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Found: 3464 articles, showing 2010 - 2020


..., or I will die - and THEN YOU will know!" And the child is shaken to the very roots - he cannot survive without the mother. This becomes, by and by, a conditioning. Later on it will be reflected in all his relationships. He will think the same about his wife: if the wife is no more, he will not be able to survive. This will become unconscious. He will think the same again and again about...

... IN THE LAND OF SERIOUSNESS, IMPRISONED IN ITS BORDERS. YOU CAN EXIST ONLY IN THE LAND OF SERIOUSNESS - you as an 'I'; and you can exist only imprisoned in the borders of seriousness - as an 'I'. If you want to be playful, you will have to drop the idea of 'I'. The 'I' cannot be playful; it resists play, because play is death to it. The 'I' is always serious. Have you not watched it? When you laugh...

... river for fifty years; after fifty years, suddenly, you can swim. You will not even need to remember it. And you have been laughing when you were a child. Every child is born laughing, and there are very very few fortunate people who die laughing. One who can die laughing has arrived. But if you want to die laughing, you will have to live laughing. Once an old Parsi came to see me and he said, "...
... been a search, all my life has been a constant seeking - I know only how to search and how to seek. The meeting of God is going to be a death to me, because I am nothing but a search, a seeking. It is going to be a death to the challenge - and what is life without a challenge? "I moved my hand back and took my shoes off from my feet, because who knows? - He might hear the noise on the steps and...

... aware that you are surrounded by an energy of which you have been completely unconscious. It is almost like the fish who does not know anything about the ocean, because it is born in the ocean, it has lived in the ocean, and one day it will die in the ocean. It was part of the ocean, just a wave; it knows nothing of the ocean. The fish comes to know the ocean only when a fisherman pulls her out of the...

... ocean and throws her on the beach in the hot sand. Then she knows that she has missed her real home, of which she has never been aware. Now she is thirsty, trying in every possible way to reach back and jump into the ocean. Out of the ocean she becomes aware of what she has missed. People become aware only at the time of death of what they have missed, because death comes like a fisherman, pulling you...
... an acceptance of ignorance. D.H. Lawrence is saying, "I don't know. They are green because they are green!" This is the way of all those who are true seekers. Otherwise we go on from time to eternity, from death to life, from darkness to light. And we go on defining in such a circular way that nothing is ever defined. Still everybody believes that all is defined and clear. We want to...

... the Hindus, Mohammedans don't agree about anything else with the Hindus, but about one thing, that God is light, they all agree. What is the cause of this agreement? The cause is very simple - because everybody is afraid of darkness. Hindu, Christian or Mohammedan - they are all afraid of darkness. The fear of darkness is the cause of defining God as light. They all define death as darkness and life...

... negative. Somebody has forgotten to make the positive of the poor man! Death is thought of as negative, life as positive, and of course God is positive, affirmative. And there are shallow thinkers, particularly in the West, who go on talking about positive thinking, about the positive qualities of God. It is just out of fear. Each child is afraid of darkness for the simple reason that he cannot see his...

... mother. He starts crying, weeping, because he cannot see his mother - the mother who is his very life. If he cannot see the mother he becomes afraid. How long can he survive without the mother? From where is he going to get his nourishment? He starts feeling uprooted. This fear of darkness has created the idea of God as light and death as dark, the Devil as dark and God as light. Dionysius is unique...

... ego, death of the ego. That is also a far more beautiful word than "God," because freedom cannot be worshipped - freedom does not need any priests nor does egolessness need any priests. The idea of God as somebody somewhere has created all the temples and the mosques and the churches and the whole business of priesthood, and the great exploitation has continued for centuries. BUT ON THE...
... die you don't have any time any more; so you have a lifespan of seventy years at the most. There is so much to do, and so little time with you. That's why in the West there is so much hurry; everyone is running because life is going. Every moment life is becoming less and less. Time is passing, you are dying, and you have so many desires to fulfill and no time to fulfill them, so anxiety is created...

..., and every moment life changing into death; nothing is fulfilled, no desire completed, everything incomplete - how can you be patient? How can you wait? Waiting has become impossible. With the idea of one life, and with another idea of linear time, Christianity has created anxiety in the mind; and now Christianity has become a global influence. Christianity says that time is not moving in a circle...

... the number will be equal - fifteen boys will have died. Girls don't die so easily, they are stronger. And it is a fallacy created by men, male chauvinists, that man is the stronger sex. This is a fallacy, woman is the stronger sex. In every way she is stronger. She is ill less than man, she goes mad less than man, she lives longer than man. The average life-expectancy of women all over the world, in...

... every country, is five years more than men. If men live to be seventy-five, women are going to live to be eighty. And they die less in childhood - fifteen percent less. They are the stronger sex. And this is how it should be, because they have to do the greatest creativity of this life - give birth. It is such a long suffering, a tapascharya, a sadhana, to give birth. Just think, if man had to give...

... contradictory; they are joined together just like man and woman, positive and negative, day and night, life and death. Both approaches are mine. That's why I go on talking about Buddha with as much love as I go on talking about Patanjali or Lao Tzu or Jesus or Mahavira or Mohammed. I contain all. Remember that - that will help you to be less confused. Enough for today. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... do something, to be somebody, and you are asking why one is afraid to be nobody. It is because you don't know that the darkness of nobodiness is not a death, it is authentic life. It is your true life, it is how you were born - without name, without caste, without religion, without country. You were born as nobody and you will die as nobody. And between these two points of nobodiness you remain...

... of others." People can die just because of the opinions of others; people can live a long life just because of the opinions of others. We are so false. This is not our true reality. Have the courage to get out of the jungle of the opinions of your whole life. Just in the passage you will have to be, for a moment, nobody - and then you are all, everybody. And that freedom of being all and...

.... Even an omnipotent God must be tired by now, doing this stupid thing of making lines on people's hands. And so many people are coming... writing in everybody's head what he is going to be, where he is going to be born, when he is going to die, what disease, what doctor is going to kill him. All these details! Either God must have gone mad doing all this work - just think of yourself, if you have to...

... themselves. Right now they are condemning me, right now they are criticizing me, and still they are showing great love -- what will happen when I am no longer here? The moment I die, the whole world dies for me; then whatsoever happens, happens. I have not taken on the whole responsibility for existence. Who can take it? But there have been people who have tried it and they have all utterly failed. For...

... a TEERTHANKARA or a would-be TEERTHANKARA should die in the lotus posture. They must have broken some of his bones. At least a dozen people were forcing his dead body into a certain yoga posture. Now, you cannot do this while a man is alive -- he will go through a primal scream! While he was alive he used to wear clothes, but according to the Jainas, one attains to the ultimate freedom only when...

... celebrate. They will celebrate my life, they will celebrate my death, and they will remain alive. Remember, religions are created by guilty people, and I am not creating any guilt here. There are certain mechanisms... If Jesus had not been crucified, there would have been no Christianity at all. The real founder of Christianity was not Jesus Christ but the high priest of Jerusalem, the rabbi, and Pontius...

... joyously, ecstatically. So when I am not here, it won't make any difference to them. They will still live in the same way -- and maybe my death will bring them more intensity. Death is always a beautiful background which makes your life more intense. But my ashram is never going to become a dead institution. And if it does, it won't be my ashram. You ask me: WHEN YOU LEAVE YOUR BODY WILL THE ASHRAM...
... down. A disciple of Lao Tzu, Chuang-Tse was on his death-bed. His friends who had gathered round him asked, "What is your last wish Chuang-Tse?" He replied, "I have only one desire. In this world I stood on my legs, in the next, I wish to stand on my head." His disciples were perplexed. They told him they could not follow what he said. "Do you wish to stand upside down in...

... is only one aim in man s life - the will for power. The more will-power a man has, the greater he is supposed to be. Carlysle Emerson and all thinkers of the West, lay great stress on a strong will-power. Your will-power should be an immutable wall of stone. Let the world stagger, you should not. You may break, you may die but never bow down! But here is Lao Tzu, who says, "Let the bones be...

... reach God, you have to leave even your self. To strengthen the 'I', you will have to hold your own self very hard. Then even if your bones break or you yourself die, your resolve should never break. This is our state of affairs and we call it a very straight and logical arrangement; for we say, "What a weak man you are? Can't you fight, have you no strength?" And here is Lao Tzu who says you...

.... We decide the give and take coins for everything. Lao Tzu says, "Change these coins. Become naught within, remove the will-power and let whatever happens, happen." We will then say, "We might contract some illness, we might die, we might be looted, we shall be ruined!" We find a thousand excuses. But our arguments will hold no water for from all the things that we are trying to...

... save, nothing remains. Everything is lost. Neither can we hold back death nor illness nor anything. Everything is destroyed. And in our endeavour to save these things, we do not even attain any of them. If there was something to be attained, it would not be destroyed. Try out the above mentioned experiment for seven days. For me the meaning of sannyas is what Lao Tzu says. He says, "A sannyasin...
... it to detect any movement in its inner being, any sensation, any emotions. He thought, "If I cut this plant, if I tear down a branch or cut it from the earth, what will happen?" Suddenly, the needle making the graph jumped. He had not done anything, he had just had a thought: "If I cut this plant...." The plant became afraid of death and the needle jumped, recording that the...

... whole body, every cell, every fiber of the body, is laughing and vibrating. They are so full of health, so vital; everything is flowing. A sad child means an ill child, and a laughing old man means he is still young. Even death cannot make him old, nothing can make him old. His energy is still flowing and overflowing, he is always flooded. Laughter is a flooding of energy. In Zen monasteries they have...

... religions have become ill because sadness has become so prominent. And temples and churches look like graveyards; they don't look festive, they don't give a sense of celebration. If you enter a church what do you see there? Not life, but death -- Jesus crucified on the cross completes the whole sadness there. Can you laugh in a church, dance in a church, sing in a church? Yes, singing is there, but that...

... and are afraid and fearful of death and disease. This really is a joke, and if Mahakashyap laughed, he did well. But except for Buddha, nobody understood. He accepted the laughter and immediately realized that Mahakashyap had attained. The quality of that laugh was cosmic. He understood the whole joke of the situation. There was nothing else to it. The whole thing is as if the divine is playing hide...

... pope. Even trees which had become dry and were going to die would become green and blossom again if Saint Francis came near. These trees understood well that this fool was no ordinary fool -- he was God's fool. When Mahakashyap laughed he was a God's fool, and Buddha understood him because Buddha was not a pope. Later on, Buddhist priests didn't understand him, so they dropped the whole anecdote. I...

... not the most perfect, but Ramakrishna wouldn't allow him to be perfect. And when Ramakrishna felt that Vivekananda was going to enter into the perfect samadhi, he called him and said, "Stop! Now I will keep the key with me for this final entry, and only before your death, three days before, the key will be returned to you." And only three days before Vivekananda died, did he have a first...
... ALSO ENDED UP IN A WAR - THE WAR OF MAHABHARAT. PLEASE EXPLAIN THE ANOMALY. The cross is the symbol of death. It is okay as an emblem of the grave, but it is dangerous to accept it as a symbol of life. But many so-called religious people have treated human life and body as no more than a grave, and it is going to result in a disaster. A man bearing a crucifix on his breast declares that life is not...

... acceptable to him; he is worshipping death really. For him life is a curse, not a blessing. Christianity - I don't mean Jesus - believes that man is born in sin, that life is the original sin. According to them, what we think of as life is not God's gift, but a form of punishment inflicted on man. This kind of thinking is essentially masochistic, pessimistic, morbid. Standing near a rosebush a pessimist...

... that it is going to commit global hara-kiri. It seems war has become our way of life, and the mounting number of wars are nothing but our mounting steps to collective death and destruction. And this destruction is the cumulative effect of mankind's choice of suffering. Really, war is of our own choosing, it does not descend out of the blue. And when we court suffering religiously, when we accept it...

... war and save life and peace. But when all his efforts for peace fail, he realizes that the recalcitrant forces of death and destruction - forces that are against righteousness and religion - are not amenable to an honorable peace. He readies himself to fight on behalf of life and religion. As I see it, life and religion are not two different things for Krishna. And therefore he can fight as...

...; when he is alive he is worrying about death. The moment he meets a loved one, he begins to grieve over the separation that is going to happen in some future. Krishna is accused of breaking promises he makes from time to time. A moment comes in the battle of Mahabharat when he takes up arms, his sudarshan chakra, although he had given his word that he would not take an active part in the fighting, he...

... me, I leave behind me the paths that I travel, burn the bridges that I cross, pull down the stairs that I climb. I die to the past totally, even to the minutes just gone by." "Then sit down." said Rinzai patting the youth's back. "Now we will talk about truth. I brought up the question of the price of rice only to know if you yet carry your past with you. Had you remembered the...
.... How was the future? It must have appeared very bleak. All that they had known was being taken away. Their security, their safety, their world, everything was being taken away. What future hope was there? Only darkness, death. It must have been frightening. And this is not only a parable: each time a child is born the future looks bleak, because again the womb - the safe secure environment of the...

... why it looks bleak. This is not something new that modern man is feeling; it is as ancient as man. You can go to the ancient-most records and it is always said in every ancient scripture, "The future is bleak." And the corollary to it is that the past was golden. "The future is bleak." The past was good - satyug, the Age of Truth; and the future, kalyug - the Age of Death and...

... it very much, it has needed it very much. And wars would have continued if there was no atom bomb. The atom bomb is the end of war. The future is not bleak. The very existence of the atom bomb means, now, if you decide for war, it will be universal suicide. Who is ready to take that risk? Nobody can win and everybody will die. Nobody can be the winner; then what is the point of the game? War is...

... people will die - but now the whole earth will die. We have attained to superkill. We have so many bombs ready that we can kill each person one thousand times, we can destroy one thousand earths like this. This earth is small now before our destructive powers; compared to our destructive powers this earth is nothing. Now who is going to take this risk, and for what? You will not be there to gloat over...

... your victory - nobody will be there. War is not going to happen. The Third World War is not going to happen, and it will not be because of Buddha and Christ and their teachings of non-violence and love, no! It will be because of the atom bomb. Because death is absolute now, suicide will be complete. Not only will man be destroyed, but birds, animals, trees, all life will be destroyed on earth. This...

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