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.... And all kinds of religious people, in all languages, nagging a single poor God - He must have committed suicide His suicide is more probable than a natural death. He cannot die a natural death; He must have committed suicide But those people are still after Him. Even in H;s grave He will be tossing and turning, because the Catholic is shouting in His ear, the Protestant is shouting in His ear, and...
..., "It is something like magnetism." Somebody will say, "It is mesmerism." Somebody will say, "It is charisma." Somebody will say, "We don't know exactly what it is." One thing is certain: it has a tremendous gravity, it pulls you towards itself. And if you are courageous you can be drowned in it and you can be transformed in that drowning. It will be your death...

... and your resurrection, both. As you are, you will die, as you should be, you will be born. But mind is a very dark place. To comprehend light from there is almost like a blind man trying to comprehend light. A young English gentleman returns from a stay at a stately home. "How was your weekend?" asks a friend. "Well," he replies, "if the soup had been as warm as the wine...

...; because they themselves were using the mind for the faraway future, farther away than ordinary people think about. You think about tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, or the next year at the most. But all the religions were thinking about a future beyond death. Their heaven and their hell and their God are all so far away from the present moment. And remember: you will always be in the present moment...
... that they are coming up, because that is the only way to get rid of them. Don't repress them, otherwise they will go on coming up. And don't give them attention, otherwise you are giving nourishment to things that should be starved and allowed to die. Your whole focus should be on those beautiful moments that happen to you, those orgasmic spaces. Fill them with all your energy, and slowly, slowly it...

... are so much in love with the negative that if there is no negative they will die out of sheer agony: now there are roses and no thorns, what am I going to do? Everybody looks so beautiful, nothing ugly, everything seems to be so right, nothing is wrong.... They will lose all interest in existence. Their only interest was in the negative. But they are both there. There are positivist thinkers in the...

... your imagination.' There is no sickness, no death, nothing wrong in the world. It is God who created the world; how can there be wrong?" The young man said, "I will convey your message." Three weeks passed and the old man still did not turn up. Again the woman encountered the young boy and asked him, "Did you convey my message?" He said, "I did." The old woman said...
... society becomes moral. For example, by nature, for every one hundred boys born, eighty-four girls will be born. By the time they are of marriageable age, the numbers will be equal. More boys die, girls are more resistant. People think of strength only in the muscular way, but there are other ways to think of strength. Women have more resistance to disease; they don't get sick so soon. And on average...

... used to come with buckets of milk, with his son carrying another bucket, to the hostel. And people would ask, "Santji, is it true that you don't mix water into the milk?" He would put his hand on his boy's head, and he would say, "In my whole life, I have never mixed water into milk. If I have ever done that, my child would die." I heard it. I thought that this seemed strange...

... dangerous thing that you are doing, and if you really are interested, just wait until you die. In your grave you can look inside because there will be no outside anymore. Then watch your skeleton; you will have enough time, no other work!" You are right that here we are exactly trying to bring the golden age back. Those who want to join in this great venture, they are welcome. But in the world...
... find the place where the fire had not reached yet? Both were going to die in the forest, burned alive. It was such an emergency that they forgot their competition. In such emergencies only a Jew can remain a businessman, and certainly those two beggars were not Jews. In fact, to be a beggar and a Jew is a contradiction in terms. They immediately dropped their antagonism - that was the only way to...

... for nuclear weapons; it cannot be death-oriented. The heart is life's juice. Once the head is in the service of the heart, it has to do what the heart decides. And the head is immensely capable of doing anything, just right guidance is needed; otherwise, it is going to go berserk, it is going to be mad. For the head there are no values. For the head there is no meaning in anything. For the head...

... serve death anymore, it will not make weapons that are going to kill the whole of life on the earth. It will make life richer, discover energies which can make man more fulfilled, which can make man live in comfort, in luxury, because the values will have completely changed. It will still be mind functioning, but under the direction of the heart. My way is the way of meditation. I have to use language...
... will arise... death will follow you like a shadow, because you know one day or other you will have to fall down and disappear. But a religious man, in deep prayer, accepts even death. He says, 'I am just a wave. It was your play to have me. I am here, but when you are finished with the game I will retire. I will go back to sleep, deep sleep, into the ocean. Whenever you need me you can raise me again...

... stars - are all round. Otherwise they will leak energy and will die. When you sit, you become rounded; hands touching hands. So if this hand releases energy, it moves into another hand. Feet touching feet... and the way you sit becomes almost a circle. Energy moves within you. It is not going out. One conserves it; one becomes by and by a pool. By and by you will feel almost a fullness in your belly...
... recharged. The conscious goes off; tremendous activity starts in sleep, which is dreaming. And why it has been neglected? - because mind has been trained to be identified with the conscious, so you think that you are no more in sleep. That's why sleep looks just like a small death. You simply never think about what is going on. Patanjali says, "Meditate on it and many things will be uncovered within...

.... That's why in the East people again and again have been asking, for millennia, "How to get out of this wheel of life and death?" It seems the same wheel. It seems to be the same story again and again a repetition. If you don't know it, then you think you are doing new things, and you are so much excited. And I can see you have been doing these same things again and again. Nothing is new in...

... anymore in the same old nonsense. I am getting out of it." Sannyas is a perfect dropping out of the wheel - not out of the society, but out of your own inner wheel of life and death. This is the fourth type of dream. And then there is a fifth type of dream, and the last type. The fourth type is going backwards into your past, the fifth type is going forwards into the future. Rare, very rare - it...
... to die. Then a totally different existence arises. Now the whole existence is divine -- not that there is God. For Nietzsche himself, this realization that there is no personal God was too much. He could not bear it: he went insane. He was not ready himself to understand what insight had happened to him. He himself was childish; he needed a personal God. But he meditated upon it, and as he...

... is certain that I have been thinking to see you -- and I have not said this to anybody I will be coming on such and such date, because I am going for a tour, and three, four months afterwards I will be coming to you." Swedenborg wrote to him, "That is not possible because, exactly on that date, I have heard the rumor in the world of the spirits that I am going to die." And exactly on...

... trying to become powerful in the world, trying to attain to riches, success, ambition, that you were an egoist again and again and always you failed and always death came and all that you were doing was disrupted, and again you started the same game again.... If you go back and you can see millions of lives spread all over eternity, can you be the same? Can you still move into greed when you see the...

...; -- because this is Buddha's teaching "Be a light unto yourself." Follow nobody; seek and search, but follow nobody. "With this I agree," says Siddhartha, "so I will have to go." He is sad. It must have been very difficult for him to leave Buddha, but he has to go -- to seek, to search, or to die. He has to find the path. What is my comment on it? There are two types of people...

... prostitute. He tries to know what indulgence is. He learns the ways of the world and the ways of sin, and by and by, out of many sufferings, many disappointments, frustrations, the consciousness arises in him. Long is his path, but he goes on unflinching, unwavering. Whatsoever the cost, he is ready either to die or to attain. He has understood his type. To understand one s type is the most basic thing in...
... renounced. The world is perfectly beautiful. Just your mind has to be silent, empty, open, and you will have the clarity to see people as they are... not only to see people, but to see yourself as you are. This understanding brings a transformation in your being. The world becomes a totally different place -- from despair to dance, from darkness to light, from death to eternal life. Question 2: BELOVED...

... come in the category of diseases. It is death itself. So on the one hand religions have created perversions; on the other hand they insisted on monogamy, which in fact means monotony. That has created the profession of the prostitute. The priest is responsible for the prostitute. It is so ugly and sick that we have created objects, commodities, things to be exploited out of so many beautiful women...

... these religious people. By the end of this century almost half of humanity will have to die through starvation -- and who will be responsible for it? These religious people who are not in favor of family planning. I would like to contradict Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati: without any exception, absolutely anyone who is religious is bound to support family planning. And those who don't support it...

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