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... and forms of expression, or finally it may disappear into the universal consciousness. But that is not death. That is becoming greater, vaster... infinite and eternal. It is not a loss. The only thing that is going to die, and has been dying continuously each time you have died - the body goes to the material elements, the consciousness goes to the universal consciousness, or into a new form of...

... - "then you would have agreed with my prayer. Because until now you have never disagreed, for the first time God is giving me the opportunity to show that it is not only on good days that I am grateful; whatever happens, my gratefulness will remain unwavering. Even in my death I will be dying with the same words on my lips." A humble man lives an unconditional life of gratitude - not only...

..., being shy - knowing perfectly well that what is being said is not true - and the third, hiding out of fear. Except ego, there is no element in you which ever feels fear, because ego is the only thing which is false and which has to die. Neither will your body disappear - it will just go back to its basic elements - nor is your consciousness going to die. It will move in its journey to higher levels...
... death. The Western mind has no idea of such equilibrium; it gets too disturbed. With success it gets disturbed; it starts feeling at the top of the world, starts feeling a certain superiority complex. In failure it goes to the other extreme; it falls into the seventh hell. It is miserable, in deep anguish, and it feels a tremendous inferiority complex. It is torn apart. And life consists of both...

... worried, too much afraid of death; not only afraid of death but also afraid of life. People are living half-heartedly, people are living in a lukewarm way: not intensely like Zorba the Greek, not with a healthy flavor but with a sick mind. One has to live, so they are living. One has to love, so they are loving. One has to do this, to be like this, so they are following; otherwise there is no incentive...

... to take a jump, to risk it all. This is the moment when you need somebody you love and somebody who loves you, and somebody whose love is more precious than your mind, so that for his love's sake you can lose your mind. And love is something that people can give their whole life for, what to say about their mind. If you love someone you can give your whole life - you can die for your love. So the...

... to go to Egypt to see the old mummies of ancient queens and pharaos - three thousand years old, four thousand years old. He was very much interested in how they were preserved, how they looked. He was interested in death - that's why he was interested in ghosts. On the one hand he was interested in the mummies, and on the other hand he was afraid. It happens always: things you are very much...
... business, not my business. And if he wants me to die, that is his business. I had not asked for birth; suddenly I was here. I cannot ask about death. If birth is not in my control, how can death be in my control?" Those people thought, "This man is mad." They said, "We will take care of you later on. Let us get to the shore somehow and then we will take care of you. You are not a Sufi...

... not lost - at last you are back. "And if there is no God, what is the harm in repeating Rama, Rama, Rama...?" I told him, "This is what I have been telling you continuously for years - that you think that you have got rid of the doubt. It is not possible, you have simply drowned it deep in the unconscious. Now death has brought it up." The man survived; he is still alive. And...

... whom are you trying to deceive? - yourself? In the moment of death you were deceiving yourself with the idea that, 'Who knows, if God is there, pray; if he is not there, the prayer is gone, useless, but what is the harm?' You have not paid anything for it. You were being cunning even with God. Now that you are healthy, you are back again. And before me you don't talk too much, but I have heard from...
... become enlightened? We are good as we are.'" That part has not been disclosed. But I don't want to keep anything secret, because I know my people can die celebrating, laughing, rejoicing. Death is not a fear to them. Just today, Anubuddha was massaging me, because my hand has been in terrible pain for many weeks. He said, "You seem to be aware of every pain point, wherever I touch. I have...

... enlightened, a distance starts creating itself between you and your identity with the body. That does not mean that death is inevitable. It only means that now you will not be able to control the body in the same way you used to control it in the past. But it does not prevent your awareness; it gives you more awareness. You become a witness. Just as he is working on my body... for him it is only guess work...

... into your grave!" He said, "You talk nonsense. If you exercise, you can live a few years longer." I said, "For what? To exercise more?" It is a strange idea: live a few years more, and for what? - to exercise. I dropped it. He said, "You are incurable." Before he was dying I told him, "Look, I have told you: exercise or no exercise, everybody has to die. When...

... the ultimate destiny comes on its own, why unnecessarily walk to it?" He said, "At least at the time of my death don't disturb me!" Now something nonserious.... A drunk is hauled in off the street and taken before the magistrate, who asks him to explain his drunken behavior. "Well," says the drunk, "I had ten bottles of whiskey in my cellar and was told by my wife to...

... have been the emperor of Germany. He was not concerned with the death, the possible death of his son, the future of his son's wife, the future of their child. He had gone for a holiday with his girlfriend. And he's just a postmaster, but royal blood, even in a postmaster.... We gave Vimalkirti the best celebration. Perhaps he would not have got that much love, such a beautiful celebration, even if he...

... had been the emperor of Germany. Still the mother, and later on the father who came, were angry at me. Their whole anger against Vimalkirti turned towards me. They were consulting legal experts about how they could sue me in the court for the death of their son. They had to stop that, because they would have given me a chance to prove to the whole world that this nonsense of royal marriages should...

... to you. All that you are doing is quarreling, nagging, harassing each other. This is not love. Love is the flowering of meditation. Meditation brings many treasures; perhaps love is the greatest roseflower that grows on the bush of meditation. YOU SHALL BE TOGETHER WHEN THE WHITE WINGS OF DEATH SCATTER YOUR DAYS AYE, YOU SHALL BE TOGETHER EVEN IN THE SILENT MEMORY OF GOD. BUT LET THERE BE SPACES...
... difficult to prove, then a man walking on water becomes difficult to prove. These things can only be taken on faith. If they want a challenge, and accept the challenge, then they will have to learn the language of science, the language of reason - not of belief. And I don't see any possibility that Christianity can offer anything. It is doomed to die. The sooner it dies, the better - because it will free...

... millions of people to think on their own, to search on their own. It will create a great revolution, the death of Christianity, because it is the biggest religion in the world, and it will not only be the death of Christianity, it will be the beginning of the death of other religions too. When the big brother dies, the others are going to follow. In India when somebody dies his eldest son goes through an...

... has come to the first place in the queue." Christianity's death, to me, is very significant. Just the Catholics are seven hundred and fifty million in number - half of humanity is Christian. It will be a tremendous freedom. The pope is asking his followers to accept the challenge, but he himself is such a coward he cannot accept the challenge. I have not come across a single Christian bishop or...
..., "I have written something wrong. At that moment, that was my feeling -- that I had come to the ultimate. Before I die, you write this down, and change it." The change is very small in words, but in experience it is tremendous. He has used again the same words: HERAT, HERAT HE SAKHI "Oh beloved, seeking and searching, the seeker is lost." SAMUND SAMUND BUND MEIN SOKAT HERIJAI "...

... is going to die anyway, the poison has spread all over the body. These poor parasites, why should they die as long as I can help them to live? And anyway they are parasites of my wound -- I am not the body. It is going to be the food of animals. So while I am alive, it hurts me that some parasite is going to die. At least as long as I am alive I will continue to put them back. "And finally he...

... stopped praying. He said, "Prayer I can do without the ritual, but I cannot hurt these creatures." But strangely enough, he did not die from the poison that was spreading through his body -- perhaps his tremendous love became an antidote -- and the Mohammedans had to cut off his Love is always an emperor head on the steps of Jamma Masjid in New Delhi. And his only crime was... Mohammedans have...
... seventeen. He escaped because his father died. When the whole family was weeping and crying, and the neighbors were preparing to take the dead body to the funeral pyre, nobody noticed that Raman had disappeared. The experience of the death of his father became a tremendous revolution in Raman's mind. He was only seventeen, the only son of a poor family, and he escaped to the mountains. He remained his...

... have a great life ahead, and ten million dollars! He had to die sooner or later." "You don't understand," she sobbed. "He was the greatest lover. We lived next door to the church and he used to make love to me by the sound of the church bells -- ding-dong, ding-dong. And he would be alive today if it wasn't for that damn fire truck!" That's why I say: Don't belong to this...

...; the masses of the country should not know about it. They protected him in every way. The news should not become common; people should not come to know about it. There was a danger that he might lose all his saintliness. People have respected him, followed him... and before his death, he will see himself fallen, failed. They tried to persuade him to stop this, but he had his explanations and excuses...

... unfortunate that people die still as foolish as young people. Psychologists have come to the conclusion that most people die with the idea of sex... that is their last idea. They may be repeating the name of God, but inside they are thinking, If only it was possible one time more...! They have not lived their life wholeheartedly. That's why something that should have ended at forty-two has continued up to...
... point where they disappear? To the meditator it becomes slowly clear that the source and the goal are one. The same point is the source; the energy moves in a circle, and comes back to the same point. You are at the same point both the times - when you are born and when you die. You may have changed much meanwhile - so much experience, so much knowledge - that's why you miss the pure innocence of...

... death. You missed the innocence of birth because of your ignorance, and you miss the innocence of death because of your knowledge. Of course you were not expected to recognize innocence in your birth, you can be forgiven for that; you were not told or taught. The experience was so new, you could not name it even. But the man who dies full of knowledge again misses the innocence, because of his...

... of silence, not out of anxiety, anguish, and thoughts. A man is complete only when at the moment of his death he is again the same as he was when he was born, again a child - the second childhood. So when Dogo was asked by the master, "WHERE DOES THE FIRE COME FROM?" the fire was just an excuse. He was asking, "From where do things come and where do they go?" But Dogo again...

... last word is called gatha. ISAN WAS ASKED BY ICHU TO COMPOSE A GATHA FOR HIM. That was so stupid a question, because Isan was not going to die. ISAN REPLIED: "IT IS FOOLISH TO COMPOSE ONE WHEN FACE TO FACE. When I am face to face with you, read me, read my heart. A gatha is written when a master is dying because he will not be anymore available. It is so foolish to ask such a thing when we are...

... on you. At the deepest point you are the buddha. The buddha means simply witnessing, pure witnessing. Just witness: the body is there, the mind is there, but you are neither. You are a separate force which comes from the center, and the center is joined with eternity. It knows no birth, no death. This buddha is your ultimate potential, the very Everest of consciousness. Great is the splendor of...
... religion which allows a monk, if he wills it, to fast unto death. They don't call it suicide, they have a very beautiful name for it: santhara. Santhara means one who has dropped the lust for life, who has gone beyond the lust for living. Many Jaina monks die every year by santhara. The government cannot do anything because it is their religious practice. The secular government is not supposed to...

... countries, insects of all kinds grow very easily. A certain insect - I don't know what you call it in English - KHATMAL...? "It means 'bedbug', Osho." Bedbug - that is a parasite. Jainas cannot kill them because of their philosophy of non-violence. They cannot kill them, but if nobody sleeps on those cots, the bedbugs will die - so they hire people. They will give you five rupees per night: you...

... still breathing, but except for the breathing and the pulse and the heartbeat, there is no sign of life. For three months he may hang on in this limbo, between death and life. And these people are non-violent people! Gandhi learned his non-violence from these idiots. He recognized as one of his gurus, his masters, a Jaina monk, Shrimad Rajchandra, who tortured himself and taught people the same...

... nine months I was away, and she went mad. The doctors said that she couldn't survive; she had destroyed her whole system." In India naturopathy became associated with yoga, naturally, because that is a traditional thing. So to clean yourself... now what uncleanliness is there? And if you are really going to clean yourself, you are going to die because then everything is unclean. Inside there is...

... even. If you look at your non-violence and it has provoked violence, then what kind of non-violence is this? It has brought more violence in the world than there was before. Before Buddha and Mahavira, India was never invaded. There had never been any violence because people knew that to invade India was to just invite your death. But after Buddha and Mahavira's teachings people became just like...

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