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... good here and your reward will be after you die, in paradise; you do evil here and your punishment will be in hell, after death. These are all bogus theories, having no evidence in fact, having no science behind them. Each act brings its reward or punishment immediately. Try to be a little aware, and out of your awareness let things happen and see: you are so full of joy, for no reason - just because...

... to death. And the same act in wartime brings you gold medals, beautiful awards. What is good in peacetime is not good in wartime.... And the strangest thing to be noted is that they are interchangeable. Hence I don't teach you good, because to teach you good is to teach you evil. I don't teach you God, because to teach you God is to teach you the devil. I don't teach you the ordinary love that you...

... - people who have done no harm to you personally, people just like you. They have their children, their wives, their mothers, their old fathers to take care of - and you are killing the person just to get a gold medal. Your gun will slip out of your hand, and that will be an act of awareness. And you will feel tremendously blissful that it happened; even if you are being shot your death will be a glory...

... postponing it. I thought you would forget all about it. And that's how it has been all along. I had also asked the same question and I was told, 'When you grow up you will know.' And now I am seventy-five, just on the verge of death, and I have not got the answer. Just by growing old, you cannot get the answer. I was hoping that you will also grow old, you will have your children asking you the same...

..., stranger. When it is loaded with fruits, it shares, it gives those fruits. But if you teach these trees to be altruistic, all these trees will die, just as the whole humanity is dead - just corpses walking. And walking to where? Walking to their graveyard, finally to rest in their graves. Life should be a dance. And everybody's life can be a dance. It should be a music - and then you can share; you will...
.... It will be difficult to find that sharpness and that intelligence again in centuries. But people are such sleep walkers, they have not taken much note. In newspapers, just in small corners where nobody reads, his death is declared. And it seems that a ninety-year-old man who has been continuously speaking for almost seventy years, moving around the world, trying to help people to get unconditioned...

..., trying to help people to become free - nobody seems even to pay a tribute to the man who has worked the hardest in the whole of history for man's freedom, for man's dignity. I don't feel sorry for his death. His death is beautiful; he has attained all that life is capable to give. But I certainly feel sorry for the whole world. It goes on missing its greatest flights of consciousnesses, its highest...

...? What are you doing? Hare Krishna, Hare Rama...!" He said, "This time don't disturb me. Who knows, God may be a reality. And just to repeat a few times before death... there is no harm. If he is there I can say, 'I remembered you.' If he is not there, there is no harm, just let me repeat it - no argument at this moment. I am dying." I said, "That's what makes it very urgent to...

... Hindus believe that in this dark age of humanity only the name of God can save you. The name of God is like a boat; you simply ride on the boat and it will take you to the other side of existence, the spiritual world. He became okay; he did not die. And when he had become almost all right, I asked him about that day. He said, "Forget all about it. There is no God. I don't believe in God." I...

... said, "Again - because now death is no longer so close? That day you were not even willing to discuss it. You were even arguing: 'At this moment, let me repeat the mantra that is going to save me.'" I said to him, "All your intellectual garbage is useless. It has not reached to your heart; it has not given you any transformation." Krishnamurti failed because he could not touch the...
... will not be a silence which can celebrate, it will not be a silence which can sing and dance. It will not be a silence which can bloom in a thousand and one flowers. Hence, Buddha immediately says: it should be loving. And love is possible only if you are fearless; if you are afraid you cannot be loving. The man who is afraid of anything - death, the police, the magistrate, the government - the man...

... who is afraid of anything can't love. And all fears are basically fears arising out of death. The fear of the policeman is also the same, because he can kill, he can shoot you. The fear of the government is nothing but the fear of violence - the government can kill more powerfully than anybody else. What is the fear of the magistrate and the law? - because the magistrate has the power to send you to...

... the gallows or he can give you a life sentence. You are afraid. But deep down all fear is of death... and death is a myth. It has never happened, it never happens, it is never going to happen. The meditator comes to know the falsity of death, and in that very moment all fear disappears; he becomes fearless. Remember, Buddha is not saying be brave, he is saying be fearless. That is a totally...

... fearless. When you are fearless you are neither a coward nor brave, because both are rooted in fear. The coward has succumbed to fear and the brave is trying to win over fear, but both are concerned with fear. And the fearless one has simply dropped the whole thing. He is neither brave nor cowardly. He knows there is no death, there is nothing to be afraid of and there is nothing to be brave about. This...
... understood is: the rock has a certain kind of strength, but that strength is of death. It is not in the service of life; it is in the service of destruction and death. The roseflower also has a certain strength, but it is in the service of life, love and beauty. These are different kinds of strength. Certainly, you cannot make bullets from roseflowers. That does not mean bullets become more important. You...

... cannot kill somebody with a roseflower. That does not mean the arrow - a poisonous arrow - is more powerful than a rose. But it appears so. The arrow is dead; hence you cannot kill it anymore. Do you think that is strength? Then all the people who are in the grave are stronger than you; they will never die again. You will be dying. Would you like to change places with the people in the graves? They are...

..., in a way, stronger than you, because death cannot happen to them. But they are dead. What is the point of their strength? Life is fragile. The higher you go, the more fragile. The tree is not so fragile as the flower. The fragrance is even more fragile than the flower - just a small breeze can take it away. This is true, that you see innocence and lovingness all over the place in this commune...

... in that much poison. "What is the reason?" They managed to bring the poison in, in some other roundabout way. First to invite people here to share your home, and then you share death? If you cannot be loving to people, why have you called them here? I was in silence. I was told it was "because there is more money from the festival than we need, and this will be good, humanitarian...

... there is no energy available for thoughts; they die out. When you are one hundred percent aware, the mind becomes absolutely silent. That is the time to move still deeper. The third step: to become aware of feelings, moods, emotions. In other words, first the body - its action; second, the mind - its activity; third, the heart and its functions. When you move to the heart and bring your awareness...
... always happens, when you are facing death meditation is easy. You cannot postpone it, because tomorrow you may not be here to meditate. So Chinmaya tried hard to meditate, and that helped him to live. All the medical experts were agreed. They could not believe what had happened to him, because two years was the maximum limit for his disease. But he lived almost ten years, and lived happily in spite of...

..., and she was living with her new boyfriend and Chinmaya was left alone. Cancer.... And he had passed eight years beyond medical speculation. When he came to be examined by the doctors they could not believe it. They said, "This is nothing but a miracle." I do not do any miracles, and I do not believe in any miracles. But he meditated. There was nothing left for him - only cancer and death...

... is dead and man is now free." Putting these two together is a tremendous insight. God is dead - that has been said by many atheists in different ways, that is not new. What is new is the other part: and from now on man is free. God's death becomes the freedom of man. God's life becomes the death of man. The choice is very clear. If you choose God, then you have chosen to be a robot, a machine...

... people can create much, but their creation is basically criminal. And sooner or later, it is going to fall apart. Meditative people, loving people, can create higher things, better things. And whatever they create is never in the service of death and destruction. Whatever they create is basically godliness. Whatever they create remains forever; it is eternal. Adolf Hitler used to say that the regime...

... that he is creating is going to last for one thousand years. I want you to know, what we are creating is going to last forever. Love is immortal. Love knows no death. Meditation leads you within yourself to eternity. So don't think that I had put Sheela and her group to create the commune. They turned out to be power-oriented. Perhaps any one of you would have turned out to be the same. You all carry...
...;My God," he said, "this is the tree! I never came across the same tree anywhere" - and the old man was certainly thirty years older. And all the descriptions that he had given about the master were absolutely apparent in the old man. The sun was setting and the old man said, "So you have come. I had to wait so long. I was already old enough and ready to die, but just for you I...

... recognize when you met me. I am your master." The student is very accidental; there is every possibility that he will never become a disciple. He may go from one place to another, he may gather much knowledge. But he will never become aware of his own being, which is the only true knowledge in existence, the only knowledge that takes you away from darkness to light and away from death to immortality...

... extreme has to be in opposition to the other polarity. The negative is against the positive, the minus is against the plus, death is against life. If you take them as extremes, they naturally appear as opposites. But the man who can stop exactly in the middle, immediately transcends all the extremes and the middle together. And from the higher standpoint of the transformed being, you can see there is no...

... opposition at all. The extremes are not opposites, not contradictories, but only complementaries. Life and death are not enemies, they are part of one single process. Death does not end life, it simply renews it. It gives it a new form, a new body, a new plane of consciousness. It is not against life; looked at rightly, it is a process of refreshing life, of rejuvenating life. The day is not against the...

... contraries disappear into a single unity. Then life includes death, then day includes night. A man who can experience this organic unity becomes fearless, becomes without any anguish and angst. For the first time he realizes his vastness - because he is as vast as the whole existence. One of the great disciples of George Gurdjieff, P.D.Ouspensky, has written a book. I must have seen thousands of books, and...
... husband. The husband is dead; the living woman has to jump into the fire. And we have practiced this for ten thousand years. It still happens once in a while, although now there is a law against it. One feels as if we don't give any attention to our social mores, our behavior mores. In the whole of Indian literature I have not come across a single statement saying that if women are required to die with...

..., it will be difficult for you to resist the temptation. My business is to sell wood for funeral pyres. So when more people die, my business goes well; when less people die, of course it is unfortunate and I have to suffer it. So if you want your business to go well, you have to pray for my business to go well - our interests are the same." In this whole society, as an intelligent and alert...

... challenging people for transformation by presenting their own life, by presenting their own joy, their love, their song, their dance. This is no ordinary conversion - like a Hindu becoming a Christian. It is true conversion: a fast asleep person becomes fully awake, and goes from darkness to light, from untruth to truth, from death to immortality. But I don't want you to deliberately become my missions. I...

...; that is the time when it becomes a problem. If you understand that this dialectics is very necessary... they are complementaries. They are both needed, just like day and night, life and death - they are both needed. So one need not be worried that there are two sides. They are your two doors, and you have to start witnessing yourself as the third. You are not this, you are not that - because you can...

...; The young man said, "I just thought... why kill your wife, your children? Those poor people have not done anything to me, and I should become a cause of their death? Of course my wife and children are mine, I can kill them, but not yours. So I thought, just because of the moustache...? And it is not a big job; in two minutes I just turned it downwards." The warrior said, "This is...
... not only one time, but as many times as you want. Ordinarily every human being dies only once, except Jesus Christ. But the politicians and the scientists of the West have been making arrangements for everybody to die seventy times. I don't think anybody is going to have seventy resurrections. One time will do - perhaps once in a while, somewhere, some Jesus Christ... but even Jesus Christ cannot...

... is a very crude instrument for killing a person. For a healthy young man like Jesus - he was only thirty-three - it will take at least forty-eight hours of being on the cross before he will die. It is because the Jewish cross slowly takes out your blood; it does not kill you immediately. There was a conspiracy between the disciples of Jesus and Pontius Pilate, who was not a Jew. The land of Jesus...

... reality. And nothing better has happened in the East. Almost fifty percent of the people in the East are hungry, starved, undernourished. And by the end of this century at least five hundred million people will die, only in this land; I am not counting people who are going to die in China, in Taiwan, in Korea, in Japan. Just in this country five hundred million people are going to die within ten years...

... what treasures will be revealed if a Gautam Buddha can live three hundred years, if Albert Einstein can live three hundred years, if Bertrand Russell can live three hundred years. Up to now the way we have lived is such a sheer wastage. People who are trained, educated, cultured, become old, die at the age of seventy. And new visitors, absolutely uneducated, barbarious, go on coming from the wombs...
... think, howsoever idiotic they are, they can think of destroying the laughter, the songs, the beauty of love, the innocence of a child, and the authenticity of enlightened people. Just take the challenge of the time. They are going to destroy you anyway - why not celebrate before they do it? Let them create death for the whole earth. But what are we going to lose? We will die laughing, dancing, singing...

... enlightenment make you transcend sex? You will have to stop eating, you will have to stop drinking. In fact, you will have to stop breathing; only then will there be a transcendence - in your death. Sex is a natural phenomenon. Yes, it takes fourteen years to make your sexual energy mature. And if you enjoy it blissfully, without any condemnation, without any Christ standing between you and your beloved.... I...

... in a train. And if you want to enter the very central parts of the country, you have to use even worse trains. Of course, I went on and on destroying my health, knowing perfectly well what I was doing. But what I had found I wanted at any cost - at the cost of my life - to share with a few people, to make them afire. My body may die in the effort, but I have made a few other bodies lighted with the...

... even of tomorrow. But I am determined that death will have to wait till I have fulfilled my task, because it is no longer my task; I have disappeared long ago. Now it is existence meeting you, existence trying to reach you. I am only a vehicle. But one fact I have proved absolutely and forever - that making love does not destroy enlightenment. On the contrary, it makes it richer, more beautiful - new...

... I am trying to create a man who has spirit, ecstasy. You can ride upon your ecstasy to other planets; rockets are not needed. And remember, only bodies die, the soul within you is immortal. No nuclear weapons can destroy it. You have something indestructible in you; you just have to become aware of it, and you have to make others aware of it. I am not concerned about the future. I am concerned...
.... You have not come to the dead-end... it is not yet the climax. Once the climax comes, the wheel moves, has to move, and the spoke that was on top starts moving towards the bottom. This is the whole wheel of life... the wheel of day and night. When the day ends, night comes. When the night ends, day comes. This is the very wheel of life and death. So I wanted to start this positive group. It will...

... flower remains attached to the tree, but not the fragrance. The fragrance is like a cloud moving with the wind in all the directions. The flower may die, but the fragrance will go on and on spreading to the very end of existence. A person who has attained to love may die - his love continues. Buddha is dead, his love continues. I will be dead, my love will continue. And those who will be sympathetic...

... growing or not. The plant will die! And nobody else will be responsible. So when you are with a person, try to be a little more alert. He has difficulties, you have difficulties - everybody has difficulties. So don't be cruel and don't be violent and aggressive. Try to understand - as you have difficulties, he also has difficulties. Sort them out together; figure out where the problem is It is easier to...

... never hanker for one hundred percent. In life, only death happens one hundred percent. That too, the physicians say is difficult to determine - whether the person is one hundred percent dead or not. They have not yet been able to demark the line where one can say a person is really dead. Exactly when? When the heart stops, then? When the mind stops, then? When the breathing stops? When? Nobody knows...

... exactly where the line is. But at least death seems to be one hundred percent. Everything else is always approximate. So don't ask too much; that creates frustration. Whatsoever you receive, enjoy it and feel grateful for it. Thank God that you are a slow walker. Perfectly good! You can enjoy the scenery more... the smell of the earth... the flowers. A runner never enjoys it. He is simply running - mad...

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