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... feeling that you know this, that and the other, and this has reduced your sense of wonder. It does not need to be so, but in order to arouse, and in order to maintain your sense of wonder, you will need to go very deep into science - there is no other way. At the time of his death Einstein said, "I am dying as a mystic. I had thought that I would be able to unlock all the mysteries of the world. I...
..., because only three hours before he died, committed suicide, he got married. I think that is the only thing that he ever did which can be called wise -- just three hours before! He must have thought, "Now what can marriage do to me? I am going to die anyway." Just three hours before... in the middle of the night, when he decided to commit suicide, he called the priest. The priest was awakened...
... don't feel any limitation, you don't have any boundary, you are infinite. Powerful in the sense that you don't have any death, you are deathless. Powerful in the sense that your bliss is tremendous, incredible. Powerful in the sense that now your discipline is impeccable, perfect, and you don't have to force it; it's simply there. Powerful in the sense that now you are a god, nothing less. And...
... water be thrilled. Become more and more aware and conscious of whatsoever you are doing, and then you will be able to understand me more and more. Right now you are in a drunken state. A small story to meditate... It happened in Africa. A political rebel had been condemned to death. However, the sultan was in an indulgent frame of mind. When the prisoner was brought before him, his majesty declared...
... ARE IMPERMANENT... So don't be worried. All things are impermanent: pleasure and pain, friendship and enmity, poverty and richness, success and failure, birth and death. All is in a flux, all is impermanent, so why be worried? Everything goes on changing. Don't cling - clinging brings misery, clinging shows your misunderstanding. The moment you cling to something you are living with the idea that it...
...: "Let's say, your holiness, that you die tomorrow. A flower blooms on your grave after a few days. A cow comes and eats the flower. The next morning the cow has a good shit. I go for a walk, see the shit and say, "Ah, your holiness, you haven't changed a bit!' " The eighth question: OSHO, HOW ABOUT SOME GOOD JEWISH JOKES? I LOVE TO LAUGH AT MYSELF! Anand Sudharka, TWO JEWISH BUSINESSMEN...
.... Simplicity comes only as a shadow of contentment; then you can live in a palace and you can be simple. Simplicity has nothing to do with what you have: simplicity has something to do with the quality of the mind. So restless just for a station, how can this man be restful when death will be reaching? So afraid of my seeing him, how much afraid would he not be if God were seeing him, and how much afraid...
... are artificial, comfortable but untrue. That's why man has to invent a devil also with God: love God and hate the devil. Otherwise you will have to love and hate God. In that way, the East is far more insightful. You have to love and hate God. God is both the creator and the destroyer, God brings life and God brings death. It is God who creates the roses and it is God who creates the thorns in the...
... enlightenment, he sat under the tree and he said: "I will not rise from this tree again in my life if I don't attain enlightenment. Finished!" he said, "I am finished with doing anything for it. I am going to sit here - this tree is going to become my death." A total decision. At that moment he dropped the 'decidophobia' completely - a total decision. Just meditate on it! And that very...
... totally different. He is not predictable. Each moment he will choose to respond. You cannot depend on his past. That's why I translated it as 'in service of love'. Service is beautiful, but to become a servant is not good. Service is spontaneous. For example, you are passing by a road and you find that a house is on fire. You rush into it and you save a child who was going to die. But you don't HAVE to...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).