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... you are wanting to use old methods, then the middle button is for bombing... (THE MASTER AIMS A SMALL BLACK BOX AT THE AUDIENCE AND PUSHES THE MIDDLE BUTTON, MAKING BOMBING SOUNDS FOR SOME TIME. SEE PHOTO ON PAGE 190.) The first button is for death rays... (HE PUSHES THE LEFT BUTTON, MAKING ELECTRONIC SIREN SOUNDS.) And the third button is for nuclear weapons, missiles... (HE PUSHES THE RIGHT BUTTON...

... MORE MISSILE SOUNDS.) If the enemy is very close by, bombing is better... (HE PUSHES THE BOMBING BUTTON AGAIN.) If you don't want to destroy things, only life, then death rays are good... (HE SENDS OUT SOME MORE DEATH RAY SOUNDS.) Now it is being carried by adult, mature people in their pockets. It seems that killing has become a god in itself. There have been war-gods, whose only function is to...

... create war; there have been destruction-gods - for example Shiva, in Hindu mythology, is the one who will destroy the whole of humanity. I don't think Ronald Reagan will be able to compete with Shiva. He is trying his best to be the Shiva of Hindu mythology. This small instrument shows the mind of man. Death rays simply kill life; they don't destroy your houses, they don't destroy your furniture, they...

... joy of creating gone? The whole responsibility lies with the religions. These politicians are simply carrying the ideologies that religions have preached. Any kind of ideology that is life-negative is dangerous - more dangerous than death rays, more dangerous than nuclear missiles. If we want to save the world from being destroyed unnecessarily, a world which has created people like Buddha and...

... DEATH RAY SOUNDS IN SARDARJI'S DIRECTION.) No, I think bombs will be better! (ANANDO SENDS SOME BOMB SOUNDS ACROSS THE AUDITORIUM.) Bert Badbreath suspects his wife, Luscious Lucy, is cheating on him, so he hires Manfred Sneek, the private detective, to follow her. Manfred gets hot on Lucy's trail, watching her in bars, nightclubs and hotels all over the city. The next morning, Sneek comes back to...
... so vast that what you have been thinking of as yourself is just like a dewdrop coming in contact with the ocean. The fear is necessary. The dewdrop cannot think in other ways except that slipping into the ocean is death. Although it is not true, we have to be compassionate towards the dewdrop too. It is beyond its comprehension. The ocean is so vast - it is almost a necessity to think, "I will...

... for millions of lives and it has been nothing but misery and darkness, anxiety. Why not take a chance and see?" It is risky; one never knows what is going to happen when the dewdrop simply disappears in the ocean." But I can say to you that the dewdrop does not disappear in the ocean. On the contrary, the ocean disappears in the dewdrop. The dewdrop becomes the whole ocean. It is not death...

...; death disappears, and for the first time you are really and totally alive, in a cosmic sense. For the first time you have touched the eternal. This fear grips everybody. Those who can understand even the language of mountains and trees, those who are so sensitive they can feel - there are many references from enlightened people that when the river comes traveling thousands of miles from the mountains...

... descended, to all those beautiful primeval forests it passed, to all those beautiful people. All the memories... just a moment of looking back. But it cannot stay long; it has to take a plunge into the ocean, knowing perfectly well that "this is going to be my death." But it is not a death. The river itself becomes the ocean. It is expansion of your consciousness, of your being. You are becoming...

... who has never felt what William James used to call oceanic experience - such a man has never been born. He was a miscarriage. He lived, he breathed, he walked around, but he was just a somnambulist - and he died, too. It is a strange fact that people who have never lived, die. Life needs immense centering and deep meditativeness. Only very few people in the trillions of people who have been around...
... even safer not to live at all. Nobody has ever heard that dead people are insecure; graveyards are the most secure places. Once you enter your grave, there is no fear: even death cannot do anything to you - one cannot die twice. Man has been trying to create false props for security, knowing perfectly well that they all fall down, but still he goes on piling up props around him. Time does not care...

... fall will come, the spring will come. Everything will go on changing, nothing can be taken for granted; this is insecurity. You want everything to be certain, permanent. But have you ever thought what will be the outcome of it if everything is permanent? You eat the same food every day, you say the same things every day, you listen to the same things every day. And there is no death even to demolish...

... sunrise leaves him, the sunset never finds him there." He is always on the move, he is a flow ... he is not a dirty pond going nowhere. But the whole training of our minds is such that we are made afraid of insecurity, and our whole life we are trying for safety. Financially, politically, religiously - in every dimension we want to be secure. But security means death, a living death. It means...

... about your props, nor does life care about your props. In fact, it is compassionate of nature that whatever you do, you remain insecure. You can have a bank balance, you can have a big insurance - but these are just strategies to befool yourself. What insurance can there be against death? What insurance can there be against the constantly changing flux of life? You cannot prevent it: it is a mountain...
... can turn into death. You are all crossing the plank with a mountainous burden on you; just a small slip is enough, and you are gone. You have to be alert, so alert that no other energy is left in you, everything has become just a flame of awareness. It happened once ... A great warrior came home and was shocked to see that his servant was with his wife in his bedroom. He was a warrior, and warriors...

... this man gone crazy or mad or what?" It was a question of life and death for the servant. It was not a question of life and death for the warrior -- and that made the difference. There are only two types of people in the world: those who understand that every moment life is at risk, hence they do something, and those who are absolutely unaware that death can strike any moment and take away their...

... whole future -- all their dreams, all their imaginations, all that they were thinking they were going to do tomorrow. Death does only one thing: It takes away your tomorrow. A man who has entered in this affair of the search leaves tomorrow himself; he does not wait for death to take it away. He has no tomorrow. He has only this moment, and he has to concentrate himself into this moment, without...
... again into the human body. You are released from the prison, from the pain, from the anguish, from the meaningless, miserable existence. You are no more confined in any form; you enter into a formless universal consciousness. Once enlightened, your death is going to be the last death. In other words, only enlightened people die. The unenlightened ... very difficult - they go on coming back, they never...

... die. Only the enlightened person can afford death; the unenlightened cannot afford it, he is not yet ready. Life is a school, and unless you have learned the lesson you will have to come back again and again to the same class. Once you have learned the lesson, passed the examination, then even if you want to come back into the class you will find all doors are closed for you. You have to move higher...

... world; or growing up, the way of my people. Growing old, you have not to do anything - you will grow old, biology will take care of it. Growing up means a conscious alertness - so that the body goes on growing old, but your consciousness goes on growing upwards, growing up. But it is always growing; even in death a conscious being is growing. The whole existence is a great verb, not a noun - not a...
... absent, how can he be compassionate?" Confucius said, "At least give me some advice - how to relax, to rest." Lao Tzu said, "For that you will have to wait. Death will come, and in your grave you will relax and rest, not before that. Because if you want to rest before that, then forget that crowd that you have left outside. You remain here and I will go - just a lion's roar and they...

... will all escape, none will come back to this cave again. You rest and relax." So Confucius said, "No, don't do that. They are my disciples. Some are kings, some are princes, some are great, rich people. I cannot afford it." Lao Tzu said, "That's why I said that in life you cannot afford relaxation; only death can help. Those who understand can relax in life and rest in life. And...

... the miracle is: for them there is no death, because they have already done what death does. Those who are stupid don't rest, they don't relax. Then nature has managed a device called death, so they can relax in their graves. "Don't be worried. You will have a good marble grave with great inscriptions on it in golden letters: Here lies the great Confucius, the teacher of kings and emperors. But...

... if you want to be with me, you have to understand: I am going to be a death to you. Without that - unless I kill you, destroy you - there is no way of saving you." Confucius somehow said, "I will come again." Lao Tzu laughed. He said, "Don't lie. You will never come again. This time you came because you had no idea what kind of man you were going to meet. But I enjoyed it. Now...
... your things, you may accumulate a vast empire, but when you die you will go without things. Death will bring you out of your sleep. Before death does, it is better to bring yourself out; then there will be no pain in death. Death is so painful because this first sleep has to be broken; you are to be snatched away from things. Then there is the second sleep, the sleep of the mind. There are people who...

... novel they are writing... and they go on thinking, I may not be immortal but my novel that I am going to write is going to be immortal; the painting that I am doing is going to be immortal. But when you cannot be immortal, how can your painting be immortal? When you are to perish, when you are to die, everything that you create will die, because how is it possible that from death something immortal...
... the most comfortable situation... you were just floating in your mother's womb. All your needs were fulfilled, without any work on your part. There was no anxiety, no problem, no starvation, no unemployment, no war, no death. You were completely isolated, protected, and all your needs were fulfilled. The child in the mother's womb has no fear, there is no reason for it. But once he comes out of the...

...: "If this man is doing this thing to this tree, he can do it to me." All the trees around - all their graphs start showing they are afraid; anxiety is entering. When the child comes out of the womb, it is the greatest shock of his life. Even death will not be this big a shock, because death will come without warning. Death will come most probably when he is unconscious. But while he is coming...

... seen light. In all your hospitals there are glaring lights, tube lights, and the child suddenly faces the light. Most people are suffering from weak eyes because of this; later on they have to use glasses. No animal needs them. Have you seen animals with glasses reading the newspaper? Their eyes are perfectly healthy their whole life, to the point of death. It is only man.... And the beginning is at...

... sometime in the future, after death. Death itself is such a fear. But that was not enough for them, because the natural instincts are really very powerful. And why were they against the natural instincts? - because those natural instincts go against the vested interests. Let me explain it to you. In India, Krishna had sixteen thousand wives. Now, what about the fifteen thousand, nine hundred and ninety...

... punishment; but if you kill a brahmin, then it is the death penalty. Not only in one life but in the coming seven lives, again and again you will be murdered, killed; only then will the punishment be over. The temporal power protects the priest, the priest protects the temporal power. The priest says, "Krishna is no ordinary man, he is God's perfect incarnation and you should be happy that he has...
.... When you come just as a visitor, then it is okay; I am not hard. I have to be very, very polite when you come as a visitor -- that is the trap. Once you are trapped, then I become hard. The woman has not taken sannyas yet; she should take sannyas and see. Come closer to me... you will be coming closer to your own death. Love is death. You will have to die; only then can you comeclose to me. You will...

...Love Is Death...

... Osho The Beloved Vol 2: Love Is Death Main Books Headers Help Your browser does not support iframes. < Prev  Osho The Beloved Vol 2   Next > Love Is Death From: Osho Date: Fri, 10 July 1976 00:00:00 GMT Book Title: The Beloved, Vol 2 Chapter #: 10 Location: am in Buddha Hall Archive Code: 7607100 Short Title: BELOV210 Audio Available: Yes Video Available: Yes Length: 81 mins...

.... MOKSHA or liberation is not a geographical thing. It is not somewhere: it is not after you die, it is a recognition, a recognition of here and now. Be free of all seeking. There are only two types of people in the world: one, who are continuously seeking. They seek and they never find, because seeking is not the way to find. They seek one thing, then another thing, then another thing; they continuously...

... commit suicide -- a spiritual suicide -- who are ready to die, only they can be reborn, and only they can be close to me. It has nothing to do with me. I am there, available to everybody. My invitation is there for you to come. It depends on you. But if you come just to become close to me, envious of others who are close, you are coming close for wrong reasons. Then your rope will be just around your...
... this position for ten minutes. He had been tested at many medical institutes, and doctors around the world had given him a death certificate. In those ten minutes they could not find any sign of life. It was his agreement that he would go out of the body, and, "If you find no sign of life, you have to write a certificate for me just the way you would for any dead person." They could not...

... hundreds of death certificates, no man in the world got so many death certificates, and from very prominent people. Ordinarily one is enough! Obviously he proved beyond doubt that what you call death is not real. Only his outer heart stopped. The inner heart, which you have not found yet, has the capacity to go out of the body. Sometimes accidentally, in deep hypnosis, it happens that you suddenly find...

... yourself floating above your body. Your body is lying down on the floor, and you can see your hypnotist sitting there by your dead body. If a certain doubt arises in this moment, then death will happen. But if you are under hypnosis, doubt cannot arise. You have trusted the man to hypnotize you, and because doubt does not arise, when the man calls you to come back, your body -- the astral body, the inner...

... such an accident, he may not return to the body at all. Everybody will think it was an accidental death, but it was not accidental, it was very intentional. The person decided not to return. But nobody can catch hold of him to take him to the court. Here in this Buddha Hall it may happen many times, but don't talk about it to anybody. If you feel sometimes that you are hovering, don't be worried...

.... Just one hit of Nivedano's drum and you will jump back into your body. That's why it's so safe to tell you to die, because I know you cannot go far away in two minutes. You will be just here, hovering. Just a good drumbeat and you will hurry back, "Everybody is coming back, what am I doing out here? My body is there." Be quick, because somebody else may enter. That is the only problem I...

... SPLASHING ON THE ROCK, SIT UP: NONE CAN PURCHASE PLEASURE SUCH AS THIS: SPANGLES ACROSS THE STEP-MOSS, A MILLION COINS! To be in absolute simplicity, to be in such silence ... You are no more mortal human beings. Every day I am reminding you about your immortality, about the fiction of death. It never happens, it has never happened. You are beyond destruction. Question 1 Maneesha has asked: OUR BELOVED...

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