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...: SWADHARME NEDHANAM SHREYAH PER DHARMO BAVAHA BAHA, to die in one's self-nature is all, to disappear into one's self-nature is all. Even in death there is resurrection and new life. And to live according to somebody else, PER DHARMO BAVAHA BAHA, IS very frightening. To think of following somebody else's religion, to follow somebody else, is very frightening. But that's what everybody is doing. Your parents...

... - they don't mean a thing. Now you don't have a passionate affair with God, you don't have any intensity; it is not a question of life and death. And many new definitions have appeared, because men ask for definitions, so even people who don't know anything of religion go on defining it: the philosophers define it, the theologians define it, the professors define it. Even stupid politicians define it...

... survive and you accumulate much wealth, and you are very clever and nobody can deceive you and you go on deceiving others, what is the ultimate point? Death will be coming soon, and will take all away. And you will not be able to deceive death. Don't waste your life for that which is going to be taken away. Trust life. If you trust, only then can you drop your knowledge, only then can you put your mind...

... have given you ideas; your teachers, your priests, your politicians - they have given you ideas. And you are trying to work them out, and you are missing all. SWADHARME NEDHANAM SHREYAH: it is good to die into one's own self-nature, because it is there that God is hidden. Be yourself. IT NEVER LEAVES THIS PLACE, AND IS ALWAYS PERFECT. WHEN YOU LOOK FOR IT, YOU CAN'T FIND IT. YOU CAN'T GET AT IT, WHEN...

... YOU DO NEITHER, THERE IT IS! WHEN YOU DO NEITHER... neither are you trying to get rid of it... That's what the communist is trying to do, the atheist is trying to do: to get rid of religion. It comes from the back door - communism becomes sacred, the Kremlin becomes the Kaaba. You cannot get rid of it. Atheism becomes a religion: one is ready to die for atheism. Anything becomes religion - money...

... becomes religion, power becomes religion. Whatsoever you are ready to die for is your religion. If you don't relax into your real being, you are going to find something or other to substitute for it. But you cannot get rid of it; it will come from the back door - in new guises, in new masks, but it will come. The atheist, the communist, the irreligious man is trying to get rid of it. The theist, the...

... saying is how it can become possible, how you can create the occasion in which it becomes recognized by you, how you can remove a few rocks around you of words, principles, doctrines, so that the stream starts flowing. That flow is the flow of God, of life itself. It knows no death, it knows no fear, it knows no greed. Its purity, its grandeur, its beatitude, its benediction, is infinite. I have seen...

... the sun rising in the evening. Come with me so that you can also see the sun rising in the evening. Once you have seen it rising in the evening, darkness disappears, and your night is full of the day; death disappears, your death is full of life. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... understand that there will remain something with you even after your death. But if you think that that is all that you have got after birth then death will snatch away everything. But if you ha;e got at least something before birth, which you feel is not learnt during;ng life time, nor is it taken or obtained from life, but the nature you were born with, them there is no cause for you to be afraid of death...

..., because death cannot snatch away that which you have not obtained from life. But we are all afraid of death, not because it is fearful, but because there is nothing in us, what we life, which can be saved - which can remain with us from death. All that we have obtained from life and others, death will snatch away. It may be fame, wealth, knowledge or personality. That which we have accumulated from...

... Muhammad were the great messengers of peace. But something else happens when their followers create organized institutions after their death. It is very interesting to understand this scientific maxim about the follower. Generally those who oppose that principles become its followers. Mahavira renounced everything but people with plenty of everything, go bow and fall at his feet. Most voracious eaters...

... because he has said some opposite things which do not agree with what our teacher has said, then there will be many such schools of thought in science. Now there have been nearly fifty famous scientists during the last two or three hundred years, and if there were such fifty different circles, will science progress or die? Science could make advances because there is no such circle in the field of...

..., then this face of mine will be a visage - a false face. You have understood what death is, you have known the secret of death and you are leading your life, this also is a kind of visage - mask. You have acquired victory over truth and untruth and you are proclaiming the truth, this is also a kind of visage. I may add one more example, a flute having a hole in it attracts people by its tunes. Is not...
... other. He was staying in a hotel and the number of the room was eighty-two, so he said, "Look, another indication from above -- at eighty-two I am going to die -- that is absolutely certain." And that day also passed. He died when he was eighty-three. Such superstitious people... he was so afraid of death, that's why he was so much concerned about it. He was so afraid of death that five...

... black hole. When I saw my inner life, then I knew that the outer life is nothing but another name for death." The moment the inner is known, suddenly the outer starts fading away. Now, van Gogh is talking in d mystic way -- he is a mystic -- but who will understand? It will take years for people to understand. Van Gogh lived and died unappreciated, unknown. He remained absolutely unknown. You...

... uncertainty is the nature of life. Certainty is part of death. Be certain and you will be dead. Remain flowing, remain uncertain, remain available to the changing circumstances, and you will remain more and more alive. To be totally alive means to live in the moment with no past interfering at all -- then you respond to the moment and the response comes from your consciousness not from your conscience...

..., he was thinking about twenty-eight and twenty-three -- suddenly an idea flashed in his mind: twenty-eight plus twenty-three means fifty-one, and he could not sleep the whole night. He became certain by the morning that he was going to live fifty- one years -- a very great gut-feeling. And he started talking about it twenty-eight plus twenty-three -- fifty-one years and he will die. And the fifty...

...-first year came and passed... and he did not die. Then something else had to be found. The day he was expecting to die, his phone number was changed and the end of the phone number was sixty-two. So he said, "Look, another indication: so now I am going to die at sixty-two." But that day also came and was passing. But the people like Sigmund Freud are not easy... they will find something or...

... times in his life he fainted publicly because somebody started talking about death. He used to faint flat on the ground. Just the IDEA of death! And such a pathological, neurotic person became the founder of psychoanalysis. And he used to project himself: whatsoever was true for him he thought was true for every human being. That is the very limit of nonsense. All that he has said about man is not...
..., surrounded by death, without a concept of God.' That concept helps. One doesn't feel alone; one doesn't feel unprotected, insecure -- hence belief. Martin Luther has written, 'My God is a great fortress.' These words cannot come from a man who trusts. 'My God is a great fortress'? Martin Luther seems to be on the defensive. Even God is just a fortress to protect you, to make you feel secure? Then it is out...

... go purple and you will feel suffocated. And if you go on doing that, you will die. All beliefs suffocate and all beliefs help you not to be really alive. They deaden your being. If you exhale, you trust in life. The Buddhist word 'nirvana' simply means exhaling, breathing out -- trusting. Trust is a very, very innocent phenomenon. Belief is of the head; trust is of the heart. One simply trusts life...

... because you are out of life, you live in life, and you will go back again to the source. There is no fear. You are born, you live, you will die; there is no fear. You will be born again, you will live again, you will die. The same life that has given you life can always give you more life, so why be afraid? Why cling to beliefs? Beliefs are man-made; trust is God-made. Beliefs are philosophical; trust...

... said, 'You just listen and let me die peacefully, otherwise I will feel guilty, guilty against my God. And if he asks me. I will feel ashamed that at the last moment I died in deep distrust. You go out!' The wife went out, unbelieving of course, but a beggar was standing there. When she came back, Mohammed said, 'Look, he manages well, and if we need something, then a donor will be standing outside...

... those pretensions a deep boredom accumulates. Watch people walking on the street and you will see them completely bored. Everybody is bored, bored to death. Look at their faces -- no aura of delight. Look at their eyes -- dust-covered, no glimmer of inner happiness. They move from the office to the home, from the home to the office, and by and by the whole life becomes a mechanical routine, a constant...

... repetition. And one day they die... almost always people die without ever having been alive. Bertrand Russell is reported to have said, 'When I remember, I cannot find more than a few moments in my life when I was really alive, aflame.' Can you remember? How many moments in your life were you really aflame? Rarely it happens. One dreams about those moments, one imagines those moments. one hopes for those...

... that every pair of eyes in the place had turned in their direction. He mumbled, 'I just asked the time, Miss.' In a voice even louder the woman shrieked. 'I will call the police if you say another word!' Grabbing his drink and embarrassed very nearly to death, the man hastened to the far end of the room and huddled at a table, holding his breath and wondering how soon he could sneak out the door. No...

... whole of humanity. Then life is a boredom; then everybody is waiting for death; then there are people continuously thinking of committing suicide. Marcel has said somewhere that the only metaphysical problem facing humanity is suicide. And it is so, because people are so bored. It is simply amazing why they don't commit suicide; how they go on living. Life doesn't seem to give anything, all meaning...
... suffer misery rather than to die and disappear into absolute bliss. People only talk about bliss, nobody really wants to be blissful. They talk about bliss as if they can remain the same and bliss can be added to them as they are. They want bliss also to be a kind of new possession so that their ego can feel more enhanced, more defined, more precious, more enriched. But as the ego becomes more defined...

... thing once forever: whether one wants to live the life of the ego, which is more like death than like life, or one wants to live the life of Tao, which is death in a sense and resurrection in another sense. It is both a crucifixion and a resurrection. The dewdrop disappears, but it becomes the ocean. It loses nothing, it only gains. Sannyas means that you have decided to live the life of Tao, that you...

.... Nothing is ever finished; everything remains incomplete - and remains incomplete forever. You will die, but nothing will be complete. Not even in a single direction your work will be complete, because you are running in all the directions, you have become many fragments, you are not integrated. The mind is dragging you into one thing, the heart is dragging you into another, the body wants you to go...

..., Buddha supports nonviolence; even Krishna in Gita does not support non-violence. Then Gandhi does a political trick again. He says the war in which Gita was spoken for the first time, the great war called Mahabharat, in which Arjuna became aware of the fact that millions of people will die and the whole thing seems to be useless - just for the power, for treasures, for kingdom, to kill so many people...

..., becomes very angry, takes a whip, hits the money-changers, turns their boards, throws them out of the temple. Now, a non-violent person cannot be so angry. If Gandhi was asked, he will say, "Go for a fast. Sit in front of the money-changers and do a fast unto death unless they stop money-changing in the temple. That will be the non-violent way to transform their hearts." But taking a whip in...

... pragmatic; he was a pragmatic man. But Jains are also right. They say that once you allow that meat-eating is not bad, then who is going to decide whether the animal has died on his own or not? And that's exactly what has happened: in China, in Japan, in Korea, in Burma, in the whole of Asia, Buddhists eat meat. So many animals don't die every day on their own accord! All the five-star hotels in the whole...

... of Asia, from where they get the meat? And if this meat comes from natural death of the animals, then why so many butchers exist in Buddhist countries and so many butcheries? - for what reason? Every hotel in Buddhist country keeps a signboard that, "Here only that meat is served which comes from a naturally dead animal - one who has died a natural death." Man is so tricky that he will...

...... who... who is that lady?" "Oh," replied the Archbishop, "she is the Mother Superior of the Sacred Heart Convent!" Things are changing, Mr. Tomato. Your old idea of heaven just exists in your scriptures, in your head. It has disappeared from existence. I am preparing my people in the latest possible way. They will be the first to enter. Three nuns die and they meet at the...
... you put the seed into the earth, one moment comes when the seed is losing itself, and there must be hesitation - the same hesitation that happened to Jesus on the cross. The seed is dying, and the seed must cling to the past. It wants to survive - nobody wants to die. And the seed cannot imagine that this is not death, that soon it will be resurrected in a thousandfold way, that soon it will start...

... bodily birth. The other birth you have to give to yourself, you have to be born out of yourself; you have to become the womb, the father and the mother and the child. You have to die as the past and you ate to be born as the future. You have to beget yourself. That's why I say that the book starts in an incredibly beautiful way - very significant: Jesus begat nobody, Jesus begat himself. That is the...

... meaning of crucifixion and resurrection. The body is crucified, you cannot crucify the spirit. You can destroy the body. you cannot destroy the spirit. The body is gross: the sword can cut it, the poison can kill it; and even if nothing is going to kill it, death is going to come and the body will be gone. It has to go, it is meant to go; it is only there for the time being. Those who are conscious...

... the price that you pay for it. You have to DIE to be reborn. you have to lose all to gain God. Jesus begat himself. That phenomenon happened on the cross. He hesitated for a time, he was very much puzzled - it was natural. For a single moment he could not see God anywhere. All was lost, he was losing all; he was going to die and there seemed to be no possibility... That happens to every seed. When...

... growing as a sprout. The death of the seed will be the birth of the tree, and there will be great foliage and flowering and fruits, and birds will come and sit on the branches and make their nests, and people will sit under the shade of the tree; and the tree will talk to the clouds and the stars in the night, and will play with the sky, and will dance in the winds; and there will be great rejoicing...

... happen. It is a leap into faith. And that leap happened to Jesus: he relaxed on the cross and he said 'Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done...' His heart was palpitating. It is natural. Your heart will also palpitate, you will also be afraid when that moment of death comes to you, when that moment comes when your self disappears and you are losing yourself into a kind of nothingness, and there seems to...

... be no way to survive, and you have to surrender. You can surrender in two ways: You can surrender reluctantly, then you will miss the real point of it, then you will simply die and will be born again. If you can relax in deep acceptance, trust, if you can surrender without any resistance... That's what Jesus did; that is the greatest miracle. To me that is the miracle - not that he gave health to...

... somebody who was ill, or eyes to somebody who was blind, or cured the leprosy of somebody; or even helped Lazarus to revive, to come back to life - and he had died. No, those are not real miracles to me, they are all parables, metaphors. Every Master has given eyes to those who are blind, and ears to those who are deaf. Each Master has brought people out of their death that they call life, has called...
... is. Reality is unbounded. Where do you think you stop? At your skin? Ordinarily we think, 'Of course, we are inside our skins and the skin is our wall, the boundary. ' But your skin could not be alive if the air was not surrounding it. If your skin is not constantly breathing the oxygen that is being supplied by the surround, your skin cannot be alive. Take away the atmosphere and you will die...

... immediately. Even if your skin has not been scratched you will die. So that cannot be your boundary. There are two hundred miles of atmosphere all around the earth -- is that your boundary? That too cannot be your boundary. This oxygen and this atmosphere and the warmth and the life cannot exist without the sun. If the sun ceases to exist or drops dead.... One day it is going to happen. Scientists say that...

... to teach or work about the monastery. Yama Moto was his name. The old man then decided it was time to die because he was of no use to anybody, he could not be of any help. So he stopped eating. When asked by his monks why he refused his food, he replied that he had outlived his usefulness and was only a bother to everybody. They told him, 'If you die now' -- it was January -- 'when it is so cold...

..., everybody will be uncomfortable at your funeral and you will be an even greater nuisance. So please eat.' This can happen only in a Zen monastery, because disciples love the Master so deeply, their respect is so deep, that there is no need for any formality. Just see what they were saying. They were saying, 'If you die now, and it is January, see, it is so cold, everybody will be uncomfortable at the...

... Master who was going to die. He said, 'Where are my shoes? Bring them.' Somebody asked, 'Where are you going? The doctors say are going to die.' He said, 'I am going to the cemetery.' 'But why?' He said, 'I don't want to trouble anybody. Otherwise you will have to carry me on your shoulders.' He walked to the cemetery and died there. Tremendous compassion! What manner of man is this, not to give even...

... treasure. People were happy to help. For twenty years this woman helped a monk who was meditating and meditating and meditating and doing nothing. He was sitting in zazen. She built a hut for him, she looked after him, she took every care. One day when she had become very old and was going to die she wanted to know whether meditation had flowered or not, or whether this man had been simply sitting and...

... sitting and sitting. Twenty years is a long enough time, the woman was getting old and was going to die, so she wanted to know whether she had been serving a man of real meditation or just a hocus-pocus. ONE DAY SHE DECIDED TO FIND OUT... The woman must have been of great understanding herself because the examination, the test that she tried, was full of understanding. ONE DAY SHE DECIDED TO FIND OUT...

... be inside yourself. Soon after the death of Rabbi Moshe, Rabbi Mendel of Kotyk asked one of his disciples: 'What was most important to your teacher?' The disciple thought and then replied: 'Whatever he happened to be doing at the moment.' The moment is the most important thing. So whatsoever you are doing at the moment, if you are on the path of love, do it with deep love, as if you are doing it...
... else has succeeded more in bringing unrest? Perhaps good things become instrumental in hiding bad things. If you want to kill people, you can do so easily in the name of love. If one wants to be violent, one can easily be violent in protecting nonviolence. If I want to kill you, I can easily do so for your own good - because in that case you will die but I will not be considered guilty. Then you will...

... die, you will be killed and you will not complain. It is said that man is an intellectual animal, so naturally, everything he wants to do he finds an intellectual way to do it. The devil has perhaps advised him to select a good slogan for doing a bad thing. The more evil a deed is, the better should be the slogan. The organizations created in the name of religion have neither any relationship with...

... forms of their fears, and the God in front of whom they kneel down is the very projection of their fear. So man runs towards God during difficulties, because he is more fearful at that time. In old age man runs towards God because his approaching death makes him very fearful. Go to the temples and churches: you will find only such people who are nearing death or who are as good as dead. We do not want...

... in the immortality of the soul - and all over his face, fear of death was written. I asked him if his belief was because of the fear of death, because those who are afraid of death feel great solace in being told that the soul is immortal. On hearing that, he became a little troubled and asked, "Isn't the soul immortal then?" I said, "It is not a question of the mortality or...

... immortality of the soul. The question is whether a person who is afraid of death can ever know or search for the soul. Fearlessness is very necessary in the search for truth." I want to say the same to you: A man believes in the immortality of the soul in the same proportion as he is afraid of death. The belief is as strong as is the fear. Can such a man ever be ready to open his eyes to the truths of...

... jungle that has caught fire, it is as good as inviting death if one who has no eyes begins to run. The lame man could see but could not run. What is the value of eyes that have no legs? Then they thought of a way out and saved their lives. What was the method? Very simple. The blind man carried the lame man on his shoulders. This story is not of a blind man and a lame man - it is a story of courage and...

... kinds of cages - - you can never be a Gautam Buddha. You will never know the joys and the blessings and the ecstasies of freedom. You will never know your own eternity. You will always be afraid of death, not knowing that death is a fiction -- it is very superficial, it occurs only on the surface. Inside, life continues forever and forever. But to know all this you need freedom. And this freedom is...


... MANIFEST EVERYWHERE. The enlightened man lives a life of freedom; he also dies a death of utter freedom. Neither life can make him a slave, nor death. Gautam Buddha himself, one day in the early morning twenty-five centuries ago, told Ananda, "Call all the monks together under those two saal trees" -- which he always loved; he used to sit under those saal trees for meditations or for his talks...

... going to die. Now no excuse could prevent him. He rushed to the outside of the city where Buddha's campus was. And he went there and said, "I want to ask one question!" Ananda said, "Now we have told him there is no question, and he has closed his eyes. We don't know how far he has gone, but we cannot call him back. It will be too ungrateful. He has passed through your town so many...

... the mind; I was just going to leave the heart when I heard. It does not matter if I delay a little more before disappearing into the ultimate emptiness, but this poor fellow should not remain unanswered." A Buddha lives in freedom in his life, and lives in freedom even in his death. Death for him is just an episode like other episodes of life. Kanzan wrote: PEOPLE ASK THE WAY TO COLD MOUNTAIN...

... body is separate, the mind is separate, you are only the witness. In life, in death, everywhere you are a witness. This witness never dies. It is your eternity. This is your buddha. Remember it -- you have only forgotten. It is not an achievement, it is just a remembrance. Hence it is easy to carry it around the clock doing all kinds of things, actions, gestures... you can still allow a small stream...
... assertion. It may be so, it may not be so. But as far as you are concerned, the moment you have taken birth, your death is absolutely certain - more certain than the sunrise tomorrow. Why? Even scientists cannot say, "Maybe you will die or maybe you won't die." No, you will die. It is certain! because in the very birth the death has already happened. Birth is already death, one side of the same...

... coin. So if you are born, you are going to die. Scientists say that if you want to make a guarded statement you can say this much: that if every circumstance remains the same, then the sun will rise tomorrow again. With this condition: that if everything remains the same. But the same is not applicable to death. Whether everything remains the same or not, a man who is born is going to die. Death...

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