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Found: 3224 articles, showing 1400 - 1410


... outside, the mind starts creating its own dreams inside. And when you continuously dream, those dreams look very very real. Many experiments have been done in the West on sense deprivation. If a person is deprived of all impressions - his eyes are closed, he is put in a box, his ears are closed, his whole body is encased in foam rubber so the touch is monotonous, the darkness in the eyes is monotonous...

... RULE IS THIS: THE GROUP ONLY GETS AS HIGH AS ITS LOWEST MEMBER. THEREFORE OUR EVOLUTION ARE INTERCONNECTED. HUMANITY IS ONE BODY; WHY STRESS INDIVIDUALITY MORE THAN UNIVERSALITY? Yes, we are part of each other. Not only humanity is one, existence is one. But this oneness can be felt on two levels: one is in deep unconsciousness and another is in superconsciousness. Either you have to become a tree...

... body, a cell. But you were there. Then you started growing and many faces passed. And then you were born. If somebody brings a picture of you the day you were born, do you think you will be able to recognize that this is you? Yes, if somebody says - your mother and father - that this is you, you may believe, but you cannot recognize that this is you. Constant change... your face is a flux. It goes on...

... learned; it is the greatest art there is. If people are dancing and somebody asks you, 'Come and dance,' you say, 'I don't know.' You don't just jump up and start dancing and have everybody think that you are a great dancer. You will just prove yourself to be a buffoon. You will not prove yourself to be a dancer. It has to be learned - the grace of it, the movement of it. You have to train the body for...

... both prove to be foolish - painted fools - and sooner or later you understand what is happening. But you never thought that love is an art. You are not born with the art, it is nothing to do with your birth. You have to learn it. It is the most subtle art. You are born only with a capacity. Of course, you are born with a body; you can be a dancer because you have the body. You can move your body and...

... only with the unknown. Once you have tasted the body of the woman or the man, then the sex appeal disappears. If your love was only sex appeal then it is bound to disappear. So never misunderstand love for something else. If love is really love.... What do I mean when I say 'really love'? I mean that just being in the presence of the other you feel suddenly happy, just being together you feel...
... INSIDE? Don't think of the 'how'. If love is there, it is going to happen. And love is not a 'how', love is not know-how. Just love for no reason at all. Just love with reverence, with awe. Just love: seeing in the other not the body but the soul, seeing in the other not the mind but the no-mind. If you can see the no-mind in your woman, you will be able to find your inner woman very easily. Then the...

... outside woman is just a medium: through the outer woman, via the outer woman, you will be thrown back to your inner woman. But if the other woman outside is just a body, then you are blocked. If the other woman is just a soul, an emptiness, just a zero, just a passage - then there is nothing to block you; your energy will move back and will enter and will find your own inner woman. Each woman and man...

... give love total freedom. Love is nourishment. Now the psychologists have discovered it: that if a child is not given love, he shrivels up into himself and becomes weak. You can give him milk, you can give him medicine, you can give him everything just don't give love. don't hug him. doll ( kiss him. don't hold him close to the warmth of your body, and the child will start becoming weaker and weaker...

... good. Have you ever seen any spirit without a body? Have you ever seen a house without a foundation? The lower is the foundation of the higher. The body is your abode, the spirit lives in the body. with the body. You are an embodied spirit and an ensouled body. You are together. The lower and the higher are not separate, they are one - rung of the same ladder. This is what Tantra wants to make clear...
... not the birth of a new body; it is the unfolding of a new consciousness. You are full of fear; and where there is fear there can be no connection with God. All your prayers and worship are because you are afraid - not out of love for God. You visit the holy places, bathe in the holy rivers, perform sacred rites and worship - all out of fear. Your religion is the medicine of your fear; it is not a...

... is it involved in your evil deeds? Besides, your sins come not from the body but from the mind. How can the Ganges wash your mind? At most it can clean your body and remove its dust and dirt; it cannot cleanse the dirt of your mind. The Ganges is all right for washing your body, but not as a means of washing your soul. You will have to look for some other Ganges. There is an old story which says...

...: One Ganges flows on earth, one flows in heaven. You will have to find the Ganges of heaven. The earthly Ganges can only touch the body, which is also of the earth. The Ganges of heaven will touch your soul and wash it. How is one to find the heavenly Ganges? Where is one to look for it? These sutras direct you to the Ganges of heaven: IF I HAVE SUCCEEDED IN ATTAINING HIS PLEASURE, I HAVE BATHED IN...

.... That which permeates each hair of your body is what Nanak calls the unremembered remembrance. This remembrance has not to be repeated outwardly, because such a remembrance is superficial. Rather it saturates every pore of the body, every bit of you; whatever you do as His remembrance should reverberate like a soft melody within. Such remembrance Kabir called surati; therefore we have his "Surati...

... world! Therefore it is difficult to hide love. Everything else you can hide. If you are in love it will show in your face - in the way you walk, the way you talk - your eyes and everything about you will give news of it. Every pore of your body will be saturated with love, because love is a remembrance. If the love and acceptance of an ordinary person fills your life with such thrill, then when the...

.... THEY NEVER EVEN FOR A MOMENT PART, BUT ARE LIKE THE BODY AND ITS SHADOW. IF YOU WISH TO KNOW THE BUDDHA'S WHEREABOUTS, IN THE SOUND OF YOUR OWN VOICE THERE IS HE. This is a Zen saying: 'Each night one embraces a Buddha while sleeping.' The Buddha is always there, the non-Buddha is also there. In you meet the world and NIRVANA, in you meet God and matter, in you meet the soul and the body. In you meet...

... the guest. Sometimes they hold hands and hug each other, but still the host is the host and the guest is the guest. The guest is one who will come and go; the guest will go on changing. And the host is one who remains, who abides. 'They never even for a single moment part, but are like the body and its shadow. If you wish to know the Buddha's whereabouts, in the sound of your own voice there is he...

.... Mary must have been absolutely disconnected in that moment when Jesus penetrated her. She must have been in this virginity; she must have been a host. She was no more a guest and she was no more clamoured at by the guest and no more identified with the guest. She was not the body, she was not the mind, she was not her thoughts, she was not a wife, she was nobody. In this nobodiness she was there...

... things go in the world. One who is not money-minded will ignore. THIS ANGERED THE OTHER PUPILS, WHO DREW UP A PETITION ASKING FOR THE DISMISSAL OF THE THIEF, STATING THAT OTHERWISE THEY WOULD LEAVE IN A BODY. Now, these people were not there to meditate at all. If you have come to meditate, you understand a few requirements - that you have to grow into less money-mindedness, that you have to attain a...

... twice they had been ignored, they grew angry. They DREW UP A PETITION - politics comes in immediately, protest, petition - ASKING FOR THE DISMISSAL OF THE THIEF, STATING THAT OTHERWISE THEY WOULD LEAVE IN A BODY. Now, they were not there to meditate at all. If they were really there to meditate, their approach towards this problem would have been totally different. They would have felt a little more...

... mental age of the soldiers was only fourteen years. And the average age of those who are not soldiers cannot be much more. A man may be seventy years old -- his body has aged, but his mind has remained at the age of fourteen. And once in a while you can see it in yourself; you can see it in others in certain situations. Every woman knows moments when she starts throwing tantrums; they cannot be coming...

... one tree to another tree for miles. You have lost the beauty of the body that the monkey has. Just because you started walking on two legs.... Monkeys think, "Poor fellows... those few monkeys can't make it living in the trees" -- because it is a very challenging life, risky, full of danger -- "those cowards have got down onto the earth and started walking on two legs! Not only that...

... mechanism that is not meant to do it. If your watcher is clear, then the body does its own functions, the mind does its own functions, the heart does its own functions. Nobody interferes in each others' work. And life becomes a harmony, an orchestra. Question 2: BELOVED OSHO, WHY DO I ALWAYS FEEL SO MISERABLE? HAVE I EVER REALLY LET YOU IN? THE MOMENT I SIT IN FRONT OF YOU, ALL IS GONE. WHAT IS HAPPENING...

... have heard that "I am not the body, I am not the mind. I am the soul, I am the ultimate, brahma, I am God" -- all these kinds of thoughts you have heard before. You will ask a few times, "Who am I? Who am I?" -- and then you will say, "I am ultimate, BRAHMA." And this is not a discovery, this is simply stupid. If you want to go rightly into the method, then the question...

... a desert, you feel the thirst in every fiber of your body. You don't say, "I am thirsty, I am thirsty." It is no longer a linguistic question, it is existential. If "Who am I?" is an existential question, if you are not asking it in language but instead the feeling of the question is settling inside your center, then there is no need for any answer. Then it is none of the...

... you have to do this, you have to do that. That you have to be a torturer of yourself, you have to renounce pleasures, you have to fight with your body, you have to renounce the world. The Buddhist scriptures have thirty-three thousand principles that a sannyasin should follow. It is almost impossible to remember them -- following them is out of the question. I don't have a single principle for you...
... moment you divide existence as material and spiritual you are also dividing man into body and soul. And a man divided within himself is a house divided which can fall any moment. A man divided within himself is always in a constant fight with himself; his whole energy is wasted in fighting with himself. He cannot use his energy in a beautiful flowering. Springs come and go, but he has no energy to...

... mortal. Then there is death -- against life. Then there is body -- against spirit. Then everything has its polar opposite. Then there is love as a polar opposite to hate. But remember one fundamental thing: the polar opposites are exchangeable. Love can become hate, hate can become love -- and you all know it. Friendship can turn into enmity, and enmity can become friendship. You all know -- happiness...

... mystics, Ashtavakra. The word ASHTAVAKRA means that he was the ugliest man you can conceive of. On eight points in his body, he was just like a camel; nothing was as it should be. Everything was wrong. His eyes -- one would be looking to the left and one would be looking to the right. His legs -- one would be going this way, one would be going that way ....he was a very strange fellow. How he managed is...

... wrong body. But whether the body is wrong or right does not matter; what matters is my consciousness." King Janak was so much impressed that he dissolved the council of those learned people, and he said, "Now I don't need you. The man I wanted to listen to has come. I wanted a man who knows the ways of awareness, consciousness, of the innermost being. And he is right -- you are only learned...

..., then they would not just be swallowing, they would be chewing. The scientists say that unless you chew every bite forty-eight times, you are loading your digestive system unnecessarily. And your life span depends on your digestive system: if it remains young and alive, you can remain longer in the body. But if you are simply swallowing, you don't know ...your digestive system doesn't have teeth, it...
..., to joy? It is something significant to understand. I accept the idea that misery, pain, anxiety, anguish, create certain chemical changes in your body. Just as love, joy, blissfulness, ecstasy, silence, peace - they also create tremendously great chemical, physiological changes in your body and mind. The question will be difficult for Janov to solve, because these therapists do not believe that...

... there is anything beyond mind, that there is anything more than the body. You are confined in a prison of physiology, chemistry, biology and you cannot be free from them just by meditating. But neither Janov nor the questioner understand that meditation is not an effort that your chemistry which is ready to say no, should say yes. Meditation simply ignores mind. It bypasses mind; it reaches beyond...

... mind, and once it is beyond mind it has a far superior power. And in that space beyond mind, pain has never entered. Bliss is simply the very atmosphere beyond the mind. Once a person has touched something beyond, he has a new power. He can say yes, although his body chemistry is saying no. The body is a servant. Just wake up your master, and the body is a servant, the mind is a servant. And once the...
... the inner science of man. The moment one becomes enlightened, he is no longer confined in his own body; his vision is as big as the whole universe. So when I said that this earth is the only place where life has blossomed, where not only life but consciousness has arisen, not only that but there have been a few people who have reached to the ultimate expression of consciousness - to me, that is...

..., dancing, the beautiful fragrance of incense, flowers... Your love chamber should be a temple. I cannot use the word 'church'; it is too ugly. That's why I am using the word 'temple'. And when your energies are flowing, moving, enjoying and your whole bodies are ready - not just your minds which want to make love... The woman certainly needs her whole body to be ready because her whole body is orgasmic...

.... Man's sexuality is local, genital; woman's sexuality is all over her body. So by dancing and singing, her whole body will be throbbing, will be getting ready, will be getting warmer. The lady will be disappearing and the woman will be coming back. Of course the lady should be on top, never the man on top. That is inhuman. And that is purely according to sexual science, that the man should be under the...

... because you have lost energy, you have become dull. Sleep will rejuvenate you so the natural cycle seems to be falling into sleep. But the woman's whole body was involved - she is still throbbing. Modern sexology has come to understand that a woman is capable of multiple orgasms - one after another, at least six orgasms - and you have given her only one orgasm. She is still ready for five orgasms, and...
... tradition is called Naqshbandi; NAQSHBANDI means the designers, the devisors. And strange devices they have invented. For example, Jalaluddin Rumi's Sufi dance, whirling, a very strange device. In his hands it worked tremendously, because when you really whirl you become disidentified with the body. That's why children enjoy whirling very much; they feel a great upliftment. But for that, certain...

... now, if you sit silently doing nothing, that is not going to help. In the first place, you can't sit silently - so much turmoil is inside. Yes, from the outside you can manage to sit just like the Buddha, a marble statue, still, but deep down are you still? The body can learn the trick of being still, but the mind is not so easily overcome. In fact, the more you force the body to be still, the more...

... months can be predicted beforehand. It has become possible through Kirlian photography. It gives the photograph of your body energy, and it shows where the body energy is going wrong. Six months before you may actually fall ill, Kirlian photography starts giving you indications. If those indications can be well understood, you can be treated before you are ill. Then you will never be ill. A master can...

...." Certainly he had a very beautiful wife, but beauty of the body is so superficial that within a week you start not looking at it. You start ignoring it, you start forgetting it. Ask any husband for how many years he has not looked at his wife's face - and he used to think before that she is a beautiful woman. Ask any wife how long she has not looked at her husband's face. Years may have passed...
... communion. It is something from being to being. It will be good to have this comparison. Sex is from body to body. The ordinary so-called love is from heart to heart. And trust is the highest form of love from being to being. As you go deeper, things go on becoming more and more amazing, more and more unbelievable, but more and more an experience so definitive that you cannot doubt it. It is a transfer, a...

... he opens to the world, he is filled with amazement and wonder. But there is no way for him to convey it. He has lived for nine months in a dark tunnel. No light penetrated there. No roses bloomed there. He was almost a part of his mother's body. He was not an individual. He was not even breathing by himself. It was the mother's breath that he was getting his oxygen from. He was being nourished by...

... don't know it. You know it because your first birth had something similar in it. This is the same phenomenon on a higher level. The master is your death and he is also your resurrection. Passing through the master you are going to enter into a life which is eternal. No mother can give you an eternal life. She can give you only a mortal life, the life of the body which is going to die sooner or later...

... and five you start being delirious. At one hundred and six or seven you start hallucinating. By a hundred and ten you are finished. The perspiration keeps you constantly at ninety-eight degrees, because the body goes on releasing water and the heat goes on evaporating the water. It is deceiving the heat. The heat gets involved in evaporating the perspiration and forgets to heat you up. The...

... perspiration does not allow the heat to enter the body, it keeps it out. You don't perspire when it is cold. Even if you try you cannot. When you are cold you shiver. That is another way to keep the inner temperature again at ninety-eight degrees. By shivering you keep yourself hot, otherwise the cold will bring you down. On both ends there is a limit. Above, there is a possible range of at least twelve...

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