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... is living under the risk of death at any moment. If you want to be secure, absolutely secure, then you will have to enter into your grave; only graveyards are absolutely secure places. In a grave, nothing else happens; everything stops, time stops, nothing changes anymore. Even death cannot do any harm to you. But if you want to be alive, then more aliveness... the more you have to be alert and...

... new to enter in. Change is favorable to life. That's why even death, I say, is favorable to life -- because it is the greatest change. It brings you into new spaces, into new forms, into new existences; it keeps your pilgrimage continuously new, it keeps your excitement alive. Every moment remains always a challenge and a deep awaiting, because anything is possible. Silence can come to you...

... this desire is in the unconscious, is something to be explored. Perhaps it is the fear of death. Most probably it is, because we are ourselves fragile. This moment you are alive, next moment you may be gone. Because of our own fragileness, we desire to have permanency in everything around us as a security, as a safety. But if we are fragile, how can our experiences be anything else? An Englishman, a...

...; "Gee, I only want to be the pope at the Vatican." Poof! And he disappears. Many have wondered why a Polack has become the pope. Now I open up the secret. Poof! And the Polack becomes the pope. But that is how things disappear. Enjoy them while they are, and don't ask for any permanence, because permanence is non-existential; it is only in our desires, out of fear of death. But in existence...

... earth, like a blanket. It has been because of this ozone blanket that life has become possible on this planet, because ozone does not allow in the death rays that come from the sun. It allows in only the life rays and prevents the death rays; it returns them. But in our stupidity to reach to the moon, we have made holes in the blanket. And the efforts continue. Now we are trying to reach Mars! Each...

... time a rocket goes beyond the atmosphere of the earth, that is two hundred miles beyond, it creates great holes. Through those holes, death rays have started entering in. Now scientists are saying that these death rays will increase the rate of cancer by almost thirty percent; and other diseases are not counted, small diseases are not counted. The stupid politicians are not listening. And if you call...

... loved the story that even at the time of death, he says, "From here, from this height... I can see my house from up here." Jesus was crucified only once. I have been on the cross almost my whole life. Jesus was crucified in a small unknown part of the world, Judea. I have been crucified in almost every country of the world. And my crime is that I can see the new house where man will live in...
... Available: N.A. Video Available: N.A. Length: N.A. Okay. The other day I told you about Masto's disappearance. I think he is still alive. In fact I know he is. In the East, this has been one of the most ancient ways, to disappear in the Himalayas before you die. To die in that beautiful part is richer than to live anywhere else; even dying there has something of the eternal. Perhaps it is the vibe of the...

... saints chanting for thousands of years. The VEDAS were composed there, the GITA was written there, the Buddha was born and died there, Lao Tzu, in his last days disappeared in the Himalayas. And Masto did almost the same. No one knows yet whether Lao Tzu died or not. How can one be decisive? Hence the legend that he is immortal. Nobody is. One who is born is bound to die. Lao Tzu must have died, but...

... people never came to know of it. At least one should be able to have a completely private death, if one wants it. Masto took care of me more efficiently than Pagal Baba could ever have done. First, Baba was really the madman. Secondly, he would come only once in a while, like a whirlwind, to visit me, then disappear. This is not the way to care. Once I even told him, saying, "Baba, you talk so...

... have found him I can relax into death." I never knew then that he was really serious, but that's what he did. He handed over his charge to Masto, and died, laughing. That was the last thing he did. Zarathustra may have laughed when he was born... nobody is a witness, but he must have laughed; his whole life indicated towards it. It was that laughter which caught the attention of one of the most...

... intelligent men in the West, Friedrich Nietzsche. But Pagal Baba really laughed as he died, before we could ask why. We could not have asked the question anyway. He was not a philosopher, and he would not have answered even if he had lived. But what a way to die! And remember it was not just a smile. I really mean a laughter. Everybody there looked at each other, thinking, "What's the matter?"...

...; until he laughed so loudly that everybody thought that up till then he had been only mildly mad - but now he had gone to the extreme. They all left. Naturally, nobody laughs when one is born, just as part of etiquette; and nobody laughs at death, again, just nothing but a mannerism. Both are British. Baba was always against manners, and the people who believe in manners. That's why he loved me, that's...

... there is Russia, Tibet, Mongolia, China; they all have a part of the Himalayas. It won't be a surprise if someday I disappear just to lie down by the side of a beautiful rock, and be no longer in the body. One cannot find a better place to leave the body - but I may not do it, you know me. I will remain unpredictable as ever, even in my death. Perhaps Masto wanted to go sooner, and was just fulfilling...
... going, if you are not pushing the river, then you are not... you dissolve. That is the whole effort here - to help you to dissolve, to help you to die. Once you know the beauty of death then there is no trouble. Then you yourself will take all opportunities to die - you will not miss a single opportunity. Whenever you feel that this is the moment to die, you will jump in and die. So learn to cooperate...

... first. Lao Tzu has said that nobody can defeat me because I have accepted defeat and I am not hankering for any victory. How can you defeat anyone who is not hankering for any victory? How can you defeat a non-ambitious man? How can you kill a person who is himself ready to die? Impossible. Through this surrender, one comes to be victorious. Let this be an insight - and you will be doing other groups...
... any race: they all stand in one line waiting for the third whistle, and then they run. The mother's cell, the egg in the mother's womb, is waiting and the cells from the father's body, as they explode into the mother's body, start a great race - millions of sperms trying to reach the egg first. Whosoever reaches is the winner; all others will die. It is a question of life and death. It is no...

... is dead; it is equivalent to death. Death is the ultimate no. Life is the ultimate yes. Life needs the base of some yes-philosophy. Communism has nothing to offer. It is very strange, but worth understanding, that all kinds of perverse ideas are by-products of Judaism - for example Christianity, which is a negative philosophy. The cross is a symbol of its negativity. You can make it of gold, but a...

... cross is a cross. Just by making it of gold you cannot make it a yes; it remains a no. Christianity has said no to everything in life that is joyful, that you can rejoice in. It is anti-life. It is rooted in death, and its whole world starts after your death. Your life is worthless unless it is sacrificed for the life that is going to come after death. You see the perversion? Is real life after death...

... or before death? And if life continues after death, then why should you be against life now? - because the same life will continue, perhaps on a wider scale, a bigger scale, a higher scale, but the same life will be there. And if you are against this life, how can you be for that life? It is going to be a continuity, an enlargement. Christianity is the first perversion that came out of Judaism. The...

... than thirty silver coins. He really wanted to get rid of all this nightmare that he had to suffer with this man. You don't know, because you have not lived with a prophet: he is always right, you are always wrong. Whatsoever he says is the very word of God. There is no question of why. He is not here to give you any reason, he simply dictates commandments to you. Do or die, but don't ask why. Judas...

... what are you going to do with sex? Without clothes, without medicines, without any kind of human culture, what are you going to do with sex? Yes, you can go on reproducing children, but you won't have enough to feed them: you don't have enough to feed yourself. If Freud is accepted totally, the whole civilization will die. His attitude is just against the Jewish idea of repressing sex and against...

... people for any particular purpose. Nature has a very deep balancing power. For example, when children are born, if a hundred girls are born today, then one hundred and ten boys will be born. About that data I was simply surprised. Why one hundred girls and one hundred and ten boys? Is nature also male chauvinistic? No, it is not that: nature is simply a balancing power. Ten boys die before a...

... marriageable age. Girls are more resistant to diseases; boys are weaker as far as resistance to sickness is concerned. They may have muscular power - that is a different power - but as far as resistance to disease, sickness and death is concerned, they are less powerful than women. So one hundred girls will suffice for one hundred and ten boys, because ten boys will be missing by the time they reach the...

... man who started interfering with nature - through medicine, through new inventions to increase man's life. Now you have created a trouble in the world. Nature was keeping the balance: people were born but enough people were dying. It was almost always equal. What you have done is that you have prevented death, but you are not allowed to prevent birth. Now the pope goes on issuing sermons that...

... been taught that "Your purpose is to save life." That was taught by Hippocrates two thousand years ago when death was rampant. Now these fools go on taking the oath of Hippocrates; every medical student takes the oath of Hippocrates: "My whole life I will try to save life." But things have changed. When Hippocrates said that, out of ten children, nine children were dying before...

... blood so they have to wake up. But for what reason? - the Hippocratic oath? Let Hippocrates go to hell! He had no idea what his oath was going to bring about. There should be some movement so that when people have lived enough and they desire to be freed from their bodies, then hospitals should provide a convenient, pleasant death. It is absolutely sane that every hospital should have a special ward...

... with all facilities so that death becomes a pleasant experience, enjoyable. Instead of medicines a meditator should be there to teach the dying man how to meditate, because now medicine is not needed, meditation is needed - how to relax and peacefully disappear from this body. Every hospital needs meditators - they are essential - just as it needs doctors. Up to now meditators were not needed because...

... there was only one function: to save life. Now the function is doubled: to help people die. Every university should have a department where meditation is taught so that people themselves are ready. When the time comes to die, they are fully ready to die with joy, with celebration. But suicide is a crime. This will be considered suicide and I will be considered to be teaching people illegal things. But...
... when death comes, because death is the greatest operation. Nature has managed it so that nobody should die consciously, just as a surgeon will not be ready to operate on you if you are conscious. First he will give you chloroform or something that makes you unconscious. Then he can operate on you because you don't know what is happening. You are so deeply asleep that things can be removed from your...

... you have to manage by yourself. The second birth is the birth which matters. The first birth is going to end up in death. The second birth is the beginning of eternity: no death, no end, no beginning. No-mind is the whole universe, and it is not possible to find this no-mind by worshipping, by prayer, by believing. This mind needs you to be completely cured from all past-oriented ideologies, from...

... all organized religions, from all scriptures, from all that has been forced upon you. It is phony, it is plastic. Real roses come on the bush from its interiority. You can hang plastic roses on the bush, but they will not be fragrant, and they will not be alive. And because they are not alive they are not going to die. They will just hang there. They are already dead; they are man- manufactured...

... new drunkenness. Your dance will show a new radiation, a new aura around you. Your eyes will be shining. For the first time they have seen something worth seeing. Your whole being will be throbbing with joy, because you have come back to the original source. Let gods die. Don't carry on them. People are carrying dead gods, and when somebody is dead and you go on carrying him, you start stinking. All...

... religious people stink because they are carrying a dead body. There is a beautiful Hindu mythology .... Shiva, one of the gods of the Hindus, one of the three gods, the trinity of Hinduism ... Shiva's wife dies, but he won't accept the death of his wife. His mind was constantly telling him, "If you go around the country there may be somebody who can resurrect her." He used to live in the...


..., not at all. This experience is authentic. It happens sometimes to people who have almost died -- not completely, but almost. They see a luminous being. It is their own being, it is not God. In meditation you will encounter the same luminous being without dying. Meditation is a kind of death. You are separated from the body, you are separated from the mind -- that's what death does. You are separated...

... forgotten that one word 'original', and perhaps it was not written in the scripture itself, because no buddha has written a single word. All scriptures have been compiled by their disciples, sometimes after the death. Sometimes hundreds of years have passed and then disciples of disciples ... generations have passed. The four gospels of Jesus are recorded after his death, and not immediately, three...

... process called Bardo. It was nothing but a post-hypnotic suggestion. When a man is dying, he is in a very vulnerable state. And if he has been a meditator, then he is perfectly awake. Death is coming, but he is perfectly awake. He can be hypnotized and told, "When you leave your body, the body will remain intact as it is ..." You have to continue repeating so that it enters, not only into his...

... alive, just on the verge of death. You give him the post-hypnotic suggestion: "Your body will remain intact, will remain intact ... you go on." And if he is a meditator, even the bones, the blood, the body starts listening. The soul will leave but the body will remain completely as the soul has left it. This was one way that Bardo was used for the body. And there was a second way. You can...

... give suggestions to the leaving soul as to what kind of womb will be good -- "Choose rightly. Don't be accidental." Millions of people are making love, and millions of people are dying. So those souls are roaming around, finding a couple who is making love. This is accidental. Because they die unconsciously, they unconsciously grope in the darkness, and whoever comes close by, just by...

... body, bones can be cut, replaced, anything can be done. Death is the greatest operation, because the whole seventy years' attachment to the body has to be broken. Nature has managed -- this is the wisdom of nature, the intelligence of nature -- that a person who is not capable of detachment with the body, who does not know that "I am not the body," should be made unconscious. Otherwise he...

... will be passing through tremendous anguish and anxiety. So it is natural wisdom, but it is not applicable to the meditator. The meditator can afford to die consciously without any pain, without any anguish, without any anxiety. DAITEN REPLIED, "THE ONE WHO SPEAKS IS IT." AT THIS, SEKITO SHOUTED, "KWATZ!" -- AND LEFT. This shout says to Daiten, "Shut up! It is not you, it is...

..., "Nobody should enter, not even you, until the painting is complete. I will come out for food or anything I need." And he kept a curtain also so that even the guards could not have a look inside at what was happening behind the curtain. It took three years for him, and the king was saying, "What are you doing? I may never be able to see your painting, I may die!" The painter said...

..., "It does not matter. If you die you die. If you are alive you will be able to see it. But I cannot do anything in a hurry." The emperor had to wait. Four years passed and the painter came out one morning and said to the emperor, "The painting is complete. You are welcome." Such curiosity had arisen in the emperor's mind. For four years, he was thinking, "What is that guy...

... cannot do that. It is their statement, not yours. They are still saying 'he'. They are not even saying 'she'; 'it' is far away -- although they have come very close to the point. That's why both the saints were in trouble with the orthodox church, particularly Eckhart who was tortured, harassed, threatened to be expelled if he published his books. His books were published after his death because of...

... attending any conference, from writing any book while he was alive -- and of course when you are dead somebody else will write it, you will not ... Somebody else does not have the same scientific background, nor the same discovery. And after your death what happens to your ideas will not be a feedback; you will not be able to improve upon it. They destroyed a great scientist of the same caliber as Albert...

... sleep. That day you will become enlightened. Then there is no more birth, no more death. You have become one with the whole. This is the only holiness I know of. There is no other. Okay, Maneesha? Yes, Beloved Master. I Celebrate Myself: God Is No Where, Life Is Now Here Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... divine, amrita means immortality. Mrita means mortality, amrita means immortality. The English word 'mortality' comes from the same Sanskrit root; immortality, morte, mortem, post- mortem, mortality, immortality, all come from the same root mrita. Mrita means death; amrita means deathlessness. The only way to attain to deathlessness is to die, to die as far as the ego is concerned. To die in the ego is...

... inference. It is not your deepest urge, because I don't see the urge anywhere. You are a born nun!... Yes! And to be a born nun is something beautiful. When somebody tries and becomes a nun it is ugly, it is perversion. [A seeker asks: Please help me die.] I am ready to help - you are obstructing it. Become a sannyasin. Close your eyes. Look into my eyes and have a tongue-tip taste of tao! Deva means...

... to be born in god. To die as an individual is to live forever in the universal. To die as a drop is to become the ocean. You are very close to the point where it can happen: just great courage is needed. Every person comes around this corner many times in life, because life moves in a circle and again and again we come to the same point, but because of lack of courage we escape from that point...

.... Otherwise the ego is a falsity. In fact, to let it die should be the easiest thing and to keep it alive should be the hardest thing, but we keep it alive and we think it is easier. But it is a dream; it is just an idea, it has no facticity behind it. 'I' is an empty word: there is no one behind it. The deeper you search, the more you will know that there is nobody behind it, there is no substance in it...

... ego to die. you just have to be courageous, because whenever those moments come on feels scared, one feels as if one is being absorbed into some abysmal, unknown phenomenon. One shrinks back, one starts clutching at anything. It is there for just a moment and then the opportunity is gone and may not happen again for many days, for many months, for many years, or sometimes for many lives. Now let...
... starve to death... within ten years millions of Indians will die, simply die from hunger. All these problems.... What I wanted to point out to vou, is that all these problems are there but Rajiv is not talking about them at all. What he is saving.... And this was the slogan with which he won the election a landslide election. Never before... neither his mother nor his maternal grandfather those...

... darkness. The fear of darkness comes from those days when fire was not discovered. Those were the days of darkness, and darkness became almost synonymous with evil. Everywhere evil is painted as dark, black. Darkness became synonymous with death. Everywhere death is painted as black. The reason is very clear: before fire was discovered, night was the most dangerous time. If you survived one night you had...

... done something really great, because in the night all the wild animals were ready to attack you. You could not sleep, you had to remain awake - just the fear of the wild animals was enough to keep you awake. And still they would attack in darkness, and man was helpless. So darkness became evil, bad, and synonymous with death. And the fear has entered so deep in the heart, that still today, when...

... darkness has gone through a complete transformation.... Neither wild animals attack you in the dark, nor does darkness bring any evil or death to you. It only brings soothing sleep, takes all your tiredness of the day; makes you again young, alive, full of energy, ready to meet tomorrow's morning sun. But our attitude remains the same. So is the case with everything. In the past, throughout the whole of...

..., and they go on doing the same again and again. They cluster into groups; and this has to be a commitment because why should the group take on the burden of you? You have to pay something in return. Why should the group bother about your safety? You have to do something for the group - that is your commitment. You say, "I am ready to die for you. If you are ready to die for me, I am ready to die...

... what he is saying is right For that he needs growing numbers of committed people. And the more fanatically they are committed, the more convincing they are to him. If they are ready tc die or to kill, to go on a crusade, do jihad holy war - that makes him certain. And - in a circular way - his certainty convinces the followers, because he becomes more loud, he becomes more stubborn; he becomes...

... have been praying for so long. And now, at the time of death, to stop? And who knows?... if this boy is around and God really does exist, then I will be in a fix: I will not be able even to raise my eyes before God, if at the last moment I dropped praying. So I think, now that I have done it all my life, let me continue right or wrong. If it is wrong, nothing is lost. Anyway now that I am retired...

... against religion. Just be honest; if you don't feel it, drop it!" He said, "With you I again start feeling young, strong. But when you are gone I am again old, death is close by and this is not the time to change boats. One may fall in between. It is better to keep on with what you are doing... whatever is going to happen, let it happen Just continue. And I am not alone two hundred million...

... needed crowds. Now he can be individual. That does not mean that you don't have clubs, you don't have societies, but there is no need to be committed fanatically. You can be a rotarian; that does not mean you are committed fanatically that you will die for the Rotary Club. That will be a really great martyrdom - somebody dying for the Rotary Club! You don't have to die for the Rotary Club, Lions' Club...

...... you need not die for Christianity, Mohammedanism, Hinduism, communism, socialism. You can have a rapport with people, you can have a dialogue with people, you can have meetings with people, you can commune with people who are of the same mind, but there is no need to make any fuss about it. No crusade, no holy war.... Yes, you can remain a nation but there is no need to make too much of those...
... life. He is ripe. The fruit is ripe and ready to fall to the ground, with no hesitation. You will be afraid. You are already afraid of death because you have not been able to live. You have not lived yet and death has come or is coming. You have not yet had time to live and death has knocked at the door. How can you accept death? How can you welcome? A Baul is ready to die any moment because he has...

... not wasted a single moment of life. He has lived it as deeply as it was possible to live. He has no complaint, he has no grudge against life, and he has nothing to wait for. So if death comes, he is ready to live death also. He embraces death. He says, "Come in." He becomes a host to death also. If you live rightly, you will be ready to die peacefully, blissfully. If you are not living...

... is short. Nobody knows whether tomorrow will come or not. The future is not certain, and this is the only moment one can live. Why waste it in fighting with others? Why waste it in trying to convince others? Enjoy it, delight in it. A Baul is a hedonist; he is epicurean. He starts living: he loves, he lives, he delights. When a Baul dies, he is not afraid of death -- he is ready. He has lived his...

... rightly, if you are postponing, if you are simply putting aside your life and doing other things rather than enjoying life, doing a thousand and one things rather than delighting in life, then of course, naturally, you will be afraid of death. And when death comes, you will be a coward in front of death. A Baul dies dancing, a Baul dies singing, a Baul dies playing his AEKTARA and his DUGGI. He knows...

... how to live and how to die. And he is not worried about God; he's only worried about the ADHAR MANUSH, the essential man that resides in him. His whole search is to find this essential man that he is.'Who am I?' is his essential search. And he's very respectful about other human beings because they all belong to that essential nature. All other forms are of that formless essential nature; all the...

... is needed, SHRADDHA. If you trust a person, you say, "Okay. If you send me in the dark, I will go. If you send me into death, I will go." On the path of love, trust is the most essential thing. On the path of meditation, you can move without trust. On the path of meditation you can move without surrender, but on the path of love, without surrender, without trust, there is no go because it...

.... PSYCHOLOGICAL PAIN can be dissolved; and only psychological pain can be dissolved. The other pain, the physical pain, is part of life and death; there is no way to dissolve it. But it never creates a problem. Have you ever observed? - the problem is only when you are thinking about it. If you think of old age you become afraid, but old people are not trembling. If you think of illness you become afraid, but...

... when the illness has already happened, there is no fear, there is no problem. One accepts it as a fact. The real problem is always psychological. The physical pain is part of life. When you start thinking about it, it is not physical pain at all; it has become psychological. You think about death; there is fear. But when death actually happens there is no fear. Fear is always about something in the...

... to you. Cancer can happen, TB can happen, death can happen; everything is possible. Man is vulnerable. You can just go outside on the road and you can be hit by a car. I am not saying don't go outside on the road. You can sit in a room and the roof can fall. There is no way to save yourself totally and perfectly. You can be Lying down on your bed, but do you know that ninety-seven percent of people...

... die on a bed? That is the most dangerous place! Avoid it as much as you can; never go to bed. Ninety-seven percent of people die in bed. Even travelling by aeroplane is not so dangerous; it is more dangerous to be in bed. And remember, more people die in the night... so, remain trembling. Then it is up to you. Then you will not be able to live at all. Psychological problems are the only problems...

... poison may not be the right poison. In India you cannot rely on anything! They may have mixed something into it; it may not be poison at all. You may take it and you will lie down... and you will wait and wait and wait - and death is not coming. Then everything creates a problem. Mulla Nasrudin was going to commit suicide. He came across an astrologer on the street, and the astrologer said, "Mulla...

... about death, not even about suicide. What to say about life? Life is such a complex phenomenon; how can you be certain? Everything is possible and nothing is certain. If you become afraid, this is just your psychology. Something has to be done to your mind. And if you understand me rightly, meditation is nothing but an effort to look at reality without the mind - because that is the only way to look...

... at reality. If the mind is there it distorts, it corrupts. Drop the mind and see reality - direct, immediate, face to face. And there is no problem. Reality has never created any problem for anybody. I am here, you are also here - I don't see a single problem. If I fall ill, I fall ill. What is there to be worried about? Why make a fuss about it? If I die, I die. A problem needs space: in the...

...-called religious people have tried: if you want to avoid pain, avoid pleasure. But then what is the point? If you want to avoid death, avoid life - but then what is the point of it all? You will be dead. Before death, you will be dead. If you want to be perfectly secure, enter into your grave and lie down there. You will be perfectly secure. Don't breathe, because if you breathe there is danger...

... impossible: you want that two plus two should not be four. You want them to become five, or three, or anything, but never four. But they are four. Whatever you do, howsoever you deceive yourself and others, they will remain four. Pain and pleasure go together like night and day, like birth and death, like love and hate. In a better world, with a more developed language, we will not use words like 'hate...

... pleasurable, nothing feels painful. You come to a state of stupor, stupidity, where you become very aloof. You are almost dead. Your eyes lose fire, your being loses all energy. You are just dead stuff, a stagnant thing, and you will start stinking of death. This is one way - simple, easy, cheap. I don't suggest it. It is life-negative. It is violent; it is violence against yourself. It is a self-torture...
... word, you have erred, because it includes both. For example, if you say, "God is alive," or "God is life," it is meaningless, because then who will be death? He includes all. He must have death in him as completely as life, otherwise to whom will death belong? And if death belongs to someone else and life belongs to God - then there are two Gods, and then there will be many...

... problems which cannot be solved. God must be both life and death. God must be both the creator and the destroyer. If you say God is the creator, then who is the destroyer? If you say God is good, then who will be evil? Because of this difficulty, Christians, Zoroastrians, and many other religions have created a Devil side by side with God, because to whom will the evil belong? They have created a Devil...

... we have not created the other pole. We say God is both: the creator and the destroyer, the good and the bad. This is difficult to conceive of because the moment we say "God" we cannot conceive of him being bad. But in India we have tried to penetrate the deepest mystery of existence - that is, oneness. Somehow, good and bad, life and death, negative and positive, meet somewhere, and that...

... FOR SURE THAT THIS CONSCIOUSNESS IS ETERNAL AND WILL REMAIN AFTER THE DEATH OF THE BODY? The first thing is they don't bother about it. They are not worried about whether it will remain or not. It is you who are worried. They don't think of the next moment. The next life is just irrelevant; even the next day, the next moment, is not a point of concern. It is you who always ask about something in the...

... realized is here and now, totally alive. All that can happen has happened. There is no future to it. Whether death is going to kill him or not is not a concern at all. It is the same. Whether he disappears or remains, it makes no difference. This moment is so rich, so absolutely rich, this moment is so intense, that his whole being is here and now. Anand asked Buddha again and again, "What will...

... he is not this body; he knows that inside he is just a vast space. And space cannot die. Things can die, space cannot die. Just think about this room. We can destroy this building, this "Woodlands", but we cannot destroy the roominess in this room. Can you destroy it? The walls can be destroyed, but we are sitting here in this roominess, space. The walls can be destroyed, but how can you...

...?" He is not an enlightened one, but he is a very wise man. Remember, this is the difference between a wise one and an enlightened one. A wise one thinks deeply, penetrates intellectually into everything, and comes to a conclusion. He is a very wise man. He says that there are two alternatives. Logically he penetrates into the phenomenon of death: "only two are the possibilities: either I...

... do? You can only get more and more worried and mad. I was reading a viceroy's journal. Lord Wavell's journal. The man seems to be very sincere, deeply honest, because some remarks he makes are just superb. One remark he makes in a journal is, "Unless these three old men, Gandhi, Jinnah, and Churchill, die, India will be in trouble." These three men, Gandhi,Jinnah, Churchill - and these...

... three were helping in every way! Churchill's own viceroy writes in a journal that these three men should die soon. And he hopefully even gives their ages: Gandhi, 75,Jinnah, 65, Churchill, 68. Because these three are the problems. Can you think of Gandhi imagining that he is the problem - or Jinnah, or Churchill? All are doing their best to solve the problem of this country! And Wavell said that these...

... hand. Up to eternity it goes on and on. Buddhas never die, enlightened persons never die, because their light becomes a chain reaction. And unenlightened persons never live, because they cannot create any chain, they don't have any light to share, no flame to kindle someone else's flame. Please be concerned with yourself only. Be selfish, I say, because that is the only way you will become selfless...

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