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... intimate with your ultimate death. That's what real surrender is: dying as an ego. But when you die as an ego, you are born as divine. So the crucifixion of the ego is the resurrection of the soul. And I am not interested in your surrender because I don't see that you have anything. You don't have anything - you have only fallacies, illusions, dreams. But you are asking, Ruinemans, as if you are going to...

..., your life will be dry, your life will be a desert. Then no more roses, no more lotuses... then you are no more an oasis. You will live a kind of death. You will carry your grave around yourself. Go into it. Listen to its message. Be very silent. Sex is sacred! When you enter into it, you are entering the greatest temple there is. You are on holy ground - put ALL your mind and worries away. Go dancing...
... become enlightened have been shouting for centuries of its joy, its bliss; its ultimate truth, beauty; its eternity and its going beyond death. But the larger part of humanity has not paid any attention to it, naturally. Your question comes from the deepest core of humanity. It is not only your question, everybody is afraid of enlightenment. And the reason is clear why one is afraid: the fear is of...

... said. And these are the people who don't know anything about themselves -- what can they know about you? Everybody is afraid of enlightenment, because who knows? Once your personality disappears maybe everything disappears. Then what is the point of such an enlightenment? It is better to remain unenlightened -- at least you are. And death may come whenever it may come, but right now you are alive...

... -- why unnecessarily commit a suicide? Enlightenment appears to your personality as a suicide, and in fact it is a suicide. But the suicide of personality is the beginning of individuality. The death of your personality and ego is the birth of your real authentic being, of your immortality. You will have to gather courage, and remember Michel's Rule for Prospective Mountain Climbers: The mountain gets...
..., opposite standpoints become one in Tantra. This has to be deeply understood, only then will you be able to understand why there are so many contradictory, different techniques. Life is a rhythm between opposites: male and female, positive and negative, day and night, birth and death. Between these opposites moves the river of life. The opposites are the banks - they appear to be contradictory, but they...

...; unless some medical institute, or some psychological department of some university authorizes you. Only then can you experiment. Otherwise it is dangerous - the boy simply believed, imagined, that he was dead, and he was dead. If death can occur through imagination, why not life, why not more life? This technique is based on the power of imagination. IMAGINE SPIRIT SIMULTANEOUSLY WITHIN AND AROUND YOU...

... anywhere. Just find where this tree is melting. This tree, this small tree just in your garden, has the whole of existence in it. It is melting every moment. If the sun does not rise tomorrow this tree will die, because this tree's life is bound together with the life of the sun. The distance between them is very long - for the sun-rays to reach earth takes time, ten minutes' time. Ten minutes' time is...
... beautiful conspiracy: Lenin was given daily poison in the name of medicine. The doctor was a hired man of Stalin. The poison was to be given in such small doses that it would kill him over a long period of time. While he remains alive, he remains the leader because the masses still know him. He should not die right now, because if he dies right now then Trotsky will be the man to control the country...

... became free. He had never thought about it. He was just a soldier of the freedom movement, as were many thousands of others. He may have been shot, he may have been killed, he may have been sentenced to death - anything could have happened. There was no question of power. When the fight for freedom was over, then the question arose of who is to be in power? Till then there was no question of power at...

... ministership. He was the second man to Gandhi, and after Gandhi's death he had the whole monopoly of the Indian mind. But Indira was a politician, a born politician. She dropped her husband and forgot about him: politics was more important than the husband. The whole love affair was finished when it became a question of choosing between them. And Feroz became insistent: "Either you be with me or be with...
... created prostitutes and he created all kinds of ways to get out of matrimony without disturbing the woman. But the woman had to remain absolutely dedicated to the man - not only in life, but even in death. In India the woman had to die with the husband; she had to jump, alive, into the funeral pyre where her husband was being burned, because the husband was so jealous: "What is the guarantee after...

..., all their scriptures will be rubbish. And they are afraid that by finding your own being you will become an individual. The society does not want you to be individuals, it wants you to be a Christian, a good Christian, a good Jew, a good Hindu - respectable. But they don't want you to be individuals, because individuals move, act, live in freedom. Individuals would be happy to die, but they cannot...
... wild animal comes and eats us, there is nothing much to be worried about. One day one has to die. There will always be some excuse - about some disease, wild animals, some enemy. And it does not matter when one dies; what matters is how one dies. And you know and I know how to die. So why be afraid?" But the Master is no longer in a state to listen to him. They stop at a water well, and the...

... been waiting for, to look into the bag to find out what was the matter. He opened the bag and found what was the matter - the Master was carrying a brick of solid gold. Now he knew what the fear was. It was not death, it was not wild animals, it was not the night - it was some robbers, some thieves. This gold brick was the cause. So he took out the brick, threw it away in the jungle, found a stone of...
... think in literal terms. Don't think that Buddha really carried the lotus flower in his hand. His hand is the lotus flower; he is the lotus flower. It is possible that only Mahakashyap could see it, nobody else. Look at my hand - the lotus flower is there. If you accept, I can give it to you. But acceptance means a death. Acceptance means that you die as you are. Something new is born, disconnected...

... cannot be learned, nobody can teach you. You can get it from nobody. The whole effort of getting it from somebody, alive or dead, from scriptures or from teachings, is futile. And the sooner you understand it the better, because the time wasted will simply be wasted. Nothing can be achieved by it. You have to pass through a transformation. You have to die and be reborn. You have to be completely new...
... beautiful cannot happen when you are two. A creator has to forget everything, he has to forget the whole world; only then something from Beyond descends. One great English poet, Coleridge, has left only seven poems completed, and he was one of the greatest masters. He left thousands of poems incomplete. Forty thousand in all have been calculated; only seven complete. Just before his death somebody asked...

... sannyasin inside. Why divide the outside from the inside? Is there really a division between inside and outside? Where is the demarcation line? Can you draw a line and say: Beyond this is inside? Where? - at the body can you draw a line? If the body dies, you die, If the body is not there, where are you? At the mind then? - if the mind becomes unconscious you become unconscious. Who are you without the...

... end; because He is not there to affirm. And unless you also become a nobody like Him, there is no possibility of meeting Him. We have created priests, great churches; they give you certificates. I know a man. He is the head priest of a small Mohammedan community in India. He gives a letter; exactly, literally a letter; he writes a letter referring a man's name who is going to die to God, saying that...
... have gathered to say good-bye to her are puzzled: "Has she gone senile, insane? Perhaps death has shocked her and she has lost her rationality." Certainly no man with a reasonable mind will ask, "What is the answer?" because unless you have asked a question, asking, "What is the answer?" is very irrational. There was silence for a moment. Then one very close friend asked...

... beautiful deaths. It is very difficult for people to make a beautiful life. But there have been people who have lived beautifully and died even more beautifully! Because to them death comes as a culmination, as a climax of life, as if the whole life becomes a flame of fire - in a single moment, in total intensity - before disappearing into the universal. She was not losing her mind in the sense that it is...

... enlightened. The West has no understanding of enlightenment. They simply thought she was going crazy. But it was not craziness, it was a moment of great celebration. What she could not attain in her life, she attained in her death. And she gave the sure indications: no question, no answer and you have arrived home. Savita, you are perfectly good. I have been watching you, looking into your eyes, into your...
...; It is unbelievable that in America, in the twentieth century, a man has been sentenced by the court because it is suspected that he is a rapist, to fifty years in jail - or castration. The great American society, the great democracy! And just see the alternative they are giving him. Fifty years of jail; he must be at least thirty, I assume fifty years of jail means he will die in jail. It is a life...

... die on some street as a beggar. There is no point.... The alternative is castration, that his sexual organs should be cut off. Even if it were certain that he did commit a rape - and it is not. Rape is one of the problems which is not so easy to decide and judge; there are so many complexities. But first, just for argument's sake, let us accept that it is certain that he committed the rape. The...

... being judged and sentenced, imprisoned, or even sentenced to death are not the real culprits, they are victims - victims of a society which has forced them to move in a certain way, to become a certain way which they never wanted. They were always resisting. Every child resists as much as he can, but he has limitations; he cannot resist too long. And he is dependent on you. In my childhood it was an...

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