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Found: 3464 articles, showing 3390 - 3400


.... And that is what is happening to everybody here. You go on swinging towards me and away from me. You are like a pendulum: sometimes you come close, sometimes you go away. But this is a need. You cannot absorb of me totally right now. You have to learn, you have to learn to absorb something so tremendous, which looks almost like death. So many times you will need to go away from me. That's why...
... part of an army, you are serving society. You are dangerous - you are an enemy, you are destructive. You are in the service of death, not in the service of life. If you are creating atom bombs, you are not serving anyone. Do you know? Before Albert Einstein died, somebody asked him, "If another chance is given to you and God is willing for you to come back to the earth, what would you like to...
... them, but you cannot enslave them You can destroy them, but you cannot force them to compromise. In one sense intelligence is very soft, like a rose flower, in another sense it has its own strength. But that strength is subtle, not gross. That strength is the strength of rebellion, of a non-compromising attitude. One is ready to die, one is ready to suffer, but one is not ready to sell one's soul...
... will die in misery, in anguish, frustrated - utterly frustrated, crying and weeping - because you cannot be a Buddha. You are not meant to be a Buddha! You cannot be a Christ, you cannot be a Krishna. You can only be yourself. A great Hassid master, Zusiya, was dying. People had gathered - disciples, sympathizers. Somebody asked, an old man, "Zusiya, when you are facing God - and soon you will...
... trying to befool? These children will become conditioned to the idea. This is a strategy of the politicians: that tomorrow these children will become soldiers, and they will die for the 'best country of the world', not even knowing that this is not true. "And even if it is factual, then too it is egoistic, and it should not be a prayer. Accepting, just for the sake of argument, that it is true...
... boundary has come beyond which you will have to melt, the personality withdraws. It cannot go beyond the limit it knows. It is very thin, an imposed layer. In deep love it will evaporate. In great friendship it will not be found at all. In any kind of communion the death of the personality is absolute. And you feel identified with the personality: you have been told that you are this by your parents...
... question Question 4: OSHO, WHY IS LIFE SO BORING? LIFE AND BORING? Man, what are you talking about? You must be living in a kind of death. It is not life that is boring - you must be dead! That's why you are feeling bored. Rather than taking responsibility on your own shoulders, you are throwing it on life. But that's how the human mind continuously goes on playing games. It always throws the...
... certain charisma - no degree. And he made his hospital almost a magic land. The moment a patient would enter his office, immediately he would be surprised. He had been everywhere... because people used to go to him only as a last resort. Everybody knew that the man was bogus, it was not something hidden. It was an open secret. But if you are going to die, what is the harm in trying? And as you entered...
... have to think about men, and we have to explore the wisdom hidden in man." So the German theosophical movement turned into anthroposophy. Leadbeater, who was thought to be a knower of the future, firstly did not know, "Nityananda is going to die, don't waste time!" - they wasted twenty years on him; that this German fellow was going to create a split in the movement: "Don't waste...
... in this world exists without its opposite. For example, if there is light, there is darkness; if there is life, there is death; if there is heat, there is cold; if there is man, there is woman. The whole world exists through dualities. Can you conceive of a world where there are only women and no men? It is impossible. Can you conceive of a world where there are only men and no women? It is...

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How to Search

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  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
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  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).