. The whole body will become a dead weight, a lead weight. Tell yourself that "Even if I want to...

... remove my hand from the position where it is, I cannot move it. "Then try to remove it, and you will not be able to do so. Now the imagination is working. In this state where you feel the body has become a dead weight, you can cut yourself off from the world of activity easily. That is why this is suggested. You can now become inactive because you are dead. Now you can feel that everything has...

... died and the bridge from you to the world is broken. The body is the bridge. If the body is dead, you cannot do anything. Can you do anything without the body? You cannot do anything without the body. Any activity is through the body. Mind can think about it but cannot do it. You have become impotent; you cannot do anything. You are inside, the world is outside. the vehicle is dead and the bridge is...

... broken. In this state of the body being dead and the bridge being broken, your energy will start moving inwards, because there is no way to move out. The outer way is closed and blocked, so now you move inwards. See yourself standing at the heart center; look within at the details of the body. You will feel very strange when for the first time you can look from within your own body. Tantra, yoga...

..., ayurveda, all the old physiologies, all the old physiological doctrines, their work was revealed and made known through such inner meditative techniques. Modern physiology is known through dissection, but ancient physiology was known through meditation, not dissection. And now there is a school, a school of very avant-garde medical thinkers who say that when you dissect a body and come to know something...

..., you come to know something which is dead - and whatsoever is inferred from a dead part is irrelevant to a live body. They may be right. If you take my blood out and then examine it, you are examining dead blood. It is not the same blood which was in me. Outwardly it is the same, but in me it was a live process, a live current, alive, part of a mechanism, of an organic whole. Now it is dead. It is as...

... anything. The pattern is lost, the live contact is lost. All the traditions of yoga and tantra say that unless you can come to know the living body, your knowledge is false. But how to come to know the living body? There is only one way: you enter into yourself, and move within to see the details of the body. A different world was revealed through these techniques, an alive world. So the first thing: be...

... centered at the heart, and look around at your body, move. Two things will happen. One: you will not feel now that you are the body - you cannot feel it. You are the observer, one who is aware, alert, looking at, not being looked at. For the first time the body will become just a clothing; you will be different from it. And the second thing: immediately you will feel, "I cannot die." This will...

... seem strange - using a method, an imaginary method of death, and then coming to the deathless point. You will come to know suddenly, "I cannot die." You have seen others who have died. What happened to them? Their bodies became dead; that is why you inferred that they were dead. Now you can see that the whole body is lying dead, and you are alive. So bodily death is not your death. The body...

... dies, and you move on. And if you persist in this technique, the time is not very far away when you can come out of your body and look at your body from without, at your body lying dead just before you. It is not very difficult. Once you experience this, you will never be the same person again. You will be reborn; you will become DWIJ - twice born. Now a new life starts. I was telling you yesterday...

... is there. Many times flies came around me. They would fly around, they would creep over me, on my face. Sometimes I felt irritated and would have liked to throw them off, but then I thought, "What is the use? Sooner or later I am going to die, and then no one will be here to protect the body. So let them have their way." The moment I decided to let them have their way, the irritation...

... disappeared. They were still on the body, but it was as if I was not concerned. They were as if moving, as if creeping on someone else's body. There was a distance immediately. If you accept death, a distance is created. Life moves far away with all its worries, irritations, everything. I died in a way, but I came to know that something deathless is there. Once you accept death totally, you become aware of...
.... Audio Available: N.A. Video Available: N.A. Length: N.A. The first question: Question 1: THE RIVER ULTIMATELY REACHES THE SEA. THE BODY GOES AND THERE REMAINS ONLY EXISTENCE, THE INFINITE. WHAT THEN IS THIS URGE AND THE PURPOSE OF GETTING THERE NOW? ISN'T IT PUSHING THE RIVER? Hamid, the problem is that man is NOT a river, man is very much frozen. There is no flow in man's being. Man is like ice, not...

... become a rock. And the reason why man has become a non-flowing rock is the mind. The body is perfectly flowing, so is the soul. But between the two, the link, the mind, is frozen ice. Once the mind goes deeper into meditation it starts melting. That's what meditation is all about: an effort to melt the mind. You say, 'The river ultimately reaches the sea.' That's true, but first become a river. You say...

..., 'The body goes and there remains only existence, the infinite.' True, but between the body and the soul there is a mind clinging to you, or you clinging to it. The body goes, but you don't become the infinite because you are not only surrounded by a body - that is your physical limitation - there is psychological limitation inside it. Through the death of the body, mind will not die, it will take...

... rebirth. It will move into another womb, because it will carry so many desires which are to be fulfilled. It will again seek another womb, another body with which to fulfil those desires. That is the very foundation of the theory of reincarnation. Mind desires, and if desires are there, then opportunities will arise in which those desires will be fulfilled. God cooperates with you. If you have desires...

... like a dog, you will become a dog, you will have the body of a dog. Your mind creates the blueprint, and then the body follows. The body is a projection of the mind, not vice versa. Unless mind disappears completely you will be born again and again. Once the mind is gone, then it is perfectly true, Hamid: the body disappears and you are the infinite. In fact, if the mind is not there, you are the...

... infinite without the disappearance of the body, without the death of the body. There is no need to wait for that. Buddha is infinite even when he is in the body because he knows he is not the body. Buddha is infinite when he leaves the body. There is no difference for him: living in the body or leaving the body is the same. You live in a house, but you don't think that you are the house. Exactly like...

... that, an awakened consciousness lives in the body; it uses the body just as you use a car. You sit in the car, you drive the car; you know that you are not the car. You can get out of it any moment. You need not wait for an accident to happen when the car is destroyed to feel that you are not the car. And if you don't know it when the car is there and you are in it, how are you going to know it when...

... the car is not there? Just through the death of the body, you will not know that you are infinite. Either you are infinite herenow, or you will never be. Infinity is your nature. The real problem is not the body. The body is not the culprit as the so-called religions have been telling you, 'The body is the culprit!' The body is not the culprit at all. The body is utterly innocent and beautiful. The...

... entangled into such an unloving affair. He hates you, otherwise why should he demand surrender? He wants to possess you, he wants to reduce you into a thing. He wants to use you, exploit you. He thinks of you only as a body, as a mechanism. He does not respect you as a person, as a presence. This is humiliating, this is not love. Avoid it. But surrender happens when there is love. And nobody demands, and...

....' 'I'm sorry, but I have to do it!' Max replied. 'Look,' she cried, 'I'll do anything. I'll give you my body.' 'Okay,' said the senior citizen, 'take off your clothes and get in bed.' The girl did and Max quickly followed. He tried and tried and tried for about twenty minutes. Exhausted and in defeat, he finally gave up. 'It's no use,' sighed Max. 'I just can't make it. I'll have to call the police...

... way to know that you are deathless, that only the body dies, and you never die. And once you have known it, you are ready, ready for the journey, and when death comes, you will go laughing and dancing and singing into it. And a man who can go laughing, dancing, and singing into death, prayerfully, meditatively, comes to know the greatest orgasm that is in the world. Sexual orgasm is nothing, because...

... in sexual orgasm only a small, minute part of your life energy leaves your body, and you feel a great relaxation. In death your whole life energy leaves the body. No sexual orgasm can be compared with that cosmic orgasm, that total orgasm that death brings to you. Don't miss death. Death is going to give you the greatest gift in life, the parting gift. But only a few people come to it because...

... body, into this prison. In the East this has been our goal: how not to be born again, because this whole process of being born and dying again and again is a boring process; it is utterly futile. In the final analysis it is just a dream, and not even a nice dream but a nightmare. My suggestion to you is: you have lived your life, you have seen the pleasures of the body, you have looked into...

..., hold on just a minute, Mrs Smith, don't brush those feathers onto me.' This is the fourth stage. Slowly slowly, philosophy becomes a kind of madness. It leads you into neurosis because philosophy is a mind phenomenon. Science has taken the body, religion has taken the soul, only the mind is left for philosophy. And mind is potential madness. If you go on too much into the mind, you will be moving...
... asking all these things in a simple question. The monk said, "By days." Buddha said: You do not understand the Way. The man's understanding was very superficial. We_ can call it the understanding on the level of the body. Of course, the body has a clock in it. Now the scientists call it the biological clock'. That's why if you eat every day at one o'clock, your lunch time, then every day at...

... one o'clock the body will say you are hungry. The body has a clock. You need not actually look at the clock. If you listen to your body, the body will tell you, "Now it is time to sleep because every day you go to sleep at this time." And you can even put an alarm in your body-clock. When you are going to sleep you can repeat your own name loudly, three times. If your name is Ram, Vou can...

... say, "Ram, listen. I have to get up at five o'clock. Help me." Talk to your body and go to sleep, and exactly at five o'clock your body will wake you. The body has a clock. That's why every month, after exactly four weeks, twenty-eight days, the monthly period comes to a woman. The body manages very exactly unless something has gone wrong with the body - the woman may have disturbances...

.... Otherwise, it is exactly twenty-eight days. If the clock is functioning well there will never be any problem: twenty-eight days means twenty-eight days. After nine months the body is ready to give birth to a child, EXACTLY after nine months. If the woman is healthy and there is no complication in her body, it will happen exactly at the moment nine months are complete. The body carries a clock and...

... functions perfectly well. The body, of course, is measured by days. And the body shows every sign of passing time. Young, old: you can see it on the body. The body carries the whole biography. This man's understanding was very physical, very superficial. THE BUDDHA ASKED ANOTHER MONK. HOW DO YOU MEASURE THE LENGTH OF A MAN'S LIFE? THE MONK ANSWERED, "BY THE TIME THAT PASSES DURING A MEAL." His...

... well, you can live well, you can have all the pleasures of life - still you will remain empty. This man, the second monk, said that life is to be measured by pleasure, by indulgence, by sensuality. But Buddha said: You do not understand the Way - because the Way cannot be understood by the body- oriented mind, and the Way cannot-be understood by the mind-oriented mind. Neither can it be understood...

.... Otherwise it looks a little absurd: the man says, "By breath," and Buddha says: Very well, you know the Way. The man just says, "By breath." The first thing: if you look at yourself you will find there is the body; the first circle around you, your outermost circle. Then there is your mind: the second circle within the first circle. And then you will come to a bridge: that bridge is...

... your breath, PRANA. By that bridge you are joined with the soul. That's why when a person stops breathing we say he is dead, the bridge is broken. Now the soul is separate and the body is separate. When a child is born the first thing he is expected to do is to breathe. Through breath the soul and body become joined together. And again, the last thing he will do when he dies will be to stop breathing...

.... Again there will be a divorce; the body and soul will be separate. PRANA IS the bridge, the glue by which you are glued together. A man can live without food for many days; you can live without water for many hours; but without breath you cannot live even for many minutes. Even seconds will seem difficult. Breath is the bridge between matter and no-matter, between the form and the formless, between...

... stops. I say almost; it does not stop really. But it becomes so silent that you cannot feel it. You can feel it only if you put a mirror close to your nose. Then on the mirror you can feel it; otherwise you cannot feel it. Those are rare moments of blessing and benediction. All the Yoga systems of the world have worked on breathing, because it is through the breathing that you will pass from the body...

... to no-body. It is through breathing that you will enter into the innermost core of your existence. The monk is right when he says, "A man's life is to be measured by the way he breathes, by how he breathes." If you are afraid, your breathing is different; you are nervous, your breathing is different; you are sad, your breathing is different. With every mood your breathing changes. The...

... Kirlian photographers say that we can catch hold of a disease six months before it really happens to the person. And if it can be done, then there will be no need for anybody to be ill. The person himself is not aware that he will be falling a victim of tuberculosis in six months. How can you be aware of that? But before it enters into the body, first it enters PRANA. Before it enters the body, first it...

... enters your energy. They call it 'bioplasma' in Russia; it is exactly what we mean by PRANA - bioplasma: your vitality, your body electricity. First it enters into the body electricity, and then it takes six months to be transformed into a physical phenomenon. Then it becomes solid in the body. Then it is already too late. When you start treating it, it is already too late. If you could have caught it...

... when it was in the bioplasma, you could have destroyed it very, very easily. There would have been no problem in it. And the body would never have suffered, the body would not even have known about it. Buddha says that anything that enters into the bioplasma first happens in your breathing. Anything that happens to your body, to your mind, first happens to your breathing. Maybe some day Kirlian...

... photographers will be able to re- discover the fact that there is a certain association between the pulse of bioplasma and breathing. It has to be so - because when you breathe deeply you have a bigger aura. That has been photographed. When you breathe deeply you have more oxygen and more flowing energy, and your body has a bigger aura, more luminosity to it. When you breathe in a dull way, the whole of your...

..., NEITHER HAVE I BIRTH, NOR BODY, NOR SENSES AND MIND. This part of the sutra is even more strange. It says there is neither virtue nor sin for me. To a Christian mind it will seem conceivable, because God means virtue. To the Jewish tradition, to Islam, to Christianity, God means virtue. Sin cannot be conceived in any way related to God. That's why Christianity, Jewish tradition, Islam, all have to...

... attitude, so torturing oneself became virtue. Really, in the West the rebellion that exists today is just a part, a reaction of the whole Christian antibody attitude. If you go to the extreme, then somewhere the pendulum comes back, begins to come back. The body became something devilish, part of the devil in you, so you have to fight it. So Christian mystics are doing much violence to themselves...

... everything then the dimension of poverty has changed. You have everything and the being becomes poor. Now you are divided - not the world, but you are divided into two. Go on accumulating riches outside, and you will go on creating a deep valley of poverty inside. So only a rich man becomes really conscious of inner poverty. We have created much to help the human body - many medicines, much science, many...

.... Not a single atom has been added, cannot be added. From where can you bring it... when we talk about the total, from where can you bring a single atom? Or if you want to destroy a single atom, how can you destroy it? Where can you push it? Science says that nothing can be destroyed and nothing can be created. The totality remains the same, but the parts change. A tree is destroyed, a body is dead; a...

... remains, and the whole remains the same. It is neither born, nor is there any possibility of its being dead. It is beginningless and endless. Lastly, this sutra says that I HAVE NEITHER BODY NOR SENSES NOR MIND. It is easy to understand that the total can have no body, the total can have no limitation. A body is a limitation; the total is bound to be infinite. Where can it end? If it ends somewhere that...

...; it can think only about the finite. So there is no body, because body means a definition, body means a definite limit. NOR SENSES.... The divine has no senses, the total has no senses. Senses are required to know the other. I can see you only because I have eyes. If you are there, then eyes are needed, but for God there is no you. He cannot say to anyone, "You." For the total there are no...

.... Nothing is unknowable to him, nothing is unknown to him. The total knows, so mind is not required at all. And it is logical that if there is no body, there can be no senses; and if there are no senses there can be no mind, because mind, senses, body, are one mechanism. Mind is the most subtle thing in the body, body the most gross, and senses in between created a duality in this also, that mind and body...

... are two things - that is absolute nonsense. Mind is part of the body, the most subtle part, and body is just an outgoing of the mind in the gross - they are one. So man has not a body and mind; man has a body-mind, a psychosomatic oneness. But the duality, the thinking of duality creates everywhere opposites, dualities. God has neither body, nor senses, nor mind - then what has he? To say that he...

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