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Found: 3464 articles, showing 3260 - 3270


... successor said, "My god, why should I allow a cat in my life in the first place? And this is the whole religion?" But an old man -- who was also a disciple, but was not chosen as a successor because he was too old; he was himself going to die within a year or two -- said, "You don't know, there is a long story behind it. He has just given you the punch line." He said, "Then I must...
... problem? It should be simple and human. I am ready for any public discussion. I am ready to come to all these parliaments who are talking about me. In fact, if they have any guts they should invite me to their parliament - and I am ready to face their whole parliament. But the fear is - they themselves know - they have no future, their death is so certain that they are afraid that I will expose them...
..., they had to protect themselves; they sharpened their intellect. They created better arguments than anybody else, because for others it was a luxury to argue, but for Jainas it was a question of life and death. They had to win the argument; otherwise they were finished. So they have developed logical systems, great philosophies, which should be made available to the whole world. But the world cares...
... of it. All those three were not part of your nature, they were imposed layers; but the fourth you bring with your birth, and when you die you take the fourth with you. The fourth is you. Those three were three rings of experiences surrounding you - the fourth is the center. It is a different way of saying the same thing that reaching the fourth you become enlightened, you become the awakened one...
... sad?" He said, "I am sad because I never wanted to become a surgeon. I wanted to become a musician. Even if I had to die on the street as a beggar with my guitar in my hands, I would have been more happy than to be the greatest surgeon in the country, because that was not at all my longing; it was not my destiny." So much misery in the world - and the basic cause is that people are...
...? Once they have entered their dark cells, they have entered them forever. The French revolutionaries necessarily thought that the first thing that had to be done was to free the people from the Bastille. It is inhuman to put somebody for any act whatsoever into prison in a dark cell just to wait for his death which might come fifty years afterwards, sixty years afterwards. Sixty years of waiting is an...
..., just allow it - don't condemn it by calling it middle age. It is the return of your childhood. You are being born again, it is a rebirth. Question 5: BELOVED OSHO, THE OTHER DAY I WAS IN A BLACK HOLE; THERE WAS ONLY GREAT HOLLOWNESS - NO WAY TO GET OUT. I SAID TO MYSELF, "GO TO YOUR BED AND JUST BE WITH IT." I WENT TO MY ROOM AND LAY ON MY BED, AND I DEEPLY FELT THAT I WANTED TO DIE. AT THE...
... was dying in utter frustration because the mind was not content. Mind, by its very nature, cannot be content. In fact, it is the name of your discontent. Before his death, Alexander told his generals and ministers, "When you take my coffin to the grave, let my hands hang out of the coffin." They said, "What kind of strange idea has come to you? That is not the way -- it has never been...
..., AND ABRUPTLY FORGET ALL YOUR VIEWS, THEN THESE ROADS OF DELUSION THEMSELVES ARE THE ROUTE OF ENLIGHTENMENT, BY WHICH THE PERSON ESCAPES FROM BIRTH AND DEATH. ONE SUCHNESS ... it is a special dimension Gautam Buddha has opened up. Nobody before him has ever talked about suchness. It contains so much that it has to be understood in its totality. If you have understood suchness in its totality, there...
.... The non-meditator never feels it. The non-meditator is totally identified with it; he thinks he is it. It is only because meditation has opened your heart and flowers of joy have blossomed in your being, that the personality is feeling immensely afraid. The time of its death is very close, and it will struggle for survival. Even shadows try to survive. And it has been with you for so long that it...

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