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... changing around you, the body is changing, the senses are changing, the mind is changing -- everything is changing -- and if you are also changing, then there is no possibility of finding the eternal, the unchanging one. These are changing, that is true. The world is changing continuously. It is a process: it has no being. It is a flux. Let it be so. There is only one thing permanent in the world, and...

... that is change. Everything else changes -- except change. Only change remains as a permanent character. The body is changing, continuously, every moment. Every single moment it is flowing and changing; otherwise how will you become old, how will you become a youth, how will a child become a youth? Can you say on what day the child becomes a youth? Can you say on what date the young man becomes old...

...? Difficult. In fact, if you ask physiologists they are not yet clear at exactly what moment one says that the man was alive and now he is dead. It is impossible to decide. The definition is still unclear because life is a process. In fact when you have died, almost, and your friends have abandoned you, a few processes still continue in the body -- nails go on growing, hairs go on growing. A part of you...

... still seems to be alive and functioning. When exactly a man dies, it is still undefined. In fact, life and death cannot be defined; it is a flux phenomenon. Body goes on changing, mind goes on changing -- every moment the mind is changing. If you are looking into this changing world in these distractions of your being, and searching for truth, God, bliss, then you will be frustrated. Move within. Go...

... into the gaps where neither the world exists nor the body nor the mind. There, for the first time, you come face to face with eternity, which has no beginning and no end, which has no change in it. WHETHER THEY BE LATENT, ACTIVE, OR UNMANIFEST, ALL PROPERTIES INHERE IN THE SUBSTRATUM. Patanjali says whether a flower has died or whether a flower is in bloom makes no difference. When a flower is in...
... have been existentially wrong, because it is not one silence within you; there are layers and layers and layers of silences. Those who have entered, they know: there are seven layers of silences connecting to seven centers of your body. Each center becomes silent; hence, instead of using the singular "silence", he has used a plural: silences. And you will be surprised that he is the only...

..., are here in this earth. LONG WERE THE DAYS OF PAIN I HAVE SPENT WITHIN ITS WALLS. He's not unaware of the fact: "In this city, which is known to me... LONG WERE THE DAYS OF PAIN... anguish, anxiety. AND LONG WERE THE NIGHTS OF ALONENESS. But still - and this has to be understood by every meditator - because everybody has lived in this world, in this body, perhaps for many, many lives, we have...

... selling misery to you. Wherever there is a demand, there is a supply. You go to those people - "I want to drop the misery how to drop it?" They say, "Stand on your head!" Torture your body. This is yoga. But it takes lives to drop it - go on standing on your head and distorting your body. It is good that people don't follow these misery-sellers, hawkers; otherwise, they would turn...

... LONGING THAT WALK NAKED AMONG THESE HILLS, AND I CANNOT WITHDRAW FROM THEM WITHOUT A BURDEN AND AN ACHE. What he's saying is almost what I could have said. How can I leave my body without you all? My ship arrived a long time ago but I am not even looking at it. He is right. Every master will feel the same way: TOO MANY FRAGMENTS OF MY SPIRIT HAVE I SCATTERED IN THESE STREETS. AND TOO MANY ARE THE...
... Available: N.A. Length: N.A. Question 1: BELOVED MASTER, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF SANNYAS IN THE WORLD TODAY? The word 'sannyas' is one of the most significant in the human language. In the past it was given a wrong meaning. That wrong meaning destroyed its beauty, its joy, its laughter. The wrong meaning was renunciation. Renunciation of what? Renunciation of the body. Renunciation of all the pleasures of...

... the body, the mind, the heart. Renunciation of the world, of the people, of those you love, of those you are grateful to. Renunciation of your parents who have given birth to you, who have sacrificed everything for you. Renunciation of your wives and your husbands who live for you and who die for you. Renunciation of small children who without you will not have a shelter in the world, without you...

... seen thousands of descriptions of God, but I have not come across a single description in which he is standing on his head. If God is not doing shirshasana, then why should you be bothered? Why should you torture your body? I have not come across a single description where God goes on fasts. Then why should you fast? But the whole old idea of sannyas was that to attain to paradise you have to live in...

... deceive yourself?" Please don't think of meditation as seriousness. It is a very playful activity. Make it as light as possible. It should not be a burden on your heart. It should give you wings to fly in the sky. It should not become a Himalayan weight on your soul. Question 3: BELOVED MASTER, FIRST, WHAT HAPPENS TO THE BODY, MIND AND SOUL WHEN ENLIGHTENMENT HAPPENS? SECOND, WHY IS ONE ENLIGHTENED...

... PERSON DIFFERENT FROM ANOTHER ENLIGHTENED PERSON? THIRD, WHAT IS SATORI AND WHAT IS ITS IMPACT ON THE BODY? First, satori is simply the Japanese name for samadhi. It is the same as enlightenment. Second, why do enlightened people differ from each other? They differ because existence does not like duplication. Existence does not believe in carbon copies, it loves originals - and how can they be the same...
... Albert Einstein, but not the body, not the health -- that can be added, the program can be changed a little bit. He may have just a life of fifty years, but that program can be changed. He can be given as long a life as you want -- the maximum lifespan can be almost three hundred years -- and as much health and as much resistance against disease. All these things can be added to the program. The child...

..., so that the whole town can see what happens if you steal or if you do something wrong, against the law... Criminals were beaten, naked, and thousands of people were watching them. The idea was that these thousands of people will get the idea that stealing is dangerous: you have to stand naked before your whole town, you lose all your dignity. Not only that, one thousand lashes... your whole body...

... is not able to make any change. It is intrinsic in his biology, in his physiology, in his chemistry, about which he is not able to do anything. It is in every cell of his body, and he will have to fulfill his destiny. All your laws are stupid, all your courts are idiotic, and all your lawmakers are utterly ignorant people. They want to do something which no individual is capable of and which can be...

...... a new challenge, a new beginning, entering into the universal, getting out of the imprisonment of the body, becoming just pure consciousness. Unless education can teach you both life and death it is not complete education. Unless education can make everybody dignified, self-respectful, neither inferior to anybody nor superior to anybody, it is not education. So I begin with genetic engineering. I...

... sternly, he said, "Young woman, you are a thief! I am going to call the police." "Please, sir," she pleaded, "if I get in trouble again, I will be put away for years. Please don't call the police." "I'm very sorry, but I have to," replied Sollie. "Please, sir," she begged him tearfully, "I will do anything for you. I will even give you my body."...

... clinging tomorrow, if not today. It can fall back. ... BUT IS CLEAR IN ALL PLACES WITHOUT HINDRANCE OR OBSTRUCTION; WITHOUT BEING STAINED. If it is there, there is every possibility of its being stained. Mindlessness is the right word to explain pure space, without any possibility of falling back. ... YET WITHOUT DWELLING IN THE STAINLESSNESS; VIEWING BODY AND MIND LIKE DREAMS OR ILLUSIONS ... You can...

... see his mind continuously wavering, because all these statements he must have collected from different people. Some may have been enlightened, some may have been just teachers, some may have been just learned people. He has made a good collection -- but I can see that there are inconsistencies in it, because I have a criterion within me. VIEWING BODY AND MIND LIKE DREAMS OR ILLUSIONS ... If mind and...

... body are illusions, then what is the need of making them broad, making them spacious, making them non-clinging? If they are like dreams or illusions, just wake up and they are finished. That wakefulness is mindlessness. ... YET WITHOUT REMAINING IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF DREAMS' AND ILLUSIONS' EMPTY NOTHINGNESS. ONLY WHEN ONE ARRIVES AT A REALM LIKE THIS CAN IT BE CALLED TRUE MINDLESSNESS. He is utterly...

... its impact on you. You have become totally free -- free from all bondage of the body and the mind, free from all limitations. You are ready to enter into the limitless consciousness of existence itself. Okay, Maneesha? Yes, Osho. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
..., singing, drinking. He is making love to any woman, who by chance meets him. Zorba represents the materialist in its best form. Buddha represents the spiritualist in its best form. but you are both, spirit and body. Existence is both, matter and consciousness. Therefore I say that spiritualists have been denying the very base of the temple. They accept the temple but they deny the foundation of the...

... -- Epicurus in Greece, Charvaka in India -- they are eating, drinking, womanizing, but at the very end they find nothing but frustration. Something is missing. They may have all the money, all the power, everything that a man can ask for, but still inside they are empty, hollow. They may be dancing, but their dance has nothing of divinity in it. Their dance is just an exercise of the body. There is no soul...

.... Buddha was so weak because of fasting, meditating. He had devoted everything to meditation. He had forgotten his body, he had forgotten everything else. He went to take a bath in Niranjana. It is a small river. When I went there, I could not believe -- perhaps at that time it may have been a little bigger river -- but the story is that he was so weak that the current of the river started carrying him...

... has done one thing wrong: he has gone against the body, against nature. His achievement is partial. So is the achievement of Zorba partial. Remember one thing: truth can only be the whole. It is just like a circle. You cannot draw half a circle. That is not possible. Just the word circle means FULL- CIRCLE. You cannot draw half a circle. That will be only an arc, not a circle. A circle has to be...

... both Buddha and Zorba. And my vision is so clear that both are half and both have disturbed the whole humanity. Now it is time for Zorba the Buddha to appear. Perhaps I am the first Zorba the Buddha. I take the responsibility of bringing this new kind of animal into the world. And my sannyasins have to be Zorba the Buddha. Nothing has to be sacrificed, and everything has to be experienced. From body...
...: death will find him in the exact posture described by the Jaina scriptures. But out of a hundred, ninety-nine percent of the time it is a problem. These so-called saints die in all kinds of postures. Then their followers have a difficulty, because if somebody comes to see then they will feel embarrassed that their saint has died in this posture - so they force the dead body into a lotus posture. And...

... this man must have died in the night while asleep, so by the morning the body was so stiff that they had to almost break his bones, and hit him hard to put him in the right shape. One of my friends was there who took all these pictures - and escaped with the camera, because the followers saw him taking pictures. They would have killed him because he could destroy their whole following, and a great...

... was his main theme. One afternoon he was resting. He had the body of a Hindu monk, and as you know.... He was resting, but giving as much trouble to the bed as possible. Hindu monks have a strange way of growing fat. They know no limits. Perhaps they are in the search of the unlimited. And at that very time a man came to the door, and he was asking the servant, "If Swamiji is awake I would like...

... and look inside to see what was going on - the same curiosity, the same consciousness, just the body is different; the same sensitivity, the same desire to relate in some way, to be friendly. This experiment can succeed as far as nature is concerned; not with machines and not with man- created things like business. You cannot just sit with a pile of bank notes... sitting silently, doing nothing...

... your body and you feel fresh, there is no problem. It is good. Sleep is no longer your necessity. Secondly, it helps you to remain more balanced. You are no more like a pendulum moving between sadness and silence. If you remain awake the whole night just resting, relaxing, it is already indicating to you the way, that you are on the right path. Silence is a reward. Tranquility is a reward, being...
... great authentic paths which have produced more enlightened people in the world than any other religion - both have this idea that when a child is in the mother's womb he gives indications that he is not an ordinary unconscious child. Scriptures describe exactly how he gives indications: He gives certain dreams to the mother. He is one with the mother's body; he can project certain dreams. And for...

... funeral. To those who know that life is eternal, death means nothing. It is the death only of your physical body, not of your consciousness. And particularly a man like Ikkyu is not going to be reborn; he will not be again encaged in another body. He will be moving into the eternity, into the ocean of the consciousness of the whole existence. It is a moment of celebration. Question 3: BELOVED OSHO, I...

.... And many others who had come afterwards had become enlightened. So he was crying, sitting by the side of Buddha, saying, "You are leaving us." Buddha declared, "I am going to die today. As the sun sets, I will withdraw my consciousness from my body and dissolve into the universal." Ananda burst into tears. He said, "What will happen to me? I have been with you for forty-two...

... years and I am yet unenlightened; and now you are going. And you are going forever, you are not going to return in any other body, so there is no question of meeting you again." Buddha said, "That is the barrier. You think I can make you enlightened - that's why these forty-two years have gone by and you have not attained. Perhaps after my death, within twenty-four hours you may become...

... ARE CLEAR, AND NO DISGUST LURKS IN HIS MOUTH. DOES HE NOT GO ALONG LIKE A DANCER?' The eyes are very symbolic. They are part of your body, but they are also windows of your soul. As your soul becomes silent, peaceful, joyous, your eyes attain a depth, a clarity, a purity, an innocence. They become so transparent that you can see into the very soul of the man. 'HIS EYES ARE CLEAR, AND NO DISGUST...

... blindness. 'YOU LIVED IN SOLITUDE AS IN THE SEA, AND THE SEA BORE YOU. ALAS, DO YOU WANT TO GO ASHORE? ALAS, DO YOU WANT AGAIN TO DRAG YOUR BODY YOURSELF?' Have you forgotten the day you had come to the mountains? Do you want to be the same old self again? Why are you going downwards, leaving your sunlit peaks? You know in the valleys there is darkness alone? What is the purpose of your going? ZARATHUSTRA...

... night or not? - because whenever he snores, the bag comes immediately over his nose and mouth, and closes them. You have a wife whose body smell you cannot tolerate.... With God everything is beautiful because neither you have to sleep with Him - let Him snore - nor do you have to live with Him - if His body stinks, let it stink. It is a pure hypothesis in your mind. But to be in contact with real...
... whether to leave these dreams or not, one just has to be aware of them. With this awareness, everything changes. The centre moves. A shift takes place from body to soul. And what is THERE? It cannot be told. It has never been told and it never will be! There is no other way but to know it for oneself. Death is known only through dying and truth is known only through diving deep within oneself. May God...

... is a hindrance. In effort, practice, study, there is tension. Any expectation, even the expectation of peace, brings restlessness. The tension has to go. As soon as this happens a divine peace sets in. Stop feeling: I AM DOING IT; realize instead: I LEAVE MYSELF IN THE HANDS OF THAT-WHICH-IS. Surrender, surrender yourself completely; as soon as you do this, emptiness comes. Breathing and the body...

... from your eyes. Nothing in the world is more sacred than tears of love and joy. Such tears, so pure, are not of this world. Though part of the body, they express something which is not. Whatever can I give you in return. 23. Love. I looked for your letter as soon as I got here yesterday. Though it was Sunday, I kept waiting for it. It came this evening - how much you write in so few words! When the...

.... It came together with the grapes so the letter, already sweet, became still sweeter. I am in bliss. Your love enhances it yet more and the love of all makes it infinite. One body - so much bliss! What else can others do but envy he who feels all bodies to be his! May God make you envious of me, may everybody envy me, this is my prayer. 27. Love. Your letter reached me as I was sitting on that very...

... to dedicate one's being to the whole as the drop surrenders to the sea. I pulsate with such love. It has filled my life with nectar and light. Now I have only one wish: that what has happened to me should happen to all! Give my love to everyone there. 29. Love. I received your letter. How did you hurt your finger? It sounds as if you are not taking care of your body. And why the restless mind? In...

... real that it cannot be divided. Physical nearness is not nearness, there can be no union on that level, only an unbridgeable gulf, but there is another nearness which is not of the body, and its name is love. Once gained it is never lost. Then no separation exists despite vast distances in the visible world. If you can arrive at this distancelessness with even one other it can be found with everybody...

... then even if the sun is at the door we will be in darkness; and the sun is always at the door - we only have to open our eyes and let it in, that's all! May God give you light, that's my wish. My love and I are always with you. Regards to the family and love to the children. 39. Love. I have your letter. The wheel of the world keeps spinning but why spin with it? See what is behind body and mind...

... are not alone in your sex life but sex is not essentially of the body at all but a modification of the mind. If the mind is completely transformed it affects the other person too, and one who is related so intimately is quickly affected. Until we meet, keep in mind that: there should be no calculated ill-will towards sex - cultivated detachment is useless: stay aware whilst making love, be a witness...

...; without love. prayer is not possible. Remember that body and soul are not two. The part of the person that can be seen is the body, the part that cannot be seen is the soul. The same holds true for God and matter: God made visible is matter and what cannot be seen is God. Take life easily and naturally, just as it comes. Welcome it in its endless forms with an attitude of complete acceptance. And do not...

... present - that has passed away; and the future too - that is a present that is yet to come. Life is always here and now so I do not bother about past and future. And it is amazing that ever since I stopped worrying about them they have begun to worry about me! My regards to all there. 75. There is a music which has no sound; the soul is restless for such silent music. There is a love in which the body...

... soundless, the body becomes the path to the unembodied, and form becomes the formless. 76. Love. God is our only wealth. Do not depend on any other wealth, riches of any other kind bring only disaster. St. Theresa wanted to set up a large orphanage but at the time she had only three shillings. She wanted to start this enormous project with just this small amount. Friends and admirers advised her: Get the...

... of anxieties - anxieties are there, they are an unavoidable part of life - but it does not burden itself with them. Such a person always sees beyond them; dark nights surround him too but his eyes look to the rising sun and therefore his soul is never drowned in darkness - and this alone is enough - that the soul be not drowned in darkness. The body is bound to drown in it - in fact it already has...

..., Until all events have been studied and nothing happens that you cannot explain; And life is the destiny you are bound to refuse until you have consented to die. STOP AND SEE. DO NOT BE, AND SEE. Love. Live in the body intimately and deeply. Feel the body more and let the body feel more. It is astonishing how many people are almost completely unaware of themselves physically. The body is suppressed and...

... denied life too much, that is why it is just a dead weight and not a living joy. That is why I insist: be back in the body and regain the wonderful joy in its movements, sheer movements. Make it a meditation and you will be enriched beyond comprehension. Love. John Burroughs remembers: One day my boy killed what an old hunter told him was a mock duck. It looked like a duck, it acted like a duck, but...

... never part even for a moment but are like the body and its shadow. If you wish to know the Buddha's whereabouts, in the sound of your own voice - there he is. Do you understand this? If not now - when will you understand? And this is not being asked for the first time, but many many times in many many lives the same question has been raised - and you have not yet answered! Now, is it not time enough...

...? Love. Mind is localization of consciousness, and it can be localized in any part of the body. Ordinarily we have localized it in the head but other cultures and other civilizations in the past have tried other parts of the body also, and on other planets there are beings with other parts of their bodies working as their minds, but whatsoever may be the part chosen localization of consciousness means...

... its freezing, and whenever it ceases to flow freely as is needed it is no more consciousness in its suchness. Meditation means: consciousness in its suchness, so let consciousness fill the whole body, let it flow throughout the totality of your being and you will have a feeling of aliveness which is never known and felt by localized consciousness. Whenever there is localization of consciousness the...

... part in which the localization happens becomes tense and diseased and the remainder of the body becomes a dead weight. But with meditative consciousness or flowing consciousness everything changes completely: the whole body becomes alive, sensitive and aware and consequently weightless. Then there is no centre for tensions to exist and accumulate because they cannot exist without frozen blocks of...

... consciousness. The flowing, the moving, consciousness washes them out constantly with every movement, and when the whole body is alive only then you begin to feel the cosmic consciousness all around you. How can a frozen consciousness, and that too surrounded by a dead body, feel the cosmic? Now man knows more about man than ever and yet no problem is solved. It seems that something is basically wrong with...

... will be in the jump. Oh, it is time enough now to die to the old ego and be reborn to the supreme self! Love. Logic is not all; neither is consistency; because even madness has its own methods, rationalizations and inner consistencies. A madman was throwing handfuls of crumbs around his house. What are you doing? someone asked him. Keeping the elephants away, he answered. But there are no elephants...

... there to be said: And even this much is enough to blame everything! LOVE. The eyes are blind. One must look within the heart. So do not believe the eyes, believe the heart and remember to look through it, and then you will come to know things unbelievable. And unless one comes to know the unbelievable one has not known at all. Love. Remember always the one who is inside the body. Walking, sitting...

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