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Found: 1564 articles, showing 1140 - 1150


... own repressions will start coming up. Many people come to me and they say, "This is dangerous, because when we meditate and relax, many things that have not been bothering us before start bothering us." A married man with six children came to me just a few days ago, and he said, "Never in my life have I looked at other women, never. But what is happening? I am meditating and for the...
... to herself, and also to her husband. Who can hear a woman? Only a man of meditation, a man of silence. Reason is impossible with a woman, only meditation.... Unless people learn to meditate they will not learn to live together. Men and women only fight. Even if you are just throwing clothes at each other it is not love, and this continues for twenty-four hours every day, goes on and on. One's whole...
... knots one by one. Buddha said, "Today's sermon is finished. I am not going to speak anymore today. Just go and meditate about your knots, and how you have managed to make them so tight. And just do the reverse." Any small problem, just look at it, at how you have been trying to solve it, and it goes on becoming worse and worse. Certainly in your doing there is something which is becoming a...
... if you drop these things - and they have to be dropped because they are all nonsense and false - then what ground is left to have faith in God? That's where the bishop is wrong. How can you have any belief? What is the reason to believe? Then there is only one possibility that I have been teaching you: you meditate. Meditation does not require faith in God as a necessary step - in fact it is a...
... again the wrong idea, as if you are meditating upon something - as if it is an activity - not much different from concentration. You are concentrating on something, you are contemplating on something, you are meditating on something, but you are always concerned with something. And what dhyana is, is dropping all objects, dropping anything on which you can concentrate, contemplate, meditate; dropping...
... SHELF THEN SHE CANNOT REMEMBER WHERE IT IS. SO I WEAR PINK SHIRTS AND MEDITATE IN YOUR PRESENCE WITHOUT A PHOTOGRAPH. SO PERHAPS YOU COULD TELL HER A STORY TOO. Ananda Prabhu, EVERY CHILD IS INTELLIGENT far more intelligent than the so-called grown-ups. The grown-ups are only "so-called"; it is very rare to come across a person who is really a grown-up person. The most fundamental quality in...
... of being. These days that you have been here have been really significant. Something of immense value has started moving. Just do two things.... One is: continue to meditate every day - one meditation. But choose one and then insist on the same; don't change it. You can choose any one that you like, but let it be something very active - Dynamic, Kundalini, Nataraj - anything dynamic that will help...
... OF YOUR FINDING THE RIGHT NAME FOR EACH OF YOUR THOUSANDS OF SANNYASINS? To tell you the truth, there is no secret at all. Meditate on this story: There were three wise men following a star, bearing gifts to take to their lord. They traveled much and came to rest at a stable, as the star they were following was directly above it. They got down from their donkeys and the first went into the stable...
.... Meditate over it.... The letter from Sean to his old, old mother was heartening. 'Dear mother,' he wrote, 'I am sending you some pills that a witch doctor gave me and if you take one, it will take years of your life.' He came home a few weeks later, and there was a beautiful young woman outside his house rocking a pram in which a baby lay sucking a bottle. 'Where's my mother?' he asked. 'Arrah, don't be...
... into bitterness because you become serious about it. You start thinking of the future. Think of the future - marriage, children, security - and you have destroyed the play and it has become a game, and a very dangerous game. And you will be a loser - nobody is ever a winner. With play, everybody is a winner. With seriousness, nobody is ever a winner - all are losers. You come to meditate here and you...

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How to Search

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  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).