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Found: 3464 articles, showing 2130 - 2140


... nature of life, the moment you see that asking for security is asking for death... a secure person is a dead person. If you are alive you will have to live in insecurity. Life is insecure, rooted in insecurity. One day you will have to die - how can you be secure? And you love a woman, and the woman is still alive - she can fall in love with somebody else. Nobody knows the ways of life - they are...

...! And, naturally, they are angry too, because how can you forgive your murderer? You cannot. The idea of security brings death in life. Afraid you may catch cold, you don't go into the rains. Afraid you may harm your body, you don't go to the playground. Afraid that you may fall from the tree, you don't climb. Afraid that death may happen, you don't go to the mountains. Afraid, afraid, afraid... you...

..., a three-hour prayer! think of God also a little bit: listening to Jimmy Carter for three hours... poor old man! Nobody thinks of God. And what will you be saying for three hours? You will bore Him to death! But he knows that India is a religious country, people will be impressed by the idea. And what can Jimmy Carter do for three hours, what will he pray for three hours? A politician can-not pray...
... transcending nature and moving into supernature, changing from the outer to the inner, changing from the material to the spiritual, there is bound to be a gap between the two when you are nowhere, when you don't belong to this world and you yet don't belong to the other. This is the chaos - this has been left, and death has not been achieved yet. In the middle, everything is a disorder. And if you remain in...

.... That's why in the West more people die every year through car accidents than by anything else. That is the greatest disease. Neither by cancer nor by tuberculosis... no other disease takes such a toll of lives as car driving. In the Second World War, in one year millions of people died. More people die every year around the earth just by mad car drivers. You may have observed if you are a driver, that...

... fearlessness is in prayer because then even death is not a fear at all, because then there is no death. You are so deeply in tune with existence - how can fear exist? So please don't get obsessed with fear. Just jump out of it and take a move towards love. And don't wait because nobody is interested in you; if you are waiting you can go on waiting. This is my observation: you cannot bypass love, otherwise...
.... And I have heard that the father heard it and he was transformed. Suddenly, something melted in him: the child has brought a message. So break the word in two; become a child. When I say "nowhere" try to hear "now here." Either you come from nowhere or you are born every moment now here. Moment to moment is birth. Moment to moment you die and disappear, and moment to moment you...

... are born again. You are a process, not a thing: a thing is born -- finished, then it dies. No, you are not a thing. You are not static. You are a process, riverlike, flowing. Every moment you are being renewed; every moment you are being resurrected. Every moment you die, and every moment you are reborn. If you become aware of the present moment you will become aware of this phenomenon also: that...

... always, and there is no end to it. Don't think that there will come a time when you will become perfect and there will be no growth -- because that will be death. There comes at no time such a moment. One goes on transcending -- from one perfection to another perfection. Go to the Himalayas. You see a peak and nothing else. Then you go to the peak and suddenly other peaks come into your vision. Then go...

... suicide. Don't ask that. Remain with the process. If you can remain with the process it is so beautiful: to be born again and again, to be rejuvenated again and again. If you ask that you would like to be perfect -- like a dead rock -- then no becoming is needed. You are asking for death: you are not a love of life; you have not lived and known life. Live life, accept life, be alert to the passing...

... certainties are lost. Says Lao Tzu, "The wise man walks so cautiously, as if he is afraid of death on every step." A wise man becomes aware of confusion; that is the first step. And then there is the second step: when the wise man has become so wise that all the energy has become light. So now the same energy that was creating confusion and moving in confusion is there no more; it has been...
... him as your innermost core. But that is possible only when you melt, you become fluid like water, then you evaporate -- you become a cloud moving in the sky, with no address, no name, no form, a hidden cloud, whereabouts unknown. That is the fear: because it is a great death. It is dying to the whole past. All that you are has to be left, crucified. Die before death, that's the only way to become a...

... swimming, because then too there is effort. You are just floating with the stream: wheresoever it leads, there is the goal. You have dropped private goals; you have accepted the destiny of the whole. Then you live easily, you die easily. There is no resistance. Resistance is suffering -- and you cannot win against the whole. So every moment you resist you fail, you suffer. It is frustration of failure...

... how -- through death, through surrender -- he is resurrected. He is no longer the same being -- totally new, a virgin quality has entered. The old is gone, the new is born, and there is no continuity between the two. You ask me if life is a blissful cosmic play, then WHY... then why is there suffering. There is suffering because you are still not part of the cosmic play. You have your own small...
... person moves on the clean-cut superhighways of reason, and the moon oriented person starts moving in labyrinths. He starts moving in the wilderness, where nothing is clear-cut - everything is alive, but nothing is clear-cut. And the greatest fear for man is woman. Somehow man suspects that death is going to come from woman - because life has also come from her. Everybody is born out of a woman. When...

... life has come from woman, then somehow death is also going to happen through her. Because the end always comes to meet the beginning. Only then is-the circle completed. In India, in Indian mythology, we realized it. You must have seen pictures or statues of Mother Kali, who is the symbolization of the feminine mind, and she is dancing on the body of her husband, Shiva. She has danced so terribly that...

... Shiva is dead, and she goes on dancing. The feminine mind has killed the male mind; that is the meaning of the myth. And why is she painted black? That's why she is called Kali; kali means "black." And why so dangerous? In one of her hands she is carrying a freshly cut head with blood dripping from it. Almost a personification of death. And she is dancing wildly - and on the chest of her...

... husband, and the husband is dead and she goes on dancing in great ecstasy. Why is she black? Because death has always been thought of as black, as a dark black night. And why has she killed her husband? The moon always kills the sun. Once the moon arises in your being logic dies. Then logic cannot remain, then reason cannot remain. Now you have attained a totally different dimension. You never expect...

... tantra, of all spiritual effort. Meeting of the male and female energy creates the possibility of the ultimate meeting of Shiva and Shakti, life and death. In this way Hindu gods are tremendously beautiful, and tremendously humane. Hmm?... think of a Christian God - with no consort, with no woman. Looks a little rigid, looks a little alone, looks a little empty, looks a little too male oriented, too...
... have imagined that you are dead"; they have simply disappeared. Just see the thing: death is more believable than life. And the whole modern world is more death-oriented than life-oriented. If you kill a person you will be reported by all the newspapers; you will become a headline. But if you revive a person, nobody will ever come to know about it. If you murder, your name becomes a famous name...

...." Wilhelm Reich died in a prison. It seems humanity is not going to learn anything from history; it goes on repeating the same, again and again. Why are you so much against love, because orgone energy is love energy? Why are you so much against life and why are you so much in favor of death? Something has not evolved in you. You are so unalive that you cannot believe that life has more and higher...

... become open and you can easily reach the other and there is no block. And fifth is vyana, coordination and integration. The fifth keeps you integrated. When the fifth leaves the body, you die. Then the body starts disintegrating, deteriorating. If the fifth is there, even if your whole breathing stops, you will remain alive. That's what yogis are doing. When yogis exhibit that they can stop their heart...

.... And if you bring samyama to your body and the akash and their relationship. The akash is formless, nirakar, the infinities around you. Your body is just a wave in the ocean of akash. Before it arose it was in the akash unmanifest; after you will die it will again disappear into akash. Right now the wave is joined with the akash; it is not disjointed. Just bring your awareness to the wave and the...
.... You see the miracle every day. The new person comes and as he joins in this energy field he becomes as old as you are. His laughter is as deep as yours. Perhaps one day he may hesitate, but the next day he will see that everybody is laughing -- "Why should I hesitate?" Perhaps one day he will not die, but when he sees another day that everybody here dies and comes back, then there is no...

... fear in dying ... one can die. The newcomer becomes very soon an old disciple, just within days. I can see when the newcomer for the first time enters the Buddha Hall he is hesitant, worried what is going to happen, cannot understand how he is going to do gibberish. But any child can do gibberish, it doesn't need any training. From the very first moment you are almost trained. Gibberish needs no...

... whoever wants to be a disciple that I am ready, come! -- because today I am going to die." Even the servant could not believe, "Has he gone insane or senile or what? Because his whole life he has been refusing -- even kings had been rejected -- and now he is saying, 'Go to the marketplace ... tell anybody!'" The servant said, "Are you in your senses when you are saying this?"...

... anything looks crazy. And he thought, "What is the problem? The old man is going to die tonight. If he can make me enlightened today there is no harm, and tomorrow I will be free to choose whether I want to remain enlightened or not." So a few people ... somebody was there on a holiday, somebody was unemployed and just sitting because there was no job -- thirteen people in all. The servant...

... watchfulness. To make it more clear, Nivedano ... (Drumbeat) Relax ... let go ... die completely. Remember this peace, this silence, this blissfulness. These are all your flowers. You are no more, but the existence is rich, radiant. When Nivedano calls you back, come back with a great splendor, joy, ecstasy, and sit down for a few moments, remembering that you are a buddha. Nivedano ... (Drumbeat) Come back...
... old is moving towards death, growing up is moving towards more life, more abundant life. Great decisiveness is needed on your part. People remain entangled. A man may be fifty, but he is still behaving with his wife as if he were with his mother. He still expects the same from his wife as he used to expect from the mother; he is still a child. The woman may be fifty, but she still expects from the...

... GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL? He clasped and unclasped his hands in agony and said again 'I must tell you, my dear Robin, that the text used to hang opposite my bed when I was a child.' And then I took him for a walk in the garden and he said 'You know, when I die, they will take it all away from me - every tree, the whole house, and every stick of furniture. I shall not even be able to...


..., CONFUSED. Krishna Prem, what are you talking about? What gap? What discontinuity? What quantum leap? You are it. The gap is just in your dream, the gap exists not; you have never been other than enlightened - enlightenment is the stuff you are made of. You say: YOU SAY WE NEED ONLY DECLARE OUR OWN ENLIGHTENMENT TO OURSELVES, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE GAP, THE DISCONTINUITY, THE QUANTUM LEAP, THE DEATH AND THE...

... REBIRTH? Nothing ever dies, nothing IS ever reborn. How can there be rebirth when nothing ever dies? It is all one process, it is all one continuum. Life has never known death. You are dreaming. I have heard a Taoist story... A great emperor was sitting by the side of his dying son - the only son. All his hopes were shattered: he had only one child - he was old - and the child was dying. And the...

... is coming every day, so there is no question of the last time. And I would like the security completely dissolved -- the government has to take the responsibility. If they take the responsibility that no nuisance is going to be done to the commune.... I am not concerned about my assassination. In fact, out of many ways of dying that seems to be the best. Ninety-nine percent of people die on their...

... beds. I don't like that, it is too commonplace. In fact, I tell my friends, "Don't sleep in a bed, sleep on the floor. A bed is dangerous: ninety-nine percent of people die there. Avoid it!" So I am not concerned about my assassination. I am concerned for my people, because when a security force was not there, fanatic Christians started coming and making a nuisance here, Hell's Angels...

... had been poisoned. Then the second time was when he was inside the nursing home, resting for three days. Puja, Sheela's assistant -- she is a nurse - - injected him again with the same poison, and again the same symptoms started. But it is a slow poison; it does not kill you but it weakens you. It will kill you after six, eight months, so by that time it will look almost a natural death. The third...

..., literature on how to kill people; and in the book on poisons the only poison that is underlined is the same that all the doctors were suspecting. Q:* WHAT IS THAT? A:* I don't know exactly, but that is the poison which is indetectable. And it kills the person; if you give it many times -- it can be given in milk, in water, in food -- the person will become weak, he will die slowly. This was the last straw...
... expanse. Now the flower is not, but the perfume is. The flower too is a disturbance, but when only the perfume is, it is perfect. Now there is no source, so it cannot die. It is undying. Everything that has a source will die, but now the flower is not, so there is no source. The perfume is uncaused, so there is no death and no boundary to it. A flower has limitations; perfume is unlimited. There is no...

... in a bottle. The goose comes out of the egg and begins to grow, but the mouth of the bottle is so small that the goose cannot come out of the bottle. It grows bigger and bigger, and the bottle becomes too small to live in. Now, either the bottle will have to be destroyed to save the goose, or the goose will die. Seekers are asked: "What is to be done? We do not want to lose either. The goose...

... the goose die and save the bottle. The meditator goes on thinking and thinking. He thinks of something, but then it will be cancelled because there is no way to do it. The teacher sends him back to think some more. For many nights and many days the seeker goes on thinking, but there is no way to do it. Finally a moment comes when thinking ceases. He runs out shouting, "Eureka! The goose is out...

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