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... - perhaps they don't want to see - is that life knows nothing but change. Life is change. Only death is permanent. I met one old friend at the London airport. I asked him, "How are you?" He said, "All right..." That was his old habit, for everything - "All right." How is your wife? - "All right." How are your children? - "All right." And I said, "How...

... so that he could be certain that any time he wants a woman, she is ready. He can demand love, faithfulness... and man has gone to the absurd limit that the faithful wife should die when the husband dies. Alive, she should jump into the funeral pyre of the dead husband. In this country, millions of living beings had to destroy themselves simply to prove to the society that they are faithful to their...

... anything because he will be dead, just tossing and turning in his grave. It is better to take the wife also with him. And the wife was forced by the society. If she was unwilling - and who can be willing? not that she is not sorry and sad about the death, but that does not mean that you should commit suicide - if she refused, she was condemned by the whole society and boycotted, that she is an unfaithful...

... was caught. I managed permission to see him... because he was going to be sentenced to death. I asked him only one thing: "This murderer must have been in you always, asleep - were you aware of it?" He said, "I was never aware of it. I became aware only when it was too late. Out of anger I killed that man" - because that man had opened another gymnasium and was preparing people...

... jails are universities: they create criminals, they train criminals. This is not punishment, this is simple stupidity. Nobody needs to be punished. Every person who is doing something wrong needs the compassion of the whole society, he is part of us. It happened in a court. A man had murdered someone and the judge sentenced him to death. He said, "It is very unjust because I have not murdered him...
... ecstasy exists. Don't give water to the tree and first the flowers will disappear, then the leaves will disappear; then the branches will die and only at the last moment will the roots die - because with roots things can come up again, so the tree will protect its roots. The root is the lowest, but the lowest has to be protected because it is the foundation. When good days come, when the rains come and...

... interested in the outer. Now let me be the robber of the inner, because I have understood that I am alone and whatsoever I do, it is my responsibility, nobody is going to share it. I am born alone, I will die alone, and whatsoever I do is my individual personal responsibility; nobody is going to share it. So now I must look inwards and find who I am. Finished! I am finished with this whole business!"...

... stopped. You are really a fool or mad - or I don't know what type, what manner of man you are!" Buddha came near and he said, "I have heard that you need one more finger. As far as this body is concerned, my goal is achieved, this body is useless. When I die people will burn it, it will be of no use to anyone. You can use it, your vow can be fulfilled: cut off my finger and cut off my head. I...

... worthless? He cannot say that because he has not known beautiful women. Only experience can give you the key to renounce. Without experience you can console yourself, and many poor people, poor in many ways, do that. If you don't have a beautiful wife you go on saying, "What is there? The body is just the body, and the body is mortal and it is the abode of death." But deep down, deep down the...
... people, when they become retired, die sooner. Psychoanalysts say that at least ten years' life is cut. Politicians, when they are in power, are very healthy; once they are out of power, their health disappears, they die soon - because out of power their whole identity starts disappearing like a dream. Out of the office, suddenly you are nobody. You have been nobody your whole life, but you go on...

... there in your hands; you simply imagine it is there. Renounce your dreams and reality is available. The struggle is going to be a little hard because the mind will not be so easily convinced - because it is going to be the death of the mind. So that too is natural, that the mind will resist. The death of the mind is your life. And the life of the mind is your death. If you choose mind, you commit...
... existence that he is allowing you so much time to explore much that is not available to any other animal, which is only available to man. And the more time you have to explore it, the deeper will be your insight, the greater will be your consciousness and tremendous will be your splendor. You will not die an ugly death; you will die with a grace and with a smile on your face. A life that cannot reach to...

... DO WHAT I USED TO DO ALL NIGHT. AM I MISSING, OR IS IT MISSING? Nityanando, this is the difference between the Eastern evolution of consciousness and the Western mind. In the East, to get rid of sex is a blessing; in the West, it is the ultimate calamity, it is dying before death. The day one starts feeling that his sexual energy is getting down, he starts counting days -- that death is not far...
... opening, then nothing more is going to happen to you - you are a body: you will eat, and you will defecate, and you will eat and you will make love and produce children, and this will go on and on, and one day you die. A mechanical repetition of the mundane, the trivia - how can there be any significance, any meaning, any poetry? How can there be any dance? Skinner has written a book, Beyond Freedom and...

... really in trance, in samadhi? Was he thinking about God? He must have been thinking about the horse. But he was professionally proficient, skillful. He must have learned the technique of how to stop the breathing and how to go into a kind of death - but it was technical. Remaining ten years in such deep silence, and the mind has not changed a little bit! It is exactly the same as if these ten years had...

... Sanskrit word has to be remembered. The Sanskrit word is iswara, which is translated as 'holy lord'. 'Iswara' means one who has become absolutely rich from his own riches, whose riches are of his own nature; nobody can take them away, nobody can steal them, they cannot be lost. All the riches that you have can be lost, can be stolen, will be lost - one day death will come and will take everything away...

.... When somebody has come to that inner diamond that is one's own being, death cannot take it away. Death is irrelevant to it. It cannot be stolen, it cannot be lost. Then one has become iswara, then one has become a holy lord. Then one has become bhagavan. The word bhagavan simply means 'the blessed one'. Then one has become the blessed one. Now his blessing is eternally his; it depends on nothing, it...
... don't believe in punishment. Punishment is barbarious, and all the courts of the world and all the governments of the world and all the laws of the world are still barbarious. For example, a man wants to commit suicide and is caught. Then the court sentences him to death. Great minds! He has failed in committing suicide, now they are killing him because he was trying to kill himself. (interruption for...

... the guards phone her that there is some emergency, she can immediately come. I said, "You live at least ten minutes away from my house. The guards can phone just inside the house and everything can be arranged before you will be arriving." But she insisted, so I said, "Okay, you can put. I have no fear of death or anything, you can put. If it is your enjoyment and if you feel that the...

... that he should beat somebody else to death. And as far as writing is concerned, it is certainly every individual's right. Whatsoever he wants to write, he can write. But he should be ready if he is contradicted. And if he is writing falsities, then he has to be prevented. But on the contrary, something else goes on happening. One small group of atheists is publishing a book, a collection from the...

... for it. Disease means it can be cured, if not today then tomorrow. Someday we will find some cure. But the opinion of the scientists is that there will be no possible cure for AIDS. The man has simply lost the will to live, and he has become vulnerable -- absolutely vulnerable -- to any kind of infection, and his body will not create antibodies to fight with any infection. So he can die by anything...

... love, you would not like to put in danger of death. And there are other ways. Vatsayana, the oldest sexologist in the world -- five- thousand-year-old sutras in India -- writes that the best way is to press each other's earlobes, play with each other's earlobes. They are very erotic. And I find it, this is great! Q:* YOU'VE TRIED IT? A:* Yes. I never say anything unless I have tried it. Kissing is...
.... Poetry is as valid as science. Science is knowledge without love, and that is the danger in it. Because it is knowledge without love, it is always in the service of death and never in the service of life. Hence, the whole progress of science is leading man towards a global suicide. One day when man has committed suicide - the Third World War - cockroaches will think, 'We are the most fit to survive...

... of the earth, bigger than the elephant. They are no longer anywhere. They were thinking they had become very powerful. They were very huge, with tremendous energy, but then the earth could not supply feed for them. They began to become bigger and bigger and bigger; then a moment came when the earth could not supply food for them. They had to die. The same is happening with man: man thinks he is...

... happy and there is no death, you will believe you are happy and there is no death. And this will be coming from within you. That's what Delgado proposes to do someday, and he says, 'Then man will be happy. Nobody will be unhappy.' But this happiness will not be true happiness. Then there are mechanisms by which alpha-waves can be created in your mind, just by electrical stimulation. That is dangerous...

..., piled up, waiting. Any day, any politician can go beserk - and politicians are mad people. They are not very sane; otherwise why should they be in politics in the first place? You are sitting on a volcano. Never before has it been so dangerous. And you think: 'What am I doing here? Meditating?' What else to do? While the time is still there, meditate. If the volcano erupts and you die meditating, you...
..., THAT METER OF HIS IS NOT HEARD OF THE EAR. KABIR SAYS: HE WHO HAS FOUND BOTH LOVE AND RENUNCIATION NEVER DESCEND TO DEATH. IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL MORNING, and the sun was just rising on the horizon, and the first rays of the sun were playing with the almond leaves, and I saw an owl settling on the almond tree. He said, "Getting dark; is this a good place to rest until dawn?" Only one rabbit was...

... accepted his wife too. Now there was no grudge, no complaint, no fear, no escape. That's what I mean when I say freedom should be beyond bondage, not against bondage. A freedom against bondage is afraid of bondage, and a freedom which is afraid is not freedom at all. Freedom and fear never exist together. Fear is the death of all freedom, and freedom is possible only when all fear has disappeared...

...; the singer is there, the musicians is there. He is continuously singing a song. That song is your very life. But you have to listen in a totally different way, and you have to see with a totally different quality. KABIR SAYS: HE WHO HAS FOUND BOTH LOVE AND RENUNCIATION NEVER DESCENDS TO DEATH. Remember, the highest harmony is between love and renunciation. Look at this tremendously seminal sutra...

...;Look, I am the creator." He has no I. He is the creator without ever feeling, "I am the creator." His renunciation is utter, his love is utter. A sannyasin will be a miniature of God: his love will be total, his renunciation too. AND KABIR SAYS: HE WHO HAS FOUND BOTH LOVE AND RENUNCIATION NEVER DESCENDS TO DEATH. He goes beyond death; he becomes deathless. He has attained to the nectar...
... because he enjoys being a barber; and he gets more customers that way. They are all living these roles, living in the moment and enjoying it completely, utterly. A British soldier is sent to the town to disable the bomb. He gets frustrated because he cannot find where the bomb has been put. He starts ranting and raving and shouting, "We are all going to die!" So everyone, everyone: the general...

... Thomas. His father died, and on that night he wrote this poem. In this poem come the lines, Rage, rage against the dying of the light: Do not go gently into that good night! He is saying to his father "Fight with death; rage against it. Don't surrender, don't just let go. Give a good fight even if you are defeated, but don't go without a fight." If love is not fulfilled, one becomes angry. If...

... life is not fulfilled, one becomes angry at death. A man whose life is a fulfillment will not rage against death, he will welcome. And he will not say that it is dark night; he will say, "So beautiful, so restful." The dark is restful. It is almost warm, like mother's womb. One is moving again into the greater womb of God. Why rage? Those who have flowered, surrender. Those who are...

... original mind hiding behind it controls them all. Find the controller. Try to find who you originally are before the society corrupted you, contaminated you, before the society entered, planned you, and destroyed your wildness. In Zen they call it: finding the original face which you had before you were born, and which you will have when you will again die; the original face, untouched by society. That's...
... am in light. And listen to me -- your old age has come, I can see it. You are trembling, you cannot stand properly. Sooner or later death will be coming. Before death comes, meditate. Before death knocks at your door, try to know who you are.' It continues this way -- the distance is tremendous. So when I say 'distance' I don't mean the physical distance. You have come across a Buddha or a Christ...

.... Your first move into the world was through sex and your last move out of this world will also be through sex. When the sex energy that your father and mother gave you is finished, you will die. For seven, years you run on it, it is your power. By and by it is dissipated, one day it disappears -- and you die, you disappear again. You will have to wait again for somebody else to make love so you can...

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