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Found: 3224 articles, showing 2150 - 2160


... comfortable, no possibility of ever being without any worry, work, responsibility, duty. He lived in tremendous tranquility, silence, without being in any way influenced, impressed, forced, directed. He was free, and alone, and sufficient, not in any need of the other. And there was not a single thing that was missing. Everything that was needed was provided by the mother's body automatically. You cannot...

..., carrying his bag is going up a staircase. At the top is his study. At that moment the atom bomb fell on Hiroshima. The boy, with his bag and books, got completely burned and stuck into the wall. With the bag, with the books, his whole body burned like coal tar, stuck - still with one leg raised towards the higher step, but suddenly everything stopped. And that very moment more than two hundred thousand...

... world. In fact, he had discovered half of the secret; the remaining half is the living cell in the human body. This is the dead cell in things, the atom, that he had been able to split. And by splitting it, so much energy is created - by splitting such a small atom. You cannot see it with your bare eyes, nor can you see it by any technical means; it is only inferred, it is just in the calculations. It...
... you are reaching higher and higher into your consciousness, thoughts are left far behind. You experience that your body is just outside you, your mind is just outside you and you are standing in the middle, the center of the cyclone, in utter silence, in absolute beauty, in great light, in utter fulfillment. Except the process of meditation, everything is non- essential. I don't want my people to be...

... it yourself, I will give you again a choice." He took him to the first room. It was so horrible. People were being cut by electric saws and again joined for another cut. It was so painful. Everybody was naked, and one can see that how many cuts a man has gone through. You could count the scars. And they had really invented a glue that you cut the body in two, glue it, put it back, and...

... sometimes those small devils who were doing all this work, they will put two persons' bodies and changes the head of one, the body of another. It was looking very ugly. Everybody was in torture. The devil asked, "Would you like to join this group? It is a group therapy." Morarji said, "No. I would like to see the other two." In the second one, it was even more horrible. There was no...
... it. The photograph shows because we are containing a certain electricity, and that electricity makes an aura. The healthy man has a bigger aura, the sick man has a very small aura, the dying man's aura has disappeared. So if you are going to be sick in a certain part of the body, it will lose its aura. It may become known to you when the disease has already happened. No country is using kirlian...

... about stupid things like brahmacharya, celibacy. There has never been a celibate in the world; it is unnatural. You are making him a hypocrite. Because of this celibacy man's hypocrisy can remain hidden, but the woman's menstrual period cannot remain hidden. On this point Mahavira decided that a woman can attain to enlightenment, but not from the body of a woman. First she will have to attain the body...
... body of a man - then there is some possibility of her becoming enlightened. Says must you know pain - but for what? If the woman cannot become enlightened, why should she go through pain? She is not gold, in that going through fire she will become purer. AND COULD YOU KEEP YOUR HEART IN WONDER AT THE DAILY MIRACLES OF YOUR LIFE, YOUR PAIN WOULD NOT SEEM LESS WONDROUS THAN YOUR JOY...

... young man, perfectly healthy, may be gone tomorrow through a heart attack. It will be difficult for you... I can see you - you cannot even talk, you are coughing and throwing up mucus and your body has become a skeleton; but even in this condition a simple meditation, Vipassana, may be able to open the doors. "And as you have realized that all your knowledge is meaningless, you are almost ready...

... to take a jump into silence, into your own inner center, because that is the only thing that is going with you. Before you leave the body, at least be introduced to it. That small introduction to yourself may give you a new life on a higher level." Almustafa does not mention the fact that women always remain more like the child than men; that is one part of their beauty - their innocence, they...
... stream. Space is always there: you come and go, you go into the room, you go out of the room, but the space in the room remains where it is. Albert Einstein's whole life effort was somehow to figure out what time is. And his discovery was that time is only a fourth dimension of space; hence certainly it cannot be in a flow. It is not possible that one of your hands is a flow and your whole body remains...

... of the change that is happening in his body, in the world. He has to become aware of everything that changes. Your mind goes on changing, your feelings go on changing - is there something which does not change? We have called that innermost core of your being the center of your cyclone, your soul, which does not change. Again it will be important to be reminded that only one person in the whole...

... him to love is boundless. But you have boundaries. How can the boundless be within you, who have boundaries? You must have read Leo Tolstoy's famous story, How Much Land Does a Man Require? - how big is your grave going to be? In this small body you are aware there are things which are boundless. He is giving you the example of love, because that is more common and understandable. In the same way...
... explain the world of the mind. If you fall in love it is a mystery. But go and ask Freud and he will explain the whole thing. He will say that this is nothing, just hormones in the body, and "Do not get too serious about it. It is just chemicals working - just particular hormones forcing you to be in love. This is nothing to get mad about. Those hormones can be pulled out of your body and the love...

..., electronic devices inside the vagina go on recording what is happening; a graph is made. While a couple is making love, devices go on working which are recording what is happening to the blood, to the breathing, to the body, to the hormones. Then the whole mystery is clear, and then they say, "This is just a mechanical thing. It happens because of these causes." Once the mystery about sex is gone...
... mind changed the whole body. And after he reached through that path and left the path and started trying something else, even after that, for one year the body remained the same. It took one year to come back, to become a man again. You are both inside; it is just a question of emphasis. And Heraclitus came to realize this: THE NATURE OF DAY AND NIGHT IS ONE. THE WAY UP AND THE WAY DOWN ARE ONE AND...

... it, my heart also feels it, my hand also, because I am one. It may be focused in the head, that's okay, but the whole body feels ill. A buddha becomes enlightened -- it is focused there, that's all, because no individual is there. It is just a focusing, but he will vibrate all over. Existence is just like a spider's web. You touch the web from anywhere and the whole vibrates. Somewhere the touch is...
... about their strength. Just nearby there was a gymnasium, the most famous in the area, where people were body-building, and they had champions. And we were very small but we knew that whether you are a champion or a great wrestler, it does not matter. We used to purchase paper snakes from the market and we would put them on the other side of the road attached with a thin black thread held in our hands...

... batteries or any electricity; it runs continuously from the cradle to the grave. And who knows it may be running even in the grave. Brain surgeons have become aware of the fact that the brain can be taken out from your skull and put into a mechanical head. All that it needs is oxygen and blood for everything to run through the mechanical head exactly as it used to run in your head on your body. Your brain...

... continues to function. It does not know that the man has changed. It goes on dreaming, it goes on thinking; it goes on making plans, it goes on being jealous. Brain surgeons have been very shocked that the brain does not need you at all; it goes on by itself. And it is very frightening that a brain without a body, just mechanically supported for its nourishment is perfectly well and it goes on doing the...
... individuality you are finished forever, in a single blow, with all that is false. Suddenly you have no name, no fame, no religion, no nation. Suddenly you are just a pure consciousness, just a human being -- not even your body, not your mind, not your heart, but just a pure source of life. That source of life goes on transmigrating from one form into another. Once you discover it your journey is coming to an...

... end. Totally discovered, you are enlightened. Then there is not going to be any more birth for you, any more imprisonment into a body, into a personality -- you have attained to freedom. Individuality is freedom. That's why it touches you; even the word uttered goes deep inside you like an arrow. And the individuality is bound to be unique. The personality is created by the society, so it wants...

... perspiration; it is possible for the virus to pass through anything coming out of your body -- saliva or perspiration. And people's hands are perspiring. It is dangerous. Now I have been brought pictures from American magazines, from European magazines, of police with gloves on their hands because they were preventing a protest march of gay people. Now to touch the gay people is dangerous. But who knows who...
... life, my people love life. I'm not afraid of death. I will enjoy death as much as life, but my people don't want me to leave the body now, and they have every right to protect me. I'm not going to prevent anybody who is going to assassinate me. Why should I prevent my people from protecting me? If the assassin is free, I'm not going to interfere. And the people who love me and want to protect me, I'm...

... the world... that they have dropped out of it. I want them to be clearly individual. They don't belong to this rotten world around. The day I see that there is no need, they will be using all colored clothes. It is nothing spiritual, nothing religious; it is simply an identification card put all over the body. Q: THERE HAVE BEEN THOSE WHO HAVE ACCUSED YOU AND THE PEOPLE LIVING HERE OF OBSCURING THE...

... questions, and whatsoever spontaneous response happens in me, I tell it to them. And because I am not concerned at all about any consistency, I have made it clear to my people never to say "Yesterday you said this, and today you are saying this, and these seem to be contradictory." I always insist whatever I am saying right now is the truth. Q: YOU'VE BEEN DESCRIBED AS A PERSON OF CONTRADICTIONS...

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