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Found: 3464 articles, showing 3010 - 3020


... monkeys? If evolution is a fact, a reality, then it should be happening all around. Trees should come out of the ground and start walking, talking. They have been standing there for millions of years - no evolution, no sign of evolution, just the same circle goes on moving. The Hindus call it the wheel of life and death. The same spokes come up, go down, come up, go down. The elephant creates...

.... All religions have been trying to prove that the bodies of their prophets, messiahs, incarnations of God, don't follow the ordinary routine biology. That is just an effort to prove that their bodies have evolved. That's why Christians talk of the "ascension of Jesus Christ." He does not die like you, or like me. He simply ascends towards heaven, fully in his body. His body is not left...
... - because there is a deep need in man to know. It is intrinsic, it is not sin. It is in the very nature of man to know. And God is prohibiting him. He is saying, "Remain ignorant." There is, in the same way, an intrinsic, intense desire for eternal life. Nobody wants to die. Even the person who commits suicide is not against life. Perhaps he is hoping the next life will be better. He is so tired...

..., but it is not existentially true. What do I mean when I say it is not existentially true? I mean that whenever you act, the result of the act is intrinsic in the act itself, it does not wait for the next life. Why should it wait? If you drink poison now, will you die in the next life? I have been arguing with Hindu shankaracharyas, Jaina monks, Buddhist bhikkus, saying "Tell me, if somebody...
... has to be destroyed. Only with the death of the old can the new be born. But he is a traditionalist, orthodox. He can only think in terms of the past. He has no idea that we are living in the twentieth century. He is not a contemporary man at all; he belongs to some past century which no more exists. But in India such people can become powerful, because the greater masses also live in the past, they...

... not be aware of the new man, but the new man is coming. And the new man will bring a totally new way of life. His life will be earthy, rooted in the earth, and yet available to the sky. The new man will bring a new world with him. He will make a paradise of this earth; he will not look for any paradise after death. He will transform life itself into a paradise. The new man will not only survive: he...
... so there is no question of dropping it. DON'T DROP IT! If you drop it, it will come back in some other form. It cannot leave you - it is just an old habit of unconscious mind. The political situation in a South American country was very shaky. The military was worried. They managed to apprehend the country's greatest gossiper and they condemned him to death. The gossiper was lined up for execution...

... outside where he was immediately approached by a friend. "Hey, Pablo," the friend asked him, "do you have any news?' "Well," said the gossiper in a hushed voice, "don't tell anyone, but our headquarters don't have any ammunition! " Old habits... they die hard! Ego is just a habit, a habit of ignorance, unconsciousness - it will come back. Please don't drop it! Don't...
... such a situation, life begins on a wrong track. Then only death is able to free us from this misery; nothing else helps. This is the result of wrong education. Right education will teach us how to develop what we have in ourselves - but comparison, never. As soon as comparison enters the mind, the problems begin. But our present atmosphere supports comparison. The birthday of a cobbler is never...

... responsibility be taken up by us? If we can take up the responsibility, man can be saved. If not, then things are already too rotten, the matter is over. Then it is just a question of passing on the information, making the announcement that man is dead. It will not be long before all preparations for the death of man are complete. Any time we can be finished. Some fifty thousand atom and hydrogen bombs are...
... sannyasins... because they come to me with their fads. One young man came and he said he had come to me to learn how to live only on water! I told him, 'You will make me a criminal. If I tell you how to live on water, you will die!" He was lean and thin, almost on the verge of collapse, but he had a fad that purity is possible only through water. Only water is pure and everything else is impure. His...

... is a creative act. Watch him sitting. You will find in his movement a certain quality of dance, a certain dignity. Just the other day we were reading the story of the zen master who stood in the hole with great dignity - dead. Even his death was a creative act. He did it perfectly well; you cannot improve upon it. Even dead he was standing with dignity, with grace? When you understand, whatsoever...
... calling them blessed - please give some reasoning. And if they are so blessed, why does God make them poor? And why should He make His blessed people wait till after death to inherit the kingdom of God? Why not give them the kingdom of God right now? Are they not poor enough yet? Do you want them to become more blessed? For what are you waiting? But there is no argument. In the whole gospel of Jesus...

... of their intelligence. And if they cannot live out of intelligence, it is better to die than to become robots, to become machines, to be nagged and to be imprisoned in all kinds of slavery. It is better to be finished. We should live intelligently, and our order will come out of our intelligence, not vice versa. That's what has been tried before; enforce order so that people can function...
... yourself into as full alertness as possible. Wake up and see! And you will start laughing -- because now you will see there has never been a birth, and there is never going to be a death. This is unborn and undying consciousness. It has always been here. It is eternal, it is timeless. And how afraid you were of death, and how afraid you were of old age, and how afraid you were of a thousand and one...
... totally new art: the art of surrender, the art of total let-go. The first condition is: forget all that you have learned. The second condition is: be calm, quiet, contented. Desire keeps you away from the present moment, far away. And Zen is the taste of reality here and now. It is the feel of the here and now. Zen is not concerned with any God after death, Zen is concerned with the godliness that...

.... Hence he remains undivided; nothing can divide him. No division exists in his being and he sees no division anywhere. Life and death are one to him, summer and winter are one to him, men and women are one to him. He knows that divisions are superficial; deep down everything is one. He knows the oneness of life, hence he is not disturbed by any contradictions. The man of Zen contains all contradictions...
... you is the eternal, the immortal. No death can destroy it. There is no need to fear for it. You are afraid because you are not there in the tower - the invisible tower of the spirit. You have moved into the laws and regulations of the society and those laws and regulations cannot protect you, they only give you a feeling of protection. But nothing protects. The laws cannot make you secure, they only...

... give a feeling of security which is false. Death ultimately comes and shatters all your securities. You will stay trembling, fear-filled, unless you come back to the source - the inner tower of the spirit. What is that tower? How does it function? It functions unconsciously. A child is born. How does the child know that the nine months are over and he has to come out of the womb? How does the child...

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