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... anything else. And it is so entire, so complete, that it needs no other support. But mind always wants some technique, because mind can control the technique. Mind is a technician; technology is its field. But watchfulness is beyond its control. It is beyond it, it is above it, and in fact it is the death of the mind. If watchfulness grows in you, mind will die. And all these people, like Maharishi...

... always outside. Just watch. The mind is always inside. Don't be identified with it. Unidentified, you will become more and more clear, and the mind will die on its own accord. The death of the mind and the birth of watchfulness is the beginning of your evolution. And the light will not be far away - it is the light. The darkness will be gone, because when you are light, darkness cannot be around you...

... her. There was a bond between them that they would live together and they would die together. They loved each other so much. Finally she died, but because of her desire for the husband to come in search of her, she became a ghost. And she still lives here. "After she died, her small hut was removed and this building was made, but she still lives here and she still waits. Every night she comes...

... aware when you are angry, when you are not angry, when you are feeling good, when you are not feeling good. But you have not used this watchfulness consistently, scientifically, deeply, totally in every phase of the mind. And to me this word contains the very essence of meditation. Question 2: BELOVED OSHO, IN DISCOURSE THE OTHER NIGHT YOU SAID THAT AT ONE'S DEATH THERE IS BUT A TWO OR THREE SECOND...

... of me what I have said so I can die satisfied that I have transferred the message that may have come down from father to son for centuries." The message was simple. The father said, "If somebody insults you, irritates you, annoys you, just tell him, ?I have received your message, but I have promised my father that I will answer only after twenty-four hours. I know you are angry, I have...

... understood it. I will come after twenty-four hours and answer you.' And the same with anything. Give a gap of twenty-four hours." The nine-year-old boy repeated what the father said, and the father died, but because it was such a moment the message became engraved. As he repeated the message, the father said, "Good. My blessings will be with you, and now I can die peacefully." He closed his...

... it makes the head warm, and that I don't like. But its softness is incomparable. And the reason why this tree grows this cotton wool around the seed is that when the seed falls from the tree it should not fall under it. It is a very big tree with long branches and a great shadow underneath it; the sunlight never reaches underneath it. If those seeds fall underneath it, they will die. They will...

... thing: if I can take it out, that is enough proof that it is not dangerous. And I have brought it in my pocket. If it were dangerous, I would be in danger... although I don't have any children, any wife, any problem. If I die, I die, and the whole world dies for me. But can't you see a simple, reasonable thing? - that if I can hold it in my hand"... and I would take it in my hand and bring it...

... profession. I can leave the snake in my neighbor's house, and they will all run out when the snake is going in, and then I can suggest to them that the only way is to call you. Only you can catch it." They said, "We never thought about it. This is a good idea." And I helped those poor people. Help came even from people like doctors - because everybody is so afraid of death. One doctor was...

... only one thing: if some planet comes close to black holes, it is simply sucked in, and it disappears out of existence. That is the death of the planet. Because of the black holes, some scientists have assumed there must be white holes which give birth to new planets. That seems to be logical because in existence there is always a polarity. Black holes are almost certain. White holes are still a...

... holes are meant to decreate - and they are doing their work. Every day some planet, some sun, dies, and the way it dies is by being sucked up by a black hole. It is just like death: death is a black hole into which you are sucked. But you are born into another womb. Perhaps there are white holes; perhaps on the other side of the black hole, there is a white hole. So on this side the old is dismantled...
... the implication? The yes is meaningful only after you are capable of saying no. If you are incapable of saying no, your yes is impotent, it means nothing. Hence, the camel has to change into a beautiful lion, ready to die but not ready to be enslaved. You cannot make a lion a beast of burden. A lion has a dignity that no other animal can claim; he has no treasures, no kingdoms; his dignity is just...

... in his style of being - fearless, unafraid of the unknown, ready to say no even at the risk of death. This readiness to say no, this rebelliousness, cleans him of all the dirt that the camel has left - all the traces and the footprints that the camel has left. And only after the lion - after the great no - the sacred yes of a child is possible. The child says yes not because he is afraid. He says...

... all kinds of measures; particularly, that he should not become aware of sickness, old age, death, sannyasins. He should be kept in such a way... almost blind to these realities, because anything can trigger the idea of renouncing the world. The king said, "Don't be worried. That much care I can take." Three great palaces were made for him for different seasons, so he never felt the heat or...

... happened to him?" The charioteer said, "This man, seeing sickness, disease, old age, death, renounced the world. Before death comes, he wants to know the truth of life - whether life is going to survive after death or death is all, and everything finishes. He is a seeker of truth. He is a sannyasin." This was like a lightning. Twenty-nine years of his father's efforts simply disappeared...

.... He told the charioteer, "I am not going to inaugurate the youth festival, because where disease happens and death happens, what is the point of being young for few years? Somebody else can do it. You turn back." And that very night, he escaped from the palace in search of truth. The camel has changed into a lion. The metamorphosis has happened. Anything can trigger it, but one needs...

... such proofs, and anybody who can give such proofs can be dangerous. Her father told him never to come to his house again. Van Gogh said, "But what wrong have I done? Your girl has asked me to give proof of my love. I can give proof even by my death. My love is greater than my life." Although he was saying tremendously meaningful words, he was pushed aside and the doors were closed. His...

... going to be opened; they would die with them. They would live with them and they would die with them. And there were three or four thousand prisoners in the Bastille. Revolutionaries thought that it would be a great joy for those poor people to be freed. So they went to the Bastille.... People were living in dark holes, somebody for thirty years, somebody for forty years - somebody has even lived...

..., one person is going to die - five hundred million people will die. And what kind of life will it be when you are surrounded by corpses? There will be nobody to even take those corpses to the funerals to burn them. And when so many people die, millions of diseases will spread. It will be beyond the capacity of anyone to save the remaining living ones. But no politician will even hint about it. We are...

... in your aloneness you should also be a creator. If you are not a creator, you will go insane. If you are a creator, even in your solitude you will be able to maintain your intelligence - not only maintain, but bring it to its fullest expression. THERE ARE EMOTIONS THAT SEEK TO KILL THE SOLITARY; IF THEY DO NOT SUCCEED, WELL, THEY MUST DIE THEMSELVES! BUT ARE YOU CAPABLE OF BEING A MURDERER...
... wanted to remain anonymous. That is the way of a true disciple. He effaced himself utterly. The day Ramakrishna died, you will be surprised, M died too. There was nothing more for him to live for. I can understand... after Ramakrishna it would have been far more difficult to live than to die. Death was more blissful than to live without his master. There have been many masters, but there has never been...

... Gurdjieff - which is not a great book, that is why I am not going to count it, but I am just referring to it - Bennett says: I came to Gurdjieff tired and exhausted after a long journey. I was sick, very sick, thinking I was going to die. I had come to see him only so that before I die I could see those two eyes again... my last experience. He came to Gurdjieff's room. Gurdjieff looked at him, stood up...

.... He lived for almost one and a half centuries. He was seven feet tall and one hundred and fifty years old and still there was no sign that he was going to die. He decided to leave the body - it was his decision. Shivpuri was a silent man, he did not teach. Particularly a man who had known Gurdjieff and his tremendous teaching would find it very ordinary to be with Shivpuri Baba. Bennett wrote his...
... difficult, and in a way a long death: nine months, absolute bondage, no possibility even of movement, no thinking - not even breathing. The child cannot even breathe. He is so dependent on the mother that he only breathes through the mother - he cannot breathe. He has no heartbeat; mother's heartbeats are his. But these nine months are needed. Then there is a crisis: the birth. The child resists being...

.... Whatsoever is said, falls down, doesn't reach it - and it always goes beyond." Parabrahma means the transcendence which always transcends everything. This is the ultimate goal, because this is the ultimate existence. And unless one achieves it, one remains in death, in misery, in SAMSARA. By samsar is not meant the world; by samsar is only meant the wheel of life and death. The word "samsara"...

...; means the wheel, the constantly moving wheel - birth, life, death; birth, life, death - and the wheel goes on moving, and on and on. This constant wheel in which we are caught is samsar. If we can jump out of this wheel, these are the three steps: from the "I" to "thou," from "thou" to "that," and from "that" to the all - or to the nothingness, or to...
... how to die consciously, you will know what life is. And man comes to know life only in utter death, never otherwise. The total death is the beginning of resurrection. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...

... when I am surprised, I choose the dead.] Everything is perfectly right. Just start a meditation every night before you go to sleep - a death meditation. In the beginning, lie down for ten minutes, turn the light off and start feeling that you are dying. Get into the feeling of dying... dying... dying.... Let the whole body be dead and feel that you are disappearing from the body, receding, receding...

..., receding. You have left the circumference the body completely - you are at the centre. Just a small light, at the centre, and all is dead. And in that state fall asleep. This feeling that comes to you is not anything wrong; it is just a natural indication from your unconscious that you have to meditate on death now. The unconscious is sending you a message of tremendous importance - that if you can learn...
... priest himself was on the verge of death after three weeks of starvation. All those people of the house were taken into the hospital, and the priest was asked, "You had money in the house -- because the police found those four thousand dollars." He said, "I would rather die, and I would rather my wife and my children die, but I cannot betray my faith." And even in this situation...

... accepted that yes, she is having intercourse with the devil. Naturally, you cannot suffer infinitely. There comes a point when your spine is broken. And what is the point? These people will go on beating you, will go on torturing you, will go on not giving you food, not giving you water -- so what is the point? It is better to accept what they want. Death was better than to be in the prisons of the pope...

.... They chose death knowing well that once you accept in the court that you are having a love affair with the devil, it is a very summary trial. The woman confesses, the judge immediately orders that this woman should be burnt alive in the marketplace so everybody can see, and everybody can find out if there are other witches in the village, in the town, in the city. Just the idea that a woman could be...

... was huge, there were millions of trees, and God pointed to two trees -- "you should not eat from these two trees." One tree was of knowledge, the other was of life eternal. What kind of father is this who prevents his own children from being wise, intelligent? and prevents them from being eternal, from going beyond the circle of life and death? What kind of God is this? Even the Christian...

... birth, life and death, eternally. Who is committing the sin, God or the devil? or Adam and Eve? Being without any prejudice, you can see that God is the criminal. And God does not know even the abc of psychology. If he had not prevented them from eating from these two trees -- he had pointed out the trees -- the garden was so huge, we may not have discovered even up to now which were the trees. We had...

... complete. I say absolutely, no faith is needed. I teach you trust, not faith, not belief, because faith and belief are in others; trust is in yourself. I want you to trust in yourself. The existence has brought you here, you are still connected with existence; otherwise you will die. Have faith in you, and search your roots with deep trust. But it is not in somebody else -- not in some scripture, not in...

... revolution, getting involved, you will not be able to pray, you will not be able to go to the church, you will not be able to have enough faith. If you have enough faith, then this society, this structure, is made by God; you have to be patient, it is a fire test for you -- your poverty, your sickness, your death, everything. Just be quiet and have faith in God. Just today I have received such an ugly...

... story, you will not believe it. In Pennsylvania, U.S.A., a former Seventh Day Adventist priest, who had been out of work for months, chose to starve himself and his family to death rather than spend money which he had put aside for God. He had four thousand dollars with him, but he had put it aside for God. So, rather than feeding his children, his wife -- they were starving ... How can he touch the...

... opportunity to show his compassion, love, forgiveness. So it is not only a small child, but a very great poet also has the same idea. All these ideas -- original sin, faith, hope, charity -- have not made the world better. They have prevented the world from growing in consciousness, growing in its experience of the real existence, and transcending all poverty, all birth, all death, and becoming part of, one...

... find that nobody there knows anything about Christianity. The Polack pope makes a great effort to explain to Prime Minister Wu, his host -- who speaks little English -- something of the basics of Christianity. "You know," says Pope the Polack, spreading his arms wide, and rolling his eyes, "you must have heard about it -- man-die-on-cross!" "Ah! Velly good!" replies Wu...
... the disciples, to change their wrong habits to make them more integrated, more consolidated, to give them more courage and stamina. And when other students, other disciples will see that hypnotism can be a blessing -- the same man who was so much afraid has lost all fear, even the fear of death; the same man who was always miserable has lost his misery and is always in a state of joy -- more trust...

... that too for the fourth time." I said, "There is no need. Your religion and your religious leaders don't know. Celibacy is possible without repression, and at such a stage I will not call it a crime, but it has to be done through self-hypnosis. There is no need for any vow to be taken." He was immensely excited. He said, "Do whatever... but I want to be celibate before I die...

... servant. But about this celibacy there is a wound in me. Three times I have failed. And I don't want to die a failure in anything." And he was a man of rare courage. I have seen people of different kinds, but I have never found any man of that courage. When he had met me first in Jaipur -- that was his home town -- listening to me, he came, touched my feet and gave me ten thousand rupees. But I...

... die, but you may spend almost the same period under hypnosis as in sleep -- six to eight hours. If you have time then there is no need to say that, because the hypnotic sleep has a totally different beauty: it is so soft, so silent; it is as if you are no more. And suddenly you come back. I said, "Before going into hypnosis, repeat three times, `I want to remain celibate,' and that's enough...

.... There have been experiments proving certainly that the heart can be stopped and the person does not die. After ten minutes he comes back, and the heart starts again. According to the spiritual science, life is just two inches below the navel. The child was joined by the navel to the mother. And the navel was nursing the source inside, two inches below... It has been cut from the mother's life, but it...

... alive -- not even any tension. Hara-kiri developed for a strange reason. It is part of the samurai training in Japan. The samurai is a special kind of warrior. He is a meditative warrior. Life and death are equal to him, but honor, respectability, dignity, is higher than anything else. So if anything happens that he feels is humiliating, then it is not worth living, and he commits hara-kiri. It is not...

... find an opportunity, he would kill an American and then go back to the forest. He was caught thirteen years after the second world war, and when he was told that Japan had been defeated, he could not believe it. He said, "That is impossible. Japan can be destroyed, but cannot be defeated. It is a land of samurais. We live with dignity, we die with dignity." He could not believe it...
..., but I can dig." I brought out that receipt and showed him, and I told him, "The receipt is here. The bank account has not been transferred." He said, "My God, but we have all been believing.... I am not alone; thousands of followers all do this when they die. Before death they give as much money as they can." So one thing: the priests are the most cunning people in the world...

..., PEOPLE ON THE OTHER? WHAT QUALITIES ARE THERE IN MAN SO THAT THINGS DEVELOP THIS WAY? It is a very simple question. Man, as a child, is the most helpless amongst the children of all the animals. Without the father and mother the child cannot survive. He needs absolute protection, nourishment, warmth; otherwise he will shrink and die. The human child is the weakest child in the whole of existence, but...

... there is no paradise for which you have to be greedy. This life, this sun, this ocean... What more do you want? Paradise is here. And if we drop the idea of paradise beyond death, we can make this paradise a thousandfold more beautiful. Once the priest disappears, the most criminal part of humanity will have disappeared. Freedom from religions is the fundamental principle if you want to be religious...

... singing, that you need not be bothered about any paradise or any hell. Man has to be free of his childhood fears, his childhood greed for rewards; then religions will disappear, priests will be gone, and there will be an immense freedom to grow your individuality and your world. I know that within you there is something which will go on living beyond death. But it is not a concern for the moment. If you...

... know how to live this moment, if you know how to live life, you will know how to live death and how to pass through death without any scratch. Question 3: BELOVED OSHO, YESTERDAY, SOMEBODY TOLD ME I'M ACTING LIKE A CHILD AND I FELT INFERIOR. PLEASE COMMENT. That's strange. You should feel superior, not inferior. Acting like a child is a great quality. Yes, the crowd, the mob of retarded people will...

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