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Found: 3464 articles, showing 1800 - 1810


... of hallucination, any kind of dream that you want. I doubt that these remote controls will be given to people; they will be in the hands of the government. To me, this is more dangerous than nuclear weapons - which can kill you, but at least you will die as a human being, with dignity. But this is worse than death - that from the White House they make you happy. On Christmas day, a slightly bigger...

... Nath Batt was the leader. There were the two slogans. One slogan was: Bharatmata zindabad - "Long live Mother India." Zindabad means long live. And: British Raj murdabad, means "British Raj die quickly, as soon as possible." What I did... I would start the slogan, "British Raj," and people would repeat "Murdabad" - "die soon." Three or four times I...

... fighting! It seems to be that Charles Darwin is not right: man has not evolved, he is still a monkey. Now, a man fighting a bull, putting a man in danger of death.... Delgado proved that the bull can be controlled; there is no problem. The strongest bull was given to him and he put an electrode inside it. He waved the red flag, and the bull came rushing - just like J. Krishnamurti seeing orange. Jiddu...

... watchers. But these people who are crucifying Al-Hillaj Mansoor, they think they are crucifying me. That's why I am laughing - at how blind mankind is. They are killing somebody else thinking that he is me." An enlightened man can laugh even while dying. Even death is just a laughing matter, because his experience proves that he is above time, above changes, above forms, that he is universal, that...

... he is part of the whole continent of consciousness. Even death is just a coming back home. The second question? My hands are not tired yet! Question 2: OSHO, ARE THE HOLY SCRIPTURES JUST USELESS? AND ARE THEY HOLY OR NOT? THE holy scriptures are not just useless, they are absolutely harmful. If they were just useless there would be no need to be concerned with them. They are positively harmful...
... literally, but the idea is tremendously significant. If you build a house, if you build a home around you, you are doing something which is not possible in the nature of things. Because this life is a flux, this life is not more than momentary. This life is not stable, not permanent - here we are only for a few moments. Death is approaching continuously; we are dying every moment while we are living. To...

..., nobody can frustrate you. If you don't want to make a home here, even death cannot frighten you. Nothing can frighten you. If you don't cling to anything, how can you be made miserable? Your clinging creates misery, because you want to cling and in the very nature of things, things are changing; you cannot cling. They are slipping constantly out of your hands. There is no way to cling to them. You...

... frustrated. The child dies - you are frustrated. The bank fails, goes bankrupt - you are frustrated. The body becomes ill, weak, death starts knocking at the door - you are frustrated. But these frustrations are because of your expectations. You are responsible for them. If you understand that this place is not a home and you are a homeless wanderer here, a stranger in an unknown land; you have to leave...

... substantial entity, you cannot call yourself 'I' - you are freed. This is what liberation is in the buddhist way. This is what nirvana is. The word nirvana means cessation of the self, arising of a no-self, emptiness... the zero experience. Nothing is, only nothing is. Then how can you be disturbed? because now there is nobody to be disturbed. Then how can you die? because now there is nobody to die. How...

..., because until and unless you die there is no liberation. Liberation is from the self, the self is not liberated. Liberation is from the self itself. But his presence was very convincing; whatsoever he was saying must be true. His existence was a proof. The grace that has happened to him, the harmony that was surrounding him, the luminousness that was following him wherever he walked, moved... the glow...

..., whatsoever the cost. It is just a surrendering gesture. Buddha used to say that a shramana should live in insecurity. That's why he said become beggars. Again, don't take it literally. Try to understand the spirit of it. He says you cannot possess anything, it is impossible to possess anything. Life is insecurity and there is no way to become secure. Death is coming and will destroy all your securities. So...
... you have to die and be born through another womb. He is saying, "Unless you are so transformed that your ignorance becomes innocence... that is true rebirth. And only then will you understand what I am saying." The child cannot ask the question because he cannot make distinctions, and the awakened one will not ask because he knows that good and evil are two sides of the same coin. If you...

.... It is strange: they have all the power, power over millions of peoples' life and death - but no qualification is needed. But if you want to be a painter, qualifications are needed; if you want to be an architect, talents are needed. But if you want to become an Adolf Hitler, no qualification is needed. And he took.... In my view, the second world war was nothing but a revenge against the humanity...

... exchange for a glass of water?" Nobody had ever asked such a question to Alexander. He said, "How much? If I am dying I can give you half of my empire." The sannyasin said, "But I am not willing to sell for half an empire; then you can die. I need your full empire, the whole empire, as I am giving you the whole glass of water." Alexander said, "Perhaps in such a situation I...

...... if they are blessed, why don't they get the kingdom of God here and now? No, their kingdom of God is after death. This is sheer cunningness, because nobody comes back after death and tells people that the poor really are blessed. I say to you: Blessed are those who are rich in all dimensions - material and spiritual - for they shall be able to share their riches. Why bring God into everything...

... Germans are the chosen people of God. I have heard about one old Jew who was dying. The Rabbi came and asked him, "Have you prayed to God before your death? Death is very close." The old Jew said, "I'm praying." The Rabbi said, "What are you praying about?" The old Jew said, "I'm praying, 'It is enough! - now you should choose somebody else. We have been tortured for...
... become mad after this man. They are even more materialistic than any other race - but they didn't pay any attention. It is impossible not to follow a man who is doing such things, because everybody is ill, and everybody is afraid of death, and everybody is in trouble, and this man is the right person: even if you die he will revive you again, if you are ill he will heal you, if you are poor, stones can...

... say man is alive and dead, both simultaneously, because life and death are not two things, you cannot demarcate them. The Greek mind is mathematical, the Hindu mind is mystical. All mysticism comes from India; just as the sun rises in the East, all mysticism rises in the East - and India is the heart. For this sutra to be understood you have to go to the Upanishads, the roots are there. You cannot...

..., because he almost always contradicts the Old Testament. The Old Testament depends on revenge - the father, the God, is very revengeful. Fear is the basis of the Old Testament and its religion: you should be God-fearing. And Jesus says, "God is love." You cannot fear love, and if there is love there cannot be any fear. And if you have fear how can you love? Fear is poison to love, fear is death...

... do the miracles, then the whole point will be lost - then Christianity will disappear. Christianity depends not on Jesus, but on Jesus' miracles. If someday it is proved that he never raised a man from death, that he never cured a blind man, he never healed a leper, then Christianity will immediately disappear. There will be no church, no pope, everything will go - because they don't depend on...

... miracle will be done by medical science any day now. And the day is not far off - it has already been done. In Soviet Russia, in the second world war, they revived six men from death. They succeeded - two or three of them are still alive. This will be done by medical science any day now, this is nothing. And once medical science is able to do it, what will you do with your Christ the miracle-maker? Then...

..., then let us crucify him and see what happens. If he can revive others, he can resurrect himself - we will give him a crucifixion and he will not die. If he knows the secret of immortality, if he is such a healer, then we will make wounds in his body and we will see whether blood comes out of them or not." It is because of these disciples' foolishness - that they started talking about miracles...
... not thought of God as separate from existence. Not like a potter who makes a pot - then the pot is different from the potter. Not like a painter who paints a canvas - once he has painted, he is separate from the painting. The painter may die and the painting will live - the painting has its own life now; the painter is not needed. In the East, we have conceived of God as a dancer. You cannot...

... been breathing Him, He has been beating in your heart, He has been pulsating in your energy. He has been your love and He has been your anger, and He has been your birth and He will be your death. God is simply the name of the totality that life consists of. God is not separate and far away, He is very close by - just in the corner. And you go on rushing for Him, you go on searching for Him. Your...

... is not mind' and mind has to be defined by saying 'It is not matter.' And the definitions look very clear cut, but nobody has been able to really demark the two separately. They are not; they are one. They are just as one as hot and cold - the hot is nothing, the cold is not separate from the hot. They both exist on the same ladder, it is one energy. But the distinction is useful. Life and death...

... is turned towards God: the search for truth, the search for the total, the search for the universal spirit. Just like that, the seeker remembers and destroys the wheel of life and death for ever. HOGAYE JANAIN SANGHATI. One who longs for God so totally goes beyond life and death - he knows transcendence. He becomes capable of hearing the sound of the ecstatic flute. And when you hear that music so...

... really moved - even death was meaningless - who were really drowned, drunk, who became the music.' Yes, MUSIC HEARD SO DEEPLY THAT IT IS NOT HEARD AT ALL, BUT YOU ARE THE MUSIC. In that ecstasy of God's approaching you, entering you, neither is there a musician behind that music, nor are you left. Only music is left. That's what Pythagoreans have called 'the divine harmony'. Pythagoras is one of the...

... winter, life and death. He has to have the qualities of all the polarities; God is the unity of polar opposites. BRING THE WATER THAT FALLS FROM THE CLOUDS TO YOUR EYES. AND COVER YOURSELF OVER ENTIRELY WITH THE SHADOW OF NIGHT. BRING YOUR FACE UP CLOSE TO HIS EAR, AND THEN TALK ONLY ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT DEEPLY TO HAPPEN. Again the translation is inadequate - not only inadequate but has missed the point...
... both dance together hand in hand. To me, that is wholeness. And to be whole is to be holy. And then arises a revolution - the real revolution which transforms. Kabir is revolutionary in that sense of totality. Just the other day, we were talking about love and death. Buddha has chosen death, his religion depends on death. Christ has chosen love, his religion depends on love. Buddha is very very...

... kingdom of God then be poor in spirit. If you go on holding to yourself you will lose. If you lose yourself you will find.' This will look utter nonsense to Buddha. These statements are not the statements of reason. These statements are the statements of love, of feeling, of intuition. That's why Jesus could say 'God is love.' Kabir says: Life and death are together, and there should be no effort to...

... choose. Love and death are two aspects of one energy. Here is his revolution - he creates the greatest synthesis that has ever been tried. How can love and death be one? They ARE one. Kabir is not trying to prove anything, he simply reveals. He is not explaining anything and he is not giving a philosophy to the world. He simply illuminates - whatsoever is the case, he illuminates it, he brings light...

.... And you can see that love and death are one, matter and mind are one, the creator and the creation are one. I call him revolutionary because he remains choice less. He does not choose, he allows life as it is. He has no prejudice, for or against. He never renounced life, he lived in the marketplace. But he transformed his marketplace into a meditative space. He lived in the world but he was not OF...
... ultimate result is that the rock rolls back into the valley. Sisyphus goes down - starts the work again. This myth is symbolic of man's life. From birth to death you struggle and you struggle, and it is a hard struggle and it is an uphill task, and you carry a rock... and then, when you reach, the rock starts slipping back. The end is death, waiting for you, and death destroys all that you have done, it...

... longing for meaning, something in you disappears. What is it? Who is desiring that there should be meaning in life? That desire creates the ego, that creates a process of ego-ing. The more you search, the more you rush for meaning, the more the ego arises. And when you die, only that ego fails. Man is not a useless passion - ego is. But if you are identified with the ego, then, of course, it looks as if...

... dead... He is afraid of what he has declared, he is afraid about it. He says that when God is lost, man will go mad. That's exactly what happened to him - he went mad. He could not live without meaning although he declared - he dared - that God is dead. Maybe he dared too much, maybe he dared beyond his capacities, maybe he was not able to absorb the death of God - it was such a shock. Maybe he was...

... reacting, and was reacting to the other extreme, and then a wound was left in his being. He himself could not live without God. He was a very egoistic man, so he could not believe in God; he had to declare God dead. But once he declared God dead, then there was no meaning. The death of God is the death of meaning. God has remained the meaning for centuries. Since man has existed on the earth, God has...
... creates tension. Drop the fear. Sex is beautiful; it is not a sin, it is a virtue. Once you think in terms of its being a virtue, you will be able to relax. I have talked about how to relax the MULADHAR before. And I have talked about how to relax the SWADHISTAN; it is the death centre. Don't be afraid of death. These are the two fears which have been dominating humanity: the fear of sex and the fear of...

... death. Both fears are dangerous; they have not allowed you to grow. Drop both the fears. The third chakra is MANIPURA; it is loaded with negative emotions. That's why your stomach becomes disturbed - when you are emotionally disturbed, MANIPURA is affected immediately. In all the languages of the world we have expressions like Ll cannot stomach it.' It is literally true. Sometimes, when you cannot...

... have to remember that the VISUDDHA, the fifth CHAKRA, is in the throat. VISUDDHA, the throat chakra, is the last point from which you can fall. Up to that point there is a possibility of falling back. With the sixth chakra - the third eye attained, there is no possibility of falling back. You have gone beyond the point from which one can return. The point of no return is the third eye. If you die at...

... the third eye centre, you will be born at the third eye centre. If you die at SAHASRAR, you will not be born again. But if you are at the VISUDDHA, you will slip back to the first, MULADHAR. In the next life you will have to start from MULADHAR again. So up to the fifth there is no certainty; there is promise, but no certainty. Up to the fifth there is every possibility of falling back. And one of...

..., and the seventh rung joins you with NIRVANA, the beyond. With the first rung, you move in a vicious circle of birth and death again and again; it is repetitive. With the seventh rung, you go beyond birth and death. Life eternal is yours... the Kingdom of God. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... -- it has to be so by the very nature of things. All churches are against God. Churches exist because they fulfill a certain need. The need is: man does not want to make any efforts; he wants easy shortcuts. Belief is an easy shortcut. The way to truth is hard; it is an uphill task. One has to go through total death -- one has to destroy oneself utterly-only then is the new born. The resurrection is...

...; To be a monk or to be a nun is to be dead. And there are millions of ways of how to die and not live. Truth surrounds you. It is in the air, it is in the fragrance of the flowers, it is in the flow of the river, it is in the green leaves, it is in the stars, it is in the dust, it is in you. Only truth is! But you go on avoiding it and you go on asking questions -- How to attain to truth? Where is...

... flower is born and dies, and the plastic flower knows no death. It is the closest that you come to the eternal. And what is wrong in it? It can have as much color as the real -- can have more color because it is in your hands to make it so. And you can make it perfumed too; there is no problem about it. But something basic is missing; it is dead. Nobody could find anything wrong. And people were trying...

... go on following the priest. To avoid God you follow the priest. To avoid God you read the Bible. To avoid God you chant Vedas. To avoid God you become scholars, thinkers. To avoid God you are doing everything that is possible. But why do you want to avoid God? Why in the first place do you want to avoid God? There are reasons. The very idea of God creates tremendous fear because God will mean death...

... to your ego. You will not exist if God is there. The great Indian mystic Kabir has said, "Look at the irony of it. When I was, God was not; now God is, I am not. Anyway the meeting has not happened." Because for the meeting, two are needed. "When I was, God was not; now God is, I am not." The fear is that you will have to lose yourself. You are afraid of death; that's why you...

... bad. All distinctions are ego created. Distinctions are created so that the ego can exist through the distinctions. When you look within there is neither saint nor sinner, neither good nor bad -- neither life nor death. All distinctions disappear. In that nothingness one becomes one with God. One IS one with God -- one has been from the very beginning. So the fear is that if you want to know God you...

... God. Just in case something goes wrong or maybe really God is or maybe one survives death. These are all perhapses. And a perhaps never changes anybody's life; only a certainty changes somebody's life. Hence my insistence, if you cannot find an alive Master, go on searching and searching. There are always alive Masters somewhere or other; the earth is never empty of them. But never go to the places...
... but your progeny also will be punished for ever and ever." And the punishment was going to be great. God had said to Adam and Eve, "If you eat from the tree of knowledge, if you eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge, you will become mortal. Right now you are immortal." Death was going to be the punishment. What more punishment can there be? Death is the ultimate in punishment. Buddha...

... nothing penetrates you.... Giovanni was sentenced to jail for having made love with his wife's body a few hours after her death. "Do you have anything to say in your own defense?" asked the judge. "Honest, Mista Your Honor," replied the Italian, "I didn't know she was-a dead. She has- a been like-a that for the last-a twenty years!" There are millions of people who are not...

... beauty of existence. Only from that height do you become aware of the immense splendor, of the constant celebration that goes on and on. But you cannot live to the maximum; you are afraid because if you live so totally then all that you have repressed will come up. Millions of people have decided for a dead life; before they really die they are dead. They live only for the minimum, to earn a livelihood...

... is blind, it is deaf. As one desire fails it simply jumps on another desire. If one desire fails, the mind thinks, "If this desire has failed that does not mean that all other desires are going to fail." It goes on hoping that there must be some desires which can be fulfilled, maybe not this time but next time; if not today then tomorrow; if not in this life then in the life after death...

... way of perfection, the way of excellence, the way of skill, mastery. Whatsoever you are doing, do it as if it is a question of life and death. Put your total energy into it, and it will give you tremendous bliss. Don't be halfhearted. Only then does creativity bloom, only then do you become a participant in God the creator. BY DAY THE SUN SHINES, AND THE WARRIOR IN HIS ARMOR SHINES. BY NIGHT THE...

.... Then you can be at ease, at rest, at peace, anywhere. Somebody asked Buddha, "When you die will you go to heaven?" Buddha said, "Don't ask nonsense questions. Wherever a buddha is there is heaven. Buddhas don't go to heaven; wherever a buddha goes, heaven goes there." This is much closer to the truth, far more beautiful; the very statement is significant. There is no question of...

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