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Found: 3464 articles, showing 1790 - 1800


... continues; but the soul has not received food so the soul is dead, or is not born yet, or is always on its death-bed. When a child is born he is fully born; he is fully equipped with the capacity to love and to be loved. Each child is born full of love and knows perfectly what it is. There is no need to tell the child what love is. But the problem arises because the mother and the father don't know what...

... - because the child is fragile, his body is fragile. Do you think a child left on his own will be able to survive? Just think how helpless man is. If a child is left on his own, it is next to impossible that he will survive. He will die. And that is what is happening to love. Love is left alone. The parents can't love, they don't know what love is, they have never flowed in love. Remember your own parents...

..., like death, like God, like meditation. It is one of those indefinables - I cannot define it. I cannot say that this is love, I cannot show it to you. It is not a visible phenomenon. It cannot be dissected, it cannot be analysed; it can only be experienced. And only through experience do you know what it is. But I can show you the way to experience it. The first step is: get rid of your parents. And...

... things first - first the water. Otherwise they will die. Even if the camel is there - what are they going to do? The camel will take the corpse to the town. They will not be alive. An alive man simply loves. Love is a natural functioning. So the second thing to remember is: don't ask for perfection, otherwise you will not find any love flowing in you. On the contrary, you will become very unloving...

... to go on in spite of the fear. Fear is bound to be there because a Master is going to be your death. A Master is going to kill you utterly. Only when you are burned completely does the new arrive; on the ashes of the old the new arrives. Enlightenment is a phoenix phenomenon. You have to burn yourself completely, the Master will be your fire. So fear will be there. and sometimes you will start...

... suffering. So that's why when you are happy you forget all about God. But know well, only when you remember God in happiness is there remembrance, otherwise not. In suffering everybody remembers God - even an atheist. That's why even atheists start becoming theists as they become older. And at the death point almost every atheist becomes a theist - when the real suffering of death comes then all your...
... disturbing, of no cloud of thought moving around your consciousness - just the clean mirror with no dust of thought - and suddenly you will be able to see that there is no lock, no door, no enemy, no death, no birth. And you are not to go anywhere and you are not to become somebody. You are perfect as you are. You are already in that space called paradise. Start enjoying it, DON'T make a problem out of it...

... possible. The rose is a rose and the lotus is a lotus. And the lotus is good as a lotus, it can live only as a lotus. If it tries to be a rose it will die, it will become paralyzed - that is not possible because that is not intrinsic to it; that cannot arise. And if the lotus really becomes a victim of the priests and starts trying to be a rose, or the rose tries to be a lotus, what is going to happen...

... come. But no spring lasts for ever. The spring that is brought by the age fourteen will disappear by the age forty-two; it disappears naturally if you have lived naturally. But if you have not lived naturally and you have been repressing your sex, then it can continue up to eighty-two. Then dying also you will be thinking of sex. The last thought in most people's minds when they die is sex, nothing...

... else. It has to be, because that is their most repressed thing. And when they are dying they cling to sex - sex is just the opposite of death. With sex, life starts; with death, life ends. So when they are dying, to avoid death they start thinking of sex. It is very rare to find a man who dies without thinking of sex. This is perversion, universal perversion. Celibacy comes on its own - when the time...

... has only to live naturally and trust, and everything comes in its time. Celibacy comes, meditation comes, God comes, in its own time. Everything comes - just as you are born and you will die, everything else also comes. But somewhere you go perverted and then natural things DON'T happen. Then you remain in a kind of hung-up state. Celibacy was forced on Christian nuns. And what happened? Do you know...
... yourself first, become a light unto yourself first. Let the light dispel your inner darkness, your inner weakness. Let love make you a tremendous power, a spiritual force. And once your soul is powerful you know you are not going to die, you are immortal, you are eternal. Love gives you the first insight into eternity; love is the only experience that transcends time. That's why lovers are not afraid of...

... death: love knows no death. A single moment of love is more than a whole eternity. But love has to begin from the very beginning. Love has to start with this first step: LOVE YOURSELF.... Don't condemn yourself. You have been condemned so much, and you have accepted all that condemnation. Now you go on doing harm to yourself. Nobody thinks himself worthy enough, nobody thinks himself a beautiful...

... boiling water. Naturally the frog immediately jumped out of the water - instantly, he didn't lose a single moment; it was a question of life and death. He really jumped high, as he had never jumped before. Then the scientist put the frog into another bucket of water of the same temperature as the frog's body. The frog was very happy, was resting at the bottom. And then the scientist started heating the...

...: consciousness is only a by-product of matter, an epiphenomenon. So when you kill a person you are not killing anybody - there is nobody inside; a man is just matter. This was a great help for the murderer, Joseph Stalin. If there is nobody inside, you are not committing any crime, and when YOU die YOU will die: there is not going to be any afterlife and there is not going to be any Judgment Day. People can...

... girls, I hope you are using some precautions." "Oh, sure," said the old man. "I give them a phony name and address." Eighty-six years old, remember! And what precautions is he taking? He is giving a phony name and a phony address. If you have persisted in your follies your whole life, even dying you will die full of your follies. Hence, don't postpone till tomorrow - one never...
... laugh till his death; that was his only message to the world. He must have been a man like Indivar - just crazy, far out! The second question: Question 2: BELOVED MASTER, CAN SOMEONE WHO IS NOT OPEN WAKE UP? Deva Ashoka, it is impossible to wake up if you are not open. Opening to existence is what waking up is all about: open to the sun, to the moon, to the rain, to the wind, open to this whole...

... my energy to touch your heart, to move it, to bring a dance to it. You remain alert - you remain alert only to guard yourself. You are afraid, afraid of falling in deep love, because the moment you fall in deep love the ego disappears. It is a kind of death, and one cannot be guaranteed what will happen afterwards. Resurrection always looks like a myth, although it happens, it is inevitable. If you...

... are ready to die, resurrection happens. The last words of Jesus were, "Forgive these people, because they know not what they are doing. And I don't ask anything from you: let thy will be done, let thy kingdom come." This is surrender! This is totally opening up to God: no complaint, no grudge, not even against those who are murdering him. The trust is total; it is because of this fact that...

... the resurrection happens. It may not be an historical fact that Jesus revived after three days, but it is a metaphysical fact. And a metaphysical fact is far more real than an historical fact; it shows something of the depth of human beings. If you can die as an ego, you will be resurrected as a buddha, as a christ. Come out of your mind, Ashoka! But we go on moving in circles.... The mother took...

.... And sooner or later you become impressed. That's how all the religions have lived up to now: they go on repeating the same stupid beliefs, but those beliefs become truths to people. People are ready to die for them! Now, nobody has seen where heaven is, but millions of people have died for heaven. Mohammedans say that if you die in a religious war you will immediately go to heaven and all your sins...

... are forgiven. And Christians also say that in a religious war, in a crusade, if you die you immediately go to heaven; then everything else is forgiven. And millions of people have died and killed others, believing that this is a truth. We have seen such things happening even in this twentieth century; it doesn't seem to be very grown-up in that way. Adolf Hitler repeated for twenty years...
... stars. Truth is never, at any point, a static phenomenon. It is not stasis; it is utterly dynamic, it is movement. To be alive it has to be moving. Only death is static, only death is stagnant. Hence the people who are dead may look alive on the surface, but if their truth is no longer growing they are dead. Their soul is no longer growing. Truth is not an idea but your very being, your very soul...

... happened, one of the most beautiful stories that has ever happened between a Master and a disciple: Krishna became huge and Krishna became infinite and worlds started rotating within him, and Arjuna was frightened. Krishna had millions of hands and all the stars and all the planets within him, and life and death within him, all polarities meeting and merging in him. It was a chaos. Arjuna thought he must...

... abysmal, and you will start disappearing into it like a soap-bubble. It is so vast that you will lose all orientation of who you are. That's what happened to Arjuna. And he said, "Yes, I was feeling as if I was going to die, or as if I was going to be mad, or as if I had already gone mad. Thank you for coming back to your original form." And Krishna said, "This is not my original form...

... can I be? So, I DECIDE that there is no God; then only can I be." And that's how millions of people have decided: they have denied God in order to be. If there is no God, ego is possible. If there is God how can the ego be supported? By what? Then you are no more there; that is the fear. God is the death of the ego. Tao can be tasted, Tao can be experienced, but one condition has to be...

... has to become matter and consciousness, it has to become man and woman, it has to become day and night, it has to become life and death. You will find these two principles everywhere. The whole of life consists of these two principles, and behind these two principles is hidden the One. If you continue to remain involved between these two dualities and the polar opposites, you will remain in the...

... flowing upwards. How can it bloom into a thousand and one flowers? - impossible. It will remain sad, it will almost remain dying. It will be a slow suicide. By and by the leaves will also wither away, by and by the branches will die, and ultimately, the roots. It needs a constant upward flow of energy. Just as the green sap moves in a tree, man is also a tree. And this is not a new symbol that I am...
... people to go to the war. If you love, you have tasted something of life; you would not like death and killing people. When you don't love you have not tasted something of life; you love death. Fear kills, wants to kill. Fear is destructive, love is a creative energy. When you love you would like to create - you may like to sing a song, or paint, or create poetry, but you would not take a bayonet, or an...

... disappears, because with prayer you become one - you start feeling a deep relationship with the whole. From the spirit, fear disappears; the fear of death disappears when you pray - never before it. And when you meditate even fearlessness disappears. Fear disappears, fearlessness disappears. Nothing remains. Or. only the nothing remains. A vast purity; virginity; innocence. Question 4: IF I AM TO BE MY...

... have been doing so much; but the very idea that 'I am doing so much' is a crippling thing, heavy. The father goes on saying: I am sacrificing for you. This is simply stupid. Nobody is sacrificing for anybody else. If you love the children - you work, if you don't love - you don't work. It is better that the children should die than they should live a burdened life. If you love your wife - you love...

... attention to his own affairs. A world absolutely selfish will be the best world possible. That's why I am against communism and all socialistic tendencies. Because they kill the individual. They sacrifice the individual for the society, for the state. They say: For the country you have to die. For the religion you have to die. For the good of all you have to die - and they go on saying this to everybody...
... possessed anything. Only one thing can be possessed and that you already have with you - your own self, your own consciousness. But to have that being one has to work hard. You cannot get to it easily. First you will have to detach yourself from the world of having. That will be almost like a death because that's where you have got identified - you are your car, your house; you are your bank balance. And...

... when you start awakening out of this dream you start feeling as if you are disappearing because all your old identities start disappearing. One identity disappears, one part of you disappears. There is emptiness left behind. When all your identities disappear - and simply you are left, there is only pure space - as pure as life, as pure as death. Nothing else is there. That is your being. Only that...

... listening to it and understanding it intellectually, it is not going to help much. Mulla Nasrudin refused the cow-puncher's command to drink, for three reasons. 'Name them!' roared the terror of the town. 'First,' said the Mulla, 'it is prohibited in my religion. Second, I promised my grandmother on her death-bed that I would handle not, touch not, taste not, the accursed stuff.' 'And the other reason...

... coming.' Then one day his son came running to me to tell me, 'Father is very ill, it seems like a heart attack and he remembers you.' So I rushed to him. He was lying on the bed repeating Ram, Ram, Ram. I shook his head and I said, 'What are you doing? Your whole life you said there is no meditation - what are you doing repeating Ram, Ram, Ram...?' He said, 'Now don't disturb me at this moment. Death...

... is at the door. I am dying. Who knows? Maybe God is. And who knows, maybe the people who have always said remember his name and he will forgive you, are right. This is no time to create a debate or an argument; let me repeat it.' For forty years he had not said a single mantra, but now, suddenly, forty years of knowledge is discarded. It is of no use - in this dangerous situation when death is...

... heart attack and he came to see me after two or three months - and again he was back to his knowledge. I said, 'Now stop your foolishness. Death will come again and you will repeat Ram, Ram, Ram. So what is the point of it all?' A very rich old man had remained a bachelor. Now he was nearing seventy-five. Then suddenly a friend, a married friend, convinced him that he should get married. 'You should...

... roulette wheel. One more play, he decided, and he would leave. He put the entire forty thousand on black. The wheel spun. The croupier announced, 'Number fourteen, red.' The man walked back to the hotel. His wife called him from the verandah. 'How did you make out?' she asked eagerly. The husband shrugged: 'I lost the two dollars.' In the end, when death comes, the whole game of thousands and thousands...
... stayed only twenty-four hours in his hotel room and did not go to see Paris. You say God did not create Adolf Hitler in His own image. Why? Because he killed so many people? But every day God is killing millions of people - who else is killing them? Adolf Hitler was simply sharing a little bit of God's job. People have to be killed, everybody has to die; so what is wrong in it if Adolf Hitler shares a...

... world. Either you accepted that he was the messenger of God or you were finished - that was the peace. In both ways there would be peace: either you became Mohammedan and there was peace, or you were no more and there was peace. Certainly that message on his sword was really meaningful. You could choose: two kinds of peace he allowed you. Mohammedanism had converted millions just on the fear of death...

... think there is anybody - Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jew or Jaina - who can kill as easily as a Mohammedan. A Jaina of course cannot even kill an ant - that is enough to go to hell. Killing a man is unheard of. In the whole of history not a single Jaina has been sentenced to death because he murdered; it is not possible. He can be murdered, but he cannot murder. Even if you give him a sword, it will...

... little conversation before it, you don't give any opportunity to the man. You simply say, "Either you believe in one God; one prophet, that is Mohammed; and one holy book, that is the Koran.... These three things you have to believe, that's all, then you are a Mohammedan - otherwise, accept death." Mohammed says the more people you bring to Mohammedanism, the more virtue you are attaining...

... you convince somebody about your truth and he wants to come and belong to your fold, it seems human. But to threaten him, "You will be killed if you don't become a Mohammedan," and out of that threat he decides to live as a Mohammedan rather than to die as a Hindu - this is not at all religious. But this is what Mohammed brought into the world - and he was the only messenger. He is so...

... the religion of the warrior is to fight. Are you afraid of killing, of murdering? - but these people are going to die anyway." Just see the argument, what he is saying: "These people are going to die anyway, anyday. Nobody is immortal, so if you murder these people you are not doing anything that you have to be worried about. Perhaps you have taken a few years off this man's life, but in...
... Jung, was so much afraid of death that if you talked about death, just talked about death, he would almost go into a tantrum. He wanted to see the mummies of old Egyptian kings and queens. Remember always: whenever you are afraid of something, you are also attracted towards it. Fear and attraction are two aspects of the same coin. But whenever he arranged, he planned, to go for a visit to Egypt, he...

... COLD, DETACHED ALOOFNESS, THEN I FEEL I WOULD RATHER KEEP MY HEAVEN AND HELL, MY JOY AND MY SORROW, AND FORGET ALL ABOUT ENLIGHTENMENT. Richard Mitchley, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO UNDERSTAND IN LIFE IS that life IS a paradox; life exists through being paradoxical. Life is NOT logical: it is paradoxical. It exists between birth and death, it exists between night and day, it exists between hate and...

... and no hate - then love will not be possible; it will disappear with hate. Think of a world where only darkness exists and no light, or light exists and no darkness... it is impossible. Where only birth exists and no death - it would have been very logical, but it would have been very boring too. Life is dialectical, not logical. It is a movement between polarities. Those polarities are not really...

... paradox will be found on every plane, everywhere. Now, you say: I WOULD RATHER KEEP MY HEAVEN AND HELL, MY JOY AND MY SORROW, AND FORGET ALL ABOUT ENLIGHTENMENT, IF THE ALTERNATIVE IS A COLD, DETACHED ALOOFNESS. I am not telling you that you have to choose a cold, detached life. I am telling you: passionate love and cool aloofness is the paradox. The same paradox that exists between birth and death...

... live life in its totality - the ingoing breath and the outgoing breath - you need not choose. If you choose you will die. That's why in the marketplace you will find people who are dead, and in the monasteries people who are dead. Because a few have chosen only to exhale, and a few have chosen only to inhale. The breath needs both; the breath becomes a perfect circle when you exhale deeply and out of...
.... They could not rest: the gas was making them writhe about, churning something inside them. They died the most terrible death you can conceive; and one hundred thousand people are still waiting to die in the hospitals. Is this God's play? No. If this is play then what can crime be? What can sin be? I reject God completely because God is simply a problem which idiots have invented thinking that He will...

... first child is born, a rift starts happening between the husband and wife for the simple reason that the woman is now monopolized by the child; the father is secondary. From now onwards he cannot be primary, he cannot have priority. Obviously nature is in support of the child because he has a future, and the father is going to die sooner rather than later. Nature is always with the new, with the...

... creation has He made? If He is serious - and creation has to be serious - then this life with so much misery, so much suffering, which finally ends in death and darkness, has no meaning at all. If He wanted to create, there was no need to create such a miserable existence, full of anguish, suffering, agony: an existence which is more a curse than a blessing. One of Dostoevsky's characters in his greatest...

... things happen in India; I think no other country can compete. Every year something or other... and the country goes down and down. This is God's play - an earthquake? Just now in Bhopal a gas plant exploded. Is this God's play? Three thousand people immediately died; and it was not an easy death. I have just seen a film on it - it was terrible. Those people were just like fish thrown onto hot sand...

... like to see me with your recommendation saying that I am ready, because if I am not ready then he cannot die peacefully. "In every other way I am ready: I have learned archery, swordsmanship and all kinds of things that are needed in war; I am a master in every dimension. And I went back from the university to my father to say that I had all these medals and trophies and certificates; I was...

... man took out his sword and he said, "This is my sword, so look at it. Watch it! This is now going to be after you continually." The prince's awareness arose like a pillar of light. He could feel it, because danger was there and now it was not a joke: it was a question of life and death. So the old man started trying to hit him but could not succeed for three months; not even a single time...

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