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... interest. Only the poor are easily exploited by the priests. The educated, the rich are not so easily gullible. They may formally belong to this religion or to that religion but it is just formality. The poor is in absolute need for solace. He is hungry, he needs somebody to give him hope that, "In the next life -- life after death -- you will not be hungry. Not only that, you will not be hungry...

..., convenient. Change is possible only when there is such a pressure on him that rather than choosing a comfortable, an old style of life, he has to choose something unknown, something new... and that pressure is present. It is present in many ways. It is present in the population. The growing population is growing death. It is present in the nuclear weapons in the world, the growing nuclear weapons mean...

... are agreed that there seems to be no possibility in future that we will be able to find any cure. And that disease is spreading so fast. These three things: population, nuclear weapons and AIDS are attacks -- a three- dimensional attack of death on man. You cannot conceive of a greater pressure to change. Just we have to make India conscious of the situation. And I don't think that India is an...
... opens new windows into existence. But he has not explained it. I agree with him totally. Good and evil are opposite to each other and they exist together. Just like darkness and light, life and death - all these opposites exist together, you cannot separate them. If you make love synonymous with good, then the evil will follow you like a shadow; and that has been happening everywhere around the world...

... madhouse, but to live in a madhouse is not life. At least I will have the satisfaction that although I could not live my life, I could manage my own death. I was not the master of my life, but I was the master of my death." And he was so young, only thirty-three years old, but one of the greatest painters the world has produced. His insights were such that people who have been studying his paintings...

..., the question that you have asked is the question of every human being. We are born alone, we live alone, and we die alone. Aloneness is our very nature, but we are not aware of it. Because we are not aware of it, we remain strangers to ourselves, and instead of seeing our aloneness as a tremendous beauty and bliss, silence and peace, at- easeness with existence, we misunderstand it as loneliness...

... somebody is there and you are engaged, you can forget your loneliness. But love is not possible, because there is no basic foundation for love. Love never grows out of fear. You are asking, "You said the other day that we are born alone, we live alone and we die alone. Yet it seems as if from the day we are born, whatever we are doing, whoever we are, we seek to relate to others." This seeking...
... young man it is the same, when you are old it will be the same; it is never young, never old. When you were born it was there, when you die it will be there. To find it is to go beyond life and death. Then there is no fear. Prem Rohita (rising sun of love). Meditate over it, contemplate, and think of yourself as a rising sun of love. Because whatever we think, we become: thoughts tend to become things...
... then you are never old. You are born every second again and again and again. It is a constant rebirth... a riverlike flow of rebirth. You are renewed, resurrected. Die to the past every moment so it is no more a hangup and is not a burden on your head and on your heart, so that it does not hang like a rock around your neck. Go on dying to the past so you become more and more available to the present...

... silence, the aloneness - everything feels like death. Now it is a question of whether you or your mind wins. It is not a question between you and me; it is a question between you and your mind. If you allow the mind to take possession of you it can take you away. And the mind is a good servant but a very bad master. So try to take the reins in your hands. Train the mind, the horse, to carry you to your...
... are going to death. You will have to die only because unless you die you cannot be reborn. When your dreams are destroyed, truth comes into existence, truth becomes revealed. You like a person because he helps your ego. You like a girl because she says you are the perfect man. I once overheard two young lovers. They were sitting near the sea and big waves were rolling. And the boy said, "Roll...

... cannot allow you to dream and he cannot HELP your dreaming, because then the whole purpose is lost! He will destroy. And dreams are very close to your heart. You think your dreams are your heart, and when dreams are destroyed you feel you are being destroyed. It is just as if someone is murdering you. Hindus have been aware of this, so they say a real Master is like death. When you go to a Master you...

... aggressive, you start trying to defend yourself - unnecessarily, because there is nobody who is attacking you. You become paranoid. And then you crash your being against your own illusion and you die. You live in suffering, you die in suffering. Become one within and suddenly everything outside becomes one. As you are, so is the universe - divided you, divided universe; undivided you, undivided universe...
....' In that moment of illumination, in that moment of understanding, the thief became transformed. He died silently, and a peace surrounded him. He was happy to die with Jesus. He became part of Jesus. Then he did not cry, then death didn't matter, then he was moving into a deeper and higher life. The other thief was crying and weeping - and also dying. Both the thieves were dying but in a different...

... own life and who has not bothered to make any compromise. To compromise is to poison your being. Never compromise. It is better to die than to compromise. Die if need be but die uncompromised - then you are unpolluted, unpoisoned. Then you are a beauty. Then you have dignity. You will have the same dignity as Jesus had when he was crucified. What was he doing, this man? Why were people so angry...

... old, life will start disappearing, and then one day death will come and the circle will be complete. Why are you always trying to interfere? Tao says you should be in WU-WEI, non-interference. Let the whole do things. This is a very radical attitude, this is the greatest revolutionary attitude ever. 'How?' is very childish. Yoga is for children, Tao is for grown-ups. So don't ask: BUT THEN HOW IS...
... are just groping somehow, drifting somehow. We are accidental. We don't yet have a destiny. We are unconscious. We have not yet attained to the light of inner being which can enlighten our path. In this darkness, if failure happens, it is natural. In this darkness, if frustration happens, what more can you expect? In this darkness, if you only die and never live, it seems logical. So the fundamental...

..., he remained in a tent and wrote the book - because he wanted to get out of the country, he wanted to go to the Himalayas and disappear. A beautiful place to die - the Himalayas is really a beautiful place to die. Where can you find a better place to die and disappear into God? Nowhere is there such a godly phenomenon. Watching those Himalayan peaks, that virgin snow with the sun shining on it, it...

... is as if the whole world has become golden. Watching that, in that coolness, in that purified air, on that high altitude, what better space to die in? You cannot find a better graveyard. It is tremendously beautiful. Lao Tzu was very old and he was in a hurry so he said, 'Okay. If you insist, I will write.' But the first sentence he wrote in the TAO TE CHING IS: 'The Tao, the truth, that can be...

... on their own. You were born - you did not manage it. You fell in love - you did not do it. Hunger comes, you eat, you feel satisfied. Thirst arises, you drink, you feel quenched. You are young, you will become old. One day you will die. Everything is happening. The doer is a false illusion. Be in the state of mui. The society creates the state of ui. It makes you unnatural, tense, knowledgeable; it...
... are you doing?" The prime minister said, "Now tell the truth, otherwise the beating will continue. We will not kill you, but we will not allow you to live either. We will keep you hanging between death and life. It is better that you say it quickly." Seeing the situation he said, "Okay, the truth is that my king has cut off my nose because I was fooling around with his wife. Now...

... and death. He wants to meet the universal spirit of God, or he wants to enter nirvana and disappear into the cosmos where there is no suffering, where there is only bliss, eternal bliss. And this man does not bother about anybody else. You call him a saint?an incarnation of God? - a tirthankara? No, not to the Christian; that is not appealing. If you want to influence many people you will have to...

.... No. I do not believe in any philosophy of positive thinking; nor do I believe in the opposite, in the philosophy of negative thinking - because both are there. The positive and the negative make one whole. My philosophy is holistic - neither positivist, nor negativist, but holistic, realistic. You see the whole in its totality, whatever it is. Good and bad, day and night, life and death, they both...

.... So I say that when millions of Jews are evaporated, Hitler must be doing great, positive work: perhaps with a smaller population there will be less poverty. And these Jews were the richest people in Germany, so let their money and their riches be distributed. And anyway they are going to die sooner or later, so why not sooner? What could they have done by living? So why make so much fuss? They may...

... have died from a very terrible disease - AlDS, cancer, or something - and Hitler has given them the simplest and the quickest death, a painless death. Look at it positively! But Mother Teresa will not have the guts to say, "Look at it positively," because the Jews in America who go on giving respect to her will be immediately enemies. She cannot say that. Why not take communism positively...
... noticed it. You should keep this in mind so that you don't fall back to sleep without a care. At the moment the door is open. If you are peaceful you can see it, if you are silent you can enter. The entire arrangement here is for just one thing: how to bring about your dissolution. The scriptures say that the master is death; that the master is he who becomes your death, and beyond that death is life...

.... The only difference is that you talk to them differently. You talk negatively, and you say, "Don't bother to break open. You will die and there is going to be no sprouting, and for months the sun is hidden and the skies have prepared no welcome for you. Unnecessarily you will be in trouble, you will suffer and die. So look after yourselves and protect yourselves...." And to the pot marked...

... knowing, that your attainment is not total yet." It is a puzzling situation. The master would have been sad had the disciple taken the scripture; the master is happy because the disciple burnt the scripture. The master is trying to experience at the moment of his death whether the disciple had become completely one with him or not. "I know that this scripture is rubbish, so if he has become...

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