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... disappears. It is the ultimate death. We can only see the effect; we cannot see the black hole, we only see that one star is disappearing. After the black hole was almost an established theory, scientists started thinking that there must be something like a white hole -- there has to be. If it is possible that in a certain gravitation, magnetic force, a big star simply disappears out of existence.... We...

... have been aware that every day stars are born. From where are they coming? -- nobody has asked it before. In fact, birth we always take for granted; nobody asks from where the babies are coming. Death we never accept, because we are so much afraid of it. There is not a single philosophy in the whole history of man which thinks about where the babies come from, but there are philosophies and...

... philosophies thinking about what is dead, where people go on disappearing to, what happens after death. In my whole life I have come across millions of people, and not a single person has asked what happens before birth -- and thousands have asked what happens after death. I have always been thinking, why is birth taken without any question? Why is death not taken in the same way? We were aware for centuries...

... loving, less hate, less war, no possibility of nuclear weapons. The heart will never give support for any destructive methods to be evolved. The heart will never be in the service of death. It is life -- it throbs for life, it beats for life. Because of the whole conditioning of the society, the method of awareness has to be chosen, because awareness appears to be very logical, rational. But if you can...

... and bigger, and the other part remained retarded. You can see it. In the East there is so much poverty, so much disease, so much sickness, so much death. Still, there is a certain contentment. With all this, there seems to be no revolutionary approach that "We should change the whole world. We cannot go on living in this poverty, and we have lived in this poverty for centuries, in slavery for...

... centuries. And we have accepted everything -- poverty, slavery, disease, death -- without any resistance, because these are outer things. Our whole effort has been inner." In the West they have destroyed poverty, they have destroyed much disease, they have made man's life longer. They have made man's body more beautiful, they have made man's existence more comfortable, but the man himself -- for whom...

..., objects. They forgot themselves completely. Once in a while a genius remembered, but it was too late. Albert Einstein, at the time of death, said his last words -- and remember, the last words are the most important a person has ever spoken in his life, because they are a conclusion, the essential experience. His last words were, "If there is another life, I would like to be a plumber. I don't want...
... nature take its course. You will make us beggars before the world. "At least right now we have our dignity. We are not beggars; we are not hungry, we are not starving. What can one do? People understand it: disease comes, people die; death is natural. I understand you perfectly," he said. "Don't carry the misunderstanding that I have not followed your idea - your idea is one hundred...

... womb is disappearing, going somewhere which is inconceivable, simply evaporating. For the womb, it is a death. And if you can under stand the psychology of the child who is being born, to him also it appears like a death - because the child has lived a certain kind of life for all those nine months. Scientists say that perhaps never again will he live so pleasantly - no possibility of ever being more...

... mother's womb, in that very loneliness, you were simply alone. There was no question of the other; the other had not even arisen in your mind. So the child also feels that it is going to be a death, certainly the death of the life that he has known. As far as the life that is going to come, he has no idea of it, no information; nobody ever told him about it. All that he knows is that he is not going to...

... be what he was; perhaps he is not going to be at all. Without the mother's womb he cannot imagine himself in any way. He is in a shock, perhaps the greatest shock of life. Even death is not that great a shock, because while the child is coming out of the womb.... Up to then he had even been breathing through the mother, he had not taken even the trouble to breathe on his own - and he is being...

... mother is relaxed - not in words, I am not saying that he is thinking, I am saying feeling, that the mother is relaxed - that means there is no fear, that means there is no death; he can also relax. But humanity will have to learn it. Even the birth of the child appears to both the child and the mother something like a calamity. In creative processes, where something is going to take birth, yes...

.... They cannot stop a maniac destroying people, and they go on with great grandeur in the U.N.O. making speeches. That's their whole business. Sheela was just saying to me - she met somebody on the plane who is in charge of Ethiopia, where millions of people are dying. Never before in history has death been so close to so many people, and in such an ugly way. For four years there has been no rain, and...
..., just as in the darkness of night the stars are so bright. The darker the night, the brighter are the stars. In the day they don't disappear, they simply become invisible; you cannot see them because there is no contrast. Think of a life without death, and it will be unendurable pain, an unendurable existence. It will be impossible to live without death. Death defines life, gives it a kind of...

... intensity; because life is fleeting, each moment becomes precious. If life is eternal, then who cares? One can wait for tomorrow forever -- then who will live now and here? Because tomorrow there is death, it forces you to live now and here. You have to plunge into the present moment, you have to go to its ultimate depth, because who knows, the next moment may come, may not come. Seeing this rhythm, one...

... comes, you remain still, silent, accepting. And the person who is capable of being still, silent, accepting of pain, frustration and misery, transforms the very quality of misery itself. To him, misery also becomes a treasure; to him, even pain gives a sharpness. To him, even darkness has its own beauty, depth, infinity. To him, even death is not the end but only a beginning of something unknown...

... lives through illusions. He cannot live with reality; reality is too much, it hurts. Have you not seen it in your own life? Fall in love with a woman; she was so beautiful when she was unavailable; when she was beyond your grasp she was like a Cleopatra. And once you are married to her you are fed up with her, bored to death. Now you cannot believe how you managed to see Cleopatra in this woman; she...

... consolation, to create a little cozy atmosphere. If it is not real, at least you can dream, you can fantasize, you can believe that if it is not real today, tomorrow it is going to be real. Go on kissing the frog, and sooner or later he will become a prince. These are make-believes. People believe in the immortality of the soul because they are conscious of death -- not that they know the soul is immortal...

..., but just because they see everybody dying, they know the certainty of death. Now, how to escape from a certainty? Create a fiction. Remember, I am not saying that the soul is not eternal, I am simply saying that people's belief that the soul is eternal is a fiction. The belief is a fiction. People believe in a God who cares, because they feel so uncared for. Nobody cares about them, they feel so...

... left alone, nobody seems to be interested in them; whether they live or die will not matter. They have to create a father figure high in heaven who cares for them. Even if nobody cares, God cares. It is a great solace. In the name of religion, in the name of literature, in the name of poetry, music, we have been creating fictions -- we create a few buffers around ourselves, so the shocks of reality...
... indefensible. Light is security, darkness is insecurity. Light looks like life and darkness like death. Afraid, scared -- not only psychologically, but biologically also, because man has lived for thousands of years in the dark, in the night, in the wild, forest, caves, and the night was the problem because wild animals would attack and man was indefensible. So when fire was invented, fire became the first...

... will not even be aware of what is happening; nobody will know that we have died. The whole planet will die -- the trees, the animals, the birds, man, everything! Life exists through the sun -- it is warm, welcoming. Darkness also has beautiful things about it. It is infinite. Light has always a limit; darkness is limitless. And light is, deep down, an excitement, it excites you; darkness is...

... absolutely unexciting. Light is warm, darkness is cool, cool like death, mysterious. Light comes and goes; darkness remains. That's why the Essenes called God the dark, the night, because light comes and goes, darkness remains, darkness is eternal. Light seems to be an episode, it happens. You can arrange for light, but you cannot arrange for darkness; it seems beyond you. You can put on the light, you can...

..., then too death will happen. If you choose one opposite of the polarity, if you choose one polarity, everything will be dead because life exists between polarities -- war and peace, both; satiety and want; contentment and discontentment, both; hunger, want, desire, passion, peace, satiety, contentment; the way and the goal, both. Difficult to comprehend, but this is the truth. It is God who desires in...

... opposite to it. In the past warriors were beautiful people; now warriors are just ugly. War doesn't give you anything; otherwise, it is an adventure, it brings you to a peak of existence, you put yourself totally into it. Warriors were beautiful: they encountered death, they went to meet death on the front. Now a warrior is nowhere to be seen -- he is hidden behind the tanks, throwing bombs, not knowing...

... man who dropped the bomb, he was not aware who was going to die; and then he went back home and had a good sleep. He had done his duty, hiding himself. What type of war is this? It has become ugly. In the old days, to be a warrior was one of the greatest possibilities -- bringing your potential to a peak. But now it is nothing, it is just like an ordinary mechanical duty: you push the button and the...

... woman, where man has to be thrown off the center. That too will be lopsided. God is both male and female; there is no choice. And male and female are opposites: dark and light, life and death. And opposites are there. A hidden harmony has to be sought. Those who come to know the hidden harmony, they have realized the truth. GOD IS DAY AND NIGHT, WINTER AND SUMMER, WAR AND PEACE, SATIETY AND WANT. SEA...

... one has to watch and see, without any prejudice. Not every war is bad and not every peace is good, and one should not become addicted. For Nietzsche, every war is good; for Gandhi, every peace is good -- both are addicted. And God is both. Says Heraclitus: SEA WATER IS AT ONCE VERY PURE AND VERY FOUL... For fishes it is life; for you it can become death. So don't create absolute ideas, remain...
... has not solved a single one. My old problems are exactly where they were. New problems have certainly arisen out of my philosophical thinking." And that is the experience of all thinkers, all philosophers. Philosophy is thinking about the unknown, about God, about life after death. You don't know what life is before death, and you think about the life after death. My emphasis is, please know...

... what life is before death, because if you can have an experience of life before death, death will disappear in that very experience. Death evaporates. Then there is no death; life is eternal. But rather than experiencing, the philosopher goes on thinking, and you have to make the clear-cut distinction between thinking and experiencing. One can think about food, but that is not going to nourish one...

... small things of life. He rejoiced in eating, drinking, friendship. He loved companionship, he loved the whole life. But Christians down the ages have painted him as very sad. They have painted him always on the cross, as if for thirty-three years he was always on the cross. And my own understanding is that a man like Jesus will not die sad, even on the cross. He must have laughed before he died...
... away from them. They cannot even walk, they drag. They don't live, they only slowly die. They are all waiting for death to relieve them of the pain and the suffering of life. It is very rare to find a human being who has not contemplated committing suicide once or twice. On average, four times in his life every human being thinks of committing suicide. He does not do it, that is another matter. Maybe...

... matter they are one year ahead. And once death settles in you, it kills you slowly slowly. It is not that you die suddenly when you are seventy or eighty; that is only the completion of a process that started at the age of three or four. Have you ever noticed the fact that if you try to remember backwards you cannot pass the barrier of the age of three? At the most you can remember when you were three...

... he has no guts to do it, maybe he is afraid of what is going to happen after death. Who knows? It may be far worse than life itself. At least life is known, familiar; it is risky to move into the unknown. Indians don't commit suicide much because they believe that they will be sent back again, so what is the point? - millions of times you have to be born. All Indian religions seek and search not...

... for God, remember, but for freedom from life, freedom from the circle of birth and death. How can these people rejoice and how can these people be thankful to God? They are complaining and their complaining is very loud. They are saying, "We don't want to be born. We never wanted to be born. Why didn't you ask us first? It is unfair! It is not a gift, it is unfair to send us into a life which...

... seriousness. You have to drop this seriousness because it has been forced upon you; this is not your nature. You did not come serious into the world, you came laughing. Each child is bubbling with joy and by the time he is four he starts dying. The age of four for the boys and the age of three for the girls is the time when death starts occurring. Girls are always ahead of boys in every way; even in this...

... success. Be more rich than others. Be competitive. Be jealous. Be possessive. Fight!" - a fight for things which are meaningless. Then you lose your joy, then you lose your laughter. Then life seems more like a nightmare than like a beautiful joke. Vimalkirti, it is a cosmic joke. And my vision is that the future religiousness is bound to be rooted more in life than in death, more in laughter than...

..., meditation. All these great things would not have been possible without women. The people who started thinking about all these great things were people who were tortured by women. These were their escapes, escape routes, so they could tolerate whatsoever was happening around. They could hope for a paradise somewhere after death. They lost all hope in life because they knew wherever they went some woman was...
... energies... then sex continues to the very last breath. The last idea in most people when they die is of sex, and that is the great contribution your society has made to you! The last moments should be of peace, it should be of remembrance of one's own being. It should be of a deep experience with existence, so that death does not look like death but only a changing of the house. And Milarepa's sex urge...

..., you say, "Listen, I want a second opinion. Is there another doctor in the hospital?" They say, "There are many; you can have as many opinions as you want. But about you, there is no problem. It is very simple: You are dead! Now, no sickness is possible for you, no infection, no tuberculosis, no cancer, not even death is possible. Everything has happened!" You ask the other doctor...

... night's rest in the bathtub." He said, "I will die!" I said, "You are ready to die but you are not ready to drop your fever?" He said, "I have dropped it - just look! When you were gone, I tried a few times, dipped my hand into the water... it is too much! It is better to to drop the fever. I don't have any fever." I said, "Do you have any other disease?" He...

... starts having fever. "Now you have created a more dangerous thing." So now he will go to the examination. He cannot remain in this bathtub for a whole night. He will die. Certainly, he will die. "And I am too young," he said. "This is not the time for me to die." I said, "This is time for you to pass the examination!" Seventy percent of sicknesses can be cured by...

...: your life has an abundance of energy. You only need to know how to provoke that energy to function in your favor, how to make that energy a dance, not a destructive lifestyle. Meditating, watching your mind, you can get free of much that is only your imagination. The moment you are aware inside, no imagination can survive. It is bound to die. And Milarepa, the second question you are asking... before...
... aggressive to others, the violence will return back. It is dangerous, it is costly - even an Adolf Hitler or a Napoleon has to pay for it. They die a death of sheer violence which is returning back to them, falling upon them. You spit in the sky and it falls on you; you dig a ditch for others and someday you fall into it yourself. Cunning, calculating minds understand the fact that to be violent with...

...,AND THE WINE RUNNETH OUT, AND THE BOTTLES PERISH: BUT THEY PUT NEW WINE INTO NEW BOTTLES, AND BOTH ARE PRESERVED. RELIGION CAN BE HEALTHY - as healthy as a new born babe, as healthy as the songs of the birds in the morning, as healthy as a newly opening lotus. Or religion can be ill, diseased, dying - just like an old man: shrinking, sad, moving.into death. When religion is young, it has a fragrance...

..., then it is life-negating. Then it leaves the world, it leaves all that is alive. It starts being suicidal - it shrinks. Life expands, death is a shrinkage. When you are young, you are flowing in all directions. When you are old, you are frozen. You no longer flow. You only grumble: you become hard, the flexibility is lost. When religion is young, alive, it is ordinary. It has nothing in it to fulfill...

... the ego - - it is very ordinary. In fact, in its very ordinariness, it is extraordinary. It is superb in being just ordinary. Life is enough when religion is young; no other God is needed. Then life is God, life is divine. When religion becomes old and ill.... Everything becomes old and ill, whatsoever is born has to die. Even a religion is born one day, lives for a while and then dies. But...

... beard and cut my hair Buy myself some bullet-proof underwear I am the liberated Christ And I have got no blood to spare. Christians have made him totally different. He was not like that. He was a rebellious man, an extraordinary revolutionary. And he lived it, he lived his rebellion. He was not a theoretician: he lived it, he died for it. He loved life so much that he was ready to die for it. But he...

... will die. If you become a celibate, you cut the passage for the future generations to come. If celibacy and fasting become absolute, life will disappear from earth. Those who are against life - they have praised fasting as a method, celibacy as a goal. The question is relevant: "Why do we, the disciples of the Baptist, fast often, and the rabbis and the Pharisees do the same, but your disciples...

... death. People have learned the trick: that if you fast, you can live a minimal life. Then there is less danger. Anger will not be possible, because anger needs energy; love will not be possible, love needs energy; joy will not be possible, joy needs energy._ Life is a play of energy; everything needs energy. So if you live at the minimum, you are just barely alive. Death is always at hand. Remember...

... stones at him; when he is gone, he is worshipped. This has always been so. Human stupidity is tremendous! When Jesus is gone.... A totally different type of religion is created at his death, diametrically opposite to his being, because those who create the religion when Jesus is gone are the sad people. They are head-people, hung-up in the head. They create the religion: they gather together, they call...
... move on a different path than they had ever moved on. When you think about crucifixion you become afraid, as if you are being crucified. You don't know that Jesus cannot be crucified. Only his body' not him. When you think about crucifixion, you think of yourself being completely crucified and killed. You do not yet understand about life and death. That is the meaning of the story of the resurrection...

... took Jesus seriously. Buddha was never taken that seriously. We could tolerate him. "lt's okay, let him do his thing. Nothing much is going to happen out of it. Why kill him unnecessarily? By killing him, there may even be more danger because the death will create a stir." Jesus, if he was in India, would have become one of the AVATARS. But nothing much. Nothing much - we would have...

... sophisticated minds function. When Buddha died.... Of course, he was a very important man, one of the most important ever born in India, one of the most influential. How to cope with him when he has denied Hinduism? Hindus have created a story about it. They say that God created the world, heaven and hell. Centuries and centuries passed. People would die and immediately they would go to heaven. Nobody would...

... love; only when your energy is flowing will you be able to know; only when your energy is flowing will you someday be able to transcend death - otherwise not. But very few in the ashram work as a worship. Many go on avoiding. Not that they want to meditate, because if they want to meditate then the thing will be totally different: they can meditate with their work. But they would like to d3 all the...

... is part of the situation. Man is a part, a very small, tiny part, and the whole is vast: a drop, a very small drop, and the whole is the whole ocean. A trembling arises: "I may be lost in the whole; my identity may be lost." That is the fear of death. All fear is the fear of death. And the fear of death is the fear of annihilation. It is natural that man is afraid, trembling. If you...

... accept it, if you say that this is how life is, if you accept it totally, trembling stops immediately and fear - the same energy that was becoming fear - uncoils and becomes freedom. Then you know that even if the drop disappears in the ocean, it will be there. In fact, it will become the whole ocean. Then death becomes nirvana, then you are not afraid to lose yourself. Then you understand the saying...

... of Jesus: "If you save your life you will lose it and if you lose it you will save it." The only way to go beyond death is to accept death. Then it disappears. The only way to be fearless is to accept fear. Then the energy is released and becomes freedom. But if you condemn it, if you suppress it, if you hide the fact that you are afraid - if you armor yourself and protect yourself and...
... to wait. But we go on postponing - to the very moment death comes and takes the gift back. I was reading: "Three men were engaged in one of those profitless conversations which involve all of us at one time or another. They were considering the problem of what each would do if the doctor told him he had only six months to live. Said Robinson, 'If my doctor said I had only six months to live...

..., the first thing I would do would be to liquidate my business, withdraw my savings, and have the biggest fling on the French Riviera you ever saw. I would play roulette, I would eat like a king, and most of all I would have girls, girls, and more girls."" This man must have been postponing - postponing for death. When a doctor says you have only six months to live, then.... But that too...

... seems to be just a wish, he may not be able - because when the death knocks at the door, one is so shocked and shattered.... When death has come near you, how can you enjoy? You could not enjoy when life was close. When life is receding farther away each moment, how can you enjoy? This is again just a way of believing that if it happens, then 'immediately I will start living'. Who is preventing you...

... from living right now? "The second man said, 'If my doctor said I had only six months to live, the first thing I would do would be to visit a travel agency and plot out a world tour. There are thousands of places on earth I have not seen and I would like to see them before I die - the Grand Canyon, the Taj Mahal, Angkor Wat - all of them."" Who is preventing you? Why are you waiting...

... for death to come and then you will go and see the Taj Mahal? Will you be able to see the Taj Mahal then? Your eyes will be so filled with darkness that the Taj Mahal won't look like a Taj Mahal. It will be impossible to see when death has come into the mind. It will make you blind. An inner trembling will overpower you. You will not be able to hear, you will not be able to see, you will not be able...

... give you future, who can again tell you, 'No need to be worried - you can still postpone. No need to be in a hurry - death is far away.' You will find, you will seek someone, who can still give you hope. Hope is a way of postponing life. All desiring is a way of postponing life, and all beliefs are tricks how to avoid that which is and how to go on thinking about that which is not. God is not. Life...

... and politics. He cannot be patient, because time is running fast. Only a religious person can be patient, because he has come to know the quality of eternity. Paradoxically, the religious person knows that this life is going to end, but underneath this life there is a life which never ends. Paradoxically he knows this time is going to end in death but hidden beneath this time is eternity. If you...

.... And later on he said, 'I feel clean." This is the eastern attitude. If you are centered, nothing can be destroyed. No fire can destroy your centering. Not even death is capable of distracting you. And this centering is possible only if you start living each moment meditatively, fully alert, aware. Don't move like an automaton. Don't react like a mechanism. Become conscious. Collect yourself...

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