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... some other scriptures, some other traditions. This saying is absolutely Vedanta, so try to understand first the standpoint of Vedanta, then you will be able to understand this saying. Jesus was born as a Jew, lived as a Jew, died as a Jew - but this is only as far as the body is concerned; otherwise Jesus was a pure Hindu. And you cannot find a purer Hindu than Jesus, because the base of Upanishadic...

..., so the child cannot throw them, they have to persist. Every boy, every girl, starts playing with their sex organs. It is enjoyable, it gives a soothing feeling, the whole body feels blissful. And the moment the child touches his sex organ, everybody stops him immediately - everybody feels embarrassed. The father, the mother, will stop him, they may even bind his or her hands so he cannot touch them...

... body is not voluntary, it is a nonvoluntary phenomenon. The child doesn't feel like going to sleep, he is feeling perfectly alive, and he wants to run around the house or in the garden, and you say, "Go to sleep." What can you do if you are not feeling sleepy and somebody says, "Go to sleep"? You can close your eyes - but when the father is gone, the mother is gone, the child is...

... he may have been a very good doctor, a scientist, but not an enlightened man. Eyes can be cured, they will be cured. The body is not the point, the body should not be the concern really. Jesus did miracles, but those miracles were spiritual, they were concerned with your inner being. You are blind because you cannot see yourself. What type of eyes do you have? A person who cannot see himself, what...

..., then let us crucify him and see what happens. If he can revive others, he can resurrect himself - we will give him a crucifixion and he will not die. If he knows the secret of immortality, if he is such a healer, then we will make wounds in his body and we will see whether blood comes out of them or not." It is because of these disciples' foolishness - that they started talking about miracles...

... they are ignorant." This is the greatest miracle, at the crucifixion: the whole body is suffering, and he is dying - yet still filled with love. Anger would have been absolutely okay. If he had cried and cursed and said, "God, look what they are doing to your son. Kill them all!" - that would have been ordinary, human. This is divine. At the crucifixion he proved that he was the son of...
... SVADHISTHAN chakra.'Muladhar' means the base, the root. It is the sex center, or you can call it the life center, the birth center. It is from muladhar that you are born. It is from your mother's muladhar and your father's muladhar that you have attained to this body. The next chakra was svadhisthan: it means the abode of the self - it is the death chakra. It is a very strange name to give to the death...

... chakra: abode of the self, svadhisthan - where you exist really. In death? - yes. When you die, you come to your pure existence - because only that dies which you are not. The body dies. The body is born out of the muladhar. When you die the body disappears, but you? - no. Whatsoever has been given by the muladhar is taken away by svadhisthan. Your mother and father have given you a certain mechanism...

... about? As far as bodies are concerned, how can he be before Abraham? He is not talking about the body - he is talking about I-am-ness, his pure being... that is eternal. This name, svadhisthan, is beautiful. It is exactly the center that in Japan is known as HARA. That's why in Japan suicide is called HARAKIRI - to die or to kill yourself through the hara center. This svadhisthan takes only that which...

... born - life of the body and the senses. With the seventh life is born - life eternal, not of the body, not of the senses. This is the Tantra physiology. It is not a physiology of the medical books. Please don't look for it in the medical books - it is not there. It is a metaphor, it is a way of speaking. It is a map to make things understandable. If you move this way, you will never come to that...
... with them. Whatsoever is happening, you give your love to it. You touch a rock and you touch as if you are touching your beloved's body. You look at the tree and you look as if you are looking at your beloved's face. It becomes a state of being. Not that you are in love -- now you ARE love. This is rising, this is not falling. Love is beautiful when you rise through it, and love becomes dirty and...

... feel. If you are there then it becomes totally different. The whole body is like a house and the mind is traveling, the master is always traveling somewhere else and the house remains empty. And the life knocks at your door -- you may call it God, or whatsoever you like, the name doesn't matter; call it existence -- it knocks at the door, it is already knocking continuously, but you are never found...

.... At that moment, from one world you die -- the world of the horizontal, the world of the mind -- and you resurrect into another world. Jesus' resurrection is not a physical phenomenon. Christians have been unnecessarily creating so many hypotheses around it. It is not a resurrection of this body, it is a resurrection into another dimension of this body; it is a resurrection into another dimension of...

... another body that never dies. This body is temporal, that body is eternal. Jesus resurrects into another world, the world of the truth; the private world has disappeared. In the last moment Jesus says he is worried, troubled. Even a man like Jesus dying is worried, it has to be so. He says to God, he cries, "What are you doing to me?" He would like to cling to the horizontal, he would like to...
... answers. So you can ask your questions, and I am a crazy man, I may say anything that comes in the moment. I don't care for any consistency, and I don't care for any respectability. My whole responsibility is to this moment. Beyond that there is nothing. Q:* HOW'S THIS MOMENT GOING FOR YOU? A:* Beautifully. Your moustache giving me great joy! Only you are missing a beard. It is half-hearted. Just go the...

... funeral pyre, the person is bound to escape. So what they used to do: first, they will make the funeral pyre, put the dead body of the husband, then put the living body of the wife and tie her with the woods, put many more logs on top of her, and then pour as much purified butter, so when fire comes up there is great smoke. You cannot see what is happening there. Surrounding one hundred priests will be...

... also. Soon they will find in perspiration. Any liquid coming out of your body will carry the virus. This is going to be even a bigger danger than nuclear weapons. And anybody who has AIDS would not like anybody else to know about it, because he will be condemned. Governments are repressing the information how many people have AIDS. Q:* THE GOVERNMENT IS REPRESSING THAT? A:* All over the world...

... celibacy, your body, your chemistry, your physiology, your biology have no idea what celibacy is. And there is no way to communicate the idea to your body and biology. It remains just hung up in your head, and your body goes on functioning in the same way. It goes on creating semen, it goes on creating sexuality. Now what you have to do with it? People have been known in lonely places to make love to...
... the best that can happen to anybody, because he is dying yet he is aware that he will be dead for you all, but not for himself. He will simply be freed from this body. And because he has died with awareness, he will not be born again. He will be free, a white cloud in the vast universe. We have to make death beautiful: music, dance, silence, meditation. Up to now man has been born accidentally, dies...

... accidentally, and between the two do you think you can live meaningfully? -- between two accidents? Your beginning is an accident, your end is an accident; do you think between these two you will be able to live meaningfully? Impossible. The beginning should be considered by the most intelligent people. You are creating a body for a soul. Create the best body, so only a better soul can enter into it. You...

... funeral pyre, and they have entered into some womb already. You are unnecessarily wasting your time. The man has managed to enter another body. But if a man can die with meditativeness, then he is going to become part of the whole. No more will he be imprisoned in a small body. He will be as vast as the universe, and that is the goal of true religion, to help you to become part -- organic part -- of the...

... psychology. In fact, one can see the aura; there is a certain training how to see the aura that surrounds your body and particularly your head. And looking at that aura, much can be said about your mind, your past, your actions, your desires, your imagination, your ambitions -- almost your whole biography in the past, and, if you remain continuous with the past, the future also can be predicted. As a...

... Master's energy body; and the moment you become open, suddenly there is just light, and eternal life opens its doors. First try it in life, because if you can become enlightened in life you will be able to enjoy this beautiful life which you were just passing by like a somnambulist. There is really a large number of somnambulists -- ten percent of people. So if there are five thousand people here, ten...
... mind: the feminine and the male. The feminine mind can love easily but to be empty is difficult. And when I say feminine mind, I don't mean females, because many females have male minds, and many males have feminine minds. So they are not equivalent. When I say feminine mind, I don't mean the feminine body - you may have a feminine body but not a feminine mind. The feminine mind is the mind that...

... and don't feel hopeless. You will always find love easier. I have not come across a man who finds both difficult. So, there is hope for everybody. If meditation is difficult, love will be easier, it has to be. If love is easier, meditation will be difficult. If love is difficult, meditation will be easier. So just feel yourself. And this is not concerned with your body, not with your physical...

... simply stopped. This voice doesn't come from the mind; it comes from your totality. It is not manipulated by the ego, because there is no time for the ego to manipulate, it has happened so suddenly, the master has jumped upon you so suddenly, there was no time to prepare, to get ready, to do something. This "Ouch!" comes from your whole body, mind, soul; from your very depth of emptiness it...

.... There is no need to improve it, and you cannot improve it. The master gave him a glimpse of his inner being, because the "Ouch!" came from the very center. It was not of the body, not of the mind. It was of the total, and in that moment he functioned as a spontaneous being, not as a doer. This functioning can become your whole life - that's what religion should be. A religious life is a...

... back towards the house, the tears would disappear and she was perfectly okay, talking and chatting and doing things. I was simply surprised. I asked: How do you do it? You could have been a perfect actress. You simply do it so perfectly that even the tears come down! Manipulation. You are not only manipulating another's body, you are manipulating your own body - and this goes on and on continuously...
... fourth state into your wakeful state - say about twenty times during the day. While walking along the road, stop! Become the observer: realize that it is the body walking and you are merely an observer. While eating, stop! Become the observer. The body eats. You are merely observing. While attending to the customers in your shop, stop! Become the observer. Do not get so engrossed as to forget the...

... overcomes you let this thought reverberate in your mind: "I am the witness, I am the witness..." And thus you fall asleep. You will not be able to catch the moment when sleep comes and the repetition stops. If you cultivate the feeling till you fall asleep the feeling will continue into sleep, for it is only the body that sleeps. As you cultivate this feeling more and more, one night you will...

... enters your sleep the key to the supreme treasure falls into your hands. Now nothing and nobody can make you unaware, unconscious. He who awakens even for a moment in his sleep, his unawareness is gone forever. The day you awaken in your sleep you become a yogi. You cannot become a yogi by performing asanas. These are merely exercises. They are good and useful to keep the body healthy, but if you take...

... the fact that all actions are happening outside. They are the needs of the body, not your needs. You have no needs, and indeed there are none, for you yourself are God. What could you need? You are complete, perfect. You are Brahma. Everything is yours. The soul has no requirements, it needs no fuel. The flame burns without wick and without oil. So you say, "I have no needs. All needs are of...

... the body - to bathe, to eat, to work, to move." Try to maintain this attitude. Keep this thread of the witness for as long as you can. Soon it will be lost in the hustle and bustle of the day. Your habits are so very old and deeply ingrained. Keep at it and water it each day, and the sapling will sprout and grow. At first it will not be apparent, for the growth will be slow, very slow; but soon...

... she has become aggressive sexually!" Normally wives are not eager for sex, for they are confident of their husbands. In fact, they pretend to be doing their husbands a favor. They make a show of their virtue and piety, but once the husband becomes interested in meditation they are furious. Now it is necessary to draw the husband back into his body. It is the same with husbands when their wives...
... and woman is not on the basis of sex alone. According to Lao Tzu it is a necessary part of the dialectical evolution of Existence. Not only on the body-level, even on the mental-level man and woman are different. Wherever Existence manifests itself, there is always a difference of male and female. What is to be kept in mind however, according to the Lao-Tzu thought is, that the male form is always...

... fundamental difference in the body of man and woman, so also there is a fundamental difference in their mental make-up. A man's way of thinking is reasoning, logic. This should be well understood, for this is the basis of the Lao-Tzu concept. A man's method of thinking is logic. A woman's way of thinking is not through logic. It is illogical, we call this intuition. Whatever name we may give, a woman's way...

.... Another thing: her love, together with being intuitive, is complete. Complete in the sense, that her love is born from her whole body. A man's love is not born from his whole body, it is mostly genital. This is why, as soon as he begins to love, he demands sex. A woman can love for years without any sex-desire. The truth is, when a woman loves deeply, the man's demand for sex, actually shocks her. She...

... being used. There was some stimulation within him that he wanted to throw out. He used the woman merely as a means to get rid of his passion after which she seems useless. But a woman's love is deep, it arises from every pore of her body. It is not genital, it is total. Anything to be total has to be non-intellectual, for the intellect is but a part of the human personality. This is why a woman does...

... as her son. Actually, a woman can wholly love her son alone. No intelligence is needed there. She can lavish her love on his whole body and there is no choosing of any part. She sees no form of sex whatsoever in her child and therefore her love is immaculate pure. As long as a husband does not feel to her like her son a woman is never totally fulfilled. But it is just the opposite with a man. When...

... foolish and impossible an effort as if my small finger were to set out to conquer SURRENDER my whole body. It can never win. It can torment itself to no end: and man has thus tormented himself in a vain bid to conquer nature. When man thinks about nature in terms of aggression, is it a wonder then that a man thinks about another man in the same way? Fighting and aggrandisement become their way of...
.... Small things that you come across every day became great provocations for him. Seeing a man ill, seeing an old man leaning on his staff, seeing a dead body, was enough; that very night he left his palace. He became aware of where he was: "The same is going to happen to me. Sooner or later, I will become ill and old and dead, so what is the point of being here? Before the opportunity is taken away...

...? Even Hindus feel a little guilty about sixteen thousand women dancing around him - "Impossible, it is just a myth." Hindus say it is beautiful poetry, and they go on interpreting. They say, "These sixteen thousand women were not really women; these are sixteen thousand nadis, the nervous system, the sixteen thousand nerves in the human body. It is a symbolic expression about the human...

... body. Krishna is the soul, and sixteen thousand nerves are the Gopis dancing around the soul." Then everything is okay. But if they are real women, then it is difficult, very difficult to accept. Jainas, another religion of India, have thrown Krishna into hell because of these sixteen thousand women. In the Jain puranas, they say, "Krishna is in the seventh hell, the last... and he will not...

... would like to flow. Life is flow; death is frozenness. Unhappiness comes because many of your parts are frozen. They were never allowed to function and, by and by, you have learned the trick to control them. Now you have even forgotten that you are controlling something. You have lost your roots in the body. You have lost your roots in the truth of your body. People are living like ghosts; that's why...

... they are miserable. When I see inside you, rarely do I come across an alive man. People have become like ghosts, phantoms. You are not in your body; you are somewhere about your head hovering like a ghost, just like a balloon around the head. Just a small thread is joining you to the body. That thread keeps you alive, that's all, but it is not a delight. You will have to become conscious, you will...
... only an economic revolution, changing the economic structure of the society. It was very partial; that's why the Russians are feeling a little sad, something is missing. A partial revolution is bound to fail. It is as if only one part of your body is healthy and the rest of the body is sick. What are you going to do with one hand healthy and the whole body sick? Revolution has to be total on every...

... plane -- economic, social, psychological, spiritual. Unless it is a total revolution man is going to feel himself crippled, as if your head goes on becoming bigger and bigger and your body remains the same. Soon you will be in trouble. I have heard about a circus.... The manager declared, "Now comes our last and greatest entertainment for you. Wake up everybody! We bring to the stage our greatest...

... was not national, it was an idea of international revolution. You will be surprised to know... I was very small when I became acquainted with a man, one of the most intelligent men I have come across, who was with Lenin and Trotsky in the Soviet revolution. His name was Manvendra Nath Roy. He was one of the members of the international commanding body of the communists, the Politburo. He was the...

... rebellion. Everyone has to die, and as far as I am concerned, whether Stalin kills them or Adolf Hitler or Mussolini or Hirohito, it doesn't matter; he only kills the body. The soul immediately gets into another woman's womb. Nothing is killed, only houses are changed. Do you think those one million people are finished? Many of them may be here! If not now, soon. To me, these people seem to be absolutely...

... MANNER OF WOMEN AND SAID, "YOU HAVE COME FROM FAR, AND I HAVE NO ANSWER FOR YOU." In fact, he has given the answer. What is the deepest? -- humbleness, gratitude, nobodiness. He is a man, but he bowed down in the manner of a woman -- no distinction between man and woman, because it is not a question of the body. And a woman is more humble, more grateful, more loving. So he is showing it...

..., the very ordinary and average person into a superman. The moment you enter into your being -- centered, silent, the whole sky within has no clouds of thought -- you are turning into a superman. I call that superman the buddha. Maneesha, you are right -- because I am looking at man from every angle: from his body, from his mind, from his soul. I am looking at man as a totality. So many half- circles...

..., Igor grabs Boris. "I don't understand," says Igor. "Why did you suddenly start praising communism?" "Look," replies Boris, "you would do the same if you had just returned from Siberia!" Nivedano... (Gibberish) Nivedano... Be silent. Close your eyes. And feel your body to be completely frozen. This is the right moment to look inwards. Gather your whole life...

... the earth. To make the witnessing a little deeper, Nivedano... Relax, let go. Just continue to witness. Witness that you are not the body, witness that you are not the mind. Witness that you are only a witness, just a buddha, a pure consciousness, and eternal life suddenly becomes clear to you. You have been changing bodies again and again and again but your life goes on flowing from eternity to...

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