Osho Downloads


Official world-wide open statement by Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya

Issued on January 13, 2015.
(Updated on January 24, 2015).

(may be edited periodically to remain current)

Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) Certificate logo
Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) Certificate logo

Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) Title Certificate issued to Mahasattva Anand Veeren (Viren), Acharya
Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) Certificate Title information.

Just remember this: NOBODY can prevent you from getting ANY Osho information, regardless of anything. This also applies to taking down or blocking any web site, video or audio on uTube or any other net resource that distributes any information related to Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh). No such sites or resources may be blocked or resource removed without an agreement of the person or a party that posted it, regardless of anything.

Specifically, any corporation, foundation, meditation center or any organization allegedly doing some work in the name of Osho, may not, under any circumstances, request a removal of any information or any net resource, and if they do so, let them know that they are committing a crime, and of the highest order, crime against the Truth itself and they will certainly have to face the consequences of it, whether they realize it or not.

For one thing, I, Mahasattva Anand Veeren, have a veto power on any and all decisions of this kind, and not only to Osho related information distribution, but anything whatsoever that is done in the name of Osho or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh as he is known in the "spiritual" community or otherwise.

This means that my single voice is sufficient to block and make utterly "no go" any decision, especially in regard to copyright related and information distribution related issues.

And, to make sure we understand each other as to what it means, let me tell you this:

Even if the whole world or any so-called court or even any "corporation" and/or foundation using the words "Osho" or "Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh" in its name, regardless of its purpose and intent, objects this decision, it does not matter either to me nor to Truth, even an iota. Like it simply does not exist or does not apply to reality. Yes, they certainly can do all sorts of destructive things, as they forever do, but they have no power or authority to cancel or annul the essence and the meaning of this message or its effects that will continue to exist and remain in force even if I am not around in the physical form any longer. This means that this message can not be canceled.

Otherwise, they will be violating his word, his wish, and, effectively, his will. He has given the public and precise instructions as to "power" and "authority" of those to whom certain certificates were issued in his name.

Going against his will in this respect is in essence denying him, his work and his word, which is an exercise in futility, and is criminally-minded in its very meaning and intent. Because only a criminal mind can place his own interests above the interests of Truth for the sake of his pathetic petty concerns of his childish ego for the sake of "survival" or benefiting from someone else's work and parasiting on it.

This decision is final and no objections of any kind and from anyone, including the "corporations" or "foundations" bearing his name are acceptable, at least as it stands right now.

-- Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya

Secondly, with torrents, especially with the help of the magnet links, or via BTSync program, to block the information distribution or to make it inaccessible is simply and practically impossible, at least for the "mere mortals". Just enable the DHT and Peer Exchange (PEX) in your torrent program, and then simply click on one of the magnet links, provided by some web page or even in the email client program, either in this document, or elsewhere. That is ALL you have to do to get practically any and all "officially", or even "unofficially" released Osho lectures, video or audio or any other information you wish to access.

How to share Osho related information?

If you happen to have some Osho related information that you think needs to be shared and is still not available from other sources, absolutely the best way to make it available to others is either via torrents or sync collections.

Torrents is by far the most reliable way to distribute any kind of information, be it web pages, PDF files, images, sound/video files or anything else for that matter. With torrents you are guaranteed to get the information in full and in undistorted form, regardless of how slow or unreliable is your Internet connection or how slow or unreliable is the connection of the supplier of information. As long as there is at least one person in the world who is supplying that information, you will certainly get it. Simple as that.

In order for you to make your information available to others, all you need to do is to use any torrent program, and they are all free. We recommend uTorrent, version not higher than 2.2.1. Then, you simply create a torrent using that program that will include all the information you want to make available.

Once a torrent is created, all you have to do is to advertise your torrent file and make it available via all sorts of methods.

The most universal way to provide the information about any torrent is via torrent magnet links, which is a preferable way to exchange the most universal format of torrent description. The uniqueness and universality of the magnet links is a result of using the concept of the unique universal key. That key uniquely identifies a particular torrent. Once you have that key, you can get the the torrent itself, and via torrent you can get the information described by that torrent.

From then on, all you have to do is the advertisement part. The rest is automatic.

The sync approach is even better than torrents. Because it is dynamic in nature, meaning that with a single key you can access a dynamically changeable information collection. The information gets stale, old and outdated eventually and if some collection can not be updated, modified or extended, then you are stuck with the information that is not quite current. With torrents, the collection, once published, can not be modified. That is the main problem with this approach. But with sync approach, you can change the collection any time you want and everyone will automatically get the new version.

Two of the most popular sync programs are BTSync (Bittorent Sync) and Syncthing (renamed to Pulse lately). These programs are verified to work and perform quite reasonably considering the fact that the entire sync approach is a relatively recent development, and so there are plenty of things to be improved or made more reliable and stable.

So, if you are used to the torrent approach, it is recommended to update your tool set and start switching to the sync approach. Yes, torrents proved to be "the best thing there is" with time, and there are tens of version of those programs available for free. So, they certainly work. But that is not "the latest and greatest" approach as of 2014.

Osho torrent collections

Numerous Osho collections are available either via torrents or via BTSync (Bittorrent Sync). To download via torrents you need a torrent program installed, such as uTorrent (recommended).

To download the entire book collection via torrent, click on any of the following links to open it in your torrent program and start downloading.

Note: your torrent program needs to be running, but if you properly associated the .torrent files with your torrent program, then even if it is not running at the moment, it will be started automatically and the collection will be added to your torrent jobs.

The entire collection is zipped in a single file. Extract it into a directory where you want the actual HTML files to go. Then simply double click on the index_Convert_Osho.html or index.html to open the top page in your web browser.

You don't have to be on-line to view the collection, but the search box will work only when you are on-line because it will use the search engine. There is no local search engine provided with this collection because it is a pretty big system and requires all sorts of other things to operate.

If you want to make the web pages look differently, change the CSS file osho.css in the Convert - > css subdirectory.

Osho - Remastered - Volume 1 torrent contains the audio versions of the books that have been released in remastered and fluctuation meditation versions: - Remastered - Volume 1.torrent

To download via torrent magnet links, start the torrent program and click on one of the following magnet links to start downloading. You might have to wait until some people are present to seed the torrent and it might take days if collection is not well supported by other people. But it does not hurt to simply let your torrent program run until someone comes in with the goods.

Note: Please do not just download something and then just go away. Remain on a torrent because you become a seeder (supplier) to others and the more people are there on a torrent, the faster it is to download it, and, probably even more important, the more impossible it becomes to interfere or block the information distribution.

Where to get the torrent program

Well, what is here to say? First of all, if you do not have a torrent program then you will not be able to download anything described here.

Basically, the torrent program is a must, for anyone, regardless of anything. Because it is invaluable tool for information distribution and acquisition. With torrent program you can find and download pretty much anything you can imagine. If the information exists, there is a good chance it also exists in the torrent version, and even if it does not, then once you get it, you can create your own torrent and then distribute it to anyone you feel like.

There are many torrent programs available. And they are all free. Commonly recognized as the best of them all is uTorrent. There are many places on the net to find it. Just make sure you get the right version and a copy. There are some copies around that either have viruses or all sorts of ad-ware, like in the latest versions of uTorrent.

Do a search on "utorrent_2.2.1 build 25302 download" to find it.

Where to get the list of latest working trackers?

The more trackers you have on your Trackers list in the torrent program the better the chances for you to find what you are looking for and to get the maximum speed. The tracker list contained in some torrent may get outdated and there could be not a single working tracker left from that list, and so you will never find anyone, unless you turn on the DHT in your torrent program and other people with this torrent also turn it on.

There are numerous places to look for the latest working trackers. Here's a couple of them:

Trackers Top-500

Go to the last page and start from there. Take one tracker at a time and add it to the tracker list in one of your torrents in your torrents program. Then look at the Trackers in the Trackers tab and see if that tracker shows as "working".

Trackers to Avoid (as blacklisted)

Torrent magnet links

(If download does not start within a couple of minutes, enable the DHT in your torrent program. To find more peers and to increase the efficiency, enable Peer Exchange)

Note: You can find other Osho torrents by doing these searches:

Search for Osho torrents on TPB

Search for Osho torrents on Bitsnoop

Click on the torrent you want to download, scroll down past the file list to where you see:
Additional Information and click on Full Magnet link:.

That should start your torrent program, if it is not running already, and automatically add the magnet link to your torrent job list.

If there are no participants on that torrent currently, then you have to wait, may be for seconds, may be for days, if not weeks, until someone comes to that torrent.


Newly added


  • Osho a k.a. Rajneesh (312 Books) (Uncategorized by religion)
    Recommended mega-collection
    [312 books in PDF format, 400 MB]

    This is the biggest and probably the most supported collection of Osho books in PDF format with plenty of seeders at any given time.

    It is well seeded, which means you should be able to download it within a couple of minutes.


Audio books

Individual lectures





BTSync Latest collections

Osho BTSync Collections

Note: this requires the BTSync (BitTorrent Sync) program installed on your comp.
See instructions here:
Automatic update of your copy of the and sites

Osho Books Master Collection

In BTSync, create a new folder and enter the key ("secret"), shown below. The rest is totally automatic. All you have to do is to start the BTSync and it will do the rest of it automatically. Even if you exit the program before you have completed the downloading, the next time you start it, it will continue from where it is left, until you download the whole thing.

Furthermore, whenever you run the BTSync, you become a seeder to others, meaning you will become a supplier of information, and the more suppliers are on-line, the faster it goes for others during the download and the more people will be able to get it in the fastest possible time.

Osho Books Master Collection

Key (Secret):
Mobile QR Code

Osho books Master Collection

Note: This collection is not interactive and any changes you make to it will not be distributed to others and will be considered by BTSync as your own private copy. The same is applicable if you decide to add anything to it. It will not be propagated and will be considered your private copy.

The master collection of site will be updated periodically from all the changes you make via interactive collection, if they make some sense in our opinion.

But your local copy and local copies of all other people who downloaded the interactive version will be updated automatically, and almost immediately, usually within seconds.

Nature Sounds BTSync Collection
Mobile QR Code

Sounds of Nature Collection

(Note: This is read-only collection, meaning that you can only download it, but you will not be able to propagate to others any of your local changes, such as additions, deletions or modifications of files or directories. If you want your changes to be available to others, you need to have a FULL ACCESS key [key starts with letter "A"]).

AntiMatrix collections torrents

Torrent magnet links

(If download does not start within a couple of minutes, enable the DHT in your torrent program. To find more peers and to increase the efficiency, enable Peer Exchange)

AntiMatrix site - Latest Version

NWO, ZioNazi, Illuminati, Freemason, Secret Societies Vol.1-8

Complete - up to Aug. 2, 2020
[1.79 GB, 31,190 Files, 951 Folders]

Ethnic music is music that is alive

There is a difference between the music that is of the mind, CONSTRUCTED by the mind my manipulation and recombination of mental constructions and the music that has a real beauty, because it is alive.

This is probably the most important characteristic of any music. But what does it mean alive and how does one know it is?

Well, first of all, how do you distinguish something alive from something dead, especially in things like music, and is it possible to distinguish it?

Let us look at it. The prime evidence of something alive would be the criteria that indicates that it lives on as times come and go. It is still there. That is what "alive" means. It does not die for all sorts of reasons. Centuries and generations come and go and it is still there.

WHY is it still there and does not go out of fashion? Well, because it is REAL! It has the real beauty hidden in it and is not merely full of all sorts of repetitive patterns that are artificial in their nature and are merely the constructions of the mind.

Yes, there are also repetitions and patterns present in ethnic music, but at least some of them carry such a beauty and such a profound "hidden message", that one is compelled to listen and repeat it again and again. Repetition, by itself, does not necessarily mean something artificial, created as purely mental construction. There are themes in ethnic music that are so beautiful, so powerful and seem to carry such a depth, that one is simply compelled to repeat it.

How ethnic music is created and how it came to be is nearly impossible to describe or evaluate. But what is clearly visible in it is some structures that came to some people during the creative expression and they were so compelling that they seemed to be alive and as real as it gets. And when other musicians and plain people heard it, they just wanted to also sing and play this melody or a pattern and it began to gain a life of its own. And, as time was passing by, these melodies or patterns did not get stale, boring and were not eventually seen as something insignificant, some passing thing. And that is why and how they have gained a life of their own.

This means that these melodies or patterns are alive and their beauty, wisdom of the ages and their "hidden message" still live on, after generations and ages that came and gone.

That, in turn, means that these melodies or patterns are the carriers and facilitators of the most important thing there is - LIFE itself. They propagate and facilitate Life and Beauty itself and bring joy and real alive feelings into people's hearts.

One interesting aspect of it is that since ethnic music is propagated and loved by the simple people and not just some "professionals", it means it is genuine and not merely an artificial construction. Because it is not a result of the mind recombining the known or familiar patterns, that everyone seems to repeat, to create something "new".

Can intellectual activity be creative?

Question 1:


Anand Savita, intellect is something pseudo, something false. It is a substitute for intelligence. Intelligence is a totally different phenomenon - the real thing.

Intelligence needs tremendous courage, intelligence needs an adventurous life.

Intelligence needs that you are always going into the unknown, into the uncharted sea.

Then intelligence grows, it becomes sharpened. It grows only when it encounters the unknown every moment. People are afraid of the unknown, people feel insecure with the unknown. They don't want to go beyond the familiar. Hence they have created a false, plastic substitute for intelligence - they call it intellect.

Intellect is only a mental game; it cannot be creative. Intellect is imaginative, but not creative. Intelligence is creative. Intelligence creates because intelligence makes you capable of participating with God. God is the source of all creativity. You can be creative only when you are EN RAPPORT with God, when you are rooted in the very existence, when you are part of divine energy. You cannot be creative on your own; you can be creative only as a medium of God.

When the poet creates he is only a medium, a hollow bamboo on the lips of God. And suddenly the hollow bamboo is no longer a hollow bamboo - it becomes a flute. The emptiness of the bamboo becomes full of song, dance, celebration.

Via transcendence
The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4

As you will see yourselves, if you wish to see, you will notice some tremendous depth in the ethnic music, depth that you will not be able to find in any even the most "sophisticated" music created by the "professional" musicians.

People's music is created not after going to some music school and studying all sorts of techniques and tricks on how to "make" music and how to play. Ethnic musicians usually learn directly from the real musicians and not from some "professors" in the conservatories.

There are plenty of other things that could be said about the ethnic music, but the prime and most fundamental aspect of it is that it is REAL and it is ALIVE, unlike nearly all other music there is.

One other interesting and quite unexpected aspect of it is that the ethnic music is meditative in its very nature. When you hear it, you are pretty much bound to "fall" into a meditative state. Just listening to its beauty and its Life carrying nature brings one to this very moment, a moment of beauty and joy. It gives one energy and creates an impetus to BE, to continue, to go on in Life, even if it is sad.

So, what distinguishes the ethnic music from nearly all other music is LIFE. It is the very carrier of Life and eternal reminder of the intrinsic Joy, Wisdom and Depth.

How to listen to music

Well, this is something very significant and even has some key level consequences. That is why it has to be spoken about. Yes, this is one of the most difficult subjects to talk about, but what to do?

Just don't take every word here literally, on faith, because things are not as clearcut as it might look and there are exceptions and border cases everywhere and some things could be interpreted differently. Everything with something as intangible as music is highly individualized and depends on the individual, his needs and a level of his growth.

From the very start, I'd like to mention that one should not be listening to music all the time, like a background to everything you do. Because the effects might be just the opposite to what one hopes to achieve. Because if you are always surrounded by the music, it has a zombifying effect. It takes over your mind and consciousness, or, rather, SUB-conscious, and you, without realizing it, simply become suggestive and passive, like a robot, driven by some program. In a way, it works just like any drug.

Because it may slant the deeper levels of your mind and soul, stuffing it, or jamming it with something that keeps you "busy", at least on the level of your mind, it may become a surrogate to real life. It is not that easy to stay with your mind not constantly grinding something, being busy with something, just to keep it going. That is why many people, on the subconscious level, try to keep their minds busy with something nearly all the time, and the music is one of the simplest and easiest ways to occupy or even stuff the mind, especially on the subconscious level, with something that distracts it from the uncomfortable, difficult or less pleasant aspects of their daily life or work they do, especially if that work is pretty hard on your body.

Furthermore, music is used, nearly everywhere you look, to keep your mind distracted from that which actually lays before your eyes. This is particularly used and abused for the products sales. There is a complete "science" of mind manipulation, created specifically to force your subconscious mind and slant it towards the particular desirable direction or the outcome they wish to achieve, either for the purpose of gain, or to distract you from those things, that you'd better be aware of.

Furthermore, the "modern" music is full of purely mechanical patterns and the sorriest thing is that even those who create that music aren't even necessarily aware that they are simply zombifiying your minds and converting you into biorobots with those endless patterns and repetitions, most of which are not even creative, but may sound as something "cool", simple as that. But what is "cool", no one even bothers to find out.

Patterns, loops and repetitions become a pretty powerful influence on the mind if one keeps hearing them nearly everywhere. They are being constantly reinforced and eventually become some kind of a "norm", something "natural", which is not necessarily true.

Music is a sacred door to the levels beyond physical. Strictly speaking, music does not carry any "meaning". It is not about "meaning", but about what is called an "emotional tone", an attunement to certain wavelengths in the emotional domain. It rather creates certain moods and overall emotional tones and a certain kind of a background for your being, an environment.

But by itself, music is not meant to give you some "answers". Because it is an abstract language of deep emotional overtones. Yes, it may have some pretty powerful archetypal influence, meaning that it may bring you closer to the most fundamental levels of existence. It may contain the "super-symbols" that may create the associations on the deepest levels of your being.

So, probably the "best" way to listen to the music is to LISTEN to it attentively, with awareness. It is like meditation. You don't sit in meditation all day long, nor do you eat non stop. But you allocate some TIME to it, just like for your daily walk. Yes, there are some "border cases", where certain things you do may be benefited by the presence of musical background because that kind of activity allows for gaps in your attention in order for you to switch over to music. There are many cases and situations where music "does not hurt" or may even be something stimulating in certain kinds of activities. But let us not get into all sorts of "nitty gritty" details.

There is another aspect to it. If you are surrounded by the music all the time, then it looses its luster. It is no longer something "magical" and one becomes less and less sensitive to its most important and powerful aspects, such as stimulation of creativity and a sense of joy and beauty. It simply becomes something blend.

If you allocate some time to listen to the music while you are not busy with other things, then you attune to it on much deeper levels compared to those when you merely keep it as a background, something to keep your mind and subconscious busy.

It is well known to the researchers that music stimulates your intelligence. Why? - Well, because it is a highly complex system of structures, interrelations, proportions, harmonies and dissonances, rhythmical, tonal and temporal interrelations. No need to be concerned with this mouthful of "big" words, but what is significant overall is that music STIMULATES the intelligence and "trains" the mind to comprehend all sorts of most complex structures and interrelationships. It is difficult even to attempt to cover all the multiplicity of it.

Music, just like architecture and visual art presents the deeper levels of the mind and being with pretty powerful, yet abstract stimuli that help to establish new pathways and extent the very neural infrastructure of the brain.

So, "the bottom line" here is:

  1. Do not try to "stuff" your mind with music all day long. That is probably the worst idea imaginable. It will simply convert you into a zombie or a biorobot, a functioning machine.
  2. Watch the loops and repetitions. They have a hypnotic effect and will simply stimulate the robot-like, semi-sleeping state of your mind and dull your awareness. As soon as you recognize that a particular piece of music seems to be "banging something into your head" and patterns, loops and repetitions just jump into your conscious, immediately switch it off and go to the next track. And if you notice that some album or collection has too many repetitions in general, avoid listening to it. It will not benefit your awareness or even your mind.

    Because repetitions do not stimulate your Intelligence. Yes, one may claim that repetitions may help to force your mind to stay with some idea, a phrase, a pattern or a symbol repeated continuously, non-stop, like some mantra. Thus, it may look like the mind becomes less busy and more quiet. But even that is not as simple and not as clearcut as it might look.

    They are mostly usable on purely mechanical level, just like beating of your heart or pumping of your lungs in order for the body to function. But that is the extent of it, pretty much.
  3. Watch for aggressiveness and overly strong patterns, especially if they are continuously reinforced and repeated again and again. That aggressiveness, loudness and lots of "boom-boom" will simply stimulate the subconscious fear and insensitivity of your perceptions. The more they bang on your head with all those "boom-boom" patterns, the less you sense it.

    Eventually, you become just like a machine, and, most likely, will become more and more aggressive and insensitive yourself. Again, just like Adolph Hitler said: "Any lie, repeated long enough, eventually becomes true". Simply because you "get used to it" and it will become something "normal" to you. Thus, in a subtle way, you loose your "immunity", the natural protective mechanisms. Because those are all poisons, not music.

    Especially, be aware of the "hard rock" or "metal", "grunge" and all sorts of other so called "heavy" music. Because that stuff is FULL of all sorts of highly negative and destructive suggestions on a verbal, visual and audio levels, programming your minds with all sorts of fake ideas of "freedom", while literally converting you into slaves.

    Basically, that stuff is outright satanic and is specifically designed and developed to slant your perception towards all sorts of evil, rage and other aspects of the destructive, rebellious or "negative approach" of the "dark side".

    Interestingly enough, even the musicians, who play or even compose that stuff, do not necessarily realize what they are doing. They just repeat what "everyone does", forever following each other, like a herd of sheep in zombie stupor of "fashion", and, if their stuff is evil enough and has a potential of converting the people into zombies, they, "all of a sudden", find themselves in a position of some "star", not even realizing the reasons why have they been promoted into a "star" status.

    Remember this: Stars are not BORN. They are PROMOTED by the puppet masters and controllers of all kinds. Basically, there is less of a chance for you to become a "star" because of your talents than for the "hell to get frozen".

    The purpose of that "music" is to make you dull, insensitive and blind, operating on a purely mechanical level of a biorobot, and to lower your level of Intelligence to the state of idiotic stupor, quite literally, so it could be manipulated easier, when so desired, to force you do all sorts of ugly and destructive things.

    Sooner or later, it will become "clear as a bell" to you. Ask yourself a question: what do I need this for? Do you want to become a complete "moron", which is what it is specifically designed for in various "research" institutions, such as the Tavistok Institute of Human Relations? Long subject to cover...
  4. Try to find some time during the day to specifically listen to the music, just like during your daily walk or a meditation. Yes, you can be engaged in all sorts of other creative or semi-creative activity, especially if it does not require mental concentration. Music is a treat, not something to gorge on.
  5. Watch the FEELINGS it creates right in the middle of your chest. Really healthy and stimulating music, beneficial to your very Being is the music that creates joy, peace, silence, a state of presence, a sense of beauty, awareness and interest to BE, to continue, to explore deeper and deeper. Music is a STIMULANT to your Soul.

    If music creates tension, imbalance, anger, aggression, pushiness, desire to destroy and all sorts of other purely negative aspects, ask yourself a question: What do I need it for? - Just to poison my Being? Because that is precisely what it does - POISONING your being and making you more and more dull, insensitive and even violent. Stay away from it, like from a plague.
  6. Lastly, be watchful of so-called "energizing" music. Most of it is either outright violent, aggressive, if not destructive, and simply reinforces a struggle-like or even war-like approach to life.

    Yes, it can help to "rev-up" your body and make you spin your wheels faster. But it is nothing more than a struggle, and, most ridiculously, the struggle with YOURSELF, trying to "concur" it, to "defeat" something. What is there to "defeat" or "concur" in Life?

    Life is not a war and there is no one to "concur", even yourselves. It is about SEEING, not "concurring". It is about APPRECIATION, not an endless struggle and war. All those things simply CLOUD your minds and Souls and create what is known in Yoga as "the ripples on the lake" that prevent you from seeing what is at the bottom of it.

    What do you need more noise and more banging something into your heads for? What are you going to achieve as a result beyond great confusion as to what is what and who is who, who you are and what you are doing on this planet?

Basically, music to your Soul is like a water to a plant. But even a water can kill a plant, if there is too much of it. And even water can kill if it is poisoned.

Music for consciousness

Is this music for consciousness?

First of all, if you like any of the music here, don't just take it without giving anything back, else you will be simply parasiting, and parasiting on Creativity and its fruits is not good for your karma.

So, if you really like something here, and you will, because some of it is some of the most beautiful and creative music there is, no matter what, then why don't you consider going out and buying some albums of the authors you have downloaded, to support the creative people and those who worked to produce, engineer and manufacture it to make it available to you all. Why not?

Because WHO will support them and how and give them some income, so that they could keep working and bringing joy into your Hearts and Souls, if not YOU? Yes, every single one of you counts right now in ways never seen before on this planet, and you will certainly see it and become aware of it in the days and months to come. You can already see it right this very moment, if your awareness is functioning.

Meditation facilitation techniques

Following are several audio recordings that are used for either brain "synchronization" or "brain entrainment" to allegedly facilitate the meditative states.

They are created as a result of numerous research studies of brain activity and observing the brainwave activity in "expert" meditators and then producing the sound wave patterns that allegedly stimulate the Theta brainwaves activity. It has been observed that in meditative state the brain exhibits the brainwave activity in the range of so called Theta frequency range.

We have not done the sufficient study of our own to verify all sorts of quite fantastic claims made as to the reality or benefits of it. But it is something at least to consider. If this really works, then it opens up quite some remarkable opportunities to speed up the growth of awareness.

The music for one of the most powerful Chinese meditation technique called Falun Dafa falls into this category as it was meticulously crafted and designed to facilitate the brain activity in effect, even thought they might not specifically mention it. But, if you ever try that meditation and you are sensitive at least to some degree, you will immediately notice the particular soothing effect made precisely with the help of music.

It may also noticed here that some particular ethnic musical instruments, such as Chinese erhu, Arabian oud, Moroccan pipes, Japanese shakuhachi flute, Japanese and Chinese string instruments and several other ethnic instruments, when played by the master musicians, have a tremendously meditation inducing effect, except we are not going to go into details about it here and will limit it by saying that ANY musical instrument is a miraculous creation. For more information see:

About brainwave altering technologies

Note: Some of these collections require using the headphones instead of regular speakers. If regular speakers are used, the effect will be either significantly reduced or utterly absent. Full frequency range stereo speakers may also be used if a listener is perfectly positioned to produce the maximum stereo effect (basically, the speakers and the listener have to be located at the nodes of equally sided triangle).

Small computer speakers that poorly reproduce frequencies lower than 300 Hz may make it ineffective. The best and prefferable choice is using the headphones when possible, regardless of other considerations.

There are various techniques to produce the very low frequency sounds, that are not directly reproducible by the speakers or directly audible by the human ear, via different modulation techniques. The human ear can hear the sound in the frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 Khz approximately, but brainwave activity occurs at much lower frequencies, generally in the range of 1-20 Hz and thus below audible. That is why brainwave activity sound patterns need to be synthesized via various modulation techniques.

One of them is the binaural beat technology. See:

Binaural beats

Brainwave magnet links

It is noteworthy to say that some of these collections include some of very beautiful, non-aggressive, relaxing and meditative music. So, for the music aspect alone, they are worth considering, regardless of their effectiveness as far as brainwave stimulation of a meditative state or "entrainment" goes. One name that stands out, at least as far as beautiful meditation stimulating music goes, is Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson

Another name worth mentioning is The Monroe Institute and their Hemi-Sync collection, at least as far as meditative music goes.

As to "brainwave entrainment" and its effects see:

Brainwave Entrainment and Marketing Pseudoscience

Brainwave Entrainment and Marketing Pseudoscience

As far as "brainwave entrainment" goes, here's an interesting quote:

"Brain wave entrainment is a real phenomenon and is useful as one method of investigating how the brain works. But there is no evidence, nor any theoretical basis, for any long lasting effect on brain function or that there is any benefit of any kind.

Despite this, there is a huge industry of devices that claim to train your brain waves and have a beneficial effect. I wouldn't waste a dime on any such device.

Brainwave Entrainment and Marketing Pseudoscience

Here is one more article on "binaural beats".

Binaural Beats: Digital Drugs

Different people may find certain binaural beats to be relaxing or energizing. But, we've never found any reliable indication that a binaural beat's connection to our brain is any deeper or more meaningful than any other music track.

We do know for a reasonable certainty that specific claims made by most sellers of binaural beats are not credible, and that there is no reason to think that the effect they're claimed to produce will work for you...

... So, in summary, binaural beats certainly do not work the way the sellers claim, but there's no reason to think they're any less effective than any other music track you might listen to that effects you in a way you like.

If they make you sleepy (like they all do for me), use them to go to sleep. If they relax you or get you amped, use them for that. But don't expect them to be any more effective than regular music.

References & Further Reading

  • Adams, C. "Can Binaural Beats Improve Your Mood?" The Straight Dope. Creative Loafing Media, Inc., 30 Jul. 2010. Web. 13 Feb. 2012.
  • Carter, C. "Healthcare performance and the effects of the binaural beats on human blood pressure and heart rate." Journal of Hospital Marketing and Public Relations. 1 Aug. 2008, Volume 18, Number 2: 213-219.
  • Karino, S., Yumoto, M., Itoh, K., Uno, A., Yamakawa, K., Sekimoto, S., Kaga, K. "Neuromagnetic responses to binaural beat in human cerebral cortex." Journal of Neurophysiology. 21 Jun. 2006, Volume 96, Number 4: 1927-38.
  • Padmanabhan, R., Hildreth, A.J., Laws, D. "A prospective, randomised, controlled study examining binaural beat audio and pre-operative anxiety in patients undergoing general anaesthesia for day case surgery." Anaesthesia. 7 Jul. 2005, Volume 60, Number 9: 874-877.
  • Pratt H., Starr A., Michalewski H.J., Dimitrijevic A., Bleich N., Mittelman N. "Cortical evoked potentials to an auditory illusion: Binaural beats." Clinical Neurophysiology. 1 Aug. 2009, 120, 8: 1514-1524.
  • Schwarz, D.W., Taylor, P. "Human auditory steady state responses to binaural and monaural beats." Clinical Neurophysiology. 1 Mar. 2005, Volume 113, Number 3: 658-668.

Binaural Beats: Digital Drugs

Note about Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson

Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson is one of the top names on the brainwave stimulation and "entrainment" market. He is a prolific author and has produced a pretty large collection of brainwave related recordings.

We can not confirm the claims about the effectiveness of his recordings, as far as meditation facilitation goes, but still, at least from the standpoint of music, it is worth a listen. It is quite relaxing.

His collection of the classical music as a background for his recordings is certainly one of the most exquisite of what is available. It is called "Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Brainwave Symphony".

On the top of it, his CDs are not much more expensive than plain music recordings, so it is worth a buy, regardless of the claims about meditation or anything else.

Meditation music and chants

First of all, and to sum it up, probably the "best" meditation "music" is the sounds of the Planets, just as released, for example, from NASA in NASA Voyager Space Sounds collections.

What is quite wild about it, especially if we listen to the Earth Symphony recordings, is that there is something wild going on. It simply blows one's mind if he is a musician. It turns out that the sounds we hear on these recordings are not just some noise, or even semi-tonal noise, or a pink noise as it is called.

The sounds we hear have a clearly tonal characteristics, meaning that they sound like the notes of a musical instrument, and what is even more "wild" about it, is that they perfectly correspond to the tones of the musical scale, just like notes A, B, C, etc. And that means that our musical scales were not just "invented" by some "genius". They simply represent the Cosmic Proportions.

And, if THAT is the case, it means that all that we know, as to the "materialism" is not only a myth, but one of the biggest lies in the entire history of this planet. Not that matter does not exist. It does, simply because you can touch it. But what it also means that we were lied about the so called "random nature of existence".

Because it is NOT random, and have NEVER been such. There are underlying and most fundamental LAWS operating "under the hood" and this information was withheld from the mankind, just to keep him from knowing the most important and fundamental principles of nothing less than Existence itself.

Space Sounds

Now, about the "real" "meditation" music...

The real meditation music, created by those who are the meditators themselves, is a particular kind of music. Most of the music sold or promoted as meditative is not really meditative. Actually, some of it has basically nothing to do with meditation as such. It is basically a "tripping" music, meaning that yes, it is not aggressive, but, at the same time, much of it, if not most, is inducing the mind trips with all sorts of imagery of artificial and imaginary "beauty" or "tripping" of all kinds.

Basically, the meditation music should not induce any mental activity. That is the whole point of meditation. As soon as you create any kind of imagery or sound association and trigger the emotional level, there can be no meditation in principle. Meditation is emotion-less. In real meditation there is no emotion and there is no thought process of any kind and no evaluation or comparison of anything whatsoever. But this is too subtle to try to describe in words in short span of space we have here.

So, "the moral of the story" is that you need to learn to be aware and distinguish the music that in effect stimulates the mind activity and music that stimulates or reminds you nothing. As soon as it either paints something or reminds you something or creates any kind of imagery in your mind, that's it, it is no longer the meditation music. At best, it could be soothing and create some mellow and consoling "trips". But those are going to be the mind trips, not meditation.

Real meditation can be described in two words: "UTTER silence". That is all there is to it. There is no thought, no picture, no emotion, no joy, no misery. NOTHING. There is only peace, balance and a state of "presence", as some call it. In meditation you are "present" this very moment and are aware or observant of your own Self and all the surrounding.

No thoughts, no comparison, no evaluation, no emotion of any kind.

Not all the music in the list below could be classified as genuinely meditative by those who are real meditators and know about meditation first hand and not from some book. Actually, it isn't quite easy to classify the music as strictly meditative as any music is multi-dimensional. It has nearly infinite number of aspects, some of which may have to do something with meditation, but not all, by far.

But at least most of the music below is not aggressive or violent, at least for the most part, even though most of the musicians and producers are not likely to be the real meditators themselves. So, they start mixing things, adding some embellishments to make it "more beautiful", and trying to make it look like something meditative, but those are just mind constructions for the most part that came out of some stories they have read in some book or from some "teacher" or a "group leader". There are plenty of those nowadays. The "spiritual business" these days is probably the hottest it has ever been in the entire history.

You can also perform your own search to find more meditation music. For example:

Search for "meditation":

Or, you can specify how fresh the collection is in terms of days since publication. For example, the next search will produce only that which was released during the last 90 days.

Search for "meditation":

Note that we are searching only for AUDIO releases, as you can see in the checkboxes below the search string.


Ambient sound samples and textures for musicians

The following collection contains various samples, textures and sound effects that could be used for creating new music. Some of it stands as music by itself and could be listened as any other music and some of it, such as samples, is not meant to be listened as music, but to be used in music composition.


About dancing as meditation

Psybient and other dancey styles, that are not aggressive, like techno, trance, disco, house and other more aggressive styles, is very good for dancing, and dancing is extremely powerful way of bringing yourself and your focus into the energies of your body that easily extend into the energies of your real Self.

It is best to dance not being distracted by other people dancing around you. Because then the ego may get involved pretty heavily and you may start dancing just to "show off" and pretending that you are this or that.

For meditative purposes, it is best to dance alone. Just go into some room where there is some physical space around you so that you don't bump into things if you close your eyes.

Yes, you can also dance in a meditative way when you are dancing with other people, if they are also trying to meditate. But the utmost peak will appear when you dance alone. Because there is no one to "show off" to, or look at to "learn" the movements or anything else.

You really do not NEED anyone's "input" when you dance. Nor there is any need to "show" anything to anyone. So, when you dance alone and feel the powerful energies of your body and your "higher" Self, then you know for fact that it was real and not merely imagined by referencing others.

Then start some soft dancey music and allow your body to express itself in the most natural way. Try not to interfere with your ideas, especially from the past. Just ALLOW your body to move, preferably in smooth and gentle movements. No sharp or overly strong and rapid movements are conductive. Yes, it might help you to throw out some of the neurosis within you, but eventually you have to move beyond mere neurosis and merge with more subtle energies of your body, which will inevitably be more gentle and harmonious, if you allow it and really get in touch with your Self.

Do not try to imitate anything or anyone, and do not try to use some known body movements, seen from others. There is no need for that. It is nothing but a hindrance, as far as meditative aspect goes. The only one that "counts" is YOU.

Try to dance with your eyes closed most of the time. Open them only if you are concerned with bumping into things around you. But stay with your eyes closed and merely observe how your arms, spine, the mid-part of your torso move.

Do not try to visualize ANYTHING, regardless of anything else. Do not project the ideas that may and are likely to arise while you dance.

About the ONLY thing that "counts" is that you become aware of the natural energies of your body, and through them, begin to sense the energies of your "higher", or more "subtle" Self. Yes, they are separate, but that separation is pretty arbitrary, like a separation between your arms and your torso.

The most valuable thing in dancing is the energy aspect, and through that aspect, you begin to perceive the beauty of the dynamic structures you will be painting with your arms and hands.

When you dance, the energies are so powerful that your mind stops functioning and you begin to experience the tremendous silence within, which is what meditation is all about. Meditation simply means utter inner silence, when your mind no longer grinds or focuses on some external objects.

Meditation simply means SILENCE of your mind, the absence of a thought process. Anything else is just noise and distortions.


Chill out





Space Sounds

Nature sounds


World Fusion


Ethnic music is music that is alive

New Age







How does it work?

We will describe a few technical things for those who are interested to know about how does it all work "under the hood". This is not meant to be an exhaustive technical discussion. For those technically inclined, they should be able to find the info elsewhere. This is basically for "mere mortals" or "simple people".

What is a magnet link?

Magnet links are used to uniquely identify the collection of information so the clients, running a torrent program and participating on some torrent, could be found either via tracker list provided by the magnet link or via DHT network which is used for decentralized access to some torrent.

Now, since trackers come and go and some may even disappear forever, if a magnet link either does not specify any trackers or the tracker list, it specifies, does not have a single working tracker, it will be impossible to locate the clients/nodes with this torrent if there was no other way to find them. In this case, the only way to find anyone would be to use the DHT network. The DHT network does not need any trackers. As long as you have the DHT enabled in your torrent program, you will be able to find the other nodes, participating on a given torrent, if they also have the DHT enabled.

The most essential part of a magnet link is the key, which uniquely identifies some collection and allows to find the on-line peers that are currently on line and participating in this torrent.

The key is constructed by calculating the cryptographic hash value of all the files in a torrent collection. Thus, the collection files can not be forged or modified. Magnet link maps exactly one-to-one to the corresponding torrent.

The magnet link does not contain the actual torrent file. It is simply a key. To access the collection, a torrent program needs to find at least one client with actual torrent file currently on line.

Once the supplier client/node is found, then it transmits the "payload" or "info" data from the torrent to the magnet link requesting party. That data contains the full and detailed description, or a cryptographic hash, as it is called, of every single "piece" of every single file in a collection, contained in the torrent files. Once the client has this data, it may start requesting the actual data from the suppliers.

Technically, the only essential information in a magnet link is the key. All other data in the magnet link is optional, even the collection name. It will be obtained from the actual torrent file. But it is a good idea to also provide a few trackers in the magnet link. Else, if DHT is not enabled in the requesting peer torrent program, then it will be impossible to find peers if there are not trackers specified.

But the trackers get outdated eventually and go off-line forever. So, if your torrent was not created recently, there is no guarantee that there exists a single working tracker available on line. That is why the DHT is the final and the best choice of locating the clients. The DHT network can not get "outdated" in principle, because it is not tied up to any particular host. Hosts come and go, but the DHT network still functions regardless.

How to enable the DHT and Peer Exchange (PEX)?

DHT is used to be able to find other people with the same torrent without the help from the trackers. Trackers come and go and their addresses get outdated. So, if you find some very old torrent, the trackers it specifies may no longer exist.

Peer Exchange is used to be able to find as many people participating in some torrent, as possible, and in the fastest possible time.

Peer Exchange means that when your torrent program contacts some other client with the same torrent, that client will return to you a list of all other clients on this torrent it knows about, if he has the Peer Exchange option enabled in his program (and you also have it enabled). This allows for very fast and efficient location of all the clients for some torrent.

Effectively, if you have a Peer Exchange enabled in your torrent program then you become just like any regular tracker for that torrent (assuming the consumer clients have PeX also enabled in their torrent program. Otherwise, you are not helpful to them in terms of finding more peers.)

Different client programs allow you to do it in slightly different ways.

Why sync instead of torrents?

The difference between torrents and sync approach is that with sync your collection remains dynamic and always current, and may be extended, modified or updated by the originating party and all those who have a master key. This means that instead of downloading all sorts of torrents and collections all the time you have just a few key collections that contain all the current and most updated versions of information. Torrents are static in their nature and can not be changed, updated or extended.

Otherwise, the torrent and sync based approaches are effectively equivalent as far as reliability, speed or the ability to distribute the information on a P2P basis.

(P2P stands for point-to-point or person-to-person distribution directly, without any go-in-between or a need for some server that could potentially be blocked by the external parties, whoever they are).

Yes, for "classic" collections it may be prefferable not to change anything in a collection to make sure it is not damaged or changed, with intention or not, does not matter.

But, generally speaking, nearly any information is dynamic and changes or gets updated, either periodically or constantly. So, with the sync approach you have the access to some collection by merely knowing the collection key and all those who are interested in that collection have the access to the "latest and greatest" version of it and are located and connected to it automatically, without any further action.


This is a bit funny. This chapter was commented out because things went to a different place in this document. But, for some strange reason, it was not totally deleted, and now comes the "bang" factor. So, let us look at various things that have to do with awareness, meditation and a state of presence as some call it.

How could meditation happen if you are listening to music?

Well, this issue just came up today, and when I looked at it, it looked as something short of weird. Here's the issue:

The thing is that meditation is essentially a state of presence, a total silence in your mind from thinking and analytic processes. So, from this point of view, when you listen to something, you have you as an observer and that which you observe, which is music.

But doesn't it imply that you mind is functioning? Because in "PURE" meditation, there is no observer and there is no observed. There is no such separation. Else, you have a thought process, and, willingly or unwillingly, there is a subtle analysis going on, such as recognition of musical patterns, rhythms, tones and so on, which, in turn, means that your mind is still present. So, how could there be any meditation in this case?

On the other hand, you have, for example, Sufi whirling meditation that is conducted on the background of the drum beats. The same you can find in Asian meditations. There is often music present. Or, in India, there is a meditation related to concentration on a light candle.

But how could this be the meditation if there is an external stimuli of some kind, which, even though invisibly, triggers the mind processes. at least it may seem that way.

On the other hand, even if you turn the music off or take the candle away, you still have all natural background stimuli, such as environmental sounds, visual things and so on. So, "no matter how you cut it", it seems to be impossible to create the situation that you can be certain represents the "pure PRESENCE".

So, the key point in all this is that it is not the issue of whether there is or there is not some stimuli present, but whether you are separate from it, which means that you do not really "listen", but you merge and become "one" with it, be it music, an image or anything else.

For example, in TaiChi meditations, there is no music and there is no image, but there is only a movement. Yes, music MAY be present, but it is not a required factor. But then again, the same problem. Once you start moving your body, arms and legs, even as gently, as you can manage, still there is stimuli. Again, it is you, who is a doer and there is that movement of your body, which you "observe".

Finally, we cover the issue of the analytic mind versus the perceptive mind. See: Meditation, states of the mind, mind confusion

That gives us a key: the very fact that you are trying to meditate while listening the music, or doing some variation of meditative dancing, does not necessarily imply that there is an analytic or evaluating component of the mind functioning.

The perceptive mind is still functioning. Otherwise, you could not recognize anything, and the very fact of presence of perceptive mind does not imply that there is necessarily a thought process involved.

Thus, some use the term "choiceless awareness" to define the state of meditation. Because the choice implies a thought. You can not make a choice without a thought. But a thought means analytic and evaluating mind. But if analytic mind is functioning, no meditation is possible, by definition.

So, the key to recognize whether you are really in meditation or not is that if you sense that you are separate from music, or a visual object, or a body movement, in case of dancing, or even walking, for that matter.

You can as well do the "walking meditation", and it is probably one of the most effective of all the known techniques. Because it is simple, natural and there is nothing to be done in particular, just walking naturally is all it takes. No thinking process is necessary, no evaluation, no comparison, no memory, no projections into the future.

Just PURE walking in UTTER silence. All you have to do is to try to walk in the places that are not busy, such as a park, a quiet residential street, a sea shore, a forest or a field. But in ANY case, all sorts of stimuli will still be present, be it in form of the birds singing around or sounds of cars passing by.

The "bottom line" is this: as long as there is a separation between observer and the observed, no meditation is possible. But once you become "one" with the music and are not trying to attentively distinguish or recognize some patterns in it, but simply ARE, are PRESENT, then "you are in a good shape" and you can indeed meditate.

Does it clarify anything, or it makes it even more confusing?

This whole issue came up today in the context of the Fluctuation meditations. Because there was a claim made that you can indeed meditate even while listening to his lecture, that seemed quite illogical today.

But that could be clarified in the same manner. You are not really listening and analyzing the WORDS. You simply become a perceiving process, so no though or analysis arises or is necessary.

But indeed, no meditation is possible if there is ANY kind of thought or analysis or comparison or memorization or a projection into the future present. The words themselves are not that important. What is important is your STATE of consciousness and presence "in the moment".

No need to worry about those words or try to understand them, because your subconscious mind still records them, and so well, that nearly any words or phrases you have ever heard in your entire life could be in many cases recalled via hypnosis.

So, if you do not listen to the words CONSCIOUSLY, there is no problem or associated fear of "forgetting them". Because you won't, even if you will in your conscious mind.

Does this make sense?

About fluctuation meditations

The purpose of the fluctuation meditation is to show you how your consciousness fluctuates, comes and goes, disturbed by a thought process.

When listening to fluctuation meditation version of the books, adjust the volume in such a way so that you hear music, but not too loud so it interferes with a lecture.

If you set volume too low, you will not hear music. But if you set it too high, then music may interfere with listening the voice and your attention may be more with music then with the voice because music is very beautiful and very powerful.

If volume is properly adjusted, your consciousness will be pulled-in, just to hear music. Then you kind of refocus your awareness to listen to the lecture. The ideal balance is when your consciousness fluctuates between the music and the voice.

Eventually, you may be able to stay on the foreground and be fully aware of the lecture and yet hear the music at the same time and be fully present in the moment, which is what any meditation is all about - being in the moment without the thought process. If you can do that, you may consider yourself to be a meditator and issue yourself a certificate, signed by Mahasattva Anand Veeren.

Good luck, and not to worry - it does work.
"Or you money back!!!"

Walking meditation

Walking meditation is probably one of the most accessible and, at the same time, effective meditations there are.

Because it is simple, natural and there is nothing to be done in particular, just walking naturally is all it takes. No thinking process is necessary, no evaluation, no comparison, no memory, no projections into the future.

Just PURE walking in UTTER silence.

All you have to do is to try to walk in the places that are not busy, such as a park, a quiet residential street, a sea shore, a forest or a field. But in ANY case, all sorts of stimuli will still be present, be it in form of the birds singing around or sounds of cars passing by.

The easiest way to do it is during your daily walk. Basically, it is highly beneficial to allocate at least half an hour a day just for walking, and not merely walking while being busy with your life. Because that kind of walk could easily trigger the mind evaluation processes, analysis and thought, since you are in the middle of "doing something". Thus, the thought process is pretty much guaranteed to happen.

But when you are on your daily walk, for half an hour or so, there is basically nothing to think about. You might be doing your "daily routine" walking to downtown, getting some coffee, looking at some chess players or whatever your "routine" implies.

Walking with awareness: awareness test

What is very interesting about walking meditation is that it is relatively easy to recognize that you are in fact meditating.

Basically, meditation, "silence", awareness or "presence" or "choiceless awareness" or absence of thought process are pretty much the same thing, even thought one may find some pretty subtle distinctions, that are, however, not of much importance, or at least of prime significance.

All of these terms imply the same thing: silence from the analytical processes in your mind, such as judgment, comparison, labeling and classification, or memory associated activity, such as recall of the past, or projections into the future and so on.

Basically, the analytical and "reasoning" mind wants to classify everything, so it all reconciles and "fits" into some already made box or compartment in it. Otherwise, it feels at a loss and keeps grinding the information and memories, desperately trying to "fit" it somewhere in its warehouse of already "known" or seen.

Else, the new information challenges the very notion of "I", which is a byproduct of that very mind. So, unless it finds a "solution" for new information, some label to classify it, it will be working tediously, trying to evaluate it, compare it to other things, or fit it with the existing labels inside it and so on.

But how do you know that you are meditating and not merely imagining something, or grinding your past or are concerned with the future events and things like that?

Well, it is pretty simple, actually. Simply walk in a moderately busy street where you see people passing by, but not necessarily TOO busy, to the point that you might encounter bumping into people nearly constantly.

So, the "trick" is this: when you walk, OBSERVE the faces of the people walking in the opposite direction, so you could see their "nature" and energy they project, consciously or unconsciously, and observe their bodies and the degree of their intensity. Then simply LOOK at them and see if you can "see" or sense their energy and their emotional state, their mood, the degree of relaxation with which they walk, or the degree of sharpness and aggressiveness with which they walk, and things like that.

You may also observe their body structure, proportions, correspondence of their clothes to the energy they project and many other things like that. It does not really matter from which angle you look at everything. Actually, looking in a neutral way, without any "angle" to it, is probably the most productive way, closest to the state of meditation.

The thing is, in most cases, you will be able to see quite a lot about them, and it is very simple, and, moreover, they can not simply hide it, simply because that is what they ARE, which may be perceived on the energy level directly.

You can easily recognize that they smile, or their faces are tensed or relaxed, or they are in "deep thought", seemingly walking utterly unaware, even of themselves, or their face expresses anger, sorrow, self-pity, joy, self-pride and many other things.

The point here is that if you ARE able to sense those things, regardless of whether it was the "right" view or "wrong", then it is pretty much guaranteed that you are AWARE at that moment, even though, again, the definition it is not that clearcut. There is virtually infinite variety of aspects available.

Because if you are walking and are NOT aware or "present", then it is pretty much guaranteed that your analytical thought processes are engaged. The same thing if you catch yourself going through your memory and grinding the past events, doing some comparison of what you see and what you know, either in resentment, or condemnation, or desire for revenge, or some pleasurable or "funny" moments and so on.

Now, try not to look into their faces, and especially their eyes, in aggressive or in overly inquiring way. Because you will be projecting the energy of subtle aggression towards them, or are being "overly curious" about their inner and "private" affairs and so on.

If you observe that some of them sense the energy you project by the very fact of looking into their eyes, even in the most neutral manner, and especially if you recognize that they are giving you a look of "what do you want from me", or "get out of my way", or "I am the controller here" type and all sorts of other varieties of "feedback", then it is probably better to switch your look elsewhere. Else, you might be inviting a conflict or challenge of some sort. Just pretend that you are merely "looking around", but remain watchful at the same time.

But they may sense your look and also look at you in a relatively neutral way, but are also interested in you, just like you in them. Then there is no problem. Because you do not actively project or unduly intrude into their space. You are just looking at them out of mere curiosity and are simply learning all sorts of other aspects, personalities or energy projection kinds, known as "thought forms".

But what is interesting here is that when you DO notice that you do recognize or sense their energy or aspects of their clothes, the kind of walk, assertiveness or clumsiness of their walk, then you are likely to be "present", which means aware, which means there is no thought process involved. At least there is a fair chance of that.

One thing to remember is to look without evaluation: "this man is ugly", "that woman looks like a witch", or "that guy looks like a complete bozo", or "what a bull!", and ALL sorts of other evaluation, comparison, judgments, condemnation and so on.

But your senses or the "perceptive mind", as I call it, are all functioning, and in fact, might be even better than in many other situations. Because the perceptive mind sharpens in meditation, just because there is no hindrance from the analytic or "reasoning" mind, creating the unnecessary "noise in the information stream" which you perceive.

So, what happens with a little practice is that you will be able, with time, to see their very ESSENCE in terms of energy they project or are identified with in their mind, and once you are beginning to sense it, than you are nearly certainly "in the moment" and what you are doing in fact is the same thing as meditation, or "choiceless awareness" or silence in your mind.

And, with little practice, you will certainly know and recognize that you are in fact in a state of meditation or "presence" or silence.

And that is the whole point of meditation, prayer and so on.

In that state of inner silence, your "perceptive mind" will become open to much more subtle and deeper levels of Being and existence.

You may begin to unnoticeably perceive much more subtle energies and aspects of SEEING the very essence from somewhere "out there". In other words, you are switching the level of existence from the gross physical reality to more subtle aspects of Being, that are well "beyond" this world, even though this is not an entirely correct definition. Because there is no "beyond". It is ALL-inclusive.

But, indeed, there are what is known as "LEVELS of DENSITY" of energy and they correspond to different observable levels and/or aspects of Being.

The most "subtle" level is the level of Light. At that level, many laws of physics simply break and are unable to describe or measure all sorts of things. At the level of Light, the physical domain ends.

The level of Light is the neighboring level of the level of LOVE, ALL-permeating and ALL-inclusive.

As the energy gets more dense, we go to the "deeper" or more primitive levels where we begin to experience what is known as "distortions". The more "dense" the energy level, the more distortions of the Prime Essence is there.

The human beings, by the sheer fact of possessing the physical and "tangible" bodies are said to be on the 3rd level of density or Being, just above the 2nd level of animal world. The 1st level is rocks, minerals and so on. The 3rd density is distinguished from the 1st and 2nd in that it provides the mechanisms for being "self-aware" or "self-conscious". The Being becomes "aware of itself".

So, "higher" means that you are "above" the pretty "dense" physical level.

That means that in the state of meditation or "presence" you, and quite tangibly, "shed off" or "shunt out" or "switch off" the "noise" from the pretty gross physical level, and are now open and perceptive to the more subtle or "higher" levels of Being.

In that state, the exchange and intercommunication between the energies from different levels of Existence are available. Not that it is entirely NOT available otherwise, because there are "bleed throughs" or exchanges between the levels available even during the gaps between different thoughts.

Basically, the the process of communication between the levels is available pretty much any time. Except during the moments of "heavy" "identification with Prakriti", or nature, or physically perceivable, one is simply lost and is totally identified with gross physical level. But it does not necessarily mean that the "channels of communication" are totally blocked. Because it is not so. Yes, you might have some glimpses, or nearly instant moments, or "flashes", lasting less then a wink of an eye, but the "channels" of communication are not necessarily totally closed. Some things still "get through".

Does it make some sense?

"The bottom line" here is this: this technique does work indeed, and I even claim that it is one of the easiest and most accessible among all the techniques available to the "mere mortals" that do not have much idea and have never been in the state of meditation.

And I say this because I did verify it to work. It is not just some "pretty theory" "about and about". Actually, this is probably one of my most favorite methods or techniques.

What is interesting about it is that with time you will be able to have the "quick meditation" or "presence" session even while you walk in your house, or get up from a chair and walk to the kitchen. Yes, it may only last a few seconds, before you start "doing" your "next thing" in your Life, but, nevertheless, you can do it ANY time you want. ALL it takes is just a few steps with AWARENESS. Simple as that.

And once you recognize yourself to be in meditation, even for few seconds, that's it. From then on, it can only increase. Because what took place in effect is that you have recognized your HOME reality. And, from then on, there will be no need to even bother with questions of "who AM I?". Because you KNOW "who you are". That is why it has been said:

You are IT!

Finally, keep smile on your face all the time, morning to night, and feel peace and joy in your chest. With practice, you will be able to do it nearly ANY time you want.

Because it is not something "supernatural", "out of this world". It is your BIRTH RIGHT to claim from you childhood and up to your last breath in this physical world of pretty gross illusion.

Meditation can not be just drilled into you head, or "concured"

This is one of the most subtle "points" about the meditation.

It can not be just "drilled" into your head or "concured". And you can not just "grab" it as something tangible, something that you can "put into your pocket". Nor can it be "achieved".

That is why there is a Zen notion of "effortless effort", which might look like some kind of a logical absurd, which it is not.

So, what is "effortless effort"?

Well, first of all, it implies that there IS indeed some "effort", just as it is expressed in the New Testament of the Bible:

"Look and ye shalt find".

Looking is a must. Without even looking, what can you expect to "find" and how? According to what mechanism and what logic? If you don't even "look", then what you have is the equivalent of "I don't care" or "I could care less", which is a DEAD-end.

"Looking" is the very intent. One needs to have an intention, an intent to find, even if he/she isn't quite clear what it is that he/she is looking for. But the very intention creates an impetus. You may call it "the impetus to BE", the "desire" and interest to be, to explore and so on.

So, "look" is a must, even if you are interested in meditation. Looking is a certain kind of projection of inquiring energy. It is like a beam, and it IS, actually.

But then there is a problem. If you are TOO aggressive or too "obsessed" with this looking, then there is a chance that you might miss it, even if you found it. Because of certain obsession with the object you are looking for. So, "on the way of Life", you might be looking for some specific thing, such as joy, love, peace, "understanding", "seeing" or whatever you are looking for. But, on your "way" you might be MISSING those things that come your way "naturally". If you are looking for a strawberry, you might not even notice a roaring bear nearby.

So. If you make yourself a GOAL to meditate, it is not likely to happen. Simply because you are obsessed with pretty primitive IDEAS in your mind about that, which you do not even know, and that is meditation. How can you possibly meditate if you do not even know what it is and "how does one feel" meditating? How can you even recognize it? And, most importantly, how do you know that it is nothing more than a THOUGHT in your mind, a certain desire, based on some book about meditation that you have read, and not something you have ever "experienced", even though the very term of "experience" is inapplicable to meditation.

So, many people, if not the absolute majority of all those that either try to force meditation or even make claims that they are meditating do not realize that it is nothing more than a thought in their mind, a certain idea, and the most ridiculous thing about it is that they really do not know what they are talking about.

You can not just drill the meditation into your mind, nor you can hammer it into your head, like a nail. Simply because it creates a HINDRANCE to something as intangible as meditation is.

You can not just GRAB it, and if you try to, it has been said:

What you have in your hands is dust, and NOTHING but a dust.

This is highly complex and multidimensional statement and we are not going to go into it at this time. But there is more in it than meets the eye.

But briefly, in passing, first of all, what you can "have" in your hands is pretty gross material things, tangible things. In fact, the very idea of "having" is the very root of this gross material illusion, or "distortion", as some call it.

And meditation does not "belong" to the gross material world, and that is precisely why you can not "grab" it.

So, the "effort" must be there, else nothing is likely to "appear out of nowhere". But that effort must not be something tangible, something that you can "measure" in weight or size.

Meditation is rather an absence than presence. It is an absence of "identification with Prakriti", the "material" or tangible world. It is an absence of the analytical processes, the evaluating processes, the memorization or projections as a result of some future expectations.

But without the very intention, it is not likely to appear. Unless you "have" it more or less permanently, or, even better said, unless it becomes a PART of WHO you really are, or, even "stretching" it further, it is like a habit and it becomes more or less permanent. It is like when you learn to ride a bicycle, you can not unlearn it from then on. It becomes a part of who you are.

So, the very term "effortless effort" has tremendously valuable "built-in" assistance on to how to distinguish the false from the real, at least in terms of recognition of the very state of meditation.

Yes, you do have to have a certain craving for it, even simply because you are interested about this "miracle" of meditation, which it is, in fact. Because it does look more like a "miracle" that have "descended upon thee", than some object that you can reach or grab.

Because the meditation is the BRIDGE between the worlds and levels of Existence, or densities, as some call it. So, "the other world" simply means that you "ascend" to a lower density, become less "heavy", and the less "heavy" you are, the more subtle insights you are likely to perceive or to receive, as of necessity. Because you DO "receive" ALL sorts of assistance, from the levels that are much less dense than merely physical level.

Via meditation, the channels are open. About the only thing "required" at that point is your intention, your "asking" for either assistance or simply inquiring to obtain some information from more subtle and less dense levels.

And once you ask, and sincerely, then it is allowed to provide the assistance, but not the direct answers that may interfere with your free will. Basically, no interference is allowed from the higher levels, that may change or affect your own position on it, if you were to make a decision about it on your own, without the external interference.

This principle simply makes sense even from the purely logical standpoint. Because it assures the maximum diversity for the Infinite Intelligence to evolve or "develop" in ALL possible directions and dimensions. Because if there is any kind of interference, then it reduces the probability of developing in NEW directions, in NEW ways, so the very process of Creativity is impacted.

That is why it was said: "forget ALL about meditation". Because it looks more like a RECOGNITION, rather than active attempt to "grab" it.

And, furthermore, the very availability of it is pretty much GUARANTEED, if you have such an intention and "relax" about it. About ALL you need is to find the next road post on your way. You make a step, then look around and see if you can still recognize the situation of where you are. And so, with every step, you CHECK to see if it still looks "real" for you and you can still recognize things.

But you can not just "jump" into the "end-goal". Because meditation can not be reduced to some materialistic and "achievable" concept, like a goal.

It is rather like a gentle breeze, a very slight movement of an air, which you do recognize for what it is.

So... "The moral of the story" is: ALWAYS proceed with meditation step by step, and every step you make, make sure you can be certain of what it is and you can RECOGNIZE it as something "real" to you, something that you can certainly sense as something that does indeed exists or occurs, and not merely an idea, an illusion of some sort, that have arisen out of distortion of "That Which IS".

That is why walking meditation could be one of the most certain ways to slowly and gently "progress", while recognizing it every step of the way.

But if you decide "I am just going to sit right now and meditate", while you do not really know "how it feels", then what you are likely to "receive" is nothing more then the next ILLUSION.

When you are on the level of a "novice" and you sit, close your eyes and TRY to meditate, HOW can you possibly know and RECOGNIZE that you in fact ARE in the state of meditation? By grabbing or clinging to what IDEA "about and about and about", but not IT?

Yes, one of the most clearcut tools and methods is the very recognition of your STATE of "presence", and that can be done via simple fact that there are no thoughts in your mind and it is utterly silent, even though the thought may come in nearly immediately. Because the recognition "lives" next door to thought. As soon as you recognize something, it may immediately trigger the EVALUATION or comparison of it with other things. Because that is precisely how mind "works".

Actually, it can be even claimed that to merely recognize something, ALREADY triggers the subtle pattern matching, which will require the comparison. But let us not get sidetracked here.

The very fact of recognition triggers the "sorting" activity to put that, which you have recognized, into some compartment or a box in your mind.

Well... What can I say, but I hope we are not even more confused then what we were before.

Interestingly enough, in Raja Yoga Patanjali the state of meditation, which is called dhyana, follows immediately the state of concentration. What is noteworthy here is that it is quite realistically possible to concentrate on some object without your mind just wandering and flickering around, jumping from one thing to another, from one memory to another, from one "hope" to another, just like a monkey.

So, the fact that you can STAY with any object, regardless of what it is, and your attention is not switching from one thing to another, and, in fact, you can not even claim that there is any kind of attention present, means that you are just one step away from meditation. And even more than that, at the point where the very attention disappears, that IS the state of meditation already.

Because you can RECOGNIZE that your "attention" is not flickering or jumping from one thing to another. So, your mind does not keep switching from one thing to another. From that state, just a slight breeze of "effortless effort" puts you straight into the state of meditation. Furthermore, you recognize that state by the fact that you no longer even have an attention. The very object just disappeared, even while you are AWARE of it. Thus "choice-less AWARENESS".

The object is there and you are AWARE of it. But there is no evaluation or comparison of any kind. In that state, you simply ARE and the object IS. But there is no longer any separation. Neither you are it, nor you are NOT it. The object, as such, simply disappeared with all its evaluable properties, but it is there as mere IS-ness, beyond any description and evaluation.

"Oh, my GOD!!!" We are getting "deeper and deeper" with this.

And that is why it was said: EVERY step of your "way" to the state of meditation, keep remembering that you DO have to be able to RECOGNIZE things. Simple as that. These are like the road posts along the road, like knots on the rope that you can grab and climb up "higher and higher".

And that's Ito, my humble friends. I hope we are done with this one. If not, well, depends on how much you "CARE". And how SINCERE you are. The rest is easy.

Meditation, projections, visualization

It was pretty strange to see "Osho" saying "do no project", and this is one of the most subtle issues one can imagine. Why? - Well, if you do not project, you can not even walk, just to be blunt.

In order for you to do anything, you have to project that which you are about to do into the "future". You don't simply start doing things "out of nowhere". "In the beginning" there is a thought, which is already a projection of some "thought form" or a "mental image" as some call it.

How do you know what to do or what do you want/wish to do? Well, you have a thought, an idea, be it some expectation of the favorable outcome. That is why it was said in the New Testament "you do not commit sin when you are actually doing it, you commit it the very moment of conception (a thought)".

The thing is, a thought it not just something that comes out of nowhere. It ARISES out of your present situation, past knowledge, future expectations and a virtually infinite number of other aspects.

The thought itself is the beginning of the manifestation process. Before anything happens, there is a thought.

What is a thought? Well, some call it "a thought form". Meaning, in order to manifest something, or anything for that matter, you construct the "final" product of manifestation by visualizing it as something alive, something that already exists in reality. At that moment, that object or a product actually becomes manifest. Once something is conceived, it has already gained the manifestation stage, regardless of the outcome. It MAY "work" or it may not work. Does not really matter as far as manifestation goes. Even if it "fails", still, the manifestation has been established and from then on, it will continue existing, but only in a probable domain via "variations on the theme" of all kinds.

"The bottom line" is that without projection, nothing can exist as it exists precisely because of that very projection. This could be looked at on a little bit deeper level, but let us not get sidetracked.

So, it seems that it is impossible NOT to project, regardless of anything. But there is an interesting twist to this whole story, which is what "Osho" was trying to say, as far as I can see.

This can be easily seen if you can recognize or remember those moments when you HAD to do something which you did not really like to do. For example, there are all sorts of small and "insignificant" or "minor" things you have to do in your house, your kitchen and so on. So, you are cleaning your kitchen, but in your mind this is not something you'd WANT to do or are interested in doing. Because it is "boring" for one thing, or it is just a "drag" as they say, something that has to be done "or else", but is not something you LIKE to do.

This means that you are actually doing something because it MUST be done, but you are not into it. You'd rather sit at your computer or walk on a seashore or whatever.

This, in turn, means that you are not in the moment and whatever you do will be either sloppy or you might even make some mistakes and your food may get overcooked or whatever else may happen, as you did not pay much attention to what you were doing.

And so, if you look at your life, you might find out that MOST of the things you do are not exactly something you'd LIKE or WANT to do, which, in turn, means that you are virtually never in the present, and so there could be not even a possibility of doing it meditatively, with awareness or "presence".

And that is precisely why he said "do not project", as far as I can see. Because when you are doing things that are not to your liking, then you are likely to project and in fact be sitting at your computer, at least in your mind, instead of cleaning your kitchen or cooking some food, as that is exactly what you are doing at the moment.

So, "do not project" means STAY in the moment, even if it is "boring" or even something "unpleasant" to do. The very fact you are doing it is likely to indicate that it HAS to be done, especially if it is something you are not that much excited about. It is just that moment has come when you can no longer postpone doing it without facing even harder consequences.

And this, in turn, is the meaning of the notion of "accept". Just do not try to run away from this moment and those seemingly "unpleasant" or "not exciting" things. Because they are there and they have to be faced, one way or the other, with the only difference that if you try to run away from all those boring things, you are likely to keep running away from all sorts of other things, which, in turn, means that you never actually LIVE your life. You are constantly and forever in the state of RUNNING from it all.

Thus "do not project". ACCEPT this moment. After all, it is not as "bad" as you might think of it. You might even start enjoying those very things you thought were either "insignificant" or unpleasant. Because it is all LIFE, nothing less. "Pleasant" or "unpleasant" - these are nothing more than the IDEAS in your mind. Those things that you might thought to be "unpleasant", all of a sudden, may become quite "pleasant" once you are not trying to run away from it all, or you might learn something because of them which may open the new horizons before you.

In other words, just "relax into it", do not struggle with it. After all, it is not as "bad" as it might look initially. That is the meaning of "do not project" as far as I can see. Do not project means do not create problem where none is due or necessary. And then you can be in the moment with whatever has to be done and there will be no tension arising as a result of a projection into the future or probable reality as some call it.

So "be in the moment" simply means do not project and vice versa. These are the same things. Simple as that.

About visualizations

Let us talk about visualization now. It is pretty much the same story as with "do not project", and that is - contradictory.

I remember doing some "group" in the ashram in Pune, India. The whole thing was profoundly uninteresting to me and when the "group leader" said: "Imagine you are a tree", that was enough for me. I did not even come to the next session and, as far as I recall, this was the last "group" I did. Why and how in the world I can possibly imagine that I am a tree and how do I know that I am imagining and sensing the same things as the real tree does? You see the problem here?

I also remember all sorts of tapes where I heard "imagine this" or "imagine that", all of which looked utterly artificial to me. And there is also a question: but WHY and for what do I have to start imagining that I am this or that? Am I REALLY that, which I PRETEND to imagine, or this is just another mind trip taking you to the lands of unreal being sold to you as something not only "real", but even "SUPER-real".

On the other hand, imagining or visualizing something that may correspond to your intents in the very depths of your being, is entirely different matter. Say, for example, "visualize that you are in the state of peace". What is "wrong" with that one? Will it hurt something somehow? But, what it in fact may do to your being is to allow you to accept the very idea of peace and facilitate that very state of peace inside you.

It has been said: "If you ask your father for a fish, will he give you a snake"?

In order for you to do something, one way or the other, you'd have to visualize it or "project" it in some way. Again, it has been said: "knock and the door shalt be open for thee, ask, and ye shalt find". Because if you do not even ask and do not even invite something, how would it possibly appear and out of what and according to which law? If you do not crave for something, how can you be ready to receive it?

One thing to remember and be aware of is to try to imagine or "project" those things for which you crave and are ready to receive, and not merely some abstract ideas, out of greed, jealousy or otherwise. You have to INVITE that state or that outcome you desire. Except it has to be something of significance to you at the present state of your interests and concerns and not merely an abstract idea that does not quite correspond to who you really are at the moment or what is that which you REALLY wish to do or achieve. That is the difference.

One other aspect of visualization is that you, in a subtle way, INVITE something. You provide it a certain space to BE within your current framework. You do not simply deny it flat out as something "impossible" or "this could not happen". Just allowing it into your space, and inviting it is already a large part of manifestation of it, even though, true, it may be just a wishful thinking, if you desire or crave for something that deep inside of you you are not ready to accept as a reality of who or what you are.

So, visualizing things that are dear or of interest to you means INVITING them into your life. "Just imagine" you live in a world of peace, respect, honesty and dignity and so on. What is "wrong" with THAT? You see, once you start imagining it, some things might start "knocking" at your door and some solutions, ways and means might become possible, since you are not denying the very possibility of it flat out and/or not simply ignoring it because "it is impossible". A LOT of things are in fact possible, only if one ALLOWS the very possibility of it, at least that much might help.

And, in even larger sense of the word, visualizing IS one of the the very first steps in manifesting it. Again, as was mentioned above, there is such a notion as "thought forms". It is said that "thought forms", as soon as they are conceived, visualized or imagined gain Life of their own, even if they might be totally "impractical" in the physical reality. But they do not simply disappear just because it is "impossible" in the physical domain. They still continue to exist in what is known as "the probable domain".

The "probable" domain is that which, for whatever reason, could not gain Life in the physical domain. But the Law of creation states: Anything conceived gains Life and can not be destroyed from then on. Once something is born, it can not die. It can only continue and manifest the further probabilities, even if we consider it in purely probable domain, without actual manifestation in the physical domain.

Let us leave it at that for now. We may come back to it in the "future", or we might not.

Meditation, states of the mind, mind confusion

April 6, 2015

Let us look at meditation and some tricky and/or confusing aspects of the mind as such.

The thing is that this constant condemnation of the mind, as such, constantly done by all sorts of "spiritual masters" or figureheads, isn't really beneficial and could be at least partially a result of great confusion.

First of all, if the mind would be so "useless" or such a "problem" or would be nothing but a hindrance to your "enlightenment" or "spiritual growth", then it would not exist. Simple as that.

The Infinite All-Permeating Ever-Unfolding Multidimensional Intelligence, if you do not deny such a notion flat out, without any consideration, or what is commonly known as God, would not create some useless mechanism which represents nothing but the "problems" in your growth. It simply does not make ANY sense.

Yes, we may claim: well, but the mind was created by the very idea of the "negative approach" of Lucifer in the act of seduction of Eve by the snake, which, allegedly, gave birth to the mind via introduction of Free Choice and Free Will that were absent before that act. That would imply that yes, it is at least conceivable that what we know as the mind is an artificial crutch to provide "the catalyst" for development of Intelligence, which was simply frozen in the embryonic state as Yahweh, "god" of "god chosen people" did not provide these most fundamental freedoms and was merely interested in being the "benevolent dictator" to "rule" "his people" as some kind of a "herd", just as recorded in the scriptures.

That would imply that the mind we all know about isn't really a necessary mechanism or a tool to assist the growth of Intelligence and facilitate the Life itself. That would explain why so many "religious teachers" and "masters" keep condemning the mind and insisting on this "no mind" thing.

But that does not quite make ANY sense. It simply does not reconcile with the fact that there, actually, does exist such a thing as the mind, and, therefore, it IS something necessary. And if we look into it deeper, then we will see plenty of confirmations.

But, let us look at it from a different angle. First of all, what is mind? Well, most "masters" associate and imply that it is a THOUGHT process. Without a thought, mind can not exist and vice versa, and, since a thought distracts you from the state of "presence", which is what meditation is, then, therefore, there must be something "evil" about the very existence of a thought as such.

But, for some strange reason, in the book called "Bodhidharma The Greatest Zen Master" by "Osho" it says something wild about the very notion of the mind. Here is a pertinent quote from that book:








A pilgrimage to your own being
(Bodhidharma The Greatest Zen Master)

"Osho" tried to attack that statement, and in a pretty disgraceful manner, saying things like "the guy who wrote this was simply a clueless fool, who really did not know what he was talking about" (not a literal quote).

But let us try to reconcile all these contradictory things and statements. First of all, if you flatly deny the very notion of the mind, you won't be able to even walk and you wont be able to recognize a tree in front of you. And that is precisely what that book states, only in a slightly different way. This, in turn, implies that the mind is something intrinsic and inherent in ANY kind of Intelligence. Otherwise, why would it exist in the first place?

And this, in turn, implies that there is at least a possibility of existence of several kinds of mind, or several states of the mind. Just pretend you are in meditation, which, as nearly every "master" claims, is a state of "no mind". The question arises: do you see and recognize those things that are in front of you while you are in meditation, as if you do, then it is most certainly a result of the mind function. Because even to construct the object out of your sensory perception requires what, if not the mind? The very state of recognition of anything whatsoever is a byproduct of the mind functioning.

Secondly, there is a state of consciousness and there is a "subconscious", which is, again, the same thing as the mind, only in a different state. So, the more appropriate way would be to call it "conscious mind" and "subconscious mind". This has been also proven in all sorts of medical studies and observations stating that even if you are unconscious, or even in a state of shock or even coma, the subconscious mind still functions.

In that case, it is utterly unclear what does it mean "a mind"? Since, even for you to recognize any object, you do need this "problematic" thing called mind, and, moreover, would not be able to speak a word if your mind would not function, that implies that even in the state of meditation, the mind is still present, except it is in a different STATE.

And what are those states of the mind? Well, we can not deny that there is a state of thought, a thinking mind. Thinking may be "active", when you attentively are trying to solve some problem, or "passive", when your mind simply chatters non stop, as it does in nearly everyone you know.

Then there is a perceptive mind. It is still the same mind, per se, but in a different state. Thus, even if you are in meditation, you still recognize the objects in front of you and hear and recognize the words. Otherwise, you are simply unconscious. In fact, in meditation state your perceptive mind SHARPENS. Because there is no hindrance from the thought process, active or passive, does not matter, which simply distorts your perception and adds noise to the information stream arriving at your senses.

If you have ever been in the state of meditation, you, undeniably, will recognize that not only you do hear and see and recognize the objects, but you see and hear them even clearer then when your mind is chattering. It is pretty much self-evident.

But when you have a thought, active or passive, no meditation is possible. So, meditation means "pure presence", uncolored and undistorted by the thought.

So, one of the MAIN "problems" of the modern society is not that there is such a thing as the mind, but because that very mind is considered as the only thing that is "real". Thus, "objective reality". "Objective reality" is of necessity and by definition implies the thought process, as it can not exist without evaluation, comparison and memory. Those are all thought aspects of the mind functioning.

So, "pure existence" in a way implies "pure presence", the absence of noise, resulting from the mind functioning, and yet, the mind, as such, isn't a problem and it isn't something "evil" to get rid off at all cost. Because then you are simply dead. You can not exist without the mind. You can not even walk, or even stand up if there is no mind. Simply because you will loose the spacial orientation, which is a result of the mind function.

So, the mind, as such, is not a problem of ANY kind worth even mentioning. In fact, without it you can not exist, period. But the problem is a thought as such, and it is a "problem" ONLY from the standpoint of "pure existence" or "pure presence", which means undistorted and uncolored PERCEPTION. But perception still exists, mind or no mind, meditation or not.

Then it becomes possible to reconcile the insistence of various masters on the state of "no mind", which makes a perfect sense, at least to some degree.

This, in turn, implies that, yes, it is highly desirable to be in the state of "presence" as much as possible, morning to night, in nearly every and any situation where it is possible in principle. When you do not specifically have to think, evaluate, compare or remember something, then it is preferable to keep your perception unhindered by ANY kind of thought process.

That is the "moral of the story" of "no mind".

But once you deny the mind as such, you are bound to remain in confusion and conflicts of all kinds, including the sense of "inferiority". Because it is virtually impossible to simply disable the mind as such and you won't be able to do it, no matter what you do, and about the only thing this can result in is a sense of guilt, like there is something "wrong" with you, since nearly all the time you observe yourself you forever see that mind. What kind of a "spiritual growth" can you expect out of the state of guilt and "inferiority"?

About the only thing to be done with the mind is to make sure "it knows its place and its limits". When J. Krishnamurti kept talking about the state of awareness, that is what he was talking about.

Awareness is the same thing as "presence", which is the same thing as "uncolored perception", which is the same thing as absence of thought process, which is the same thing as the state of meditation, which is the same thing as silence, which is the same thing as "peace inside you", that happens as a result of SEEING, which is the same thing, or, rather, a results in LOVE, which is the same thing as appreciation of that which is called Life, which is the same thing as the Infinite All-Pervading and Ever-Unfolding Multidimensional Intelligence, which is the same thing as God. And that is who you all are, only on a microscopic scale.

Are we done with this subject?

Ambient and electronic: Is this music for consciousness?

January 15, 2015

First of all, you may wish to watch the video about spiritual aspects of the electronic music which also mentions the Goa electronic music trips (in the Liquid Crystal Vision folder), before you start reading this chapter. That may put some things in proper perspective for you, and will give you the basic idea about the mindset and ideology of the people and various "leaders" in the electronic music area, which has become a movement by itself, and the whole "new age" trip.

Liquid Crystal Vision
[psybient DVD Pack 2/4 Ott Entheogenic Bluetech Shulman Youth Hol]

Try to see if you can distinguish what is "real" and what is just a "trip" in this whole trip, and, specifically, try to see the difference between your own "trips", views and understanding with what you see in that video.

The question arises: what is the fundamental difference between you and them? ... Just don't rush to these quick conclusions of a type "well, but we are about CONSCIOUSNESS, that is what makes us different". Because that could turn out the be a trap for you. You have to look deeper than the skin-deep level.

You see, they ALSO claim to be going after the same thing, consciousness, no matter who and how calls it what things. So... Do YOU think of yourself to be "more" conscious than them? Can you PROVE it? To YOURSELF, of course, because that is the only one that counts as far as YOU go.

Just as a point of reference, the whole "new age" movement, including the "hippy revolution" in the 60's, the "woman's lib" movement and all these grandiose ideas of "total freedom" and the "flower children" movement was created by the ZioNazi satanists from the "banking mafia", that is currently still controlling the whole world via vast banking empires, such as Baruchs, Rotschilds, Kuhns, Rockefellers, as a part of their grand "plan" for the NWO (New World Order).

Aaron Russo has produced a video with the interview, where he talks about his friendly meetings with Nicholas Rockefeller. That was the last interview in his life. After that interview he was allegedly killed, so that he can speak no more. See:

We're all socialists now
(Aaron Russo: Reflections and Warnings - Full Transcript)

It may be useful, if not outright shocking, to read that entire interview with Aaaron Russo where he reveals some shocking, if not mind blowing aspects of the ideology of taking over the world, known as the NWO, as you can see with your own eyes from the major world events right this moment.

Interesting "trip" here is the Luciferian idea of "good and evil are equally ballanced..." in the track 3 - "03 - Gamma Goblins ('It's Turtles All The Way Down' Mix)" in the subdirectory Ott -> "0 - Hallucinogen - In Dub".

That is the KEY message of the highest level, the level of the Luciferians, who claim to be the real rulers of this planet. The "Luciferian priest" and other "insiders" claim that the entire "banking mafia", including Baruchs, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and a couple of others, are nothing more than the puppets in their hands, and are given everything they wish under the condition that they will unquestionably and obediently do whatever the Luciferian "ruling dynasty" tells them. What a trip! See:

Window of Opportunity

Some things might be, how do we say this, "revealing", if not outright shocking, in those "revelations", about the most fundamental principle of "the catalyst for stimulating the growth of Intelligence", allegedly introduced by Lucifer. That "catalyst" is the introduction of the negativity, so that the Intelligence is "stimulated" to grow by contrasting or denying that which you think of yourself to be. The results of introduction of negativity we can see with our own eyes, with all the raging and all-pervading evil. But the times have changed...

If you can grasp it and SEE the essence of it, it might lead you to some real breakthroughs in your awareness of what is what and who is who and who is ruling your lives and what is going on on this planet. Just like they say, it is at least "worth a shot".

And the rest is up to you, every single one of you. Because you are one of the acting participants in what is going on, and not only in the whole world, but in your own lives.


Finally, the time has come for you to see if you can distinguish the real from the unreal, the "trip" from Reality, or that, which is fake from that, which is genuine, the curtain, which separates the subtle and the illusive, dividing the world of Real from the world of unreal and a fake, created out of mental constructions.

Can you do that NOW? - If not, then WHEN?

And what separates your subtle essence from the gross one is your giggle and a laughter and lightness in your heart, right in the middle of your chest. Your NATURAL state is the state of Joy and Peace and Appreciation for all the opportunities Life presents you with and virtually infinite range of experiences you can experience. To see That Which IS.

It is also the time for you to see if you can distinguish your more subtle essence from the gross one - of the body and the physical world.

The subtle of you is eternally in the state of joy and bliss, and it is intrinsic and inherent.

The gross, the material you, focused in a body, is forever in the state of groping, and, as a result, experiences all sorts of difficulties and, as a result, suffers, and not necessarily for "objective" reasons. In the very first sutra of Raja Yoga Patanjali, it says:

"Identification with Prakriti creates misery"

This is a tremendous and revolutionary revelation. Prakriti means "nature", the world of tangible that surrounds you everywhere you look.

Now... "Identification with Prakriti" means that you take it all "too seriously" and are identified with who do you THINK you are, what you do, and the rest of it. In other words, when the actor on the stage is so identified with his role, that he actually feels and expresses himself as though he WAS that role he is playing. He has lost that distance from himself and the one he is playing or impersonating.

And that, according to Patanjali, and not him alone, INEVITABLY creates misery. Because, first of all, when you THINK that you are someone else or are totally engrossed in physical manifestations and the appearances, then one thing is certain, you will NEVER feel "comfortable", at least on the intuitive level.

Because, in effect, you are committing violence towards your own Self, by forcing it to do or be something other then what is natural to it and brings Joy as you express YOUR Self, and not somebody else's. So, you are forever "out of your own boat". How could that possibly create anything other than misery, if you are not allowing yourself to experience that, which is your own, something that is concerned with you, and not the others or other things?

When you attach yourself to the act and think of it as some "ultimate reality", you are missing the most essential point, that by attaching yourself, you identify yourself with the lowest of you, the physical, and totally forget the real you, the subtle, the observer and the essence of you, which is not, and can not possibly be, limited to the level of the material world, the gross matter and the "brute force".

Secondly, you begin to perceive the world of tangible, the physical, as some kind of "ultimate reality", which it is not. Because it is the world of confusion and illusions of all kinds. Just ask yourself a question: why do I suffer, even in some seemingly innocent situations that do not actually have any significant effect and do not change much of who I am?

What Patanjali is saying is giving you a hint that your REAL Self is NOT entangled with the world of physical, the gross. He is giving you a pointer of how to distinguish the gross and the subtle. Except he is not giving you a specific tool or a method of how to do it. But his entire system of Raja Yoga prepares you and guides you, via specific practices, to "ascend", or to "raise" the level of your Being and to allow that subtle part of you, your essence, to reveal and express itself.

So, with Yoga, you gradually and persistently "climb up the mountain", higher and higher. Yes, it does take all your energy, in its totality, but he gives you a methodology that certainly works, even though it is painstakingly slow and tedious. Slow, but it works for sure. It does not mean though that "it is the ONLY way" for you to progress. There are many other ways, systems and methodologies. You just need to pick the one that REALLY "turns you on" and is something natural, appealing, interesting and stimulating you, something that "fits like a glove" over your hand.

Just do not worry about "is THIS the way I should walk?". Because, if you ALLOW your deepest Self, it will INEVITABLY find and guide you to the best tools or methodologies that do correspond to your needs in the most natural ways for you. And you will certainly find that way, and the more you trust yourself as something valid, the faster you will find it. Because that is who you really ARE.

The higher levels of Existence will inevitably assist you. Do not even doubt for a second that "this is just some kind of a theory". No, it is just the other way around. It is the REALITY, and if you think otherwise, then you are dealing with theories.

So... Now has come the time for you to see that your subtle Self is not the same as your physical self, projected into the body. The subtle can see the gross now, and it will become more and more apparent with every day. But the gross can not see the subtle, even though it intuitively senses its presence, since both of them are merely the aspects of REAL You, and, in a way, inseparable, just like your hand from your body.

The subtle one is not identified with the gross. Not that they are like two separate boxes enclosing you. The division is quite abstract and there is no really an "objective" way to clearly distinguish it from the gross, the material one.

Right now, you should be able to see that your "real" Self can easily switch from the subtle level or descend into the gross one, as easily as flipping the switch. You can go back and forth instantly, at ANY time you wish.

And you will be able to clearly see that the gross is not the REAL you. Yes, it IS the part of your Being. It is not something "defective" or "primitive". It is as real as it gets. But this is not "the end of you", BY FAR. It is merely a projection of your Being into this beautiful and wonderous world of physical.

Enough? Or you want more?

Now, since I am proposing something to you, I feel great responsibility for a possibility that this may lead you AWAY from yourself and Truth.

One needs to be aware that most of electronic music, like ambient or other "spacey", "chillout" and other soft kinds of music, even though it seems to be "gentle" and non-aggressive, is not really leading you TO your Self. It is leading you AWAY from your Self.

Much of that music, if not most, is nothing more than "tripping" on some illusions they have allowed to enter their being, while, at the same time, THINKING that this is something "spiritual" or "advanced" or "the latest trend" of some kind.

The way for you to distinguish the real from the unreal is to simply look inside yourself and sense how it FEELS and whether it really makes you more alive, makes your heart rejoice in wonder and delight.

When you smile or giggle and are in the state of authentic and genuine joy and appreciation, you "lift" yourself to the level of the intangible, the "subtle" part of your Being, and from that level, you can observe your "gross" or physical part of you, acting on a stage of Life, the body and the mind. If you pay attention to it and become aware of it, you will immediately recognize that the "real" you is that watcher who giggles. That is the REAL you, my humble friends, believe it or not.

In giggle and a smile and rejoycement, there is a state of separation of subtle and the gross. When you do not giggle, you, most likely are engaged into some mental activity and are not aware of your own Self. Thus, the confusion of entanglement with the gross and the material.

But when you giggle, your subtle Self reveals itself in all its glory of IS-ness. Because it ALWAYS IS, except most of the time it is obstructed and covered with all sorts of "heavy", material aspects. It is still there, but you can not see it, just like behind the curtain.

So, giggle simply removes the curtain between your "heavy", "down-to-earth" Self, and your subtle Self, which is REAL you, if you only payed attention.

When you giggle, you can not help but to recognize your REAL Self and are in fact united with it. In fact, you ascend to it, may be for just a few moments or minutes, but you were "there", in your "the HOME reality", and that is why various masters forever talk about your "path" to "home", or "the other shore" or whatever other terms they use for the same thing.

And probably one of the most significant aspects is that in those moments you simply "disappear from the radar screen" of the dark side. They can not control you in those moments. Yes, they CAN attempt to create some problem or distraction for you, just to pull you back into the lands of the dark hole - the center-point of evil, or, as it is known to the "ruling elite" of masonic lodge P2 in Vatican, "The Black Sun", which is their "god", whom they worship in the most obedient ways.

So, once you are upset, frustrated, angry, revengeful, resentful, greedy, demanding, condemning and other aspects of "the negative side", you APPEAR on their "radar screen", and they know full well, that you are under their total control. In those moments, you can be manipulated, by energy projections, to do or think ANYTHING they wish you to.

That is why the man of joy, giggle, laughter and appreciation simply disappears from their "radar screen" and their unified database of evil. And that is how they know to what degree they can control the world. When that list starts shrinking, and it shrinks faster and faster, as many people are "waking up" nowadays, they KNOW that their days are numbered and their imaginary "power" is no longer increasing, but just the other way around, shrinking, and at the rate of a snowball rolling down from the peak of the biggest mountain.

So, every giggle, smile, laughter, joy and appreciation appears on the "radar screen" of the spheres beyond observable, known as the "brothers of Light" and many other names.

This is about all that is appropriate to say at this junction...

The power and the "magic" of giggling can be easily underestimated. But the simple trick is this:

When something "clicks" or "works" in your life, giggle, and recognize the beauty of the Infinite Intelligence expressing Itself through you.

When something "does not work" or creates some "problems", giggle, and recognize that is a present for you from the Infinite Intelligence. Because that is how it shows you what is false and unreal. Those are not the "karmic punishments".

Karma is not a punishment, it is a LESSON to be learned, and it means that you have grown enough to be able to handle this lesson and learn via it. Yes, indeed, some of those lessons are not exactly the most pleasant things in the world, they may even drive you mad. But THAT happens only because of your IDENIFICATION with Prakriti. It tells you that you lost yourself in that situation and gives you a chance to look at it again.

When some unpleasant things keep repeating in your life, it means you have not learned the lesson yet, but you are ready to learn it. Otherwise, it would not be presented to you if you could not handle it. So, if the lesson was not really learned well enough, it will be replayed, again and again and again, and could be in the entirely different situation or settings, and, possibly, with totally seemingly unrelated things.

So, when you giggle, even during the unpleasant experiences, it means you RECOGNIZE the foolishness of it. Simple as that. After a while, that foolishness will hurt you less and less, as you begin to see its real essence. It hurts only when you are attached to it like to some "ultimate" or the ONLY reality there is.

This means that your "way to enlightenment" is simply to giggle morning to night, in every conceivable situation, "pleasant" or even "hurtful". Because it "hurts" only when you are deeply attached. But, once you separate and distinguish the unreal from the real, it can not possibly hurt, even if you experience the physical pain.

Finally, last, but not the least, everyone with a smile on his face or a giggle on his lips, and with peace in his Heart, joins the "Forces of Light", knowingly or unknowingly, does not really matter. When one is ready to recognize it and become aware of it, he will be ready and willing to join. This is simply inevitable. And if one is not ready, or not quite aware of what it is, it is not a problem at all. No one forces anyone to join. There is no need for that. Every fruit matures in the most appropriate time, whatever it takes. Everyone makes a CHOICE, a CONSCIOUS choice to join, and only in that case it has genuine value.

Now, back to music and its "spiritual" aspects, consciousness, awareness and genuine growth of that who you ARE.

Basically, if the music or any creative act is real, then it leaves you in the state of awe and wonderment.

And, probably the most important aspect of it is that BEFORE you listened to something you were one man or a woman, but AFTER you listened to it, you are different now. It changes you in the most profound ways. Real ALWAYS changes you to something different from what you were before. That is its very nature, and nature of Life and Intelligence itself.

Real - changes you, and unreal - keeps your in the same pattern of repetition of the old. Real is new, unreal is a stale pattern, keeping you in the known and comfortable and is concerned mostly with "survival" of your physical body and not growth and expansion of your Being into endless new directions and dimensions in the unending experiment of Life.

Life is an EXPERIMENT that never ends, and, probably the most essential part of it, it is bringing you CLOSER to that which is known as Truth, or reality, or "That Which Is", like they classify it in the Tattvartha sutra in Jain religion, the most essential and fundamental sutra of Jains. It is its very essence.

"Truth is That Which Is", and not that, which it APPEARS to be, but is nothing more than the next illusion in your mind, the illusion of appearance versus reality, or That Which IS.

The "IS"-ness factor is that which distinguishes the real from the unreal, the reality from the illusion, the true Self from the false one, which is merely a projection of something already known.

REAL life is forever unknown. The fake life is clinging to the known and the patterns of false "safety" and comfort, as a result of fear of "survival" and denial of ones own Being as a result of fear. The fake forever pretends to be "just like others". In essence, it is the carrier of death and stagnation.

Just observe how persistently they create all sorts of "movements" for you. Ask yourself a question: what do you need these "movements" for and what they REALLY are? Well, "movements" create the "safe" and "comfortable" feeling for the herd, as illusory, as it gets.

The man of Truth never, under ANY circumstances, will follow ANY kind of "movement" or "fashion". Because they are ALL dead, just like nearly all the religions with their pious faces of the "humble servants" of their artificial "god" with all its books of instructions of submission, guilt, revenge and punishment for the "unbelievers".

Religions, at least for the most part, are the systems of control of the herd for the purpose of parasiting on the fruits of their labor. It does not mean though that the religions as such are all fake. But it does mean that vast majority of so-called "religious followers" are nothing more than blind believers, making all sorts of "deals", trading their own essence and Being for the sake of their bellies, in order to "survive" and even be able to parasite on others.

But to "survive" for WHAT? Have you ever asked this question of your Self? What are you here for? - Just to "survive"? And what is the "end-goal"?

WHERE are you going and what are you trying to "achieve"? Have you ever asked this question?

Uncreative inevitably becomes parasitic. That is its very essence. Once you deny yourself and your own validity, and become just a follower, following the instructions and the "fashion", you become uncreative. Because creativity can not exist without courage and a risk, because you never know and can not possibly know and predict the outcome of what you are trying to create or do. And if you CAN predict the outcome, it means it is not creative, because there is nothing new in it. Otherwise it could not be predicted. The reason the new is really new is precisely because it can not be predicted or seen beforehand. That is why it is new, and that is what Creativity means.

And if there is nothing new, then what means Creativity and what is it for? Just to brag about "how great you are" everywhere you show up?

To be religious, you need to risk, risk EVERYTHING you know for the sake of eventually coming to that, which is known as Truth and the Source of All-Pervading Intelligence, which is known as God.

The real and the ONLY purpose of any religion is to eventually find and see That Which IS, the very essence of Life, the very root of Being, that for which Life exists.

The keyword here is LIFE. Versus fake and illusory notion of death, forever promoted by the puppet masters. Just observe how much death you see on the zombie box called TV. It seems that you can hardly find a channel where you do not see a constant and unending glorification of death. Why? What is it needed for?

Why do they promote and even glorify death and destruction nearly everywhere you look? Have you ever asked this question of yourself?

Well, they do it in order to control you, so that you forever remain in FEAR of something "horrible" that is overwhelmingly "powerful", so that you "keep your tail down" all your life.

It is FEAR instillation. Otherwise, you can not be controlled and it will be very difficult to parasite on you. Because you have no fear of "survival". You KNOW there are no "guaranties" in Life, and there is not even a guaranty that you will exist the next moment, regardless of who you are, how "rich" or "powerful" you think yourself to be. And the REAL seeker of Truth knows it on the intuitive level. And he is willing to take all sorts of risks and to allow to be courageous, intuitively knowing really well that there is no other way on the Path to Truth.

The more you risk, the faster is your Path, the sooner you shall see the Essence of Life. It is simply inevitable. And if you are a coward and are afraid to use your intrinsic courage, the slower will be your Path, while you go through all sorts of entanglements, holding on to the world of tangible.

The most cowardly remain in the middle of the herd, because it is "safer" there. Sure, it stinks the most, but what to do? If you go on the periphery, the wolves and lions are forever on the lookout.

So, "the message" is: stay in the herd! We'll create for you ALL sorts of "movements", "new age", "acid tripping", the "chill", the "dreams", the beep and peep and pop and hop and a house and a mouse.

Just remain in the middle of the herd. Be like all others. Form all sorts of groups, "movements" and you name it. Shake your asses in some "trip house", putting your Self into the state of zombie stupor, utter idiocy, while pretending to be "happy" and "tripping" on Life, while engaging in the acts of glorification of death.

Because the "trip" is death. Life knows no trips in a state of zombie stupor. Yes, it is a JOURNEY into the unknown. But not a "trip" of ANY kind. And no "movements" of ANY kind are capable of getting you "there", which you do not even know where and what. That is the very essence of that which is Life. If you knew where are you going, there would be nothing new in it. It would be merely just another "trip" into the lands of illusion, the appearance, versus Reality, That Which IS.

That is EXACTLY where they want you, your masters of the herd. So that they could parasite on you easier, and make you do anything they tell you, or show you as some "fasion", which they themselves have designed for you, to be followed obediently and unquestionably.

The fake does not really grow. But it PRETENDS to, just to look and APPEAR to be "advanced". It can not really grow. Otherwise, it looses its comfort and the illusion of stability of the gross physical form. Unless you hold on to some fixed pattern of the known, there is no guarantee that you will "survive" in this brutal world of gross violence, which is seeing its last days and is going through the stage of convulsions of clinging to the "same old". But this is a slightly different subject. So, we will skip it for now.

The patterns, loops and endless repetitions

Interestingly enough, there is even a style in electronic music called the "ambient dreams" as well as several other "dream" styles. So, they intentionally confuse reality with merely a kind of "dreaming". You can "dream" about anything you want, just like in your sleep. And it is all "safe". You can do all sorts of crazy things in dreams and all of it is "safe", it is not actully "going to happen" to you.

Reality versus dreams ABOUT reality. Most of these "new age" notions and ideas are just fabricated dreams to keep you servile, obedient, forever following the short idiotic templates and patterns they program your minds with, so that you remain nothing more than the passive slaves of the idea of "survival or the fittest", which means the "survival" is assured to all those, who follow the patterns of the known. Otherwise, there is no guarantee of "survival" of your little pathetic egos, clinging to that, which the puppet masters throw you as a bone to chew upon from their grand table where they feast, parasiting on you.

The noteworthy aspect of all this "new age movement" and "spiritual movements" is that they massively zombify your minds by programming them by never ending and constant repetitions of short phrases or patterns and templates, like "everything is a dream", "it is a dream", "you dream", "ambient dreaming" and a "chillout" of some kind, this dreaming, that dreaming. Why do they do this nearly in every single sound track in "ambient", "chill" and so on? Have you ever paid attention to it?

The "message" is loud and clear: keep dreaming, life is just a dream, the reality is really just a "dream", "everything around you is a dream". Nice, eh? Interestingly enough, they even feel proud of themselves by being "so advanced" as to constantly sing and chant about "dreams".

Oh, man, I am so advanced that I can see that there is no such a thing as reality. Everything around you and within you is nothing but a "dream"!

Hey, what's the next stop in this dream world? The fake "new age" "samadhi" or "nirvana", which is death to your alive Being?

Oh, boy, they LOVE "samadhi". Don't give them bread. Give them "samadhi" or "nirvana", "the other world", so they forget about THIS world in which they all live, at least "on the paper".

Well, this needs a little look at it because it may create a distorted view which may send some people to the path that leads to "nowhere land".

Much can be said about it, but speaking about music is basically an exercise in futility. It is like talking about beauty, trying to mentalize it somehow, so that the mind THINKS that it "understands" what it is.

On one hand, ambient, chill and several other styles out of about 100 different styles of electronic music are not aggressive in nature, unlike most kinds of the "modern" music, most of which is merely trying to zombify your minds by banging in the nails into your heads, non-stop, by the most idiotic and primitive repetitions of rhythms, phrases and little meaningless patters that repeat forever and are not really creative in their very essence.

This is a huge subject to try to talk about and may be we'll attempt to do it at some point, but not at this very moment.

But, on the other hand, the electronic music has a tremendously powerful set of tools for creation of any kind of sounds and rhythms imaginable. It is tremendously expressive, even though, to a large extent, it is merely dead "beauty", something artificial.

In this respect, the acoustic or "natural" instruments, such as plain acoustic guitars, trumpets, saxophones and so on, even though they are "alive" and not merely constructed with the help of dead, artificial means, do not have such a tremendous expressive power and nearly infinite range of colors and expression available, even though some claim that this is just the other way around, which does make at least some sense in its own point of view. With electronic instruments, you can create any sound or rhythm imaginable and even take the "alive" instruments and add to them some expressive power they could never achieve. It is all up to you.

It is not inherently "dead". It is dead because most people are "blind, following the blind", and are mostly "chasing shadows in the valley of darkness" and illusion. Most of it is nothing more than creation of new versions of illusions.

But, at the same time, much of electronic music is nothing more than "tripping", just like on drugs or in some "new age movement", created by those, who control the world, the puppet masters, for the purpose of enslaving people and converting them into brainless biorobots and zombies of all kinds, to be exploited, just like the slaves, to parasite upon.

Huge subject in itself. Let us not get into it at the moment. We need to "warm up" to it and tune into the wave and, at the same time, try to avoid making some longer version of the same nothing. There is plenty of information about it if you are really interested in finding out "how it REALLY is" and who and how control your minds. But this is not exactly the subject of discussion here...

Yes, plenty of musicians, especially in the "new age movement", are trying to look "spiritually advanced". Because it is "fashionable" nowadays. But those are just mental ideas in their minds. In a deeper sense of the word, it has very little to do with "spirituality" and consciousness. That's why it was said:

"Blind, leading the blind will fall into a ditch".

They are merely following each other, like a herd, and are merely generating all sorts of simple, repetitive patterns that help them to have their own identity and something they can clutch to, that, in a deeper sense of the word, could not be even classified as real music. Real music is ALIVE and it brings you closer to your own roots and your real Self, just like real creativity itself.

There is a difference between creativity and following some fashion or some pattern.

Real creativity changes you in the deepest sense of the word, and it needs courage to try to express who you really are, instead of remaining the the shadow of illusory "comfort" of following the herd or the puppeteers parasiting on gullible souls, out of fear that otherwise, they, being utterly uncreative, won't be able to "survive".

That is why parasitism is the way of the cowards who are afraid that they are nothing and may expose themselves as little nobodies, not capable of really creating something original, or their own. Because they have been zombified from their cradle as mere nobodies that forever need to "improve" upon themselves in order to "survive". And about the most reliable way to "survive" is to follow the herd and do what everyone around says or does. The "majority opinion".

Real creativity, on the other hand, needs courage. When you get on the stage and start improvising on your musical instrument, which means allowing yourself full freedom of expression of who you really are, there is no guarantee that it will "work" this time. You may simply fail to create something that brings everyone to the state of ecstasy and real joy. No matter how "great" of a musician you are, there is no guarantee that you won't simply fail "to deliver the goods", and, even more than that, the listeners may even start booing or shouting out the condemnatory things about you and your performance.

That is the danger of REAL creativity. Real creativity knows no herds. You allow yourself, out of divine trust, to stand on your own, like you really are, utterly "naked" as to who you REALLY are, and not merely pretend to follow some image, some pattern, like most of them do, regardless of how "famous" they are.

Basically, most of it is nothing more than a fashion. It has very little to do with consciousness as such. It is simply something fashionable, just like this fake idea of "new age" promotes it everywhere.

But, regardless of the reasons why people get into it and follow it, and regardless of the fact that most of it is nothing but blindness, still, it can not be denied that there is at least an effort on their part to seek for something different, something more "spiritual", more "advanced". And that focus and orientation, even though it is mostly a dream, still puts them closer to the roots of their being and consciousness and more "fine" aspects of existence than merely brute physical world and its aspects.

So, to "make the long story short", there is no need to place some great "spiritual" value on it. Just consider it as a non-obtrusive background and acoustic textures that help to bring your minds a little bit closer to this moment, which is also known as "presence" or meditation or the state of consciousness.

No matter what, you can not create awareness and consciousness with any kinds of tools or gadgets. It can not be constructed out of mental constructions, regardless of how beautiful or "advanced" they may look.

But still, it can not be denied that plenty of electronic, ambient and "spacey" music brings you a little bit closer to this moment and puts you a little closer to your very essence, of that who you really are, your inner, undeniable and more "subtle" validity of a BEING, which is beyond mental and physical world.

Simply use it as unobtrusive tool to create a background, an environment for your Being to bring it a little bit closer to the reality and your very essence.

That is all we can say at this moment. We'll try to get into it in more specific detail. Well, may be, even though it isn't easy and mostly an exercise of futility, like an effort to describe God or the Infinite, All-permeating Intelligence, Ever Unfolding.

About brainwave altering technologies

Basically, if you are interested in investigating these technologies, try to chose those collections that are, first of all, pleasant or interesting to listen to. Because there is absolutely no evidence that these techniques do in fact deliver on all the wild promises they make. So, if the music or sounds themselves are not something interesting to you, it would probably be unwise to bother with it because there are zero guarantees that they do help meditation or anything whatsoever they promise to deliver.

First of all, we can not make a definite claim of whether these techniques work or not, but we can look at it from the standpoint of those things that we do now, and we know enough to make some conclusions in various aspects of it, including the very essence of meditation.

Critical analysis and the issues of brainwave altering technologies

Note: this analysis is applicable to any techniques of external influence on the brain or the mind, regardless of what they are, be it auditory, visual, mechanical, electrical or anything else for that matter. So, what it means is that no matter what anyone tries to sell you as "meditation stimulation" technique, tool or gadget, is simply bluffing or blind or is a con-artist, or even worse.

There is no need to get overly excited about all the miracles and "advanced states of consciousness" these technologies allege to deliver and just blindly buy into all their at times staggering promises, full of hype, about some "extraordinary" states, "astral travel", "ascension", "chakra cleaning", energy surging, images of unimaginable beauty appearing in your mind and all sorts of other things they promise to deliver on a nearly guaranteed basis.

Note: Well, after several edit sessions during several days, I just stumbled on the following article by someone who had spent some time researching it.

Brainwave Entrainment and Marketing Pseudoscience

You can do some digging of your own to see if you can find any evidence to support all sorts of grand claims about the "revolutionary technology" of inducing the meditative state and things of that nature.

Basically, what it means is that the music itself is probably much more effective than the "brainwave entrainment technologies" in terms of helping you to cool down if you are trying to meditate.

First of all, when you see the notion of a "mind" in this chapter or anything related to "mind entrainment", keep in mind that what is implied by "mind" here is the "thinking mind" or "evaluating mind" or simply a thought process. Because the mind is not only the thought processes. Those are just a part of a larger picture and not the entire picture of what is a mind.

It isn't even clear what these brainwave stimulation "researchers" mean when they mention a mind. It looks like they imply that, which is known in India as "you are the mind" in a classical confusion "you are the body", "you are the mind" and "you are that which is beyond even the mind", or tamas, raja sattva, as is reflected in three gunas. To them, it seems, you ARE the mind and nothing but the mind and outside the mind nothing exists, which is a primitive Western-style view of who you are.

For example, some titles they use for their tracks, like "awakened mind", are really something. How "clueless" one has to be to even conceive such an idea as the "awakened mind"? The question arises: How can a mind be "awakened" in principle? It is just a contradiction of terms. This is not what mind is for.

The mind is a sophisticated machine that deals with the issues of the material world and is used in mental activity to solve all sorts of "problems" or issues of the physical world or evaluate some situations by comparison with the past experiences recorded in the brain network structure. The keyword here is "the past", not "present", and that is the very key.

The very nature of the mind is a thought process. Without a thought it can not exist. But a thought process is precisely that which stands on the way of unhindered and uncolored perception of "that which IS" and, therefore, awareness or "presence" as some call it.

Awakening is putting the mind "on hold" any time you wish to, pretty much, at least during some times, and, preferably, as often as you can manage. Because the mind is a noise machine which only hinders things and colors the perception with the past knowledge and experiences, as a result of all sorts of individual's biases, beliefs, preconceptions and memories from the past, and not the unhindered awareness of the present.

Perception through the mind is distorted, as of necessity of mind functioning. It is not pure and uncorrupted, like it is in very young children whose minds are still not stuffed with all sorts of knowledge, most of which is nothing more than illusions.

So, the proper term for the "awakened mind" would be "awakened Intelligence", which is a totally different matter and it does make perfect sense. This is a pretty subtle issue and it has to do with the difference between brain, mind and intelligence. But let us not get sidetracked.

One other example of things they sell you is "deep meditation", which is something hard to even comprehend. Just to achieve the state of REAL meditation is quite a task in itself and that is all you can hope to ever achieve or need, unless you come to the point in your growth where mere meditation is insufficient for your exploration, which is possible.

Because meditation is just an intermediary state or, rather, a tool, a mechanism, a method with the help of which you have a chance to enter into the higher realms of reality, beyond the physical world.

"Deep meditation", if they knew what they are talking about, means the state where you can just willingly stop your body functioning and physically "die" in medical terms, while you just temporarily left your body, and could be for years or centuries, but it does not decay in that state, and then you may return to the body and it will become alive again. There are documented examples of that throughout the world.

Therefore, deep meditation is not accessible even to the "expert" meditators, and require the abilities "out of this world". Mere "mortals" can not even hope to ever achieve that state. Or, we could put it this way: deep meditation is available to the ancient souls that exist in the domains beyond physical and who temporarily decide to "descend" into the world of physical for whatever purpose they see fit.

Sure, we can argue: but if there is such a thing as meditation, then aren't there various "degrees of advancement" in it? - Sure there are. Because nothing is fixed and extends only to particular discrete states or ranges. Everything, regardless of what it is, has nearly infinite number of grades on some scale of values.

ANY meditation, as long as it is real, is sufficient to make some major breakthroughs in your awareness and state of consciousness, which some call "super"-consciousness. Meditation IS the state of "super-consciousness". Yes, there are several degrees of super-consciousness, just as described in Raja Yoga Patanjali, and those are called samadhi. There are at least three levels of samadhi and the state of nirvana is the ultimate of them.

The author of this writing had studied some of the neuroscience, neurophysiology and psychoacoustics related issues, technologies and principles for several years, and, even though he did not specifically study the brain jamming technology with various brainwave types, he has a fair understanding of at least technical issues, including the "subliminal persuasion" technology.

So far, from the preliminary look at it, at least some of their claims look not much different than "make a million dollars in 24 hrs. or less" types of scams and things like that. Not all of it, but enough of it to raise some issues and ask some questions about it, except we are not going into details at this junction.

But, just reading some of their promotion material and description of techniques and methods is bound to put someone, who really "has some clue" about it, into the state of "WHAT"? Because some of it is simply bizarre, pretty much on its face value, and seems like such a deep misunderstanding that it is hard do imagine that the people with this kind of primitive degree of "advancement" would even dare to do what these people claim to be doing or delivering, very little of which can be proven.

One needs to keep in mind that your current understandings and a degree of awareness and presence are not accidental, by ANY means. All of it indicates a particular state of growth of your Being with its current framework and all of it, even your frustrations and difficulties, precisely correspond to your current needs, which may sound strange or a bit stretched. You can not just short-circuit your blindness, pain and suffering of all kind. Because they precisely correspond to your deepest level beliefs, understanding and the degree of awareness.

You will find all the necessary tools and methods appearing naturally from within you or from some place you can not even identify once you mature enough to see some things.

There is no need to force a grass to grow faster by pulling it. It won't work and it won't help anything. It will simply break it. When you are ready for the next step in your growth and awareness, you will just find what you need, appearing "out of nowhere".

All that holds you back is trust in the validity of your own being, which is glorious no matter how you look at it once you are ready to see it. Yes, via thousands of years old system of all-pervasive evil, you have been disconnected from your roots and so the very idea of the Infinite Intelligence, All Permeating and ALL Inclusive may seem like something unreal to you.

But, you are not inherently or intrinsically "defective" and there is no need for any artificial means to speed up your growth. You will and are growing at your natural paste that precisely corresponds to your needs at the moment with your current understanding.

You can not grow further unless whatever "problems" or issues of today are seen, resolved and reconciled in such a way that you can see that Life and Intelligence does make sense and it is something real and, probably the most important aspect of it, you WANT to continue and are interested and excited enough to go on and keep exploring.

But it is highly undesirable to simply "knock you out" into some "advanced" state that does not precisely correspond to the reality of who you really are at the moment and your most urgent needs of the PRESENT situation, not some abstract "future", "which never comes" for some strange reason.

You may believe it or not, but you will be provided with all the necessary assistance from the levels you might not even begin to comprehend, that can virtually perform miracles with your brain activity and even the DNA structure, if that is what will assist your growth at that junction. Except you would have to specifically ask for assistance, as it is strictly prohibited to interfere in your lives and affairs unless you specifically ask for assistance. And those miracles are light years ahead of what ANY "brainwave" technology can possibly offer or even conceive in their wildest dreams.

Sure, try everything you can to reach for something "higher" in you, something more subtle and less dense than the level of gross physical world. But all the tools are already available to you from within. You just need to sincerely wish to go to the next level and expand the scope of what you perceive of who or what you are.

Some of these "experts", quite obviously, have not the slightest clue of what they are talking about, as far as REAL meditation goes and, even if they have observed some frequencies in their EEG scopes, it does not mean much.

Brain is as complex as the Universe itself, and what they see on their scopes is the trails left by the bullock cars while trying to figure out what the passengers had for breakfast this morning.

Brain activity does not reduce to just 3-30 Hz frequencies and alpha, delta, gamma and theta wave activity. First of all, the spectrum of brain waves is nearly infinite and these divisions on "alpha" and so on are quire arbitrary and rough estimates. Furthermore, different parts of the brain exhibit different dominant frequencies, so, at the same time, you have not just a single brain frequency, but multiple and different patterns are active. To reconstruct the 3D localization of the brain and to induces some single vibratory frequency in the entire brain is impossible, even if you could.

Another aspect of attempting to stimulate the brain with beats, alternating between the left and right hemisphere, is that it can not produce much beyond the effect of the brain and the subconscious mind simply filtering it out as something that does not contain any information. The brain and subconscious mind simply adjust to it as to some useless noise.

If you comprehend what happens in your brain and the subconscious mind while you are merely walking down the street, it will be dazzling to even begin to comprehend the complexities of REAL signals arriving at your senses, be it auditory or visual or any other. Just to keep you oriented in the situation seeing many people walking by, the cars moving, the buildings and their architecture, people doing their things while walking and merely recognizing their facial expression patterns, the way their bodies are built, and all sorts of other things, then the immense complexity and multidimensionality of processing will simply blow your mind if you try to even begin to comprehend it.

Now, what is a simple alternative left/right hemisphere stimulation with the most primitive sinusoidal waveforms compared to the REAL complexity of any real-life situation? First of all, the simple vibrations, such as a single harmonic sine wave do not even contain ANY information, according the the Information Theory, at least. In order to have any information in the input stream you need to constantly change something, and not in a periodic manner, but in a complex function manner.

And what they do in these recording is simply taking the existing sound tracks, such as music or nature sounds and then simply modulating it with the simple periodic wave patters and alternatively stimulating the left/right hemisphere. Well, what happens in the brain and the subconscious mind is that it simply filters it out as noise or something so insignificant that the brain can not simply waste the vital Life energy on trying to perceive that meaningless nonsense not containing any real information.

Brain is immensely complex interaction of electromagnetic waves, countless electrical pulses firing the neurons, immensely complex chemical factories and countless number of all sorts of other subsystems. To reduce the brain activity to some "theta" or "alpha" waves is to reduce the Universe to the size of a post stamp, being looked at via the pin-size hole, and, even if you could, you would simply achieve the state of idiocy of a mechanical system of periodic motion. You would not have even the slightest traces of Intelligence present if the whole brain would start exhibiting a single wave frequency.

Those brainwave frequencies are like pendulums maintaining some movements and processes as a result of their inertia and mass in order for all sorts of things and subsystems not to simply disintegrate. That is why the planets turn around some other stars and that is why your hearts and lungs pulsate at a periodic rates - to maintain the stability of a system. But those cycles, in themselves, do not necessarily represent the essence of that which they support. They are like cars that deliver you from one place to another. But, in themselves, they are nothing more than the vehicles for the entities to do their "main" activity.

Secondly, meditation can not be induced. Otherwise, you could be replaced by the programmed robot. Your life is not a program in some computer. A human Being is not just some puppet to be played by some theta waves in order to force him to enter into some "state", produce something or do this or that.

The whole model and a methodology of allegedly inducing or stimulating the meditative states is so profoundly flawed and primitive that it is not even clear they have seen anything of REAL significance or value so far, as far as real meditation goes. At least, it remains to be seen by the author of this writing, and, hopefully, they do have something that actually assists at least something. That would be great.

But, so far, it looks like all they have seen, pretty much, is the correlations between the claims of some "expert meditators" and the wave patterns on their scopes. But what is the result of what and how did those meditative states appear and as a result of what remains hidden from their scopes.

Even the claims about the new "revolutionary" gamma meditation techniques made by one of the leading researchers of worldwide caliber, who produced a large number of various brainwave stimulating recordings, seem simply invalid. He claims that they have "scientifically" verified that the gamma range brainwaves have been observed in Tibetan monk's minds during the study, approved by Dalai Lama himself.

Now, Dalai Lama is known by the leading researchers in the NWO plan of world takeover as one of the worst criminals and one of the most corrupt of all, to the point that they allege that he is heavily involved in drug and arms trade, and even worse than that. Even Benjamin Fulford, who allegedly has the "inside information" and connections to major world intelligence agencies, governments, royal families, "banking mafia" and so on, has something to say about him:

"A hypocritical Nazi murderer" Dalai Lama
(Benjamin Fulford Reports)

Dalai Lama terrorists and assassins
(Benjamin Fulford Reports)

Dalai Lama, a member of the "top 13 rulers" of this planet
(Benjamin Fulford Reports)

Fulford talked about Dalai Lama in several of his reports. Just do a search on that page to see more of it.

Interestingly enough, Osho also talked about Dalai Lama and Tibet in quite unfavorable terms. Basically, he also considers Dalai Lama as a crook or a fool, at best. So, how can you possibly use the criminals of Dalai Lama kind as some kind of support or authoritative anything?

As to Tibetan monks and the ancient Buddhist traditions and masters, he said that Tibet has lost all its luster and its Buddhist heritage and nowadays it has been perverted and converted into a plain, ordinary religious cult of blind believers.

This means that all the claims about Tibetan monks as some kind of evidence of gamma waves delivering the "enlightened" states of mind are nothing more than bluff or blindness, at best. Furthermore, that study with Tibetan monks was clearly slanted by quite an arbitrary request by the head researcher to concentrate on one particular aspect or an idea.

The EEG recordings allegedly correlate their response in particular brainwave patterns, which this researcher calls the gamma waves. So, basically, this study is not quite valid and its conclusions do not necessarily correspond to what actually took place. The more appropriate approach to such a study could be not to suggest them any idea or a cue to latch on, that could be not something natural to them, but by simply asking them to meditate or perform some rituals they normally perform and then record their brainwaves.

Secondly, whether it was "authorized" by Dalai Lama or Buddha himself makes no difference, as far as research of brainwave activity goes. Otherwise, those monks are nothing more than the obedient slaves who would dance to any tune some "Dalai Lama" orders them to dance to. Or do you think their meditation was made more "real" because of Dalai Lama's "authorization"?

Thirdly, it is quite obvious that the EEG sensors were attached to only one particular monk and not to all of them and not necessarily the most "expert" meditator. Because how do you figure out who is the REAL meditator and "the best one" of them?

Alternatively, they could have used the "controlled group" of plain ordinary people present during that study to see the difference in the tapes of Tibetan monks and ordinary people. Because who knows, may be the environment and setting in a monastery are such that the environment itself is the cause and not that phrase that was suggested to them as a cue, or anything else for that matter, including the Moon phase and planetary alignments, weather conditions and so on.

Another question would be: is it possible to measure and observe the state of meditation on some scope or a meter? Actually, this is exactly what they do in Scientology trying to measure the state of your "advancement" and your "problems". Do we have to say more on this?

What is the next step or promise in this trip? - To induce the "enlightenment" with some complex combination of waves, jammed into your ears?

One other point is that you are not necessarily able to reconstruct the cause by manipulating or looking at its effects. It does not quite follow. Yes, in some cases you can, but those cases are way much simpler than what meditation is.

One enters the meditative state because he is ready and willing to enter and nothing disturbs his mind with all sorts of thoughts, worries, concerns, fears, expectations of the future events and so on. If you are worried about something or your washing machine just broke and all the water came out of it all over the house, it will be difficult if not impossible to enter the meditative state.

Yes, Theta brainwaves are created in the brain, as can be seen on the EEG scopes, but those waves are the RESULT, not the cause. The brain processes are immensely complex and include the reception and transmission of energy, just like a radio transceiver. Brain does not work BECAUSE of the brainwaves. They are WAY too simplistic to reflect a significant part and aspects of brain functionality. Yes, they do represent a certain overall STATE, determined by inertia, intensity and biases of emotional and other intents, a certain mass that keeps the system stable and lets it operate within particular major "moods" or modes of the brain's activity.

If you just jam the brain with all sorts of waves using some modulation techniques, such as "brain balancing", what is the guarantee that you will cause the meditation? You are just trying to change the cause by its effect. Do you think this is possible, and even if so, to what extent?

Do you think that by just jamming the theta waves into your brain all your "problems", misunderstandings and blindness will just evaporate, and awareness and peace will descend upon thee?

Do you think that some hypnotist can just talk your into awareness, peace and happiness in your worrying and even warring mind by gentle whispering HIS "positive reinforcement" IDEAS into your ear, while being just as blind as you are? Or do you think he can figure out what meditation is by looking at his scope and doing some mentally conceived experiments? How does he know and could possibly know about such profound states of Being as meditation, which is utter silence in your mind when about the only thing he knows is a byproduct of that very mind? What kind of joke is this?

Because why can't you meditate, which is your NATURAL state, if you are not driven insane by overloading your mind and perceptions? Or do you think that meditation is some kind of a miracle, available only to the "advanced" humans and "superior" beings? Is it because you don't have enough of those happy theta waves in your brain or you need to "synchronize" it? Is this how you solve your "problems" and all sorts of misunderstandings in your life?

Yes, these techniques need much closer studies to be performed by the people who know first hand what real meditation is. And yes, there has been lots of research in the brain activity area, except most of it was done by the people who are mostly the wishful thinkers, at best, if not the outright dishonest crooks, parasites and marketeers of all kinds, just to put it bluntly.

Subliminal persuasion and hypnosis techniques

In some of these recordings they go as far as to use the techniques of hypnosis or even subliminal persuasion, trying to talk you into things like "you are in deep meditation" or "you are relaxed like you have never been" and things like that, which is simply a wishful thinking. Because to be in meditation is, first of all, to KNOW what meditation state is and to be relaxed you need to know that state of relaxation. Otherwise, these are all just ideas. How can someone even know about relaxation if he was running like a mad monkey all his life? What is he to do "to relax" or "meditate" while someone is whispering these things into his ear?

So, they play the theta waves in your ears on a background of some music or nature sounds, and then there is a guy, very quietly talking into your ears, on nearly subliminal level, basically non stop, jamming your mind with all sorts of HIS IDEAS ABOUT relaxation, meditation, "chakra cleaning", "kundalini rising" and things like that. It is not much different than the "success" or "how to make a million dollars or more in 24 hrs. or less" type of tapes.

Hypnosis applications

One thing about hypnosis and its "you are going deeper and deeper" ideology is that you become totally passive and are under total control of the hypnotist and HIS ideas, interests, agenda and so on. That thing alone reduces you from the level of a human being to the level of a programmed robot. Now, nearly ALL the ideas they plant into your mind during hypnosis get unconditionally accepted by your subconscious mind. The conscious or "rational" mind is, therefore, simply short circuited and bypassed, and your "rational" mind is your guard specifically against any kind of external interference with your deepest and innermost beliefs, ideas and your worldview.

Once your "rational" mind is short-circuited, that's it, from that moment you are a mere slave in the hands of those that manipulate you and your belief system for whatever reasons or purpose.

In a hypnotic state, your will is basically totally disabled and you loose the inherent Free Will and Free Choice freedoms, provided to the human Beings, which are some of the most fundamental laws of the Intelligence on what is known as the 3rd level density of Existence. The 3rd level density is above the animal world and below the worlds beyond visible and tangible. It is the level where Intelligence grew to the point of self-awareness, which is abscent in the lower level densities, such as the animal and plant/mineral worlds.

You simply become a will-less puppet in someone else's hands. Do not forget this one. Here's quite interesting statement from the link above:

"Marc VanDeKeere C.Ht., BMV founder, is a professional trained and Certified Hypnotherapist as well as a Certified NLP Practitioner (NeuroLinguistic Programming").

Now, NLP is a system of mind control and mind programming and most of that mind control technology is developed in the so-called "research institutes" that are involved in serving the NWO agenda of most profound evil and total control of the "herd", as they classify the mankind.

In a few words, NLP is one of the ugliest and violent, in the deepest sense of the word, tools and methods of mind control and domination for the purpose of mass-creation of biorobots. Simple as that. Yes, they might paint some very appealing pictures of some nearly "magical" results and incredible "powers" you will achieve with certainty, if you follow their program blindly, obediently and with full faith.

The "bottom line" is that these techniques and technologies need the deeper-most understanding and awareness of what they are and what they do to your Being in effect. It does not matter how colorful is the wrapping paper they use to justify these so-called technologies of mind control. Eventually, it reduces to mass manufacturing of slaves and you will see it with your own eyes once you dig into it deeper than the skin level. That is all that can be said about all this jazz as a warning. The rest is up to you. No one can possibly force you to SEE.

And, mind you, we are talking about some of the biggest names in the "industry" and some of the leading "researchers" and companies in the field, at least as they claim. If you paid attention to the statement in the quote above, "BMV founder, is a professional trained and Certified Hypnotherapist...". Now, training is basically applicable to the biorobots, soldiers, sportsmen and so on. You train someone to precisely, obidiently and unquestionably follow the instructions, procedures, rituals and dictates as to how and what to do and what is what and things like that. Training is programming your mind and/or body to unquestionably follow "the rules of the game".

But this is UTTERLY inapplicable to the researchers, scientists and creative people. Because training means following the known patterns. The researchers and scientists need to be educated, not trained. And these are as different in their very essence as nearly direct opposites. Training is submission and following the well known patterns, and education is freedom and creativity.

That entire section on hypnosis on the page above is so full of delusions and the most blatant lies, not supported by anything, that it is hard to comprehend that it was said by some scientist or researcher. To claim that hypnosis is your natural state and it occurs "naturally" in daydreaming or while driving the car is simply bizarre and utterly false. Daydreaming or dozing off while driving a car have absolutely nothing to do with hypnosis. Hypnosis is ACTIVE and direct control of your brain by some person, and not by your own thought or intent. Yes, there IS what is called "self-hypnosis", but even that is still an active interference into the natural flow of the events.

Wildly enough, "Osho" was very much in favor of hypnosis and had great hopes that the technologies of hypnosis are developed to facilitate the meditation. So... Looks like his dream came through, at least with the BMV (BrainwaveMindVoyages) corp. Because they virtually GUARANTEE that you will be able to meditate if you buy their recordings and follow the instructions without questioning and have a full faith that it works. "Or your money back". Just look at this one:

"At BMV, we do not personally concern ourselves with what is real or what is "not real", all that really matters is what works, and in that case HYPNOSIS WORKS!"

You see, it does not matter what is real and what is unreal. What matters is that it "works". But how do you VERIFY that it "works" for YOU, not them? "Works" for WHOM, for what purpose and what are its REAL goals? Do you know? - Well, "who cares", it works and that's the end of it!

Praise the Lord, sinners!!! That is about all left to be said about these "great technologies".

Yes, some of it does make sense, at least to some degree. Because the brain may be presented with new challenges and, as a result, establish the new neural pathways, even between the hemispheres and things like that. But to expect "guaranteed meditation", trice as fast as possible, which is what they all promise in effect, is utterly different story.

So, one needs to be aware and watchful about all sorts of ideas they may try to jam into your brain and all sorts of wishful thinking type of visualizations in your minds, like you are nothing more than a hopeless kid to be dragged by your hand by your father, in order to force you into something you may not be interested in.

In other words, some of it is a form of subtle violence against your being, like you are some kind of a zombie, whose mind needs to be programmed for him to "be happy" and do what he is told. One must be basically totally without ones own will or self-respect in order to be lead, and in the most passive manner, by all sorts of "brain wave teachers", thinking they know something about that which constitutes awareness or "presence", while being utterly absent and busy with the IDEAS in their own minds. And ideas are just that - the ideas ABOUT, and not the reality of it.

Basically, to verify that any of it works, all you have to do is to try it and see if you can find yourself in a meditative state, which you are bound to notice. If, all of a sudden, you feel in the state of presence, awareness, peace and silence, then who knows, it might have contributed to it. Because once you are genuinely in a meditative state you are bound to notice it even if it looks like something "strange" or unusual. But you KNOW it deep inside and will recognize it instantly.

About brainwaves

BETA waves 13 to 30 Hz the fastest waves, most commonly found during our waking state, associated with outward awareness, engaged mind, arousal, actively perceiving and evaluating forms of data through the senses; also present with fear, anger, worry, hunger, and surprise.

ALPHA waves 7 to 13 Hz associated with non-drowsy but relaxed, tranquil state of consciousness, less engagement and arousal, pleasant inward awareness, body/mind integration, present during meditation and states of relaxation

THETA waves 3 to 7 Hz associated with increased recall, creativity, imagery and visualization , free-flowing thought, future planning, inspiration, drowsiness, present during dreaming and REM states

DELTA waves .1 to 3 Hz associated with deep dreamless sleep, deep trance state pituitary release of growth hormone, self-healing, present during deep levels of non-REM sleep.

Brainwave activity overview

Frequency range Name Usually associated with:
> 40 Hz Gamma waves Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, fear, and consciousness
13-39 Hz Beta waves Active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration, arousal, cognition, and or paranoia
7-13 Hz Alpha waves Relaxation (while awake), pre-sleep and pre-wake drowsiness, REM sleep, Dreams
8-12 Hz Mu waves Mu rhythm, Sensorimotor rhythm
4-7 Hz Theta waves Deep meditation/relaxation, NREM sleep
< 4 Hz Delta waves Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness

Brain waves

Warning about the subliminal technologies

And a final warning about the audio brain stimulating techniques has to do with "subliminal persuasion" technologies. It means that while you are listening to some music or sounds of nature, they may also add the nearly inaudible voice messages to it, which you will not be able to hear, but which your subconscious mind perceives and decodes easily, even if it is "scrambled".

In fact, some of these collections do contain the subliminal level messages embedded in them, and what those messages contain and what was the purpose of doing it this way you will have no idea about. In a world, driven by the forces of evil, what can you possibly expect but manipulations of your minds to place the desirable ideas to achieve some results that might be not something in your interests.

We are not going to mention the names of those collections for several reasons. You'd have to do your own investigation on that and come to your own conclusions. Just be aware of this fact, and that is all we can do at this junction.

Basically, the authors and manufacturers of any recording that has the subliminal or inaudible messages or other sounds or effects have to fully disclose the full and exact text of any embedded messages. Otherwise, how do you know what you are listening to and what kinds of results might follow, if you do not know what has been done to your subconscious mind?

One other aspect of this is that placing the messages into your mind without your full knowledge of what they are and without your explicit consent is a crime of the highest order in the domains of Intelligence, and those who do that incur certain kinds of consequences, some of which could be well beyond their comprehension. No one has the right to manipulate your mind in the ways they see fit, regardless of their motivations or intent.

The Laws of Free Will and Free Choice are in full force on this planet at this time and no one, regardless of anything whatsoever, has neither right nor the necessary authority to violate them, even if they are the emperors or the kings.

Returning the planet strategies

This chapter has been moved to a new book:

Returning the planet strategies
(Returning back home, Veeren)

Paradigm change

This chapter has been moved to a new book:

Paradigm change
(Returning back home, Veeren)

Creativity vs. Possessiveness

This chapter has been moved to a new book:

Creativity vs. Possessiveness
(Returning back home, Veeren)

Self-destructive economic models

This chapter has been moved to a new book:

Self-destructive economic models
(Returning back home, Veeren)

What is a commune and what is it for?

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What is a commune and what is it for?
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The idea of money as a "universal value of exchange"

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The idea of money as a "universal value of exchange"
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The mechanism of "debt slavery"

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The mechanism of "debt slavery"
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What is the need for a commune as such?

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What is the need for a commune as such?
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Build your own world project

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Build your own world project
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Virtual World Radio

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Virtual World Radio
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Kodi information revolution

Well, this may sound like "big words", but all those, who already know what we are talking about, may tell you the same thing: "Yes, it is".

Basically, what this has to do with is setting up the system to receive any information from virtually any information supplied in the world, such as nearly all the radio stations and their programs, real time or archive, nearly all the TV stations, various music stations and archives, news reports from all over the world and all sorts of other sources.

In other words, being able to listen or view nearly everything available on-line throughout the world, and, nowadays, any half-decent media outlet or radio/TV station have the streaming access to their programs and so on.

Why is that important, one might ask? Well, because in order to eventually be able to SEE and understand what is going on in the world, or even in your own head, for that matter, you need to have an access to as much information, as possible, and, preferably, on a global basis. Yes, it does not mean that they will necessarily feed you with true information. They may lie, fabricate and concoct all sots of things in order to convince you and slant your perception in a desirable way and, therefore, manipulate you like a zombie or a biorobot.

But... Amazingly enough, you can compute the true picture even out of massive collections of lies or semi-truths, just like in signal processing, out of seemingly complete noise, it is possible to extract and reconstruct the real information. Simply because the true information will have to reconcile eventually, with what you already know and with other information, and, the more you work with it, the clearer becomes the picture in your mind and your perceptions.

Secondly, the Truth can not be destroyed or suppressed. At best, they can try to distort it and turn it upside down. But all that does is to merely make it more difficult to SEE what stands behind it. But, if you are sincere enough and persistent enough, you will be able to eventually figure out what it really means and what is likely to stand behind it.

Simply because if you already have some grasp of some basic principles and the key ideas, you then can see how any new information reconciles with what you already know to be true.

Yes, the very fact that you know something does not necessarily imply that you knowledge is not distorted or slanted in some way. But if you persist on your search of Truth and are sincere, then, even if you do not quite realize it, you will get all sorts of assistance from the "higher levels" of existence and will receive all sorts of hints or pointers, and inevitably so.

For this is the Law. NONE of you is merely abandoned in all this seeming chaos, violence and parasitism of all kinds. Such a thing is simply impossible, and you will receive all the hints and pointers, and in unobtrusive ways, that will help you to find your way in this maze of Life, just like you yourselves do help each other and extend your hand to at least those, who are dear to you. And this is precisely how Life can continue and develop further, forever seeking new ways of expression of Creativity.

It does not mean that you will receive any kinds of direct "answers", simply because it might become an interference in your own ways and choices you would otherwise make on your own. But you will indeed receive all the assistance necessary for you to continue on your way to finding That Which IS, also known as Truth.

And so, even if they try to feed you lies and distortions of all kinds, perverting it all to look like something entirely different than what it is in reality, you, already having some idea of what is "really" going on, will be able to SEE and understand what they are in fact telling you and why. In some cases, you may just take their information and simply turn it all upside down, in terms of conclusions they try to plant into your minds, and that may turn out to be exactly what it in fact is.

Because, the more you work with all sorts of diverse information, the more you will be able to see their motivations and why are they trying to convince you in this or that.

Eventually, there is no such a thing as "true information", simply because everyone has his own view on things and his own background, interests and so on, and so, even if one tries to be authentic and sincere, it does not mean that his way of seeing things will be the same as yours. Because any information, just as anything else, is MULTI-dimensional and has literally an infinite number of aspects.

Sooner or later, you'd have to take back your Intelligence and decide for yourself what it is that they feed you. It is not quite wise to just blindly accept anyone's conclusions or views, simply being "lazy". Regardless of anything, the final choice and decisions will be made by you, out of your own framework and understanding.

What is Kodi?

Well, Kodi (formerly xbmc) is a computer program, or a media player essentially, even though a better way to call it is a system. Except it goes well beyond plain, ordinary players and packs quite bewildering number of things you can do into a single, unified system.

It is released in a number of versions and can be run on virtually any modern operating system and even on mobile devices, which means you can watch or listen to your favorite programs while sitting in a coffee house, in the park and so on. You can get it here:

One of the strongest points about it is that it is a free program and is available in the public domain and there are quite a few developers throughout the world that contribute to the development process, which means that you are no longer controlled or lead by your nose by some monster, having its own agenda.

If we take, for example, a single Google, then we can see how obtrusive it is on your perception, your privacy, your interests and preferences and so on. Because, basically, any time you click on something on your screen, you will nearly inevitably see the Google, jumping out of the black hole with their "assistance" and "suggestions", "giving you the most likely choice you would want to make at this point" and "guiding" you by your nose into direction they want you to go, and not necessarily you yourself.

Basically, Google looks more like the NSA, than anything else, spying on you every step of the way and collecting the immense amounts of information on you, allegedly in order to give you "the best choices" to proceed. Like their Executive Chairman, Eric E. Schmidt, have stated, you, basically, do not need to worry about anything trying to figure anything out on your own, with your own mind and Intelligence.

Now, since they constantly collect massive amounts of information on you, regardless of your IP address, logons or anything, via their scheme of "virtual fingerprint", it does not matter to them where you come from and what was your login, email, address, IP or anything else. They know with certainty of millions to one who you are, what you like, what pages have you visited, what kind of information you like, what are your convictions and ideas and so on and so forth, ad nausea.

So, what he says is that you do not have to worry about anything. They KNOW what you like, what you need and will give you exactly what they think is "the best for you". So, you don't even have to think and use your own intelligence and make your own choices. They will do it for you. You just sit back, relax, and they will give you a doze in exactly the style and according to your most likely desires at this particular moment. Sure, these issues are humongous in scope and we can not even begin to cover it all here. You'd have to do a study on your own.

We have some articles on Google that will blow your mind if you realize what they have become by now. Some even claim that its name should be Google-berg, hinting at Bilderberg group or a "club". Basically, they have effectively taken place of what is known as the world's "hidden government", as wild as it may sound. Simply because the Bilderbergers, known as the "hidden world government" have become outdated by now, and for quite a few reason.

First of all, their very agenda is too arrogant and too "brutal", pushing their way through via brute force and violence of all kinds, just as we see in the world events unfolding before our eyes at this very junction. At this point, they have been basically totally discredited, and you can hardly find a single person with still functioning mind who will believe a single word they say. Because it is all lies, distortions and perversions of all kinds. They will never, under any circumstances, tell you the Truth, nor their goals, nor anything of real significance for that matter.

Secondly, they are simply outdated from the standpoint of technological and informational advancements of the day. Because nowadays, Google "controls the world" from the standpoint of information access, archiving, compiling the personal "preferences" lists and so on. This effectively means that Bilderbergers, with all their all-pervasive "power", influence and total control of just about anything you can imagine, are no longer in the position to be "current" and to correspond with the needs and technologies of the day. Long subject and you need to do some study on your own.

But, "the moral of the story" here is that with Kodi, you don't have this "big brother" watching over your shoulder every time you make a mouse click or type something on your keyboard.

With it, you will be able to access tens of thousands of programs from all over the world, build your own lists of favorite programs and channels, to be able to easily switch and select the information which you like to work with on a regular basis.

Basically, you will be able to do nearly anything you can imagine with all sorts of information. It is, basically, a "swiss knife" of all media players.

It has, what can be described as tremendous number of features and ways and means to access and organize your system in any way you please.

Now, if your equipment, computer and other hardware is set up properly, you will be able to construct your own information system virtually unmatched by anything "out there", especially if you combine your computer with a semi-decent TV box.

How to set up your system?

Well, we are not going to even attempt to describe the myriads of ways and possibilities available. But will simply touch upon the most interesting aspects of it.

Actually, this is quite an interesting issue, if you begin to realize what kinds of "miracles" may happen if you take a good look and use your own brain to set up and configure your system. Because now you can access any kind of information in the most comfortable way, to the point where you can simply sit at your kitchen table or even lay in your bed and control your system via a mouse or a keyboard.

Basically, you don't even have to be tied to your computer. You can do most of what you regularly do with it remotely, and it is very simple to set up.

All you need is a semi-decent digital TV that has the HDMI input, to be used as a big screen, instead of being tied to your computer. Then you purchase the HDMI extension cord to connect your computer to your TV tuner. Once you do that, then you can have an HD quality picture and high quality sound. The HDMI extension cable may be quite long, up to over 15 meters. So, your computer may be located in one room and your TV in a different room.

Then, you need to purchase a wireless mouse, and there are many kinds of those. Yes, they may have a limited operating range, but you can add a USB extension cord, up to 5 meters long or so, in order to be able to control your computer via mouse. From then on, you are basically set up.

Then you add all those programs which you'd like to control remotely on your computer to your Start menu in Windows or something similar with other O/S.

At that point, you can simply start your Kodi program and select anything you want to see by merely navigating on your screen with your mouse and selecting anything you want, switching channels, favorites and so on.

Yes, we can say plenty of things about Kodi or about this setup, but you can simply experiment with it on your own. The system has just too many potentials to be used in all sorts of ways to customize it all to your taste and liking.

The number of options it gives you is quite dazzling and it will take some time for you to get used to its power and potential, so it becomes like a hand in glove.

But, combining your computer with the TV tuner is probably about the most comfortable and flexible way to make it all work.

Yes, there are other ways to do the same thing. For example, you can simply purchase a TV box that plugs into HDMI input of your TV. But the problem with those is that very few of them really work in all possible cases and may have all sorts of problems with loosing the frames or lagging the HD picture of some formats and so on. Because those boxes are quite small and do not really have the necessary power in terms of video card and HD processing. Your video card is likely to be much more powerful and will be able to provide a much better quality of video picture than any TV box. Or, in the worst case, you can simply purchase a pretty good video card for your computer for about $100.

So, what do you need an additional box for if you can utilize a pretty good quality video card in your computer and control the whole thing remotely, from nearly any place in your house or a flat?

Global distributed information system

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Global distributed information system
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Organizing the information

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Organizing the information
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